Wednesday, September 1, 2021




Maybe Tom Messick doesn't want to be found. Ever think of that? Haven't you ever wanted to disappear? I left without a trace also (except to those I care about) only I didn't disappear. I was in New Mexico. They just didn't look there. 


I could never fall in love with a man who has sex with other women. I can like you, love you as a friend, but I would never fall in love with you. I'm just not wired that way. The type of love I want doesn't exist anymore. They type of marriage I want doesn't exist anymore. I accept it. And acclimated. PICK YOUR BATTLES. 


Stop arguing about politics, they said.

Um. Ok.

QUESTION: "What's 60 + 10 X 0?"

ME: Zero

THEM: 70!

ME: You said whatnow?

THEM: 70!

ME: How the fuck did you get 70?

THEM:60 + 10 = 70, x 0

ME: Where did you see a comma? 

THEM: Where do you not see a comma?

ME: Where there isn't one!

THEM: I see a comma

ME: It's still 0

THEM: Not if the problem isn't finished.

And that's why we still wear masks after being fully vaccinated.


I'm done "shucking oysters" now. No job is beneath you except for the ones that are.

*I want my food truck. Haven't seen many rolling these days. 



Bros, we Americans have been doing this since junior high school.


Whitening. Straighteners. Fillings. Crowns. Root canals. Dental implants. One dentist wanted me to get braces in my 40's. Yeah no. All of which no one can see. No one can see all the work I had done unless someone were to fishhook me while banging me doggy style, and in that case I would insist it be done in front of a mirror so I can point out all my goddamn dental work. "No honey, pull my cheek open wider. See there, the composite filling, matched my tooth color almost perfectly! Sat in that dentist chair almost 45 minutes. A work of art!"    


The most expensive thing I own are my teeth. Which one of my nephews do you think I should leave them for?


My issue with dental implants is that they're screwed into my jawbone. I want my teeth to soak in a glass next to the bed at night the way god intended! 


Seeing my teddy bear viciously spin in the washing machine broke my heart. He needed a bath. Poor bear. Mama just wanted a clean bear to cuddle. Especially now that the nights are getting colder (at 81 degrees). Toxic toadfish came and went. Sorry toadfish. You just don't have the same zing as murder hornets. Texas continues being the fuck-all state. The internet remains to be "the one place" to find lasting love and friendships. And why for the love of clean butts did America, the country built on Euro/Asian ingenuity, skimp on bidets?  

Have you ever taken a train across country? In the 90's I went cross-country from west coast to midwest, to east coast, back to west coast. Took a week+ and I absolutely loved it. I ate a formal meal on a train, something I always wanted to do like in the movies. I met a boy. Had a brief fling. Wrote. Read. Made some art. Met a woman from Salinas (that's a blog for another day). It was very spiritually cleansing. This is another train I've wanted to take since meeting an English couple who told me all about it. I've seen a bunch of youtube videos about it. 

My backpack is calling me. When I'm done shucking oysters, it's time to go.

* It's the TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY. You can read about it here on Nat-Geo's website. TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY 16 days, to Moscow.

If this pandemic ever ends.😒



Watching WHITE BOY on Netflix. Goddamn.


Still in bed feels:



It's Google's 23'rd birthday. Happy birthday papa. Thanks for giving me a place to pontificate, wax philosophical, and occasionally flash my boobies to all 3 of my readers. 4, if I get just the right angle of side boob. 

The last four days have been... well, lets just say I've been... You know that scene in (movie) BURNT where Adam Jones (two time Michelin star chef) is shucking oysters as a form of penance after becoming a self rehabilitated drug addict? Well, let's just say I've been shucking oysters for the past four days. Today will make five. I'm not sure why I'm doing this to myself. I know I don't have to. I just don't want to quit the thing I'm doing. I don't know if it's a matter of pride, or... 

I'm chatting with a (female) chef friend about what I'm doing. She thinks I'm crazy. She also thinks I'm being taken advantage of. But sometimes you have to go through the unknown darkness to understand the light at the other end of the tunnel. Like taking a vow of silence for better enlightenment. Or in my case testing the limits of my stroke medication. 

