Sunday, August 1, 2021




He's been screaming "GET OUT BITCH! FUCK YOU BITCH! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT BITCH!" at her for an hour and a half. Awww. Love.

Her reply, "Noooooo! I don't have any money!" 

So sweet.


It’s not murder if it’s cannibalism and it’s only cannibalism if you get caught. 🥣 


This is when I knew 💯 my marriage was over. When he would try eating rice with chopsticks in public and I simply let him. Asians eat rice with a spoon but watching my Swedish ex try eating grains if rice with chopsticks was more fun for me. 


You're no longer a bleeding heart liberal because YOU'RE OLD. Idealism is for the young. As it should be. The only thing you and I have to look forward to is never having to pay bills and taxes ever again. 


Bullying has been around since the dawn of time. FFS we're both old enough to remember. Additionally we both think we're smarter than what we are. And scolding young people is just dumb. 

I use my format to be a little bit entertaining. You do it for applause. Who's the bigger dick? We do what we do. Like I give a shit what you think of my instagram? We say what we say. I already have one foot in the grave, Bill. Don't much give AF where the other one goes.


I've been taking all my prescriptions since my high BP scare six days ago when the lower number shot up close to 100 which would have put me back in the hospital. I don't know why it randomly shot up so high, so fast, when I was doing really well weaning off. But I'll try weaning off again next week. This is a personal experiment. I'm not a doctor nor do I have any medical training. The other day the office of my GP called because they are unable to get test results from my last blood screening and could I please forward my online test results to them. Holy shit. The test results came back negative for everything they tested for, but sure doc, I'll forward my online results to you since your office cannot... seem to... get... them.😦


When they post a pic topless and you still don't know if it's the man or woman in the couple:



Your generation have 

Meanwhile my generation had

You see my dilemma. 



America being a melting pot of culture is beautiful. I just don't understand why anyone would come here and then exclude themselves from a society that has already established itself as an English speaking nation. The reason why Asians in Asia hate American Asians is because we speak and live the culture of where we were born and/or raised. And to Asians in Asia, this somehow makes us "traitors" or less Asian. Go fuck yourself. 


I don't care if it's a language barrier issue. I would never go to another country and expect their speaker to speak MY language. I shouldn't have to learn your fucked up English in a country that speaks English. Either learn the English language or go back to your country and open up shop THERE. Not sorry. 


Just once I would love it if someone publicly shamed these goddamn awful reporters. 

"I answered this question three times now. If you can't keep up you don't belong here. Next question."



I need more of you in my life!!


Aramis and I have this conversation where we ask ourselves, is it the material or the English accent that makes it funny? 

I try hearing American accents with this Youtube. It's not funny/entertaining at all with American accents. But with English accents...

Love this! 


This blog is going on it's 9th year. That's how much time I have on my hands. So when you say, "Hey remember that time when you said... ?" My answer will always be, "Don't be ridiculous I would never say anything so goddamn stup... oh."

In the course of this blog friends have died, my dad died, I moved to Vegas, moved back to LA because humans aren't meant to live in 110 degrees EVER, I fell in love with a stray cat who broke my heart, I'm 52 now, survived a pandemic, survived a stroke (almost two), three presidents, etc. and through it all it never ceases to amaze me when people...

At a starbucks there was a giant line. Giant. One manager. One employee. Giant line. Everyone was cool. Understanding. Maybe two or three people didn't show for work. Humans can only work as fast as they can go by themselves. No one mind. Except for this one woman. A black woman. An angry black woman in her 40's at least. I mention her being black because of what she said while we all stood patiently in this long line.  

"I come in here all the time and I NEVER have to wait this long!" 

I think there's only two people working I say trying to sooth her.

"That's not MY PROBLEM! I shouldn't have to wait!"

Um. No one is forcing you to stay. There's another Starbucks within a mile I'm sure.

"Now I'm going to be late for work! And you know they working slow on purpose! They want us to be late!"

I don't think they actually want us to be late. And you could just, you know, get up earlier. Or buy a coffee maker. Or get coffee later. Or just leave and go to work. Priorities.

"They take everyone's jobs! Clog our schools with they kids! (Both employees working are, I think, Hispanic) And take our health insurance! Cross the boarder illegally and most of them are criminals clogging up the jail system!"

Holy shit this woman needed coffee badly. AND ANOTHER THING I dare say there is a considerable black population in prisons also.

"And now I am 20 minutes late for work! They doing this on purpose! Working so slow! HURRY UP!! Colored people don't mean just YOU! It means black people too! You just want to take care of your own! Well I'm a black woman and I need to be recognized too! It ain't just about you!!"

It's obvious to everyone by now this woman has mental problems.

(Should mentally ill people be drinking caffeine?)


Lets all try having a fun day. It is Sunday after all. Isn't this the day everyone aspires to have filthy hot mess sex with strangers. Or go to church. Or something.


Wait for it. 



Did you know?


Um yeah hi. Free lunches were free, so was milk in elementary & Jr High schools back when even I was a kid. WTF is wrong with these people? "A slow addiction" you mean like heroin? You're comparing kids eating lunch in school to heroin? Huh. Interesting. If only their parents paid something like, oh you know, a federal and state tax... or something.


He truffle hunts in Oregon? In Oregon?? That's a thing there?? I've only gone camping in Oregon when I was younger. Huh.


