Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jibo me good and hard!

That has nothing to do with today's blog. 

It's just... I want a Jibo. 

Jibo is cheaper than the new Iphone. 

Get a JIBO!! 

We have A LOT to cover here, professor. Let's get going. 

The other day, my favorite lesbian ELLEN, dropped some K-pop on her show. 

But I gotta say MY J-pop guys BAP way cooler.

And speaking of Korea vs. Japan, if you regularly read this giant pile of nonsense I call a blog than you know the Asian part in me is in fact Korean. And as you know, Koreans don't like Japanese government, and vice versa. Maybe if Japan would stop trying to occupy Korea, or Asia in general, there would be less animosity between these two countries. Lord knows Korea had/has enough on their hands with short fat squinty tiny cock dictators trying to take over the one and only true Republic Of Korea, they don't need any more. Yeah, I said it. Republic of Korea. Take your "Peoples Republic" and shove it up your ass. BAP slays BTS, and that's my contribution to peace with Japan. I like the Japanese boy band better than the Korean one. Wa-POW! 

Aaaaaand I'm not the only who has controversy with Japan. Apparently San Francisco, has decided to end their peaceful brotherhood with Osaka, by erecting THIS statue. BTW why the fuck is always art?? Why can't you guys just once follow the Marines and draw penises in the sky? Or a big fuck you middle finger in the sky? We artists have enough problems displaying our works without being censored because some goddamn politician made a controversial statement using a sculpture or a painting! 

But no...

San Francisco, put up THIS statue in remembrance to all the young girls/women who were kidnapped and raped by Japanese soldiers during WWII. 

"Comfort girls" that's what these raped girls were called. They were forced to service in "comfort camps" where reportedly girls as young as 13 were raped up to 10 times a day. And now Japan is angry at San Francisco for this statue. Japan wants bygones to be bygones, just like Germany doesn't want to be known for Hitler. Nonetheless, Hitler's not going to be forgotten any time soon. Neither will "comfort girls". Sorry. 

Buuuuut here's where THINGS gets tricky because Japan ALSO has a statue in remembrance to the young girls/women victimized by WWII Japanese soldiers...

And soooo... 

I'm confused.

People should remember the young girls and women victimized by WWII Japanese rapey soldiers in Japan, just not in San Francisco?  

Or... ??

Is Osaka saying their statue is not really a statue of remembrance in a lets be better fucking humans, kind of way, but rather a fond remembrance in a hi-five, kind of way?  

I'm... confused. 

And speaking of rapey and/or sexually inappropriate men...

Matt Lauer 

You know what, fuck it. 

What kind of grandmother would I be if I didn't wipe the snot from your face and insist you get a haircut? It's an old woman, semi retired hag, right to passage thing. I want to die in a Monet painting surrounded by beautiful elegant pastel people. Now go get a haircut you look like shit!

Twinkle tush. This is a new trend for your cat's butt hole. It's a little piece of ghetto bling that wraps around your cat's tail, covering your cat's butt hole. You're welcome. Merry Christmas.  

Anal diamonds? Amateurs. Your cat has Twinkle Tush! 

Do you know what yesterday was? Do ya? Well apparently it was CAR ACCIDENT DAY in Summerlin. Thank you all for participating? And at the same time! 

Aaaaand the Ballagio got robbed yesterday around 3pm. SOMEONE saw '3,000 Miles To Graceland' one too many times. No one was hurt. Awesome. And because no one was hurt I'm seriously hoping the casino robber was dressed like Elvis! 

Next year for Halloween, I want to get a bunch of grandmas to dress like Elvis!

Heading to the bingo parlors after I type this to pitch my Halloween Elvis idea. 

Actually I just like playing Bingo. I'm old. Finally, I can admit I like Bingo. I also knit. Yesterday I ate some prunes. A little backed up. TMI? Too bad! You know what I do here.

Dear Susan Sarandon, I love you. I'm not a feminist though I would be if the modern definition of the word wasn't:  I hate men. I hate my vagina even more. 

Actually that's the title of the book I'm working on... and something I say every night just before I go to bed, and again every morning as I open my eyes right after, "Shit. Not again." XD The struggle is real!! 
Congratulations to the (soon to be) new royal couple. Yes, I'm a royal watcher. Prince Harry. HOT. I have a thing for redheads. 

Dear Ken Bek, our babies would have been outrageously beautiful! 

Even in black and white!

