Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Musk, what a goof. 


This is such a good blog. 😏

Stories of an AIRBNB HOUSE and other tales.



That's my gal. I love her so very much. 


We need to do better.

What the serious fuck is that idiot Musk doing? 😂



JD Vance and his millennial Christian militia are waging war on Atheists, and Agnostics like me. Suck a dick. 1992 called, The Cure want their eyeliner back. 

Any time you want to prove you're more knowledgeable than me on the subject of Christianity, Vance, I'll get in the ring. Just because I choose to be agnostic doesn't mean I don't know the religion. I'm writing a book about it. It's a horror story. It always is. 



During COVID I received exactly $219 a month in aid while big wealthy corporations received millions and millions. I had a stroke in 2021 and still paid more taxes than Trump. Next time, just eat the rich. I'm pretty sure our knife skills could dice every piece of them into an air fryer. 


I'm playing a game with the Airbnb millennials in the house called "Let's see how long it takes them".


Pro tip: When staying in an Airbnb house with other renters do not fill the house with pot smoke (in a smoke free environment) and do not sneak in a second person when you only paid for one, because then when you want to extend your stay guess what, the homeowner isn't going to let you because you pissed me and the housekeeper the fuck off. 



Elon Musk, what a goof. 


Shit. Today's Wednesday. I shouldn't blog on my phone. 


Gen X'ers are feeling our mortality hard lately as legendary loved ones we grew up with have died. As the joke goes, our generation's conversations went from comparing Metallica concerts to now comparing medical ailments and prescriptions. (Sigh) I'm determined to not make every day repeat itself. To start, today is movie-Tuesday in Vegas. Movies on Tuesdays are quite cheap here. Instead of the average $18 they're between $5-$9 and while I have a half dozen streaming platforms with some of my favorite movies now streaming, I'm going to see a movie in the theater today. Get out of the heat. Get away from the VP debate fighting. Get away from life's grind for a little while. Look, you're either for the American people and a better future... or you're for the POS orange moron and his side chick who wears too much eyeliner. 

Cat ladies unite, and vote! ✊🏻



What do you mean? I'm sure Missing Malania is verrrry happy. Why look at the bliss on the former first lady's face. I'm sure she jerks the orange balloon for free. 


Walz is a man. A Midwest man who can fix anything, make anything, and needs an entire garage for all his tools. 

Vance... is a little boy who pulls on girls' hair for attention. 


Are we taking bets at what time in the VP debate Walz makes Vance cry like a little girl? Because if there's one thing Midwesterners are good at it's being super chill whilst making someone we don't like cry. 


When I had my medical stuff last week I received a flu shot and was really sick the following two days. Luckily I felt better by yesterday because at 7am I found a note taped to the house by the front door saying they were shutting off the water from 9am-to noon. Oy. I wasn't sticking around in a shared bathroom situation with no running water. So I was out and about until 2pm. 

Today my legs are just killing me. 

Thankfully it was "only" 98⁰ out yesterday. 

My next-door neighbor put up a tiny tiny Trump sign within reach of his outside cams. What's the point of putting up a lawn sign by your garage. What's the point of lawn signs. Seriously. No one else gives a shit who you vote for. All you're doing is making waste that won't break down for 100 years. Just wear a Trump tee-shirt to inform the world what a POS you are. Trump isn't a Republican or a Christian. He's a self serving moron-puppet for the 1%. If you don't have a billion dollars, why are you voting for him. He don't care about you. You can continue being a white racist and get affordable health care with Harris/Walz. 

I'm a 1980's Republican. The only thing that separated us from Democrats back then was government spending. That's it. Republicans left abortion alone once it was made law because back then Republicans respected the law. They cared about family. They cared about education. Sure, Republicans were Christians back then too, but we didn't care if you were. Be a heathen. It's your soul. 

2024 MAGAT Trumpers are not Republicans. They're a cult. If you don't have billions and are still voting for him just because you're a racist, well then not only are you a racist but you're a stupid racist with no future healthcare or retirement social security. Dumb. 😐


Ha! Right! 👇🏻



They are a group of Ayn Rand self serving - that's a different blog. Not the least bit Christian. Not a single one of them. I could quote a RHCP song swapping a few words out and replacing them with a "Hail Mary" here and a "Praise Jesus" there and Trump would not know the difference between Anthony Kiedis and the Bible. Most Americans who claim to be Christians wouldn't be able to. 