When people think I work for free:


Yes. Even after 32 years. Though I am trying. 

The poison was in the wound you see. And the wound wouldn’t heal. 



I would give this young woman a kidney right now if she needed it. 


Temporary tattoos are nothing new. Back in my day every box of crackerjacks had a temporary lick and stick tattoo prize inside. An anchor. The crackerjack sailor boy. And if you were super lucky maybe a gram of heroin. 

Wax gum the shape of giant lips. 

Candy straws filled with sugar… quite possibly cocaine.

Rock candy on a string that cut into your gums to prepare future crack addicts for gum disease.

And let’s not forget these beauties, eh.

I miss being a kid. I really do. 


Reading emails like:

I will never understand women wearing strap-ons. They make actual humans that have dicks directly built in. I mean, unless she's making bomb tacos afterwards ok then I understand, but otherwise...



All is well once more in BP land. Yesterday was a nervy day. As I've been weaning off my ACE inhibs my BP has been average or below. It only got high yesterday. 

I had a dream last night that one my financially comfortable friends shoplifted an orange from a small market. And he's a lawyer. Then his car got towed and was told it would be $50,000 to get it back.


Lawyer Karma.

Lawyer dream Karma.

(He would never shoplift an orange BTW)




I just took the ACE inhibitors and another low dose aspirin (on accident). I'll check my PB in an hour or so. It usually takes 45 minutes to an hour for the meds to get into my system. My heartbeat is good. It was just my blood pressure creeping up there. 

I knew something was up. I was getting a horrible headache. I drank two big glasses of water just now and my headache is going away. 

Like I said it's an experiment. Trial and error. 


Since I started weaning off the ACE inhibitors my BP has been steady at 120/80 or lower. It's only gone up today. I'm a little stressed out looking for an apartment. Rent is so goddamn high.


Today is day 3 in a row not taking the ACE inhibitors. My BP is a little high. Not bad. Just a little higher than normal. I've been weaning off every other day but since I had these three days free to test my BP few times a day thought I'd give it a go. I'll take all my medication next few days to lower my BP and continue weaning off. Then again, I was naughty yesterday and had ice cream. I'm not into ice cream or sugar really but was just in the mood. I eat it like once or twice a year.


In case y'all missed it the first time...


The only zoom call I’ll take today…


I wonder when Penelope Spheeris will make Decline of Western Civilization IV, Rocker seniors, tattoo history.

That's a joke. Please don't.


Oh Frankie. You'll be young and adorable forever. David and me, not so much. We got old, my friend. We got old.


Nights that started out at the Kibitz Room, ending up at your Beachwood apartment, or my apartment across the street from the Whiskey. 3am still going strong. You're the prettiest man I ever did see. Back when we were both young and adorable. 



Raise your hand if you think there's something in Fort Knox other than gold bullion.

Raise your hand if you think there's nothing in there.

Raise you hand if you think all your tax dollars are in there.


Her smooth game on point!



Facts. Facts. Facts.


Kid in the dark hoodie


Apparently I’ve reached that age where I need to start counting my fingers and toes at least once a day. 


Some time today I cracked a hole in the back my skull. Laying down watching a movie just now I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled out a soft ball of dried blood with my fingernail and felt a little bloody hole in my skull. 


Should I… do… something? 


Watching Tony Hawk at 53 killing it at X-Games makes me proud to be an American. Not that other crap.

*Doing whatever he can to keep kids on skateboards playing outside is how GOAT Tony Hawk is. 



They say people who sleep in are more intelligent. I've been up for over an hour now. 


It's already going to be one of those days. Did I mention I'm on day 5 of my period. 

I don't know which is worse: being 52 and still getting a goddamn period, the fact that it now lasts up to 11 days sometimes, or that I'm not allowed to have one free PURGE day while on it because after 40 years of getting a period every 28 days, I've earned the right!


If you text me more than three times a day I'm irritated. Then again if I put too much cream in my tea I'm irritated. The goal of each day is to spend at least five consecutive minutes not irritated. It's a mission fail every single goddamn day. 

On the plus side I can still be super pleasant for up fifteen minutes. On the sixteenth minute however my smile starts turning into a murder grin and I'm wondering where the nearest liquor store is. We all have our limits.  


I like you better when I don't have to know you. Or see you.


I am forever reminded why I don't date Asian men. Asian women yes. Asian men no. Broken English Asian women yes (because they're easier to ignore). Broken English Asian men no. B breasts cute. B dick...



Why would I ever watch women's soccer? If I wanted to see white bitches run on a field I’d dangle a bunch of J.P. Morgan Reserve credit cards on the backs of X-Pro ATV’s through Big Bear mid spring. 


Why aren’t we friends?! 


Why would the hill ever go to Mahomet? It's a freaking hill made of earth. It would take an earthquake the volume of a hemisphere. Moral of the story: Don't be retarded, Mahomet. DON'T BE RETARDED! 

The end. 


I've come to the conclusion that if you have to at all, people should either see me and not hear me talk, or hear me talk and not see me. My face and voice do not match each other. I was again told today, "You look like a normal person but then you start talking and..."

Who knew you're not supposed to say "shit-fuck" in front of ten year olds? My dad's first wife addressed him as "that Motherfucker" since I was five.  