Like James Spader's character in THE BLACKLIST said, "I couldn't care less who's in the White House." Agreed. I couldn't either. Regardless of all the presidents I've seen come and go, some I've actually even voted for, my life has never been specifically altered one way or the other, good or bad, no matter who sat or sits in that oval office chair. 


That's it for now. Grandma has to run out and buy jumper cables. No, not for a car. It's for... it's for... it's...  

Saturday, November 25, 2017

bitch wisdom

We saw that movie. They put a muzzle on her face. A muzzle!! On her face!! How was that girl not humiliated?? That's the only thing we got out of that flick. Ok sure most of us don't speak French, and her teeth were A MESS, but they put a muzzle on her face! -- Am I using these exclamations correctly? I don't know what men got out of that movie, but us girls could not stop laughing over the muzzle they put on her face. I'm still talking about it!

I understand supply and demand. When product dries up, you have to sell what you got, like girls who require a muzzle on their faces. Still, was the McDonalds near her not hiring? Was that the only gig muzzle-girl could get? Did she want "fame" so badly she was willing to be a humiliated groupie ala Hannibal Lector?    

I honestly don't remember anything else about that film. 

There is no pride in Hollywood or film making anymore. What happened? I'm eager to see 'Murder On the Orient Express'. Maybe tonight. Not my kind of movie but it looks beautiful. We like looking at beautiful elegant things. Always. Beautiful scenes. Beautiful people. That's why Hollywood was once so popular, everyone wanted to mix and mingle among the beautiful people. Now...  

Everyone looks like sloppy trainwrecks. Sure you're thin, but your hair and skin look like shit. And who dresses you? Who told you that dress looks good? 

There's no art. There's no sex apeal. No mystery. No illusion. No chemistry. No script. There's no pride in the work people do. There's no pride in the way they look, in the way they act, in the way they dress. Nobody reads. It's a disgrace. 

When you look sloppy, act sloppy, your clients and customers are sloppy. Dig?

I love Quentin Tarantino's films, but lately he's not making films. He making 120 minute shock videos. Enough with the N-word. Make a movie. Scripts. Acting. Art in motion. MAKE A MOVIE!!! This next film wrapped around Manson, can actually be done without the use of the N-word, but we'll see. 


You know where the deals are struck, the agreements are made, and the honor of someone's word. There's a language (especially regarding sex and money) no one wants to hear. No one. What language is that? Honesty. 

Behind the scenes I don't respect "actors". Don't be fake. There's no need. 

"Ciao bella," Really? Shut up. You're from Milwaukee. 

No one wants to be honest. Not even among coworkers. No one wants to hear honesty. They want you to act. To pretend. Even behind the scenes. For no other reason than ego.  

Metaphorically, "I don't want you to wash the dishes. I want you to WANT to wash the dishes."

Honey, nobody wants to wash your stupid fucking dishes. Let's talk like civilized mature adults who want to make money, okay? 

But no. Why be honest? It's like pulling teeth. You men are the WORST. 

Example: I got an email from a Las Vegas "club promoter" who asked if I would be interested in a PAID GIG hosting an occasional weekend party. We all know what that's about, right? So I, being me, wrote him back one simple sentence. "How much does the gig pay?" Legit question. He opened that door. I simply walked through. His response was this, "Wrong answer. You should be excited to host my party. You should be eager to play." And then when I was done laughing at his email, I blocked him from ever writing me again.

Put up, or shut up. 


No one wants to talk honestly. 

No one can just sit, have a cup of tea or a glass of wine like civilized adults, and discuss matters maturely and rationally.  

Fuck fame. It's all about good health and prosperity. I don't need to live long, Spock. Just money in the bank. 


You have to be smart. A rare commodity in this day and age. 

If you're over the age of 40, and had as much wild stupid sex as you claim to have had, by your late 40's you just don't give a shit anymore. You really don't. I've had this conversation with rockstars, sex workers, millionaires, you just don't care about sex. If you claim you still like to fuck, after all those years of sex, well then whatever shit you're working out in your head, those demons, it's all in your head projected through sex. Fuck the pain away. That's the sex you have over 40. Psychologically twisted fucked up sex. But you could still make some moneeeeeee. Hypothetically speaking of course. You saw that opening sex scene on 'House Of Cards' with the hot couple and the Japanese politician, rope, and plastic bag. Yup. No lies. That's real. That happens. $10,000. But only if you're smart. Are you smart?  

If you've done it all, and repeated it 20 times over, by your late 40's you fuck for art, for money, or marriage, for whatever gig you're pushing, but rarely is it for pure pleasure. There. I said it. I said the one HONEST thing everyone will publicly deny.