If you still have Netflix please watch The Family. This Documentary shows you at surface level just how much religion plays politics - and your lives whether you want it to or not. I've written about Christianity several times here. I'm from a very small 1970's and 80's Midwest prairie town with woods immediately on one side of me and acres and acres of farms on the other. Religion was air and water. Now in 2024 my hometown isn't that little house on prairie world anymore and most of the people I formed characters around are dead now. So naturally I feel comfortable writing about it. My book breaks down philosophies, definitions, and hardcore belief systems that I do not doubt exist still to this day. Watch this documentary. It's horrifying. More importantly, this belief system is still very much in practice.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024




They are a group of Ayn Rand self serving - that's a different blog. Not the least bit Christian. Not a single one of them. I could quote a RHCP song swapping a few words out and replacing them with a "Hail Mary" here and a "Praise Jesus" there and Trump would not know the difference between Anthony Kiedis and the Bible. Most Americans who claim to be Christians wouldn't be able to. 


If you still have Netflix please watch The Family. This Documentary shows you at surface level just how much religion plays politics - and your lives whether you want it to or not. I've written about Christianity several times here. I'm from a very small 1970's and 80's Midwest prairie town with woods immediately on one side of me and acres and acres of farms on the other. Religion was air and water. Now in 2024 my hometown isn't that little house on prairie world anymore and most of the people I formed characters around are dead now. So naturally I feel comfortable writing about it. My book breaks down philosophies, definitions, and hardcore belief systems that I do not doubt exist still to this day. Watch this documentary. It's horrifying. More importantly, this belief system is still very much in practice.    



I don't hate kids. I just hate the way some of you, most of you, raised your kids to be spoiled self entitled nefros.

BOOMERS: "No one can screw up the English language more than Gen X."

GEN X: "No one can screw up the English language more than Millenials."

MILLENNIALS: "The English language can't be screwed up any more than it is!"

GEN Z: "Challenge accepted!"



My pretend internet girlfriend is eating a crab boil which I am dying to do also. One day. One day when I can come to terms with spending $80-$100 for (the SMALL shrimp version) seafood and corn on the cob. 


I'm going to buy the stinkiest kimchi I can find tomorrow to combat this nefro's nasty pot smoke. I can't wait until the cunt leaves.


Nefros. 🤮 Amiright? Young nefros and their hair weaves and pot smoking. I legit could beat this nefro bitch to death with this brick of a cell phone and make this stupid brick 🧱 useful for once. No one raised Gen X'er s but we still managed to be  afraid of diseases. Not nefros. Dirty filthy bitches. Like these assholes...

Also dirty filthy bitches. And they have the audacity to call her "comrade Harris" ? These bitches are Putin's comrades. 



Oh no. Maggie Smith reportedly died. And I just watched (film) Keeping Mum just last night. How sad. Truly sad. I really love her movies. I hope she felt fulfilled. I hope she knew she was a success. I hope she was happy. Really happy. It's going to be a Maggie Smith movie night. Rest in peace dear lady. 

Some of my favorite actors are in this movie.



Not all heroes wear capes. 😏


This. This right here. And let's also add that social security disability has been deducted from our paychecks since FOREVER. I've been earning official paychecks since I was 16 years old, working since I was 14, I'm 55 now. That's my money they're withholding for no reason. If social security can't get their shit together then those government employees shouldn't have jobs. Either give us our money you've deducted from our paychecks when we have, oh I dunno, a stroke, or your jobs should be cut. I say no to people all the time and I'm not getting paid - and neither should you.



I was away for a few days dealing with very unpleasant medical stuff, and in my absence the nice chill dude who was renting the room to my right checked out apparently and a group of kids checked in - who all smoke pot like 24/7 apparently. I hate the smell of pot. It's awful. They make edibles, kids. Eat edibles! Smoking (any drug) is the white man's grocery chain ramen of drugs. Doesn't anyone snort coke anymore? 

Missouri executed Marcellus Williams. To the people saying executions are wrong - no, they are not. Personally, I think if public displays of humiliation (like the stocks) made a comeback after being found guilty of committing misdemeanors, first offenses, etc. we probably wouldn't need the death penalty as much - only because some people are into humiliation that's why I said, "as much". Take Clay Higgins for example, don't censure him, throw him in the stocks out in public somewhere. I was going to say make him do the town walk of shame naked, but in all honesty, he seems like the kind of guy who would enjoy it. The most bunged up Republicans are generally hardcore closet pervert or so I heard.  