I once "dated" a guy from Pierre, South Dakota. It didn't end well. Luckily that happened on my home turf. Minnesotans screamed at him, "Go back where you came from!"

So he did.


I'm banned from teaching Sunday school in 47 states. I'm pretty sure I could start my own ministry in Alaska and North Dakota if I really wanted. 


But then he let fame go to his head with his Sahara Desert pure bred camels and finely twined Birkenstock flips flops.   

...And they turned his tragedy into a musical because why not. 


And then the Romans found an Italian guy sipping an espresso on the patio of a Starbucks and agreed he looked "Jewish enough" and asked him if he'd like a role of a lifetime. 

And you thought Siskel and Ebert were tough critics.  


Christianity started with the Roman empire as an assault on Jerusalem when some Roman guy lost his chick to a Jewish guy for having a bigger dick. FFS learn your history boys and girls.😅





Can't get three girlfriends in the same room for tea. 

The second one of your male friends starts dating a new girl:


Just had a dream I was at a mansion party where there were a bunch of beautiful men and gorgeous cats. All I cared about were the cats. I was playing with them, picking them up and cuddling them. Best party ever.  



Hepatologist no hypatologist. Although really, aren't we all just looking at WebMD?


I've been taking the ACE inhibitors every other day for a week now. My blood pressure does go up but only a little to something like 127/86 rather than 120/80 which is where it should be. I'm still doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting daily but this week my body chose violence and started my period yesterday. 

I'm a big believer in the root teas I've been drinking. The red root (aka Red Robe) Da Hong Pao tea, and the Lapsang Souchong tea. These are teas particularly good for stroke and heart attack survivors. Every story I hear is always the same. They thought the pain was something else, blew it off, tried to self medicate, laid down on the floor thinking the pain would pass, and then realized they had to call 911. This is how Derrick died in his early 40's with a brain aneurysm. His poor girlfriend found him on their bedroom floor clutching his inhaler. He thought he was having an asthma attack.  

The hepatologist wants to have another phone exam next month They examine you over the telephone.😒 

And people wonder why herbal, root teas, and crystals are so popular. 

Because my schedule changes this week I'll take all my medications today through Sunday, then not take the ACE inhibitors Monday-Wednesday where I'll have more freedom to check my blood pressure throughout the day. The point is still to ween off the Ace inhibitors first. Because as I've mentioned oh-so-many times in the past month, I no longer have faith in our healthcare system.

...More and more documents keep exposing just how crooked healthcare is. 



The esthetician who said there are women who get their vaginas waxed with poop stuck on their butts. WT serious F?!😟 That's disgusting. Women are disgusting. Exactly my point, how can men be into anal sex? I'm shook. I would be so afraid of getting poop dick. POOP DICK!! 

I've seen women's bathrooms... I know how gross women can be. 

If anyone is going south of my belly button I do full scale wash, scrub, fluff dry, perfume and manicure. The esthetician continued with the waxing! Oh hell no. I would have gotten a hose and hosed that bitch's ass. Fucking gross. 



I follow you on Youtube. I love your channel. But you do know you're a dying breed, right? How many young doctors (like you) will there be in 100 years? 50 years? 


Aaand I finally got my phone appointment. 


I can't wait any longer. You win this round, on hold button.

41 minutes. 29 seconds.


To be fair, I called the hepatologist’s office to see if something happened, if we needed to reschedule, or what? I’ve been on hold now for 26 minutes. 

Because my doctor had me see 50 other specialists and doctors I just list them on my phone by what part of the body they specialize in.

29 minutes on hold.


At 11am I was supposed to have a telephone appointment from the hepatologist regarding my liver. No phone call. But that's ok. He'll just bill my insurance as though we had one.😏 Like the mammogram I never had because I waited over an hour past our scheduled appointment and couldn't wait any longer. I'm sure they billed my insurance also.  

We're on our own, ladies and gentlemen. 

On our own.


I haven't seen a "middle class" since maybe 1991. But the division of classes is even more spread apart among the 18-30 generation. So much so, when the 18 year olds have grandchildren I wonder how many legit doctors there will be? This is the generation that insults you by calling you a "dummie". 

The English language is being rewritten (sigh, again) to the point of being unrecognizable.  

I predict in 200 years there will only be the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor... or the poor will simply die off. Which might be what the rich kids are hoping for. Are they wrong?

Every single one of my friends, regardless if they earn $50,000 or $250,000 a year have been gouged by a hospital or doctor simply to see if that doctor or hospital could collect. And when it turns out they couldn't collect, then and only then were my friends billed for the actual insurance co-pay amount. 

Amazon, Ikea, Walmart, are geniuses. They charge very little for (more often than not) low quality items to the entire world and that my friends is how you get wealthy. Find something everyone wants, charge very little for it to the entire world. Then when that product falls apart in six months, create a website forum people can go to to complain and charge advertisement spots on the forum. 😂 

When I was 18/19 years old someone (who's opinion I then valued) said people will always need food and doctors. Pick an occupation. I like food more than people, especially sick people, so I chose food. However good fatty, salty, buttery food is only fine for the first half of your life, not so much for the second half. My diet now is fruit, vegetables, fish, and chicken. Like most people my age. Sunflower seeds. That's it. 