And I still haven't gotten my tooth fixed. 

How did that movie end? Oh right, with a happy ending. For one person anyway. Everyone else suffered heartache. Well, I guess so long as one person gets what he wants. 



Clash Of The Cover Ban... 

I like this singer actually.



Are you kidding me? I'm putting this on my toast!


When you're a person of color and (certain) white people who don't know you automatically think you're stupid and/or don't speak English therefor won't bother looking at you or talking to you:



Air rage. I saw this episode of X-FILES. Turns out there's subliminal messaging in advertisements that didn't effect Fox Mulder because he's blue-green color blind. OH. And don't forget the episode where certain gas was mixed with oxygen and then pumped into houses, hotel rooms, and... airplanes? Sure, why not. We're all just a bunch of human lab rats. Prove me wrong. X-FILES forever!! Going underground in 5... 4...3...


Don't forget the SYZYGY episode where two girls birthdays are on the same day there's a rare planetary alignment. 



My spirit animal is the Red Lipped Batfish. Ok I'm done. I have a have bunch of things to do of which maybe one will get accomplished. RED LIPPED BATFISH.


"most individuals interested in a bounty hunter license in their state must complete specific education and/or experience requirements, submit to a criminal background check, and must pass an exam. Other requirements include: A valid state driver's license." 

Unless you're snitching on a Texas Uber driver for dropping off a woman at an abortion clinic. Then you can be a pedophile burying little bodies in your mother's basement so long as you're not a doctor performing abortions apparently. 


I have a nephew who was born female. Still has all his female top/bottom parts in tact. Hides these parts but still has them. Identifies as he, his, and him. Meaning he also has a period and can get pregnant.

*He takes hormone pills but I have not yet looked into how those drugs work.

I'm still learning. I have no idea what all the letters in LGBTQQIP2SAA stands for? IP2 makes me giggle because I'm 5. And I'm pretty sure a few of those letters abbreviate Playstation. PICK YOUR BATTLES. 


Morning perspective. According to Google, the commission rate for (court) bounty hunters is between 10%-25% bond. Means for a $10,000 bounty, for say a guy who skips court on a multiple assault charge, bounty hunters can expect to receive anywhere between $1,000 to $2,500. My dental work costs more than that. But Texas (citizen) bounty on abortion is listed as $10,000. So does that mean Texas prioritizes women electing abortions as a bigger crime than your mom getting car jacked, robbed, and stabbed on her way home from the market? Asking for a friend.



BP 113/81 and I'm drinking a beer. It's been a day.

For the past 9 days I've been going 'round and 'round with my tooth. It's a molar against a wisdom tooth. I was literally in two different dentist offices today. The second dental group said my insurance covered the X-Rays and the cleaning BUT they wanted $3,000 to pull my molar which they said had to come out with the wisdom tooth additionally another $3,000. They wanted to charge me $6,000 to pull the molar and the wisdom teeth, and then charge me another $3,000 for the prosthetic. They loved the number 3,000. It's funny they think I have that kind of money just laying around not doing anything. Healthcare is fun! 

The first dentist office that takes my insurance said they couldn't schedule me for urgent care until next Monday. Today is Tuesday. Next Monday. "Urgent care". FFS.

Then I called California Dental Group, referred to me by Aramis, but their person who was going to call me back today for pricing, didn't. Shocking. I know. 

Soooo... we'll see how we do with Aleve, smoothies, and mooshy food, until Monday.   


Regarding another personal matter. Grant's website said his office is open from 8am-5pm. Standard operating hours. But when speaking to Grant on the phone he said his work hours are from 11am-3pm (because work ethics) and then he goes to the gym. Um. Maybe update your website? Just a thought. What do I know? I've been battling dentists all day for no apparent reason. So Grant says call me tomorrow at 11am. This should be good. 

And how was your day? 


Lets see how many abortion whistle blowers in Texas actually collect the $10,000. Let 15 people blow their whistles. According to my dynamo Asian math that's $150,000 in Texas abortion bounty. Money well spent, Texas. Money well spent. FFS. 