"No I love getting my ass reamed by three ten inch dicks while wearing a face muzzle! Fuck yeah!!! Whooooo!!! Friday night!!" 


Whatever you say, nutjob.     

The lust for fame is what gets people in trouble. These girls think life is reality TV. They have no pride. No manners or self respect. And another thing, you really don't need to advertise your ass and pussy in every single ridiculous selfie to get work. Just saying. And lay off the makeup. You look like a clown. Get a decent hairstyle.   

This is what high-end powerful men want, ladies, discretion. No fame. No cameras. They want a pretty girl they can take out to dinner without being embarrassed. These days, you'd be surprised how truly difficult even that is.   

I'm not friends with single female swingers, or any single females in any kind of lifestyle for the simple fact I constantly met 100% drama. These girls have no perspective. No goals. No hobbies or interests. No self respect. They have no friends or life away from the lifestyle. And they definitely do not want to improve their lives or themselves. 

Me, I do my thing, I go home, brew some tea and pack my backpack for the hike I'm taking tomorrow morning. Stay home and read a book. Make some art and display it somewhere. But these single ladies in the lifestyle, it never ends for them. Never. Lifestyle 24/7. Drama. 

Point is...

I like watching Channing Tatum, dance. THAT'S HOT. I still couldn't care less about sex though. 

But no. Metaphorically speaking, you male counterparts want me to WANT to wash the dishes. 

No one WANTS to wash your goddamn dishes. Get over it, honey. Let's move on. 

The only people who still want dirty sex over the age of 40, and god bless them, are those who never had it hot, wet, wild, insane, illegal at least once, and often when they were younger. And those people all do the one thing I find absolutely juvenile AND a giant waste of time, I'm talking about sexting. I don't have time to text dirty words. I have things to do! These nails don't manicure themselves.

I'm just a simpleton and I'm constantly busy. Where do these people find the time to sext?? My friends and I have no idea. My friends are complicated with their marriages, and kids, and two careers, and million dollar houses, four cars, and giant yards, never ending upkeep, and they're always on the run and constantly tired. -- I'm exhausted just writing all that. 

I'm simple. On purpose. I know my limits. I've known for a long time. Life is hard enough on it's own without adding to it. Plus I'm single. Even when I was in a long term relationship, I was still single. Earning my own income. I like wine, art, writing, the art of being artistic, posh American bougie, and hanging out with my friends. There. The end. Regardless, I still do what I do with the best of what I have to work with. Pride. There's money out there. It's all over. Ask anyone who's ever had to hustle for (anything). They got the money. Where do you think these guys with movies to push, find backing? The money's out there. Just be honest.   

Can we be honest?

Fuck fame. Have money in the bank. 

And for the love of god, ladies, have a little pride. 

Muzzle-girl... unbelievable.

Take care of yourselves! 

xo Grandma


We should all aspire to be HER.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

on this day, fuck sarah miller

This country (America) has the worst relationships with sex and money. All the fake shit none of it matters and yet it churns out more and more every year because you think it does. 

Pretty soon...

No more wildlife. No more animals. No more agriculture. No more culture. No more land. No more clean water. 

Just fill America full of shit.


And speaking of shit...

Everything he does is for the betterment of his agenda. Pure greed. Lining HIS pockets full of money on the backs of women. A fat disgusting white pimp whoring women, women of color. 


Look at the way he talks. Look how he promotes himself. 

Not like a real man.

A real man knows how to carry himself in a dignified honorable way. 

My ladies of color, where's your self respect? Let any man, a white man use you this way? I know you're smarter than that. And you're certainly better than that.  

Fat vile disgusting pig. I see you.

"And for these reasons I've decided to scalp you, and burn your village to the ground."

I represent women of color. 

Look what they did to her hair. They airbrushed her hair off against her will.  

A real artist knows how to use shadow and light, A real artist would never compromise his model, or his work.

This is unacceptable.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My dear ladies

... of all ethnicity, creed, sexual preference, and political distinction, 

Jokes aside, as a proud woman of color who has always found her way, regardless of personal past experiences, I remain forever vigil not letting the evils of hatred win. Live and let live! Furthermore, we must not allow such a verbally destructive and abusive man anywhere near our lives, or those lives we truly love. What are we ladies, without our self respect and passion? I hope in light of all the allegations of abuse against women in Hollywood, and in Washington, this will enlighten our sex to use this powerful motion in our favor, wisely. Anyone who spews so much hatred for a group of people, men and women, well within their constitutional rights, and basic rights as human beings to be, to those we must stay mindful there is no limit what such a hateful man will do next.