To the Tik Tok kid who got turned down by some 14 medical schools before finding an institution (online?) who accepted him, please let me know when you graduate. I have some business I'd like to throw your way. 😂 





Iknowright?! Britney makes all that money for all those other people but somehow is still being deemed unstable to control her own finances?? Um. Yeah no. 


This is how much the tea leaves open in hot water. That much gives me two cups. 


Wut? Wh… ??


This tea is amazing. The leaves open up clean. 


At the end of August, it will have been six months since I had my stroke. From that day to this, only ONE doctor, a neurologist from the hospital where I was treated, Dr. Jackson, actually talked to me about the stroke and recovery. Every test he performed he told me why he was doing it. Every concern I had about my legs, he talked with me about it. He was the only doctor to tell me my speech would come back, etc. ONE doctor. And not even my primary doctor who I still have never even met. Not after my stroke, not ever! 

I'm grateful that if this had to happen to me at all, it happened while I was younger, because a lot of what happens to you following a stroke, no one could possibly know other than those who have had a stroke. Its scary shit. And every doctor (aside from Dr Jackson) following my stroke, and there have a been a lot, just shoved pills at me and threw me out the door. That's it. 

"Do you want to join a support group?" One doctor asked me.

No. I don't. I want YOU doctor to tell me if it's normal that I still can't walk around the block. 

About two weeks after my stroke, I tripped and fell on the sidewalk, crashed hard, then called my doctor's office (because my head was killing me after that) and nothing. No call back. Nothing. Why was I trying to walk just weeks following my stroke? Because the doctors in the hospital told me to. Even now, I still struggle making my legs do what I want them to do. I'm grateful I can walk. I'm grateful I got my speech back. But beyond this, it's been all trial and error entirely on my part because I've literally had no regular medical guidance. None. 

If CA gets a new governor I may not have insurance next year. Then what? 



White people removing the "im" from immigrant to better their racism.😉


Additionally, the 16:8 intermittent fasting is not for people with eating disorders or anyone with an immune deficiency, or anyone with an addictive personality... Just look it up online. Inform yourself before you try it. 


White people to Native Americans: "Just because you were here before us doesn't mean you own the land."

Also white people to immigrants: "We were here first! Go back to where you came from! This is our land!"

Today is day 2 of the big wean off prescription drugs (ACE inhibitors). I'm not taking either one again today. The Statin I still take at night because I haven't found a root or herb I like to replace it yet. And while it is helping my liver right now, I'm hoping by drinking the root teas, intermittent fasting, Dash diet, continued exercise, and weaning off ACE inhibitors, I won't need to replace the Statin at all. And while I agree the Statin is the worst of the prescriptions I take, I mean the side effects literally debilitates you with muscle pain, brain fog, and fatigue, it's also the most needed drug I take especially for my liver. 

Be all that, you wouldn't know about the DASH diet or intermittent fasting until someone tried it, so here is my experiment for younger people with non-compromised immune systems who survived strokes and heart attacks yet were told they'll be on prescription drugs for the rest of their lives. I'm hoping to be able to tell you through my experiments, no you will not. I'm hoping to be able to tell you that by trying out herbal/alternative medicines you won't have to rely on pharmaceuticals and their side effects for the rest of your lives. I'm not a doctor. I have zero medical training. This is purely my own personal research. 

I suffered one stroke, then was rushed to the ER about to have a second massive stroke that would have probably killed me, and since then I've been to (what feels like) every goddamn doctor in Los Angeles. I take a fist full of prescription drugs every day that make me feel like shit more often than not, and told repeatedly there is nothing I can do to get off the meds. Welp... I just don't accept that anymore.

I had the stroke because of high blood pressure. It's the silent killer. I had no idea my blood pressure was that high. I felt fine. I'm told I have hypertension and there is no cure. And while I don't doubt there is no cure for hypertension, I firmly believed it can be regulated without prescription drugs if you're willing to live a more healthy lifestyle. I firmly believe the health of many Americans are being compromised for profit by big pharma and the medical world. Which, if you're 85 years old maybe that doesn't matter so much to you, but at 52 years old it matters.    

Root teas like the ones I'm drinking, Lapsang Souchong and Red Root, are smoked teas. The roots only grow in China. To transport the roots while maintaining medicinal properties the roots are dried and smoked into herbs (like pot). This practice it outlawed in parts of Europe like England and France, if not all of the EU, so just an FYI. The practice of smoking (tea) leaves is considered hazardous to your lungs and some claim it also potentially causes cancer. (Jesus christ, Is there anything that doesn't?)


I'm doing the 16:8 fasting. Eight hours of eating one or two small plate meals. Followed by sixteen hours of fasting consuming only water and tea. Which started 30 minutes ago. I'm currently eating an egg sandwich and a plum. Which seem weird to eat at 6:30 in the morning but bear in mind by 2pm I'm done eating until 6am tomorrow. The 16:8 fasting has nothing to do with getting off prescription meds. I'm just losing some weight which contributes to staying healthy for this experiment I'm doing on myself. 

Again, I'm not a doctor. I have zero medical training but I'm well read, well informed on what I'm doing and I just saw my doctor four days ago with an otherwise good bill of health. 



Not a fan of pubic hair. Manscape. What are you hiding down there? Warts? Herpes? Squirrels?  