JD Vance is being a moron again. Shocker, I know. There's a TikTok of him going viral again of him blaming (*sigh*) car seats as reason why people aren't having children as much these days. He's such an idiot. What sane woman would marry such a goddamn buffoon. I'm beginning to think Usha Vance's father forced her to marry JD after she disgraced herself with him. I mean, none of it makes sense. I wouldn't let that bum buy me a cup of coffee.


I want to go back to sleep. Only I can't because these goddamn kids in the room next door are smoking pot 24/7. It's giving me a headache.

Do smokeless drugs! Be an adult!






I'm writing a book about religious fervor and how modern Christians willing to incite civil war over what they proclaim is their God given right to enforce upon all - could not tell you the difference between 10 biblical passages vs ten passages I just made up. I have seen religious hysteria on a scale equivalent to Waco before Waco. It is violent, cruel, but most importantly it is believed to be Bible based no matter how incorrectly preached. Humans do this with everything -  religion, politics, money, even gyms. The hysteria is real. And for this Jesus died on the cross?

Jesus once said, "Proceed to judgement. By my soul I swear there is no power in the tongue of man to alter me. I stay here on my bond."
No wait. That was Shakespeare. My bad.

False idols. We could have been a simple happy species but instead we have taxes and car insurance 

How do I know if stress coloring is helping? Meh. Pretty pictures nonetheless.


Sweet 💕 


When you wake up to use the bathroom and can't get back to sleep. 



Hair weave girl is gone BUT her black hair dye remains... in the washing machine. She washed clothes last night and because you have to use your own detergent, which she probably didn't have, she just ran her stuff through the washing machine using only water from the machine. I did laundry just now and there's black spots all over my two white shirts. The housekeeper saw this and said her sheets also had black spots all over them. This is why people don't wear white. Welp, it's almost October now so dark clothes are fine. So annoying. So very annoying.      

My cell phone says 4:55m. My laptop says 4:52m.

And the internet says... 4:56pm. Fantastic.

Everyone is gone. Checked out. All the rooms. Currently it's just me, the housekeeper, and the guy carrying a new mattress up the stairs. Not my room. I love my mattress.   

Thank goodness Ms. Hair Weave is gone. She was the worst. Filthy. It's her mattress they're changing out right now. I can't even imagine. 


Ten toe beans be still my heart 💘





First, I want to talk to you about gut health. About three days ago I was having some pain from just under my breasts to my belly button. That's your gut, right? I was severely bloated, I had sharp stabbing pains on my side, and my heart was racing like crazy for two days. I looked at reputable online medical websites who suggested eating yogurt and kimchi (not together of course) which I had in the house to casually eat over time, only now I just power wolfed it down with brown rice and quinoas, and granola cereal with nuts and raisins... three hours and five-bathroom trips later, bloating and pain gone. Like a cat with hairball medicine. My gut area is flat again. Don't say you don't learn stuff here. As a kid, aside from chicken pox and measles, I rarely ever got sick, and I think it's because where I grew up, I ate a German diet with tons of vegetables and sauerkraut. I put sauerkraut on everything. Fermented cabbage is super healthy for your gut. I didn't know until now just how healthy. Koreans eat tons of kimchi, and their stomachs are flat. I eat it too, not regularly but like a few days a month. Well now I'm keeping fermented cabbage in the house all the time, along with yogurt. I eat pretty healthy on the daily with cheat days, but I guess at my age bile backup as a thing even with a fish and vegetable diet. Who knew. And the harder your gut area has to work, the harder your heart has to work. 

Maybe my doctor knows what he's talking about after all. But did he even suggest the pain and heart palpitations could be caused by backed up bile in my gut, no. Instead, he said gave me emergency mental health hotline numbers. No kidding. I need a new doctor. An older woman doctor. Sorry fellas, you don't know a goddamn thing about women's bodies. You just don't. 

On the plus side, Ms Hair Weave checks out tomorrow morning. I cannot wait. I went into the upstairs communal bathroom this evening and her goddamn hair was everywhere again. In the sink, on the floor, in the bathtub. Housekeeping was here yesterday morning and cleaned the bathroom after I scrubbed the bathroom the day before. How the hell were you raised, hon. Were your parents pigs? What's going on here? Plus, they don't flush the toilet. How can you live this way? I feel sorry for any children she brings into the world. They're going to be filthy sick babies. 

There's a new (European white) couple in the room to my right. Lets hope they're clean. She at least sprays the bathroom with vanilla spray after she uses it, I can smell it in the hallway. So at least that's a good sign. 

I'm not hyper clean but I do have some hypochondria in me which makes me anal retentive. I hate hair in my bed. My hair has grown out past my shoulders and when I see it in my bed, I immediately pluck the hairs off my sheets and throw in the trash. My own hair grosses me out. 