"Gentlemen" do not slap girls. He came back from their trip alone. He won't cooperate with authorities. Very suspect. Also, he totally killed her. 



2021, the year Texas went full blown Karen. Remember when you were known for the hottest cheerleaders on the planet, parties, and the best BBQ joints this side of the hemisphere? WTF happened? You just went batshit crazy for no reason!   


Look, Texas, it's not you. It's me. I want better. I want the girl I met and fell in love with. The sexy skinny cheerleader who loved long walks on the beach, puppies, nasty filthy dirty sex, and saving world hunger. What happened? I bought you that gym membership hoping you'd actually use it. I bought you those anti-wrinkle creams hoping you'd use them. I even bought subscriptions to beauty magazine in your name. But did you appreciate any of my efforts? No. Now take your shit and get out of my house. 


I miss the 80's. I miss it hard. America was amazing then. 


Population control. Lab rats. Prove me wrong.


America, where advertisers want women to feel like "queens" hoping they've never read any history what-so-ever. 

Which queen exactly? The ones that were beheaded? Forced to breed with family members? Whose bodies were discarded and never again found? Or do mean fabulous gay queens? Honey, no. You're more likely to be beheaded. 



Had to take 2 Aleve beforehand to prepare my swollen jaw and tooth but craved a crunch wrap since last night that would no longer be ignored. Saw the driver pull up and started my happy food dance. 


Deep text with Aramis:



Won't take 40 minutes to have coffee with each other.

Will wait all day to rip apart male friend's new girlfriend like:


Can't get one girlfriend out to Sunday brunch.

Male friend posts displeasure with new lady friend on social media: 


Adopt a puppy. Have 10 years of HO content. 


When Ted Bundy said, "I'm just a normal individual" I think he's 100% correct. A normal individual does fantasize hurting someone, or seeing someone hurt at least once in their lives. Possibly even hurt someone physically, mentally, and/or emotionally in a mild to criminally abusive way. I often joke horror films are people working out their awful breakups but am I entirely wrong? It wasn't normality (the urge to PURGE) that made Bundy a killer, it was that he liked it.  

There's a difference between wanting and doing - doing and understanding. That line is crossed when you enjoy it. A subject that's part of a book I'm writing. It's a work of fiction. Except for the parts that aren't.   



I’m all about the flying dump truck.😅


Ah the valley. I met Aramis for lunch in NOHO yesterday. Which I guess technically isn't the "valley" but I so hate being on that side of the hill. The moment I get up on NOHO subway platform I feel that heat on my skin and I just want to run back down the subway platform and get on the next train going the fuck anywhere else. I once lived in Chatsworth for six months during the summer and I just couldn't. Not with a pool in the backyard and central air conditioning, I just could not. But Aramis loves it over there. He surfs even, and both he and his girlfriend work on the west side, but fuck all if they both just don't love that three hour commute each goddamn way. So I go over the hill to visit but no further than Studio City, maybe Encino if really good margaritas are involved - Maybe. You start talking Van Nuys and you better stand back or y'all might get punched in the nose.

The ever growing homeless situation in Los Angeles will not be fixed in one election term. That's fantasy talk. If it could be fixed that easily Las Vegas would have implemented it long ago. Instead they have a whole city of homeless under ground. Aramis and I agree on many political issues but we disagree on homelessness. The only cure for homelessness is population control. Yep. I just said that. I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just saying. Late Millennials and Gen Z's can cure homelessness by not having more than one kid. Two if you're wealthy. One if you're financially secure. Zero if you're smart. I didn't want children. I knew I could never afford them and give them the life I would want them to have. Additionally I'm selfish with my time. Your kids are your kids for life. You maintain some responsibility for them until the day you die. But Baby boomers and early Gen X'rs said, "You're 18 now. You're still alive. I did my job. See ya!" And now we have:

I am so grateful to my friends. People like Aramis helped keep me from being homeless (roofless) during all of pandemic 2020/21. Gen Z had the power of ridding many sexual diseases as well. Just have sex within your generation. But no. Blame your male population for fucking anything that moves.