90% of the time I say no because I'm not the least bit sexually attracted. That percentage would go down if I was attracted, but then the percentage of "because I don't fucking feel like it" would go way up. 😂


When I was dating that hot photographer during the CL years we'd post ads looking for single females and women of all ages would always connect, "Oh my god I want to fuck him!" It was so easy. 

Maybe your bait sucks?


How many people had FMF threesomes before their 21st birthday besides me? 

What's your problem? FMF threesomes are the easiest encounters to find. How boring. Seriously, why is it so hard for you people? I don't understand this. 


"Oh. You're sick? Take this pill. Just trust me." is not quality of life. Drug dealers in 2021 wear white lab coats instead of Metallica tee shirts.  


And the reason why I went the root teas route instead of herbal supplements, I'm a big time tea drinker. I go to tea houses. Plus it just seems more natural to me than more pills. Experiment with whatever you think is best WITH CAUTION.   


Day 1 weaning off ACE inhibitors complete. I didn't take either ACE inhibitors yesterday. Blood pressure was good all day. Woke up this morning to 113/84. Yesterday I drank two cups of Red Robe, add to that my usual black tea, and just ate the ginger root/honey tea because I, quite frankly, could not drink another cup of tea additionally 8 glasses of water. This morning I'll take the ACE inhibitors and drink the teas. Tomorrow I won't take the ACE inhibitors, the following day I will, etc. 

I should also mention that I started fasting 16 hours a day. From the time I wake up to the next 8 hours I'll eat one small plate, maybe two depending on what I'm eating, usually fruit, vegetables, some chicken, etc. Then when 8 hours is up, I'll fast the next 16+ hours until I wake up the next day. Usually I'll start fasting between 1pm and 2pm. If I get super hungry and my stomach starts growling in between 2pm to the next morning, I'll eat a banana or plum. Additionally I'll chew on some low sodium sunflower seeds. 

I REFUSE to let menopause weight get me. I refuse! They say a woman's waistline shouldn't exceed 35 inches, but I'm going to stay no bigger than 28 inches. A little weight is ok, but 35 inches is too big in my opinion. 

AND I'm still walking 12 miles a week which is sad. I used to walk/run at least 12 miles A DAY. But since my stroke that's just not going to happen daily anymore. My legs won't go.

I've had this talk with friends about "50 being the new 40" but that's not what I'm trying to accomplish. I just want to be the best I can be at this age. Because lets face it, who among us thought (some of us) would still be alive at 50??

If you're willing to do the hard work and stay disciplined, I believe ACE inhibitors and Statins are not necessary for the rest of your life. I firmly believe it.          



You're my hero 😂 


Ha! 💯


I try being polite but the stalkers are out in full force. I don't care who reads this blog, or who sees me online, just so long as you don't email me, or talk to me we're square.  


Couldn't get my Starbucks because a car careened into another car, and the hit-ee went up the embankment and crashed into a pole directly in front of the Starbucks. The hit-er went up the curb and... it was ugly. 




Help me understand here fellas. If you're between the ages of 18-39, single, and consider yourself a "stud, big cock hammer, eats pussy better than anyone, primo Mr perfect" then WTF are you doing online scrambling for sex? You should have them lined up by now. In order. "Skinny girl with perfect feet to the front of the line" and whatnot. Every time I see a guy who's 34 years old and advertising how great he is, all I think is LOSER! Big screaming LOSER! OMG what a fucking LOSER! 


Happy Friday the 13th. 

What better day to start my herbal root regiment experiment than on the day history remembers when France massacred thousands of Knights Templar, all in the name Christianity. 

I'm currently drinking my two cups of water, then brewing my first cup of tea, the red root. Following that I'll take my blood pressure. Then brew my second cup of tea, the Lapsang Souchong, and take my blood pressure again. Yesterday my BP was 95/77 five hours after morning meds. Currently my blood pressure is 103/79 before any medication. Remember, I need to maintain a 120/80 blood pressure. The only meds still in my system would be the Statin I took last night. I'll take that tonight as well. It's the two ACE inhibitors I'm trying to wean off first.    


It's not that America had "no problem" pulling out of Vietnam in 1973, it's that Americans felt our military had no business going there in the first place. 



I've had five glasses of water so far today. Three more? Seriously? Is anyone into hot water pee? I eat a lot of green vegetables daily. Additionally I ate a half bag of celery this afternoon. It's sweet pee. With clean blood test. No, I won't fuck you don't be stupid. Consider it water recycling. The Fiji Alkaline of water recycling. But pee.     


Ha! Suck it Jamie Spears! You owe your daughter a lot of money. 


We live in a medical world I never thought I'd see the day where someone actually gets paid to shove something up my nose this often other than my 1993 drug dealer.


Who else had their blood tested today? Did they give you the water speech? WTF?! I drink water. Lots of water. I'm the one always saying how "gluten allergies" for many is just dehydration. Many Americans are dehydrated according to medical standards. 

"Eight glasses of water a day. Eight! Not six. Not seven. EIGHT!" 

Because she was having a hard time finding a vein. 

I brought a full bottle of water with me and she said, "Drink please. At least half." So I drank half. "No. More. More. More." Look, if you want me to drink the entire bottle of water don't tell me drink half. 

So I drank the entire bottle of water and she was able to find a vein. 