So now that my gut has cleared up, I can finally leave the house again. get off the internet for a while. 

There was actually a guy who "liked" me on one of my vanilla date apps and while I thought he was really cute, same age as me, he's also a musician and yes, it's super judgy, I don't want to deal with an immature musician. My loss, I accept it. I can't be with a man whose life is on hold because he's still waiting to be a self-absorbed rockstar. I need an adult. A grown responsible man who is on the retirement minded side of life like me. Not someone struggling with a post-midlife crisis still thinking he's 25 years old. Judgy, yes, I know. No musicians. No-any-guy attention whore who needs other women in his life to feel like a man. Nope. been there. Done that.    



[Start rant]

Dear black people women, when sharing a bathroom with other people DO NOT do your hair in the bathroom. That includes glitter, hair weaves, brushing your weaved hair out in the bathtub - because apparently y'all feel entitled for someone else to clean up your mess. You leave HAIR EVERYWHERE, in the tub, in the sink, on the floor, in the toilet even, everywhere but in the actual garbage pail. It's nasty as fuck. MEN, any time you find a woman with weaved hair attractive, come on over and I'll show you what the bathroom looks like after they get ready. Brown stains in the shower, three inches of hair everywhere... anytime you think a woman is beautiful, go check out her bathroom sometime when she's not expecting you. Women are gross as fuck. Just as gross as men. Grosser. TWO DAYS AGO, I clean the communal upstairs bathroom, and just now I had to clean it all over again before I could shower. WTF you nasty bitches. It's called hygiene! 

[End rant]


After getting a solid 10 hours of sleep I feel so much better. I don't know what was causing my heart to race like that past two days. It could be my thyroid (I take a prescription for), something I ate though all I ate was a shrimp salad made at home, who knows. 

Back to writing. My Twitter account is mostly outdoor photos I share among photo communities but my timeline also has these epic poli-tweets. Magat 2024 are scumbags, all of them. They're a disgrace to the Republican party. 

JD Vance is an embarrassment to manhood. No decent woman would marry or breed with that laughingstock. I think Trump only keeps him around to ensure he wouldn't be assassinated but that would require thought and logic which he doesn't possess.



My primary doctor said it's just anxiety. He swears it's all in my head. The rapid heart beat, the shortness of breath, the sharp stabbing pain in my chest and sides, he said is all in my head. Not real, he said. Phantom pain. When the arm cuff displays a broken heart symbol meaning irregular heart beat, my primary said it's nothing. So for the past two hours I've been trying to meditate this pain in my chest away. It's not real. It feels real. 

I'm only supposed to stress color one a week but so far this week:

t's not real pain. It's all in my head. I'm not having heart problems. It's all in my head he said. 

My chest really hurts.



Since I had to scrub the bathroom after three other grown ass adults, I went and got the stinkiest, the smelliest goddamn kimchi and ginger, and now the whole house smells like my delicious but super stinky-funky kimchi.  

See, I can make people suffer too. 😏



NO ONE believes someone tried to assassinate Trump. Not then. Not now. It's all Trump trying to get his voters riled up. He's a piece of shit. Full stop. 


Again? WTF is wrong with this guy. 5150. Jesus. 


Busy day. Here are some of my favorite tweets. 😏


The MAGAT Republicans are at it bright and early. Crackerjack campaign strategy. 👍🏻


So just out of curiosity YouTube has anyone there ever seen the movie Ransom? 

Not. A. Comedy. 😬


I haven't been called racist in a long while but all that's about to change right now. There's always ONE problematic AIRbnb room in this house and once again, it's the cursed room to the left of me. 9:10 it's a young black couple. They leave THE biggest messes in the bathroom, the female has left scary AF looking hairballs that look like giant ass spiders all over the hallway and bathroom, and they're the ones who kept locking the iron screen door to the house (of which no one has a key). So, anyone trying to get into the house after they lock it, welp, they're fucked. But I fixed the problem. Now you can't lock the screen door. I duct tape the lock. Fucking problems in one room every single guest turn-over. PLUS, it's a young male/female couple where she leaves the house wearing barely a washcloth at 11pm at night 😒 and they ho-stroll back into the house at 5am and shower. Like, we can hear everything. All the bedrooms are upstairs, and the shower is upstairs. The bedroom doors are jammed right next to each other. So when people act like a dick and slam their bedroom door 15 times an hour, WE ALL HEAR IT. Every. Single. Slam. White people never do this. White people at least have problem solving skills. Please send your HATE MAIL HERE  


I went out this morning for groceries and when I came back the black guy in the problematic room apologized for locking the screen door. It's like, bro, you couldn't figure it out for yourself if you lock the screen door to the house other guests can't back in?? ESPECIALLY after the big ass giant sign that says DO NOT LOCK SCREEN DOOR. Fucking hell.