In my opinion homelessness is here to stay until people simply die off, and future generations don't breed, or breed much less. Who will fill the military and government you ask? Oh. Well:



When couples want applause for being together for 15 years I'm like, but that's the point. 


The solution to youth "wokeness" is turning kids into latchkey kids. Parents need to be more selfish. Go live your separate lives. Take away your kids electronic devices, give them a rotary hard line, and a house key. Problem solved. 
*And then don't see your kids for weeks at a time. Just leave them cash on the kitchen counter for food and supplies. It wasn't child abuse in the 50's-90's and we're the toughest generations living. 


When nutjob couples email me I just: 

Kick it old school and just quietly cheat on each other. Easy-peezy. Dump up. I mean. Why y'all gotta make it so complicated? 



Eating raw honey straight from it's container is all the rage right now. I don't quite understand it? I grew up eating honey on toast with butter and people back then thought that was disgusting. It was always considered a medicinal food. Like something you put in tea when you're sick. 


Everything he's eating right here. I think this would be my last meal. Cardiac arrest. No resuscitate. Peace out. 


When people call you a racist it's really just their way of saying, "Don't say that out loud." But these days feelings of helplessness against powers that be who continuously fuck our lives makes people not give a shit anymore. Additionally, I already have one foot in the grave, statistically speaking less than 48% of people survive one year following a stroke, so I pretty much don't give a single fuck where the other foot goes. 


Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch
Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch
Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch
Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch
Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch
Today I will not say batshit crazy white ass bitch

Did that ever work for Bart Simpson? 



I think what people are missing from this recall election is, there was no one better. If Ben Shapiro ran for governor of CA I would have voted for him. Shapiro probably would have won. I don't think he even lives in CA anymore. And so we have Newsom. At least he's dreamy. 


Day three of sinus infection or whatever it is. I started sneezing like 5 days ago. My nose would run for no apparent reason and then Monday afternoon my left sinus went out of control resulting with left temple migraines and a swollen jaw on the left side. 6 extra strength Tylenol later I just (fuck all) and dealt with it. This morning my jaw is less sore but my sinus is still active. My writing reflects my pain. "Oh yea, see there, I burnt my arm that day. And that part there, that's when I cracked the back of my head open on a low shelf. That one really fucking hurt." 

I still have all my wisdom teeth. They didn't grow in until I was in my mid to late 40's. Sometimes the jaw pain is from my wisdom teeth still growing. I really am an old woman trapped in the body of a child.

Don't feel bad for me, I make it work.    

In four months I'll be 53. Funny how women dread turning 30. I did too. 

So the book I'm writing is a psycho-thriller thread together by the childhood of a young girl who had a father like mine but ten fold. You men. You handsome men who women lust after and adore have no idea how that effects your daughters. For me, the things women said, the way my dad behaved, were said and done before the internet. Not from a country over afar but while I was in the same room. Often times said directly to my face. I can't tell you how many times women would grab my arm and tell me, "Your dad is so good looking!" Like what did they think would happen, I would hook them up? Years later people who knew both my dad and I would always say things like I was my father's daughter. And occasionally even he would remark how I was more like him than his own sons. I don't think you even have to be related to be cut from the same cloth. Just birds of a feather. Products of our environment especially those who are curious. Even Charles Dickens wrote about his step-father being handsome, writing "handsome is as handsome does" in Life of David Copperfield. One of my favorite books of all time. But his reflection of having a handsome step-father was how it effected his mother. His opinion of her seemed to be what a poor weak and feeble woman to fall such a handsome man. And while people will say, "But you grew up in the 70's and 80's and sexuality was looked at differently then." my reply to that is, thank god I grew up in the 70's and 80's because if women walked up to me now and said the things they said about my dad, to my face at ten years old, or if my dad behaved the way he did then, now, a whole lot of people would probably be [this close] to registering as sex offenders.  

So anyway that's the book I'm writing. I'm sure I'll have to publish it myself on Amazon. Again, a little bit of truth, a little bit of story magic, my amazing perverse wit, and those days when I woke up feeling like shit because I didn't get my wisdom teeth removed and my jaw fucking hurts. Those pages will have a lot of F-bombs in them. Naturally.  