Real men are champions of women, ALL WOMEN, for we are their other half in creation.   

Sexual abuse cannot be solved by verbal abuse. 

We women of intellect and instinct know this.

Thank you for your time.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Here we go

First up, Ron Jeremy. Great timing. Isn’t there an awards show coming up here in Vegas? Heck no, not going. Not with all the republican bashing some of these people do in their out loud voice. They’ll soon learn or be reminded Vegas is very republican, very pro gun, and not all of these cowboys have great aim.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

money 💰 cash bills

EXACTLY. Why is this concept so hard for some people to understand?

Work hard. Make money. Ego doesn’t pay the bills.

For two years I’ve been openly calling myself conservative on this blog, a registered Republican, and no one took issue with it. I’ve been a registered republican since I turned 18 years old. Public information. I consider myself conservative. Why does anyone care? I’m not related or fucking these people. And so what if I was? I’m not related or fucking you either.

To clump Republicans together like THEY ALL want to hunt elephants is grossly juvenile and ignorant.

I know plenty of democrats who hunt. MN is a democratic state and I’ve seen plenty of deer hanging upside down in the front yards of many o’ liberal voters.

The ignorance in this country is outstanding.


Touch my boob. Sign my yearbook. You know the rules.

Not even about republicans anymore ;)

Save Tom Hanks! Someone start a gofundme page!  

Wow, you guys are seriously losing your shit.

Daily Show. I adore you. Then and now. 


The mall pervert. THE MALL pervert. On record at THE MALL as being a pervert. 

I got kicked of Pizza Hut once for being a fire hazard. Long story short, Pizza Hut is not a good place to experiment with science. Not quite the same as being the mall pervert. Still falls within 6-degrees of separation. The Hut was in a mall.

I got kicked out of the Hut for doing Science, Neil deGrasse Tyson! Ain't that some shit? 

Mall Pervert.


Hey, do you know who Cat Stevens, is? He's a folk singer. A hippie. Peace, love, and happiness ala John Lennon, hippie. He even had a hit song called PEACE TRAIN, and "OOoh baby baby it's a wild world" and then...

Following 9/11, Cat Stevens, learned he was on a terrorist watch list when they turned his plane around upon discovering Stevens was on a no-fly list due to his Islam conversion in the 70's... as was reported by (WHO?) 

And here's a bit of what reported...

"We are getting a little tired of this kind of Kafkaesque treatment of people, where vague allegations are made and actions are taken against individuals and organizations,"
Bear in mind...
Cat Stevens detainment happened shortly after 9/11. 

Stevens detainment was criticized by (WHO?)


Stevens detainment was criticized by (WHO?) Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, on the Daily Show.  

But never mind all that...

Lets get back to... THE MALL. 

I'm not saying Moore & Trump aren't creeps, but you guys are (this close) to telling men to cut off their dicks.

For two grab-assy republicans, dems have thrown half of Hollywood under the bus. You've ruined careers. Not the careers of the two republicans, but rather the careers of people you once called your friends.

What's wrong with you people?? 

Hey, did you know there's girls online selling their virginity? You could report about that next. You're only 1400 years behind. Better late than never!

You know what you guys need, Church of Latter Day Saints. 

"You're not religious. Why does that shirt fit you?"

Because... Church of Latter Day Saints.

Until you guys STOP THE MADNESS.... Church of Latter Day Saints.

Actually I just want you to touch my boob. Touch it. Go on. Touch it, damn you!!  (but only if you're famous, and a democrat... and you promise to sign my yearbook.)  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pedophile P.E.D.O (wait lemme check)

Apparently social media has decided the best way to address sexual assault is with verbal assault. 

Good job. Well done. 

Now onto my solution for over-population, cannibalism. If the only thing I manage to accomplish in my senior diplomatic pilgrimage is getting people seriously talking about cannibalism then fuck world peace. I'm old. I've got (maybe) 15 years left before the beginnings of senility or some awful incurable age related disease puts me in the ground. 

I'm just kidding... 

I'll let you decide which part.

Back to verbal assault. 


verbal assault, hysterics, and threats, is apparently how adults now choose to handle conflict. In the beginning it was kind of awesome. People were being creative with their insults, but now it's just boring.  