I'm in a bad mood.

I'm going to write... Read my Bible... Chill the fuck out. 


Someone fucked with the lock to the garage and broke it. 😒 And so now the homeowner has to come to the house and realign the garage door opener/security code. 

I treat this house like my house because I stay here. These guys come and go but I stay here, so it's my home away from home and I treat it as such. 

And as far ho-strolling in and out of the house, get hotel rooms for that, people. Don't ho-down in someone's house with other guests staying there. Get a hotel room and ho-down there. That's the courteous thing to do. These ho's today, no attire, no style, no class, they have no idea what discretion is. Fucking disgraceful. Maybe if I start beating people with my Bible, they'll see the errors of their ways? I already added a Prologue to my book and killed a Trump style politician, I guess now I'm adding yet another chapter I didn't intend on. I can't smother them to death in real life, but I can sure murder the fuck out of them in my book. 

You know the story of how (film empire) PURGE first came to be, right? I got the same vibes. 


Maybe Etta Farrell should keep her mouth shut and leave band business up to, oh I dunno, the band. Perry Farrell acted like a bitch and got slapped like the little bitch EVERYONE and their mothers know him to be. The fact Jane's Addiction have (any) fans still is amazing. AND MAYBE the reason why no one could hear Farrell sing is because WE'RE ALL OLD especially him. Farrell "cried and cried after the incident" Yoko Ono said afterwards. 'Cuz he's a little bitch? Yea, I'm going with because he's a little bitch.  

We need to start dragging parents and dragging wives. Was Colt Gray's mother also arrested? If not, go arrest her ass! Arrest her and charge her with everything Colin Gray was charged with. ARREST HER! 

If that asshole J.D. Vance and his haggard wife want people to breed then they can also go to fucking jail with the murdering fucktard they raised. NOT SORRY.

I've had it up [to here] with bitches this morning and it's not even 6am. 



When bitches don't read the giant DO NOT LOCK SCREEN DOOR signs. 😂🤣

Yes my duct tape is pink. I wish the homeowner would just take the screen door off. He doesn't hand out keys to the screen door for obvious reasons. Airbnb guests would just take off with them and as you can see this is an iron door. 


Exactly. Children are innocent. Until they turn 18 we need to fend for them. At the very least this country needs to clothe, feed, and shelter them. The kids. The parents on the other hand... Hmm. 


DO NOT LOCK THE SCREEN DOOR. Jesus fucking Christ. How big do the signs need to be. DO NOT LOCK THE SCREEN DOOR. And they keep fucking locking it. I was informed the garage door lock is now broken so you can't even get in through the garage door. If I had gone out tonight and someone locked the screen door so I couldn't get back in I would legit fucking smother someone. I'm in such a shit mood right now. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE. Rhetorical question. I hate these people sometimes. I really do. 


DO NOT LOCK SCREEN DOOR. Big ass sign and what does at least one person a week do, locks the goddamn screen door. They lock out other guests. DO NOT LOCK SCREEN DOOR. Nope. They lock the screen door. 

I was going to go out but now I'm irritated. It's a good thing I didn't have a date because I would have canceled. Fucking people. 


Perry Farrell shoved Dave Nevarro while on sta... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Way to disappoint your fans, guys. Good job. 

I'm back at it, Manhunt 2024. Apparently, Facebook is the hub of where the local fellas are. I got [this close] to saying yes for a date but every time a guy puts on his profile, "I'm pro second amendment" it's like can we at least meet first and see if we can stand being around each other for 30 minutes before you throw in the second amendment. Holy shit. I'm not trying to take away your guns, bro. I just want a nice man in my life who isn't all immediately in my face with two fists of machismo. We're in our 50's, relax kitten. Smile. Be a person. It's okay to say you like long walks on the beach. I do too.    



Bitch please. 🙄 And that idiot wonders why he can't get a gaming license. 

"Don't drag the wives."

Oh imma dragging them bitches! What submissive ho so desperate to be married, she married that


I'm busy writing my book. Today's blog brought to you by my favorite tweets this week. 



All that grumbling I did over ice cream. I got another small carton of ice cream, brought it back to my room, had four bites and was totally over it. 😁 I want what I want when I want it. (sigh)

This is funny. 

