Sunday, March 22, 2020

TRUMP nazis call it China flu (Update March 26)

I would be shocked by what Prince William said about spreading Covid-19, but I’m American and our president is a moron. 


This is why you wash your hands. 

Be that...

When you work in any food or drink service industry you are instructed how to properly wash your hands that meet county and state health code standards. Health code inspectors check for this. They will go to the bathroom at least once per visit, usually following an employee to the bathroom to monitor his/her hand washing. They monitor how many hand washing/sanitizer stations are in the food/drink/prep areas, how full the stations are, and who uses them properly during the health inspection visit. How many chefs, prep cooks, and bus boys have been dinged by this? Probably a few points every place at least once a year.

The way you normally wash your hands at home, and the COVID-19 twenty second hand wash that’s being reported, is still not enough to meet state health code standards. Why? Ask any of your friends the industry. 

Answer: Who keeps a roll of paper towels by their bathroom sink? No one. You’re using the same towel you used last time, and you’re touching the same faucet handles to turn the water off, that you used to turn the water on. Germs you just washed off your hands after using the bathroom, you just put back on by touching the faucet to turn it off. 

You’re supposed to leave the water run, grab a fresh new paper towel, turn the water off with that paper towel, throw the paper towel away, and grab a new paper towel to dry your hands on.

Oh! And you're supposed to wash your hands twice, not once.

The way the news is telling you to wash your hands wouldn’t meet health code inspection. Neither would your kitchen for that matter. 

FYI, the rubber gloves you're all wearing, you guys are constantly cross contaminating everything you touch while wearing the gloves, and all of you are taking the gloves off incorrectly, and then reusing the same gloves, so the point of wearing gloves is moot other than to just feel safer, though you're not, not really. It's safer to wash your hands 

I can always tell when ladies work in the food and beverage service industry by their shoes, and the way they wash their hands. 

I can always tell what level of food and beverage industry she works in, by the way she wears her makeup, hair, and how her fingernails look (especially how her fingernails look!)

The hand washing stations, and the storage temps, are probably what restaurants and bars get dinged on the most. Enough to close the place down? No, not usually. Unless of course the chef is caught cooking with visible poop on his hands. 

“It’s not shit!”

(Inside joke if you watch THE IT CROWD)

My pet peeve, the not covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing. That’s just... 

How can adults not know to cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing?

This YouTube clip went viral two years ago and EVERYONE needs to see it again! Pass it on. 


Even now, I went for an early morning social distancing walk, and this woman sitting on the steps down the side block had a full on sneezing attack and didn’t cover her mouth once. Not once! She figured since she’s alone, 6 feet away, she doesn’t need to cover her mouth. But people like her don’t cover their mouth when they sneeze in public either. Their poor inconsiderate hygiene is their every day practice. And everyone around them suffers for it. 

Ok. That’s it, I’m gonna go draw now. I need the meditation. 

Question: Hands clasped together as a method to say hello, should this greeting be called namaste šŸ™ or prayer? 

March 24

History repeat'th thyself.

No one's working for THREE MONTHS now? Three months? I don't know how to tell you this but $1,000 ain't gonna cut it, fellas. Oh wait. Easter? Trump says Easter? Even though COVID-19 contagion has tripled in numbers, and deaths.


April 12


Not because doctors and scientists are predicting Easter, doctors and scientists say 12 weeks, but little Trumpy likes Easter, and Easter makes little Trumpy happy. Go then. Fill the churches. Cough and sneeze on each other. Let god sort you out. I'm ok with that.

Trump's stimulous plan is designed so only HE says who gets money. Fuck that slush.

There you go Asian Americans. That was a real Japanese internment camp under President Roosevelt in 1942

If you vote for Trump in November after all the shitty things this horrible monster has said about Asian people in the last two months during his batshit crazy on again, off again love affair with Xi, this pandemic quarantine is NOTHING compared to where he'd love to put you. And I say "you" because they'll never get me alive. I'll go all out and I'm taking people with me.

