Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Fuck you

Seaworld reportedly murdered another whale in their captivity. A three month old calf in San Antonio.

Do you people have loved ones?


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Last night we went to

the Red Rooster. That was interesting. And Wednesday I'll be someone's new housemate...

I've got a blog to write.

Dear M. & HBO

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? It's my understanding that "odd couple" housemates is still a thing. People would watch this documentary!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Just send me dick pics

OneDrive sends a link. And that will have to do.

You know I went to art school, right?

They seal the windows shut here in Vegas. I'm only on the second floor. So even if I could throw the iPad out the window, the case would probably protect it.

Sure I could take the case off first but that's just too much work.


John Malkovich?! HOW?!!

I would LOVE to

open the Word doc and attach it to email, only there isn't an envelope icon...

Can't we just do this old school. Meet me at Starbucks. I show you mine, you show me yours?

soooo let me see if I understand this

In order for me to attach a Word doc to an email from my iPad, I have to send the Word doc to ICloud Drive, but it won't go to ICloud Drive without first downloading OneDrive, so I download OneDrive, but now my Word doc is stuck in OneDrive and for reasons unknown to me at 7:26 in the morning with just one cup of tea, I can't copy the Word doc from OneDrive to ICloud Drive so I can attach to this Word doc to an email...

Monday, July 17, 2017

A girl named Smith

The Starbucks inside New York, New York, and Stratosphere, are the best casino Starbucks, EVER!! Just sayin’.


Do you believe in déjà vu?

I lost a ring. Drives me crazy. Ok, technically, I didn’t lose the ring per se, but the ring being gone is part of the déjà vu I’m currently experiencing. I’m in Las Vegas, aka Los Angeles, only 23 degrees hotter, no ocean, BUT the crazy is ALL TOO familiar. Been here since July 3rd... um... visiting.

Some people I knew in L.A. now live in Vegas.

Some of those people are EXACTLY how I remember them.

Some of those people… are... not.

I’ve lost this ring before. More accurately, it was stolen from me before. I was in my early 30’s.

First, let me get this out of the way, I’m 48 years old. Da Dow!!!!

 “No way! You look like you’re 30!”

Um, no. Grey hair.



On my left thumb is a silver band, a ring I bought from a street vendor mere days after I arrived in Los Angeles, from San Francisco. I was just visiting L.A. on my way home to Minnesota, to live in a small 1 bedroom apartment over my brother’s house in Minneapolis, but first I made a quick stop in L.A to watch friends from home graduate university. I bought this silver thumb ring as a memento of Los Angeles, brief as my visit in L.A. was… uh… SUPPOSED to be.

28 years later

July 3rd, I left L.A. to visit a casual friend in Las Vegas, before retiring to Palm Springs.

“I knew I should’ve taken that left turn at Albuquerque!”

Aaaaand the next thing I know, I’m all licensing up to work in Las Vegas, possibly having a porn star for a roommate, and the ring a loved one bought me while we were in Vegas last year, has returned home, you could say.

Everyone knows what rings generally symbolize. Apparently for me however, rings symbolize new beginnings rather than (this so called) FOREVER. If losing my rings means getting rid of drama, potential drama, or garden variety Vegas nut jobs, AWESOME. That’s cool. Whatever. In that case I’m MORE than happy to buy my own rings from now on. ;)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Puppy puppy baby

puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby. Puppy puppy baby.

Am I using this blog correctly?