Hollywood, is it's own bubble. Their line of thinking is so horribly askew, it doesn't matter their politics, or gender, or nationality, or anything tangible, they just want everyone to agree with them the moment they decide to tweet something regardless of evidence, or facts, or reason, or LAW. You know, the law, the thing many men and women willingly educate, defend, and die for. 

No wonder...

After a while some nutty southern blonde chick, drinking 3 buck chuck, armed with a musket, telling Chelsea Handler to go fuck herself, is the best human thing on the internet. I'm talking about BACKWOODS RILEY, dontcha know! Are we friends on FB? Check out her latest video. It's not on youtube. I looked. 

I never thought Chelsea Handler had any talent worth warranting the fact I know who she is. She's not funny, or interesting, or smart, or attractive, or charming, or talented. Why do I know who she is? I shouldn't. But Handler apparently talked shit about Texas and guns, and that made BACKWOODS RILEY mad, rightfully so!

For the record, I love Texas, second to New York, tied with Miami!   

I love BR's rant video regarding democrats and Chelsea Handler, but the best part of that video is the antique shotgun she pulls out at the end! Awesome! Girrrrrrrl, Fort Sumter, called. They want their musket and gun powder back! Talk about an ancient shotgun.

The video is awesome.     

Of all the Hollywood people screaming about guns, how many of them  have actually been shot? No one?? Nobody??

Wanna see my bullet hole? 

It's in my leg. I was a little girl when I got shot. I got shot by a neighbor boy.

I blog about here August 5, 2015

Sure I'd like to never see another gun ever, EVER again, but for as long as it's legal to have guns, it is what is. I'm not going to fight the constitution, or the NRA. It's not MY fight. Pick your battles. I've got what, maybe 15 good years of life left? We already went over this. If YOU have kids...     

Speaking of pedophiles...

One night I was working a local Vegas event, 80's night kind of thing, and a couple came up and started talking me. Beautiful couple. She was an attractive curvy blonde woman with hair in a messy pile a foot off her head but it looked good. She was dressed nice, tons of blingy jewelry, and a killer white pair of Manolo Blahnik, with toe glitter. He was a pretty black man (think Prince, 1989) in an amazing white suit, tons of finger bling, and every hair on his head in perfect place. He was more than pretty, he was gorgeous.

So I'm talking with this couple, old school hip-hop playing in the background, Run DMC, actually, and I don't know what exactly made me admit this but somewhere in my conversation with this couple I said, "Can I tell you guys something? There's a group I really like, actually it's their videos I really like, but they're a young J-pop group."

I've never told anyone about my secret J-pop group. Those of you who hacked into my iphone know who the group is, but I've never (personally) told anyone before. 

"We're totally in K-pop!" they tell me. 

And I'm like, "Really??" (sick-o's!)

In part, the reason why I never told anyone about my J-pop group, is because in some of their earlier videos they look like they're under 18 years old. Under 15 years old. I feel like a dirty old lady. A disgusting dirty, dirty old lady. 

And then this couple tells me, "We love K-pop!" and proceeds to list off a bunch of all-girl and all-guy groups I've never heard of. And then they ask me, "What's the name of the J-pop group you like?"

And so... 

I like seeing men dance who KNOW HOW to dance. It's an ocular turn on. Guys who can dance, that's just cool. In Channing Tatum's case, it's just HOT.     

And even though I'm not the least bit sexually attracted to this J-pop group, I would still never watch their videos in public. I like some of their dance style, I like some of the art direction in a few of their videos, but I'd NEVER youtube their videos in public. 

There's a HUGE sexual double standard when it comes to 15 year old girls and 49 year old male teachers, as opposed to 15 year old boys and 49 year old female teachers. Both are crimes, but lets be honest, we cringe harder when it's the 49 year old male teachers.   

Hollywood was so fast to crucify their own actors, it looked like even Ellen, didn't want to hug her own guests anymore. It's a witch hunt, why, because they want to crucify politicians without looking like hypocrites.     

First of all, WHY is no one talking about these kids parents??

I think that's a legit question. 


I would NEVER defend a rapist, but there are laws in effect that cannot be over turned simply because you don't like them today, or ousting your own actors/comics. 

Child brides. THIS IS NOTHING NEW.

Jerry Lee Lewis married his second cousin and she was 14? or 13?

Ted Nugent got legal custody over a 17 year old girl (with her parents approval) so he could have sex with  her.

Woody Allen (and that's all I need to say)

But Hollywood can't look like a group of hypocrites. If this Republican official, who they all hated before the rape charges (because he's a Republican) is now presumably committing statutory rape, Hollywood will throw their own under a bus to seem fair in their condemnation. WTF is wrong with you, Hollywood??  