I don't doubt for a second Trump would put Asians, Jews, and non professional black athletes in camps. I don't doubt it for a second. Him and his supporters would happily lock up every Asian American in this country. Our own special mini version of the Holocaust. Won't that be fun?

"I don't hate the Asia peoples because of Chine'er. This pandemic is not Asians fault. I like the Asia. They're good peoples. They're hard working peoples. They're... they're... who was I talking about again? Oh right, the Chine'ers. What? No. Fuck Chin'er! I like the Asia's!"


Where do you think Trump thinks China, is?

Wartime Civil Control Administration.


Fancy like segregation, Confederate flags, and civil war.

That's right Mr President, it's not Asia's fault America is suffering a pandemic. It's your fault.

Oh ye

So much slush.

With all negotiations, everyone starts high demanding shit like 747's, the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders, and a private island with koala bears, until, after some time, it gets negotiated down to something reasonable...

Reasonable for sane people, that is.

Explain to me again how a 2.(whatever) trillion bailout for companies still isn't enough to raise minimum wage to $15?


I hate politicians. You all suck. But I really hate Trump. I hate stupid people who should know better. I hate greed. Wealthy people debating how much an hourly livable wage should be. Fuck you.


This idiot Trump has changed almost everything I do in my life in the last four years. Who I socialize with. Who I give my money to. Who I respect. Who I'll work for. Everything.

I'm not a democrat


Right now

"My enemy's enemy is my friend."

March 23

Businesses will recover. They don't need any money. Employees need money NOW! Right now! 2 weeks ago! 

Checks now to pay the bills, Mr President! 

Reminder, Trump also pulled millions of dollars from FEMA to support boarder patrol.

Ruined lives from earthquake or fire? Trump says you can go fuck yourself. According to him you should be a billionaire by now like him. What’s your problem? Memories? Fuck your memories.

Nazi is as Nazi does. Trump will try creating Asian internment camps before November. It’s the only way he can stop 18 million Asian American votes going to VP Biden.

Roosevelt did it in 1942. Just watch. Anyone he deems high risk will be put into camps.  

You know Pence is out there secretly hoping...

And then...

At last Trump is putting the full weight of the White House to assist eradicating COVID-19 from the country entirely and... Oh.

"God damn Chinese flu! Not you North Korea. You know what I mean. China. Fuck China. You guys are ok."



Rita Wilson, rapping NBN Hip Hop Hooray, and Body Count, covering Ace Of Spades, are the two best things on the internet right now.

Right now in a country run by this moron...

And if that bumbling stupidity wasn't enough, he then admittedly Tweeted...

(Click images to enlarge) or not

And now he has the audacity to race blame Asians by ignorantly calling COVID-19 the Chinese flu.

It kills me that this idiot suggests going outside when the weather is warm cures COVID-19.

Hear that doctors and scientists? According to Trump, it’s sunshine. Sunshine cures COVID-19. 

You're not working right now because...


No disrespect to my white friends, Dem or Republican, most I've know since kindergarten, or my white family members, our bonds run deeper than tree roots, but not everything is about us.

This is about all the racist sheepy white trash following that useless Trump dumpster. First, fuck those people. If they vote for Trump, get them out of your lives. Out. They don't care about you.

They DO NOT care about you.

They don't do the right thing. They do the white thing.

Do you hear me Asian Americans?

Trump and his followers do not care about you!

They blame COVID-19 entirely on YOU.

Asian Americans are 18 million strong. We turn the voting tide. 18 million votes make and break presidential elections. We can decide who the next president will be.



VOTE BIDEN and a coffee mug if it gets that useless pathetic excuse for a human being out of the White House! Not one shred of common sense or common decency in his dead brain.

The white racist Trump vote is no longer enough to win an election.

White America is barely (barely!) over 50% of this country as is.

Do not forget...


Jon, I stand by everything I wrote about President Obama. His administration was awful. His healthcare plan was a disaster that punished the poor. BE THAT, I'm on your side now.

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