I added a prologue to my book. 

You shouldn't have yelled at the children, sir. You never know who's watching. 


I'm still lamenting my Choco chip ice cream that got left behind at Walmart two days ago. ☹️ I mistakingly went after 10am when it was packed. As you scan your items at the self scanners the mega line of people behind you scream at you to go faster in a life or death threatening way. Crazy shit. One guy called a woman fat and threatened to beat her. Yeah, crazy shit. So I ended up accidentally leaving my ice cream behind. And right now I really want it. I only go to Walmart when I'm getting a ton of stuff and even then no later than 7:30am but, how bad could it be to go later I thought. Pretty goddamn bad let me tell you. Never again. 

I'm genuinely surprised that the only two psychiatrists who cooperate with the media regarding crimes like school shootings are whacko professional media spokespeople. As in they consult talk shows more than clients. Where are the legit psychiatrists? 

Anyway, back to writing... And waiting for dawn to pick up some dang ice cream. 

I'll be so happy when the people in the master bedroom leave. They're a young Airbnb couple with a baby who are just screwing up any chance of a healthy childhood for that poor kid. 





Oh dear. Screaming at the local children to get the fuck off your bus, not good, not good. 

Pro-tip, never scream at the locals when you're in a remote part of the country. You never know when your car might break down. 


Yesterday's high steppin' gave me a great night's sleep. I'm sore AF this morning but I needed that workout.

I have to do my weekly stock up on groceries and supplies but now that the weather is cooling down, I also have more options as to when I can go. Before, it was "get in, get out, get home" by 8am or be scorched by the sun and heat. But these days I can actually run errands a little later in the morning thank goodness. My sleep can get back on track. That is, when the house lets me. 

A recap for the newbies around here, I rent a room month-to-month directly from the homeowner in an airbnb house. I'm not airbnb but the other three bedrooms in the house are. And with each new turnover of guests approximately every 4-14 days there's always one goddamn room that's problems. Today, that problem room is the master bedroom. They are a young couple with what sounds like an infant. The baby cries and squeals and squeaks like a baby, just no words yet and this young couple is up with that baby all hours day and night, smoking pot, running through the house, up and down the stairs, dragging that poor baby along with them. I feel bad for that kid. There is no regularity or routine for that baby. The last mom and child who stayed here was amazing. She was a great mom. This new couple, one of them is going to end up in jail one day. Mark my words.

I've decided to add a scene to my book. It happens early on, an unsavory politician's tour bus traveling through the Midwest farmlands breaks down... and nothing good comes of it. 

Off to shower and hit the market. 



Rest in peace Darth Vader. 😔


Maybe it's time for some scumbag politicians to take a wrong turn down that dirt road with the abandoned farmhouse I'm currently writing about. 🌽👹🌽


All's I'm saying is.... Autumn 🍁👹🥮


Just hammering away on my book. What kind of book am I writing you ask? Well...

I'm from a rather unknown Midwest state called Minnesota. Not much is known about that state publicly I've come to realize except the future vice president is currently governor there, the movie Fargo, and a little myth people call, "Minnesota nice". We're not really "nice" people, we're just super chill. 

Outsiders: "OMG did you know that farm across the road has a slaughter barn!"

Us: "Yep."

Outsiders: "Did you know there still blood-stained tools inside of it like saws and meat hooks?"

Us: "Yep."

Outsiders: "Did you know everyone says it's haunted?"

Us: "Yep."

Outsiders: "Did you know in 1964 a farmer butchered his wife in the slaughter barn?"

Us: "Yep. Guessing that's why folks think it's haunted."

Outsiders: "That doesn't freak you out?"

Us: "Nope. Staying for supper?"

We're just chill about supernatural and/or murder-y things. No idea why. Maybe because we grew up knowing there was a very strong possibility some of us in my high school graduating class may not live long enough to see 10th grade - from dad's letting their ten-year-olds steer while he's drinking, driving and smoking a cigarette, to parents not knowing where their kids are all summer, to 20 below zero winters and ten-foot snowdrifts, to every kid crossing a lake that isn't completely frozen overto kids all getting guns by the time we're twelve, to that one completely batshit crazy insane neighbor guy with a dozen animal heads on spikes displayed in his front yard who everyone calls "eccentric". Indeed, some of us kids were not going to make it, and we accepted it. 

Movies like Children of the Corn, that's how us kids in the 70's grew up playing. "Let's pretend we sacrifice all the adults to the demon that lives in our cornfields!" Full on plastic animal masks and axes. 