And yes I say presumably because there are LAWS. Actual real life judicial laws. 


And you guys still love working with Woody Allen, so...

But because this mess is going on with Hollywood vs Republicans, I feel even creepier watching this J-pop's group's videos. 

You have to ask questions. The only people who will stop you from asking questions, are those who don't want you to know the real truth. The world does not revolve around Hollywood, no matter how hard they try to convince themselves. I'm SO grateful I got out when I did. Hollywood, is a TRAINWRECK of a town. 

Hollywood, only looks out for itself.

Then again what do you expect? Hollywood made a movie about Hollywood saving the world from ultimate terrorism, and then Hollywood tried giving themselves an Oscar for it. Come on! 

I don't care if you HATE republicans. Good for you. You're entitled to your opinion. But you can do it with a little more intellect and sophistication. I wouldn't DARE ask Hollywood to be bipartisan, or educated.

That's right, sarcasm. You guys are acting like dicks. 

Look, creepy old men gawking and playing touchy-feely with young teenage girls, is a matter that needs to be taken up with THAT girl, THAT girl's parents, THAT girl's male relatives and their baseball bats (because according to dems using guns today is a no-no), so maybe law enforcement. Just like when a man goes on national television and looks the nation in the eye and defends, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." I have no idea why he did that, totally stupid and unnecessary, his handlers should have gotten fired, BUT AGAIN it was between HIM and his WIFE, and whatever legal response was needed, regardless if the female he cigar-jammed was 14 or 24. 

Me personally, I just want to be happy.

Trump, pedophiles, guns, none of these things are my fight. I care more about stopping the cruelty of animals.

Pick your battles. 

Who a man fucks... not my teenage daughter... then not my fight. 

Hollywood wants everyone out of their bedrooms, BUT THEN draws as much attention INTO their bedrooms with their politics. Not a very smart group. Way to out George Takei! If you get dirt on Tom Hanks, it's all over.

Hollywood screaming at the top of their lungs... christ almighty... you guys just look like unstable nutjobs.

I don't want unstable nutjobs running this country either! 

If some 13 year old girl's parents approve her marrying a 55 year old man, in the name of the lord, and her parents gives them both their creepy-ass marital blessings... I really couldn't give a shit.


Why do you?      

No really, why do you?

If I dye my hair black again, I'll go back looking like I'm 12 years old.

Will it score me a date with Anthony Weiner?

What?? He's in jail?? I'll wait for you Anthony!!! (I totally made myself laugh just now.)

*I'm 46 years old in this picture.*

There you go professor. A blog for your class. 

p.s. Don't forget the cannibal part. My heart's really into that one. Get it?! Cannibal. Heart. My heart's really into... 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Who wants to tell him?

That his main photo includes a woman who (and her husband) voted for Trump. They’re both hardcore Republicans. Or better yet let’s just put him on display. Check it out kids, this is what hypocrisy looks like! Seriously, what a fucking dumbass. Do your homework first.😂

His tweets are more ridiculous than Trump’s. He’s become that batshit crazy old woman everyone’s waiting to have a nervous breakdown and be committed just so there’s peace in the neighborhood again.

*waits patiently*


If you’re a man, stop griping for women’s rights. We’re not impressed. We’re perfectly capable bitching about shit all on our own. Just be a man. A good man. That’s all we ask.

I’m over it.  Done listening to “men” bitch like little girls. 🙄

Saturday, November 11, 2017

NEVER forget

The good guys. The real heros. I celebrate real MEN. Our military men, our policemen, our firemen, and those men who run, and ran towards danger to help others. Compared to the human population as a whole, you men are WAY too few and far in between. 

If it wasn't for my loved ones, and the AMAZING people I've met out here in Vegas, I would never have been able to start over. Thank you!

Good guys don't get enough credit.

I'm tired of listening to Hollywood women bitch about their casting couch sexual harassment. Have you been reading their bullshit? No bitch. Sexual harassment has been going on for generations. Someone grabbed your pussy? Welcome to the REAL world. That kind of shit happens to REAL women every day. I'm done feeling sorry for these Hollywood twats. Jesus Christ, Rose McGowen, can you tweet one more time how sexual harassment happened to YOU. And how it effected YOU. And how YOU shouldn't have to tolerate sexual harassment. And why those who hurt YOU should get 86'd out of Hollywood for hurting YOU. Hey I know, tell us another story about YOU. What a bunch of phonies.