How I solve all my lovers quarrels:


I find it hard to believe that sensible people would rather have Larry Elder as governor over Newsom but whatever! Meet you at my Rocky Mountain little house.

FYI: You can't get there by car. 

Cue the music! 




I don't condone what happened January 6th but I understand it. They picked the wrong building and simply didn't have the numbers. 

I understand it. 

If a PURGE were to happen within the next three years I would understand that too.


People are past being fed up. We're done. We're done with everyone squeezing every last drop whatever they can get out of us. From taxes to shutting down a state for two goddamn years. The state of California STILL isn't open. Maybe 25%-50%. MAYBE. And lets not forget the lovely people who take advantage of a pandemic by price gauging and abusing labor.



My dad was a union man. I'm well aware of labor rights and where to go to file complaints. Pick your battles.  

If you have a labor dispute with any company in CA file your dispute here:

If they screwed you out of money, they screwed over others. You don't have to take someone to court, you just have to inform the right people and the state of California will take it from there. Trust me.



Sis, 50/50 crapshoot if they actually pay me. Asians! 


Same, girlfriend. Same. 

I love connecting with people online. 


Same, girlfriend. Same. I’m going to go cry in the shower now. 


Which is why tacos.


That totally would have been a great April 1st video.


Yeah but.😶❓



Due to recent events I was (again) reminded why I don't bother integrating with other Asians in this country, which always sparks some heated anti Asian rage with long time friends on why Asians were being attacked in this country amid Covid, etc. And usually I let my friends speak their peace because pick your battles. After 45 years of friendship I'm not going to win these arguments, ever. But then I thought no, I've changed since I was in my 30's and 40's, we're all older, more mature, I'm sure there's Asians in this country we can respec... NOPE! 😏

Middle ground. The most unsafe place to be. But that's where I stand. I don't pick sides. Every situation has it's own positives and negatives with me, except this one. I just can't relate to Asians in this country. Or with people who think Asians are people of color on the same level as Blacks and Hispanics, because they're not. We're not. 

The only Asians I get along with are outcasts like me. Halfbred. No bred. No country or color. Tramps. Derelicts. No one claims us. (Thank god)

So when my friends get on their 15 minute soapbox about the shittiness of Asians in America, I agree, disagree, and have long since known when they look at me, they don't see anything in particular because we grew up together. I'm just me in their eyes. And then other Asians ask, "How the hell can you be friends with them?"

Because of what I just wrote. That's why.     



I like Ben Shapiro, but any time you need a reminder that he's a millennial:

He's not wrong tho'.


I'm at that age where commercials are too loud. 

I wish I could say it's going to be a good day but why lie. 


I warned Jesus about Judas, but did he listen?

I warned Pripyat about the #4 reactor at Chernobyl, but did they listen?

I warned them that mixed explosive compounds might cause a static discharge in the Hindenburg, but did anyone listen?

I warned them Hitler was a dick, but did anyone listen?

(I might have gone too far with that last one)  

Still, being right all the time is such a burden. 😏



I once cooked Thanksgiving dinner for King Vajiralongkorn.

I solved Goldbach's Conjecture when I was eleven years old.

I once wrestled a polar bear for my last piece of beef jerky.


Telling stories is fun.😏


It seems we're all in weird places right now, doesn't it? I'm definitely in a weird place. The future is uncertain, or at least mine is. Part of me would really like to fall in love. Part of me would really like to travel. Part of me would really like to move to Colorado. Part of me really wants to finish writing the book I started. I'm in a rut. I need to get unrutted. 

I finally got my stroke meds. It's always pulling teeth getting it. And all I had to do this time was threaten hellfire and brimstone. When you've been on your own for as long as I have, majority of my life, you occasionally befriend people from the department of hellfire and brimstone. I have no soul left to give. I bartered that away yeeeaaars ago. Now I have to rely on wit, cunning, and my stunning personality. The fact I think I still have one amuses the department of hellfire and brimstone. 