We all saw many unexplained things out in those cornfields. And as we enter my favorite time of year, autumn, the mood of my writing has also gone into ghostly tales of that one abandoned farmhouse and barn that myself, Laura, her boyfriend David, our friend Shelly, and a boy named Adam, used to hang out in. There was a rope swing, just a long-knotted piece of thick rope attached to a ceiling beam in the hay loft you could swing in and out of the barn on. If you let go of that knot swing as you swung out of the barn you would surely die or be crippled for life. It's amazing how many of my friends and I survived childhood.


Back to writing. 



Hard at work stomping away at my book. I want three solid chapters to send out for financial backing or a publisher. They say one is enough but I'm just so eager to have people read this. 

I don't write like a typical writer. This is my format. This is how I write. I want what I'm putting out there to stay with you and not get lost among a mass of long paragraphs. Writers write because they have something to say. I want what I have to say to stay with you. 




Did JD Vance just say school shootings are a fact of life? He did. He did that motherfucker. He legit told American parents to accept school shootings as a fact of life. THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Wake up. Wake up. Wake the fuck up! This is not healthy. WTF is going on here. 



Charge Colt Gray's parents (or whoever his guardian/s are) with murder also. Colt Gray is reportedly 14 years old. Charge his parents with murder!

What kind of book am I writing? I've mentioned Ed Gein twice now. Karl Tanzler, once. Look, humans could have been docile loving creatures eating fruit and vegetables, occasional fish and game, but no, we turned into beings with taxes and car insurance. WHY? In Georgia it's been reported that a 14-year-old kid in Georgia killed two students and two teachers. Are his parents going to be charged with murder also? They absolutely should. 

Back in the 70's violent crime was reported without sensationalism. Today it's a news blip like a social media short for likes. It used to be in depth news coverage and now it's like welp some kid somewhere shot up his school, killed 4 people, and now on to the weather. Wait! I have questions. We all have questions! Where are the parents? How did he get ahold of a gun? Why did he shoot up his school? Are there any credible child psychiatrists available to cover this story with the news? Putting a kid in jail without rehabilitation is pointless. You might as well keep him in jail. The problem is that humans now have the shortest attention spans ever. Do you even care WHY this kid shot up his school? Understanding where you are now you have to first understand where you've been. I'm 55 years old and I just learned why I have a nervous condition. As a little girl I was raised in a house of drama. Smart, as in aware, as I thought I've always been since becoming an adult, I didn't realize until recently that the world never made sense to me unless there was constant drama going on. I could never stand still. "I need problems, always!" Only now at 55 years of age am I learning how to live without drama and enjoy it. Take for example Carry Bradshaw, Sex and the City, treated Aiden like shit because he had his life together and wanted good things for himself and for her, and while Carry might think she needed the drama of Mister Big to be satisfied, in actuality her need for drama stemmed from her childhood. She was raised in a house of unrest AND THAT is what my book is about. Not Carry Bradshaw, but what happens when you need more pain and suffering in your life because you never disconnected the toxic wiring that was put in you as a child.

I firmly believe you become what you think is the right way to live by how you were raised. Now, I've argued that you can stop living dramatic harmful cycles by tuning in, by being aware and mindful of your surroundings, but that's not enough. You also have to go deep into your childhood to disconnect the harmful wires that weren't placed there naturally. The harmful psychological wires that thrive on destructive drama and pain. You have to locate those wire and disconnect them carefully without blowing yourself up. Put aside politics, go deeper, can't this 14-year-old kid in Georgia still be saved? Clearly something and/or someone made this kid. Made him thoughtless, made him disconnected with violence, made him unaware and/or uncaring of consequence, and at 14 years of age his brain hasn't matured into adulthood. He's still soft and mushy. While paying for his crimes can he also be saved?  

I have questions. We all have questions. We need answers. 

As a child my dad sent me to child psychiatrists to ensure the abuse I suffered at the hands of his wife wasn't going to permanently damage me. Well, it did. Add to that, the psychiatrists told my dad I wasn't the one who should be in therapy, his wife should be and that was never going to happen. Back in the day parents beat their kids within an inch of their lives, and it was called parenting. My dad's wife, not my mom, was horribly uneducated, unread, anti-social, jealous of everyone, and only knew how to react and not to act independently. She had no desire to live. No friends. No life. She had no ability to converse with anyone. My dad only married her because he got her pregnant. I don't know what her psychological conditions were but there had to have been several of them. 