"When you wake up drink two glasses of water. Drink a glass of water before you eat. Then after you eat, wait an hour, and drink another glass of water. Then drink whatever it is you drink. Juice. Coffee. Then drink another four glasses of water during the course of the day and evening. Eight glasses of water a day! It's good for your liver, for your kidneys, for your digestion, eight glasses of water a day."

Look, I'm 52 years old. If I drink eight glasses of water a day you're gonna need to order me a bunch of cathe... 


I just finished glass number #3.      


If their profile pic is anime they're either a 12 year old kid or a 48 year old pedophile. 


If you're going to pick fights with me on social media have the goddamn courtesy of having a skill, or spell check, or at least be pretty. Thanks.



I deleted the "BLM" from my IG page. The 200+ people who deleted me after posting it can return now. Thanks. 


These two right here: 


You have: 

We had: 


Well actually I do cook & clean but still.🥰





Our male friend dumped you because you’re a batshit crazy whore. And not even a pretty one. Keep your gonorrhea off the couch! 

It’s not his parents you need to worry about. It’s his long time female friends he loves and adores you need to be afraid of.😼



For some people it’s a choice.


Here we go. These two herbal teas made from the roots of their origins (Google them) additionally with the ginger root & honey I’m already taking are replacing my two ACE inhibitors… for now. 

This is a human trial. A human experiment. I’m documenting everything and taking my blood pressure twice a day as I wean off the prescription meds and wean in the herbal teas. 

I do this not just for myself but for others like me who suffered a stroke, who have cardiovascular issues, who have elevated enzymes, and were told to pop a fist full of pills for the rest of their lives, live with the shitty side effects, or die. 

I do this for us. 


This is what people are doing for social media content likes. 


Tik Tok
and everywhere else.


The only way I would ever vote against Gavin Newsom is if he was cruel to animals. Not sorry. 


If the allegations are true I'm really disappointed in you Andrew Cuomo. I rooted for you. Cheered for you. I was in your corner. I'm not yet "Brian Williams reporting Iraq war stories circa 2015" disappointed, but disappointed.  

Obviously telling war stories isn't anywhere near as bad as grabbing women, but...

You hear that Gavin Newsom?! (Oh god you're so handsome) 



Stop screaming at your cat for tik tok content. Asshole. 


In case you missed the website from that Jon Oliver clip directly below where you can check on your doctor to see how often pharmaceutical reps stopped by with free lunches to peddle their wares, the website is: CLICK THIS LINK

It's interesting. My doctor so far hasn't been reportedly seduced in 2021 by pharma reps but last year pharma reps stopped by 14 times with the average lunch of about $22. $282.72 in total last year. Most visits from MERCK SHARP & DOHME CORPORATION who so far to date spent $20.3 million dollars on various doctors visits peddling their wares. Holy shit.  



Ha! I’m not a huge fan of Jon Oliver but that’s funny.


This isn’t the documentary I was thinking of. Maybe it isn’t Netflix. Maybe it’s Pluto. Will investigate. Still tho… 



Where is this? I need to go here.



When Chewbacca growls at the end he's saying, "Where's my medal?!"


Eating sunflower seeds and watching Star Wars. 


Posting this so you can see what a Korean convenience store looks like.



I believe the planet has a magnetic field. I believe the planet’s magnetic field points north and south (Poles). I believe in gravity. I believe in evolution. I believe in a thing called love! 


I want to believe. Sure. Why not?

I’m a Buddhist, if I had to choose. It makes the most sense to me. Science and Buddhism. Philosophy and theories. Buddhist 2000, like Dracula 2000 but with less carnage and better writers. 😏

Technically Buddhism isn’t a religion. It’s a philosophy. Ssshh don’t tell the white people. Just check mark it off on the list of religions. Pick your battles. Know what I’m saying? We can use it to our advantage later. “I won’t be returning to your doctor’s office because I’m a Buddhist who believes in holistic medicine and you’re an insurance whore.” Sure, the Dalai Lama may go to the hospital if he gets sick, so do I, but it should be the goal to return as little as possible, not more. 

As I’ve said many times before, I'm grateful to everyone who saved my life last February. I just want to see if there’s a better way to recover or be cured than having every doctor inspect one hole on my body or another in the entire L.A. county.

“You’ll begin to feel better and want to stop taking your prescription. Don’t. There is no cure for hypertension. You’re going to want to try herbal supplements. They won’t work. You have to stay on your prescriptions.”

No. I don’t actually. And how do you know herbal supplements won’t work? Where’s your research? Can I see your data?  Who were your test subjects? Did they have any other medical conditions? What’s your agenda? 

I have friends who believe in psychics, astrology, crystals, aliens, and the supernatural. My first two nephews were born in a Wisconsin bathtub by a monk appointed midwife. True story. I’m open minded to things I don’t yet know enough to argue. But when it comes to my body, my health, my overall well-being, you still have to earn my trust. All medicine used to be holistic medicine once upon a time until modern machinery and lawsuits replaced hands-on practice. There’s still places that practice cupping. 

Is there a right way, and a wrong way to practice medicine? Yes. Example of the wrong way:


“You had a stroke. Take this pill.”

“You have hypertension. Take this pill.”

“You have high cholesterol. Take this pill.”

“You have cardiovascular problems. Take this pill.”

“You have stage 1 liver disease. Take this pill.”

With each pill there’s side effects like randomly coughing and gagging on my own mucus in the middle of the night. 