Halloween commercials are in full force. Yay slutty witch, slutty fairies, and Wonder Woman costumes! I'm going as a disgruntled old woman. Just tape a bunch of cat pictures on me. 

I've been chatting with a fellow in Oregon. I like Oregon. 


I really miss San Francisco. 

I really want to fall in love. Must be that time of year. 





ARAMIS: “How you been?”



I mean.


The medications I take are to prevent having another stroke, or a heart attack. Crackerjack job keeping my blood pressure down. 😒

My current BP is 126/84 before morning medication. Blog cathartic. 

The BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU in Los Angeles have an easy complaint process online including price gouging. Yep. Everyone who thought they could take advantage of Covid, did! And here is where you report it...


The MEDICAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA have a PDF form already prepared online for complaints to be processed. I'm guessing that reflects how many complaints they receive from shady medical practices. 

EXAMPLE: Having never met the actual doctor assigned as my general practitioner by my insurance company though he still gets paid every time I visit his godfuckingawful office. 


EXAMPLE: When their incompetent office calls me to forward medical results because their office is unable to retrieve them. 


EXAMPLE: When I return a phone call by their medical office FOUR minutes after they leave me message requesting the address of my pharmacy but is too eager to go home to spare an extra 30 seconds to write down the address.

These people can go to hell. And if I can assist in delivering them there consider it DONE. 





The very first reason listed on the MEDICAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA website as reason to file a complaint...

Quality of Care (Misdiagnosis, treatment/medication causing side effects, surgical complications, negligent care, etc.) 


Welp. Looks like I'm filing a complaint with the medical board. My doctor's office is so goddamn incompetent, it's beyond ridiculous. 

EXAMPLE: "When you need your prescription refilled have your pharmacy contact us." OK. So yesterday I had my pharmacy put in a request to have my prescriptions refilled. I get a text message today from my pharmacy that said my doctor's office refused the prescription refill order. I call my doctor's office who said, "We would never do such a thing as refuse a refill order. Your pharmacy is lying. Tell them to fax a request to us." So I call the pharmacy and straiten things out with them. They said they'll fax the doctor's office. Then I get a voice mail from my doctor's office who said they needed to confirm the address of the pharmacy. I call the doctor's office back with the pharmacy address and THIS happened, "Call us tomorrow with the address. It's the end of my day and I want to go home." 

WHAT THE FUCK. That's the final straw.

I'm a writer, bitch. I write really good complaints.


Jeane Palfrey was Epsteined. 


In the late 90's I had an amazing time in Texas. And then it turned into this. 


Since Texas is into making laws that punish women...

Texas should ban it's women from weighing over 160 pounds. Make it law for all the women in the state to own a goddamn gym membership and actually use it at least seven hours a week. And if she weighs over 160 pounds, you should be able to sue her fat ass.



Mask on. Mask off. Mask on. Mask off. Mask on. Mask off.


Doe. A deer. A female deer. Ray. A drop of... golden sun? 



Flu shot 💉 Because why not.


Kevin Paffrath is like 15 years old. There's no way in hell he should be governor. "But he's a youtube influencer!" 😒


Instead of watching a filthy movie on a screen. I’m watching a movie on a filthy screen. My my how times have changed. Or not.

She gets in her car. She starts the ignition and just lets the car run. She has nowhere to go. She does this every twenty minutes. She gets in her car, starts the ignition, and simply lets the car run for five minutes. Then she gets out of her car and goes back inside her house. Twenty minutes later she gets back in her car. She’s been doing this for five hours now while I’ve been writing. Currently she’s sitting in her car with the ignition running. It’s scary to wonder if she’s working her way up to killing herself. Worse yet, she will eventually drive her car on the road, with you, near a school, on the freeway, in your neighborhood, past your house.


Thanks to Newsom preserving the LA/CA care act, I survived my first stroke, and a potential deadly second stroke because I have medical insurance and was able to go to an excellent hospital emergency room, and not left to die in some county ward. I have hypertension. Even at 120 pounds, no salt, no butter, no red meat, hardly any to no wine or any kind alcohol, nonetheless I will always have hypertension. Additionally my arteries are narrow and my heart has to work 50 times harder than yours to pump blood and oxygen to all my organs.    