As a teenager, I read somewhere that non "true blood" babies born during Nazi Germany were then test subjects. Nurses would purposely withhold all emotional contact to see what kind of child he or she would grow up to be. To see if even though they would never receive love would they still want love. Nurses would stutter among the older children to see if they would also stutter and if any of them would come to realize they didn't have to. Regarding the experiments I mentioned, no, none of them children wanted love, knew how to love, wanted to show love, and all of them stuttered until the day they horribly died.

I was never a huge fan of George Carlin, but I remember one bit where he said, "If we still called it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (instead of all the pretty little names they've called it since) maybe those military service people could get the help they actually need." Indeed. Amen.

The only reason to ban books is to ban knowledge. Just remember that.

It's one thing to throw in an adult subject matter warning, I'm all for that, but it's another thing entirely to say we're now going to control what you read and how you think and feel. It's another thing entirely to want to control emotions and psychological wiring of not just other people but entire continents of people. That's what abusive parents do.   

I want better for the kids.

I want parents to do better.

I want society to be better.

I want kids to read books and know that "Once upon a time in a land far far away" is just that and nothing more. I want kids to read the last page and go, "That was awesome!" and then go outside and play with their friends. Society has to give kids that. We owe them that. Kids deserve that safety and freedom. 

The book I'm writing isn't for children and if they want to put an 18 and older censorship sticker on it, I'm 100% good with it. 

Any politician who wants to ban books and blogs and reading in general doesn't want a free society. They want drone followers. How can anyone vote for this? Why would anyone allow themselves to be turned into a drone? 



No but I say give Ukraine whatever they want to knock Putin's dick in the dirt! 

We should have given Ukraine whatever they wanted on day one.


Who's ready for some pumpkin spice lattes? I had my first one last year and liked it. I'm a Midwest hot apple cider gal but pumpkin spice is a nice respite.

I'm going to post the first chapter of my book online. Try drumming up interest. This isn't the kind of book that's going to be on any best sellers list. I'm not trying for that. It's a book for those who know what it means to physically claw through warpaint, rain, and muck to get what you want. It's a book for those who know what sweat, blood, and tears taste like and not just yours. It's unedited. I'm a writer not an editor. If you can read Bukowski, you can read my book. I make Christian references right out the gate. Even if you're not religious you'll know it's a Christian reference which you can always Google later, unless of course you've been living under a rock all your life and in that case just go back under. This book ain't for you. 

For the lazy PST readers, I'll give you this:

Chapter one starts with Adam. The Bible recognizes only two Adams. 1) Adam and Eve. God's first try and then later declares he fucked up that Adam and tries again with... 2) The son of God, Jesus, who is the ultimate and final Adam. However, as you religious rebels and philosophers know all man born from Adam is also called Adam. Millions and millions of Adams but there are only two in the Bible that matter, one of shame, and one of ultimate holy glory. All the other Adams can basically fuck off. My book starts with one of the Adams who was told his life was inconsequential. 

My book isn't a war with religion. Not at all. Once upon a time religion was very important to me. I have owned about a dozen Bibles since I was like 6 or 7 years old when I thought I saw God or maybe it was the Devil, got scared and insisted on salvation. My grandmother, a diehard Lutheran, took me to her church where she played the organ and my religious life began. I attended Bible school, Bible camp, Sunday school, honey I did it all. When I 16 to 17 years old I converted to Catholicism and considered spending my life serving God... but the 80's proved to be too much fun. Be that, religion has never left me completely. I still study it. I still read from my Bible, but I have questions. Lots and lots of questions. I wholly believe it takes philosophers, writers, artists, film makers, musicians, snake charmers, and every practitioner if cerebral pseudoscience to give people true comfort in life. Until then we're all Adams being told we ought to live like sheep. A flock to the son of God we can only believe exists in our minds and in our hearts. How did we get here? What is this. My book is for people who say "Not good enough" look around us. Look at this shit. 

Let me show you what Adam really looks like mentally.

20 episodes of To Catch a Predator
406 episodes of Forensic Files
629 episodes of Snapped
1,100 episodes of Cops
Over 2,720 episodes of Dateline according to Google. 

Not to mention all the other crimes that didn't make it to the small screen.
All the murders no solved. Just in America.

Both murderers and victims are also Adams. The son of Adam and the rib of Adam. 

Do we know what crime is anymore?

Crime, justice, revenge... it's not okay to take justice into your own hands but it's okay if Texas lawmen get to flip the switches of execution? Why them. Why not us. It's cheaper, right? 

Do we, humans, sons and daughters of Adam know what crime is anymore?