“Oh. You’re having trouble sleeping? Take this pill.” 

Pills. No explanation. No progress. Just “take this pill” until your insurance runs out. No questions asked. (Can you sense my frustration?)

Through it all only one doctor, a neurologist, Dr. Jackson, actually explained to me in detail while in the hospital what a stroke is and why it happened to me. In follow up exams he talked to me about recovery, things I can do to get better, realistic expectations, what outcomes to expect. Everyone else just shoves pills at me and sends me out the door. Then a week later I get medical notices in the mail saying something like, “Hi. We found this in your blood. Go see this specialist.” And I’m just blindly supposed to go? Is no one going to talk to me about it? 5 1/2 months later I still haven’t met the doctor who’s billed on my insurance plan as my regular doctor. Never met him. Not once. I see everyone else in his office. Not him. Where the hell is he? 

I think Netflix did a documentary on pharmaceutical pills. Need to check it out. And look, I’m not against pills. God bless whoever invented painkillers and viagra. What I’m against is my health being compromised for profit. 

I found herbs that supposedly do the exact same things these pharmaceuticals do. My handsome pilot friend takes herbal medicine after a heart attack scare five years ago and he’s just fine. 


I’m not not rubbing crystals just yet. YET. I believe crystals have healing properties. Salt of the earth. Evolution. But I also believe in proportional response. As in your weight in gold. Such a healing crystal would have to be seven feet high and three-hundred pounds for it to be effective to my satisfaction. The amethyst Christine wears around her neck might protect her from a hangover but it is more likely just going to give her emotional and mental comfort which is cool. Beyond that it’s just a pretty piece of jewelry. Prove me wrong. 

I’ve read both the Bible and the Dhammapada. And just like every other historical book both are open to interpretation. That said, I’m ultimately a firm believer of evolution. The early stages of man prior to all this consciousness we now have, ate, slept, sought shelter, fornicated, understood hot and cold in the most primal instinctive way. If you want to dress that up and call them Adam & Eve who once upon a time lived in a Garden of Eden far far away, that’s fine. Whatever. I considered that possibility too until I was about 17/18 years old which resulted with way more questions than answers. To each their own. I still enjoy a good ministry of positive thought. Good words are good words. 

Holistic/alternative/herbal medicine is considered “quackery” because it can’t yet be billed on most private insurance plans. Pharmaceuticals are more expensive than herbs. Catholics in congress will never accept holistic/alternative medicine. It goes against their religious belief. It’s evolution based. Be that, I prefer identifying holistic/alternative prescription as worldly medicine. Can we all agree we get vitamin D from the sun? And the minerals born from the ground are the same minerals we digest for balanced health, multi vitamins, i.e. iron, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc., additionally water?

It is what it is. I'm an "ism" and I have to try. But just in case this goes bad, I was a practicing Christian for many years. Just saying. Oh Lord, who art in Heaven.... 😏



On AMC right now. 


Red sage root (Danshen) for heart health, liver health, and cardiovascular health. 


"Alien" as in unknown universal space particles, or "alien" as in "The truth is out there". Whichever. I'll accept either one. 


There is no cure for hypertension. I get that. But if I don't TRY to find an alternative CURE to my medical issues, then what kind of quality of life am I really having?? I have a theory... "Oh god, here we go."

Follow the science. Earth was made from alien universal particles. This particle latched on to that particle, latched on to that particle, then another alien particle, and so on, and so on, creating water, land, and all that has been found in the soil, and in in the water. You can disagree with me all you want because as we all know we'll only follow the science if it fits our political agendas.😏 But lets say for the sake of argument science was also correct on how the earth was made. And that science is also correct in that we, humans, are earthly forms of evolution. SO, can we therefor also conclude that humans would benefit considerably more from raw earthy substances that made us, rather than mad science laboratory mish-mash? 

I believe the cures are there. But pharmaceuticals don't get paid to make cures. They get paid to keep you sick and pacify whatever ails you. Like a shady mechanic. "Well, Mr Jones. We fixed the problem but in doing so found 100 others."     


I really do take great pleasure watching people eat food I also love eating. These Korean corndogs are very filling. It’s not easy eating them. The corndog with potato (you can see chunks of potato on the batter) are my favorite. Omg so good. I eat maybe two Korean corndogs a year and it’s one of those comfort foods I have to eat alone. Don’t bother me for an hour, kind of thing.😋😛


When you haven't spoken with your long time friend in San Francisco for months and the first thing he asks is, "Have you been vaccinated?"

I was among the first to promote mask wearing among my friends spring 2020. Back when y'all laughed at me and said mask wearing as a preventative from spreading whatever it was, was stupid. And now look ya. I'm so tired. I'm "mom" fed up with big pharma and health care in America. I'm mom-mad, fed up, sick and tired, you know, when moms get to that point where everyone has to get the fuck out of the house or mass murder will probably ensue. Yeah. That. I'm that fed up.

I'm day two on ginger, and still searching danshen root. If I was in San Francisco I could find it everywhere. A Kasidie friend suggested an herbalist. Brilliant. Yes. Need to find an herbalist. I have my three month doctor visits next week, then I'll wait another week, and following that I'll begin weaning off my pharmaceuticals. I'm scared. Not gonna lie. The ACE inhibitors help cardiovascular and heart health, preventing stroke and heart attack, but I can't live like this anymore. I truly feel like big pharma rules my life. Scare tactics. I cannot pop any more pills. I'm tired of the side effects and being told "it's normal". It is NOT normal. Sick of it. I refuse to just pop pills and be ignorant. I'm taking my life back. 