Republican politicians think this type of insurance is "free" insurance and want to do away with it. What a joke. I pay taxes. Additionally over $1,000 for last year. And these republican assholes think it's free insurance? Remind me again, how much did Trump pay in taxes? Oh that's right, way the fuck less, next to NOTHING. 

In punishing "illegal immigrants" with "free" healthcare, you're punishing me too, a legit tax paying American. 

So yeah, until I'm able to wean off my medication, which I may never be able to do, if these republicans take away my insurance I will never be able to afford my prescriptions. Which is in part why I'm weaning of my prescriptions to begin with. I have one more refill until the end of the year. After that... who knows what will happen?  

On my first attempt to wean off prescription stroke meds, I almost landed back in the hospital on 6th day. All was going well but for some odd random reason my BP spiked on the 6th day. 



Should be an interesting day on FB.


The only thing I see is the last guy on the left ready to punch you in the throat. 


Dear Hollywood, why are older TV & movie veterans always wearing tons of flair? Do they all work at Chotchkies?



I don't like anyone running against Newsom for governor. None of them represent me. Absolutely none of them. The only politician in this day and age that represents me solely as an American is Pete Buttigieg. And the only reason he's not a libertarian is because he wouldn't stand a chance in that party. No one does. 



I tried to get someone to show me their dick a few days ago but no one returned my text messages. I was ghost dicked.😅

My female born nephew uses the men's room. My male born girlfriends (who are TOTALLY passable!) use the women's room. Just let them be. What the fuck is wrong with people. Ever been to Firefly in Studio City? That's a Unisex bathroom. A woman could be in one stall, and a man could be in the other. Why? Because we're adults. That's why. 

"What if my kid saw?"

God forbid you should talk to your children. 



(I totally made myself laugh just now)

Grown ass woman offended by dick. Did the dick mug you? Rape you? Break into your house? Steal your dog? No? Then all's I can say is... Bitch, you need some dick. Seriously. Everywhere (everywhere!) should have unisex bathrooms and changing rooms. 

Unless the dick is committing a misdemeanor, FUCK YOU KAREN.  

Yep. That should make me some friends.😏




Hooray we're hording toilet paper and mac & cheese ice cream again because why not. 

Last night I overheard the neighbors in a severe domestic disturbance. Maybe? I feel like society has been prepping me for this day for the past 10 years. What would you do if it sounded like a guy was abusing his girl? (From what I gathered) the guy tried throwing the girl out but she refused to leave. He screamed at her to "GET OUT" at least twenty times but she kept screaming "NOooo I have no money! I have nowhere to go!" To which he just kept screaming at her, "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" But she refused to leave. Then he started threatening her. "GET OUT OR I'LL BREAK YOUR FACE! I'LL BREAK YOUR GODDAMN FACE! GET OUT!" At this point I'm looking up the closest police department. I wonder if the other neighbors were doing the same? Then, and here it gets a little shaky, I think he held the door open to throw her out, but she violently started throwing up. She violently puked and he slammed the door, or rather he slammed A door. After she was done throwing up he tried again to get her to leave. Screaming at her to get out again but she refused to go. (I think) he tried dragging her out and she started scream-crying. He was screaming things like, "I'M NOT A PUNK BITCH! GET OUT! I GOT YOU BURGERS! I AIN'T A PUNK BITCH! GET OUT BITCH OR I'LL BREAK YOUR FACE!" And then someone knocked on his door. Neighbors started screaming at him through the door. And suddenly all was quiet for about a half hour. Then he started screaming at her to leave again. "GET OFF THE BED! GET OFF THE BED! GET UP! GET OUT!" This went on for about an hour. And then it went quiet. About two hours later your could hear the couple laughing and giggling. 

I mean. 

What would you do? 

I kept waiting for her to scream for help. I had my finger on the last (9-1) 1. 

But then they started giggling and all was quiet for the rest of the night.

Colorado is looking really good, again, right about now.