You know I'm right, Angela.


I'm grateful for the good men I've met out here.

Any time. Don't hesitate to call. I don't forget the people who were good to me. :)

Friday, November 10, 2017


I don't care if you don't like this shirt, Angela! 

Go, Church Of Latter Day Saints! I'm knocking on all your doors next Sunday! 

"Hello. Would you like to experience the power of Christ? Too bad! I have the keys to your house!"

Bet you regret THAT decision now, don't ya.  

Buddhists don't HAVE to read the Bible. But it's allowed. I've read it many times. I own a Bible. I joke about Christianity, because I invested yeeeeeeaaaaars in the religion and then one day realized if you take away the words GOD and JESUS in all the scriptures and passages, the messages still mean the exact same thing. I know. Shocking. 

Why ARE there so many Mormons in Vegas?? 

You do know the power of Vegas is STRONGER than God. A three month mission here will turn your lovely daughter into a fat chain smoking drunk leopard print thong clad stripper, addicted to all you can eat $7.99 buffets and gambling!  

THIS GUY.... This guy needs God. 

He needs God to help him write emails.

Every day is Friday

In Las Vegas. 

Bet you never thought you'd see the day when white men over the age of twenty-five would be the most hated human beings in America? And by EVERYONE not just black people. Even your women hate you. Actually, your women have always hated you, now they're just letting you know.  

Look, everyone gets a turn. And now it's your turn. 

I was in Starbucks, when two corporate (white guys) came in and after hearing them talk for five minutes, I wanted to punch them both in the nose. Apparently something went wrong at the office, in their department, and they were both blaming some woman named Amy, behind her back. -- Don't take their shit, Amy! Don't take it, girl! 

When do all the award shows come out? The Oscars is in 4 months. Let me just say now to all the people of color nominated, congratulations! 
You thought diversity was Hollywood's biggest problem?? Um. No. Still, with all the pedophile cases flying all over everywhere can I ask where the parents were??

I was irritated when I heard Kevin Spacey, was accused. I really like that guy. And while I'm sure this kind of criminal behavior has been going on since the birth of film, after the one-millionth accuser tossed (yet another) famous person into the freak show circus ring, it's like...

I grew up in a VERY small white town in Minnesota. A half dozen Asians, and one black kid who's family moved into the neighborhood, aaaand then moved out a month later. First boy to kiss me looked like an escapee from Village Of The Damned. 

Admittedly, all my girlfriends are white. Whiter than snow. And when it comes to other women of color, (In this country) I get on best with Hispanic/Latin/Spanish women. It's a cultural thing. In other countries I get along with all women.

America, has hard-wired most women in such a way, as if they were taught that being in a relationship filled with jealousy and insecurity is better than being independent and sometimes alone. Some women get what I just said. A lot of women in this country, don't. 

Men in Hollywood were [this close] to being new episodes of SNAPPED and FORENSIC FILES.

Boys are stupid. We've known this kindergarten. Unfortunately they grow up to be stupid men. Not all. But most. Men want women to be 100% independent and not want them for ANYTHING but their dicks. NEWSFLASH!! Women who are 100% independent don't need your dicks. We don't even need you present to get pregnant anymore. Domestically, we really don't NEED you at all. The job of a man in this day and age is to make us WANT you. 

"Hey baby wanna fuck?" 


No I don't. 


You're an idiot. 

Seriously, is that the best you can do? 

I'm available tonight and tomorrow night. 

If the best men can do in the next 48 hours is, "Hey baby wanna fuck?" Then I'm more than happy just hanging out at a lounge, drinking a nice glass of wine, buying my own dinner... ignoring you, and working on the laptop.

P.S. I'm in Las Vegas. I've been in Las Vegas, since July 3rd, 2017. All of my online profiles list me in Las Vegas. Don't be a moron and ask if I'm still in Venice, CA. 

Adult on. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Should just let their social media’s go dark. You’re a man, the most hated group in America, right now. To be politically for or against anything, means you have an opinion, and right now women don’t want to hear your stupid fucking opinions!

If you’re a man in the entertainment industry

Be grateful
Be humble

If you’re an adult store that sells whips ADVERTISE NOW. Advertise like a morherfucker!

Ladies, every woman should own a whip and learn how to use it.

Fuck guns. More whips.

There’s a few goddamn men I’d really like to...

I love social media

It lets you know who’s emails to NEVER return, ever.

That white guy

It’s his job to “support” women of color. He makes money off them. Like a pimp.