Sooo... I guess back to taking pics of my glorious poon while conducting my herbal research? 



“I never had sexual relations with that woman.”🤥

Oh no wait. Different politician. My bad.😏




Everything he's eating here. So good. I love cold Korean soups. Kongguksu soup sounds good right about now. That's not what he's eating. But it's really good. Try it. 

*I guess the cold bean soup he's eating is Kongguksu. Or rather a weird version  of it? I've just never seen it so creamy or with fat udon-like noodles. But whatever. It looks good! 


This has nothing to do with whether you believe the earth is flat (It isn't by the way. Astronauts already proved that with photos but you go on being you. It's special.) This is purely a health question. Do you think a person should at least try to CURE what ails them with alternative medicines? 


Regardless of your political opinions, I'm talking strictly health here, are you for or opposed grassroots movements? I talk with my handsome pilot friend about herbal and alternative supplements all the time. Yes, I had a stroke. Yes, I was rushed to the ER to prevent a second more massive stroke that would have killed me. Yes, I'm dealing with stage 1 liver disease. Yes, I was diagnosed with hypertension. And yes, I take a mouthful of pharmaceuticals every day for cardiovascular, heart, and other health issues related to strokes and heart attacks - for the rest of my life if my doctors all have their way. And yes, I am fully vaccinated. I've done all the things big pharma wants me to do. Problem is, it's not a cure. None of it cures me. I'm still sick. Even after the vaccines and pharmaceuticals, I'm not cured. I'm still a high risk for a stroke and heart attack, and I can still get Covid. None of anything I've done following my stroke last February cures me. Not weight loss. Not exercise. Not pharmaceuticals. Nothing. And worse yet, I suffer the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

I'm going to start weaning on an herbal regiment of Danshen root, Ginger root, and two things my handsome pilot friend takes, Lumbrokinase, and diatomaceous earth food grade anti caking agent to:

  • Cleanse the digestive tract.
  • Support healthy digestion.
  • Improve cholesterol and heart health.
  • Provide the body with trace minerals.
  • Improve bone health.
  • Promote hair growth.
  • Promote skin health and strong nails.

Skin health. I've been dealing with stress eczema for three+ years. It's not bad. It's cosmetically irritating. Nonetheless, I know it's there and it itches even with eczema skin cream. 

And as much as I bitch about having to take big pharma meds and getting fully vaccinated, am I scared to get off the meds? Yes. Very. I'll keep them on hand of course. I'll continue taking my blood pressure every day following the big wean on herbal, and wean off pharmaceuticals... But if the medical world is so concerned about my dying within a year following my stroke that I have to take these pills to begin with, why not use me to see if there's an actual herbal remedy to CURE my conditions rather than just pacify it with scientific pharmaceuticals that make me sick with side effects? I mean, it's not like anyone can make money off me if I die within a year from my stroke/liver disease, right? And I totally plan on having a full blown nervous breakdown within seven years which will require medical treatments, so (y'all still be getting paid)...

So there it is. 

Danshen root
Ginger root

(and finally) 

Diatomaceous earth food grade anti caking agent
And look...

I'm not a HUGE conspiracy gal, but when CVS calls/texts me every day to get Covid vaccinated, I have to wonder, who's getting paid here? Oh. And FYI, you're the people who double vaccinated me FFS, so please stop calling!


I don't have children. Not sure how the Los Angeles school board got my phone number, but please, stop calling me every day to get my kids vaccinated. If by "kids" you mean my Teddy Bear, the answer is no. I'm not vaccinating my Teddy Bear. Wait for it...

They're going to want your pets to get vaccinated. 

Wait for it. 




I have an OF account but I'm never on it. Same with Twitter. Never on it.

The only social media I do is IG for my foodie page. 

Everyone loves my meatloaf. Everyone. It's tender, moist, packed with flavor, real midwest home cooking, topped with my own sweet tomato glaze recipe. 

I make it in meatball version too. You could even add a little brown gravy... 


Omg I love this!! 


Every day of our lives, Beth. Every goddamn day.😂


My favorite music to write to. 



Stop with the Christmas stuff! There's still two months of summer! 


All I need is 


El Pollo Loco likes me. Do they like you? Fuck no suck it!😅


I’m the nice one! This is your wifi!


And I'm the nice one. 


I had that very conversation with my handsome pilot friend a few nights ago. I need to learn how to have coffee dates. I fucking HATE dating. I just hate it. I'd rather be alone to be honest. I've been successful at it so far. Almost ten years. What I want doesn't exist anymore therefor I will always have my own place. The moment one of your nasty whore friends comes over I'm dragging that disease infested cunt out by her hair. Keep your gonorrhea off my sofa!! So yeah. Keeping my own place to always have somewhere to go and avoid a murder rap. 👍   

*It's not the parents you should be afraid of, it's all his girl friends who already hate you. You're not one of us. Outsider. 


CHAPTER 7: Our guy friend dumped you because everyone thinks you're a whore


Good morning starshine

I’m already seeing Christmas commercials. Better go walk the earth for a while before snow hits some areas.