Women of color in that industry should work with men of color.

If we insist on dividing this country, let’s do it fairly.

Monday, November 6, 2017

I can be bribed

You guys know every time you visit my little blog I can TOTALLY see into your homes, and...

OMG is that a cheddar, spicy italian sausage, broccoli, egg white frittata??!!  
I'll be right over!!!
(I can also be bribed with a spinach and bacon quiche)  

I've been writing emails all morning and I'm pretty sure I just wrote, 

"... once they try his delicious Eisenweiner..." 

Ok. Hungry now. Someone needs to put their frittata in my face.   

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Darling are we doing this or what?

Today I considered making my first vlog. In truth I like playing with my new phone cam. It's not even close to a GoPro Hero6, but it is more expensive thus I feel obligated to play with it... until I break it. 

I'll get into more of that later.

But first... 

Non-Sommeliers call themselves wine consultants. Today I don myself a wine consultant. Wine consultants don't have the prestige that comes with being a somm, but you get 100% more freedom to be a dung-hole sans narciss-reputa. You know what I'm saying? No? I'm just talking out of my ass again? (sigh) I've been doing this fish abortion of a blog since 2013. Get used to it.

Las Vegas, is a tricky town for wine. Outside of the strip, outside of Summerlin, outside of Henderson, it's not easy finding good wine, or even half decent palatable wine. Wild Horse, Acacia, Coppola, Hess? Not off the strip you don't! We're lucky if we get Gnarley Head, Bogle, and Mark West! Vons grocery stores DO NOT sell the same quality of wine out here that's sold in Los Angeles. NOT EVEN CLOSE. It's frustrating. 

And the corner liquor stores? Don't EVEN get me started! If you need a 40 oz., a box of six tampons for $25, and a slot machine, they got you covered. Otherwise, hike your butt on down to the strip. 


I don't trust Yelp. Not for a second. I couldn't care less what 21 year old Tracy Von Cinnamon De'Helk, of Boulder City, thinks of the wine list at Buca Di Beppo. Like she knows what grapes are used to make Pinot Noir, to begin with? Umm. No. Shut up. 

I like reading Yelp reviews out loud in silly little voices. I'm sure the other customers at Starbucks appreciate the entertainment. They're all, "What the... oh... it's just that poor retarded pseudo Asian girl again."

Back to the vlog.

Like most writers, I have zero (stand in front of the class) verbal skills. Zero. None. Nada. I just say what's in the immediate brain-think and hope words form into at least semi recognizable sentences. (But I can writes you some mean ass speeches!)  

It's just, a vlog from time to time makes it more personal, right? I started and stopped the video camera many, many times today.

This too is Vegas. It's just down the street from me actually. I started the cam, but then a car needed to go down the street. 

Mountains. You know what mountains look like.

Moving on... 

I had to go into Town Square, this morning, which passes the infamous "Welcome To Vegas" sign, which also happens to be where the 58 murdered are currently memorialized. My plan was, upon my return from Town Square, stop at the memorial and make my vlog.

I again started the camera here, at the beginning of the black signs in between Town Square, and Mandalay Bay. But the traffic was so loud... 


So at the street meridian where the "Welcome To Vegas" sign is, I started my camera again, but the wind out of nowhere just started gusting every time I hit play

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

Take 5

Take 6

Fuck it.

Photos of the memorial. 

In truth, it wasn't a sad somber experience. People were united, compassionate, awkward smiles at each other trying to feel ok with being survivors, alive, and... just... embracing all the kindness and warmth we could from each other and the memorial, the memories...  Not letting anger and sorrow win.

And just then, everyone's phone started flashing news about the Texas church massacre. 

I mean...

There was nothing to say. Nothing to BE said. What now could we possibly say?? 

I'm a Buddhist (for it's philosophical properties). 

I wholly believe man is responsible for himself. 

I don't like guns. I don't own a gun. I don't want to own a gun. I don't want guns in my house. But to solely blame guns is a band-aid on a large scale GAPING psychological wound. 

Either by products of environment, or design, human beings are being re-wired. No one pays attention. There is no US. It is you and your electronics. I'm guilty of it too! But like I said on FB, I pay attention. I can tell when the early morning lady cashier at the grocery store is about to get on her period! I know when to compliment her hair.

AK rifles are the effect. Ok fine, do away with them if you think you can. Regardless, we need to nip the CAUSE or AK rifles will just be replaced with more rented trucks, or suicide bombers, or...

We have to start paying attention!