Saturday, December 29, 2018

Young Turks

Dancing in the street was such an 80’s expression of freedom, everyone used it from Michael Jackson, Rod Stewart, David Bowie, to pop commercials. 

*Pop, what Midwesterners call soda before moving to California. 

Old people really do fear dying in their sleep. It might sound peaceful, but it makes it even more difficult to fall asleep. 

I’m going to be 50 in nine days. I’m celebrating it with a girl I sometimes work with who’s birthday is the day before on the 6th, along with our friends and coworkers. Only she’s turning 21. Her mom is over 10 years younger than me. How’s that for perspective.  

I once asked if young people are having any fun in this BLOG: JUNE 2014

Are you? 

I like the name Smith Card Company. It sounds 60’s. It sounds Mad Men. And that’s precisely the era, the vintage, I so love. And others must love it too or MM wouldn’t have gone on for seven seasons and won all those awards. 

It’s funny to me how long it took for words and images to become offensive to generations before and after mine. It’s funnier still when women older than me scream how offended they are at today societal behavior when their generation made ads like these...

And yet, Mad Man was loved. Still is.

I’m going to advertise Smith Card Company, with the following impression, for now visually, until I find the words to express it. 

And how you make of sense of it all, I suppose will determine it’s success.

The shoe on the left was drawn 20 years ago. The she on the right was drawn last night. I guess it’s my signature.

Drawings could be used for anything really. For various occasion. Lola, was just an example.

Prince Albert. One generation’s tobacco is another generation’s cock ring. 

A new year approaches. For people my age and older, we haven’t as many years left to be cautious and careful with what we want to do when we grow up.

As I look back 49 years, I can say with complete honesty, only now, today, creative and determined, am I myself, the me recognized as a child. 

Be that as it may, the convoluted journey was necessary to get here. 

Thursday, December 27, 2018

FU two!

Ok, first of all, I thought this guy was 17 years old at the time. You’re saying he was 18?


(As in a legal grown up adult?)

When I heard there was video, I thought someone else saw Spacey and the 18 year old, and filmed it. Which is messed up and creepy by itself, especially if that person thought the 18 year old was underage. If you think a crime is happening, put the cellphone down and help them!

BUT THEN come to find it’s a Snapchat video taken by the 18 year old. So while the legal adult was supposedly being “groped” instead of walking away, or excusing himself, or walking away, or saying no (wait, does he say “no” in the video?) instead of walking away, instead of doing anything to help himself, the 18 year old takes out his cell phone, opens the Snapchat app, and films himself with the famous actor.


This is absurd. But let’s keep going.

The 18 year old lied about his age. Interesting. Hmm, why would an 18 year old lie about his age to a famous actor? ๐Ÿค” 

I dunno

To get drinks maybe? Drinks from the famous actor? Girls do it every weekend and he doesn’t even have to be famous. Been doing it since the dawn of time.

Spacey supposedly bragged about the size of his dick and tried to get the 23 year old back to his place. In the real world this is called a hook-up. Oh right, he’s not 23, he lied and said he was 23. Because why again? 

Memories! I’ve hadhookups start this way. Good times. 

Ok. Stop. Just. Stop.

This guy lied about his age, chose to drink on the job, then messes around while at work, and somehow manages to text someone AND open the Snapchat app to secretly(?) video record “the assault” rather than merely walking away and going back to work? 

And this is somehow Spacey’s fault? 


Dear Kevin Spacey, when in the courtroom, can you please hold up a postcard drawing of mine? And then while holding up the postcard next to your face say these words, “Statuesque works of art that takes us back to a simpler time.”

Thanks in advance! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


As in FRANK (fucking!) UNDERWOOD. 

Yaaaaaas!! Omg I’m gonna cry real big tears of joy. Bring him back!!

House Of Cards, IS NOT worth watching without it’s #1 villain! 

Bring back our villain!!

Hear, Netflix, let him be Frank!

Me too! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I’m a fan of Kevin Spacey, as you could have guessed after I mention him here back in NOVEMBER 2016 

I’m such a fan I even have K-PAX!!

K-PAX!! Not every film can be a hit. Only me and like 4 other people have this DVD. That’s how big of a fan I am. Then again, I never saw Edison, and by his own admission that’s the worst movie he’s ever been in.

Hollywood feminists hysterically threw a bunch of their own under the bus last year as a result of hearsay accusations amidst the metoo movement, which by the way, I remind you, one of the ladies who started that very metoo movement has since been accused of sexually harassing a 17 year old young man herself.



It’s POSSIBLE this particular 17 year old young man wanted money from Spacey for services rendered. It’s POSSIBLE Spacey entertained the idea. There are a whole lot of possibilities out there. One of them being it’s possible nothing even happened at all. 

I was 17 once.

I was a 17 year old weekend waitress. Oh how your husbands loved to tip cute little 17 year old waitresses for a flirty smile. And oh how I loved the clothes I bought with their money. 17 year olds are never as innocent as they later claim to be. 

Bring back Frank!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Ho! Ho! Ho!

No rest for the wicked not even on Christmas. 

I’m working today, as I did last night. I considered going out after work for a little holiday cheer Vegas strip style, but 11pm on the strip, what I saw was just depressing. The whole scene was dreary and, what’s the polar opposite of fun? That. It was that. 

Fremont Street Experience is a different kind of Vegas. It’s older and still has that original cowboy “light it up!” And “yeehaw motherfuckers!” vibe. Girls dancing on the outdoor bars. Tons of music. Freaks. Weirdos. Random packed crowds. Venice beach, CA, but with neon signs and cheaper drinks. I live just blocks away from there but by the time I got home I was so tired all I wanted to do was go to bed. No drink. Nothing. Just. Bed. Maybe tonight after work I’ll head out to FSE.

New Year’s Eve, NOT going to the strip. Ugh. You couldn’t pay me $10 million to go. Nope! I’ll happily chill in the art bars by my apartment, thank you. Elsewise you better make me an offer I can’t refuse.

Sahara Tableau, that’s what I was going to call my card company but, Tableau (an art term) isn’t a word commonly known among non-artists plus it’s easy to misspell. 

As creative as artists are we’re not terribly motivated naming our art work. A girl with a red balloon, is ‘Girl With a Red Balloon’. I was trying to be catchy with Sahara Tableau, I live in the desert, I make art, it sounded pretty, although extremely French, most words in the art world are either Italian or French. I’ll figure it out. You know how we girls do.;)

Merry Christmas!! ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„ 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

panic attack #5

She took 9 days to draw, day and night. I’ve never labored so hard for a drawing, or lost so much sleep for a drawing in my life but then again I have big plans for her. 

I’m going to start a crowd funding page for pencils and Xanax. 

The problem with photographing large scale drawings is no matter the quality lens, lighting, filter, or angle, to grasp her full arrangement you have to see her in person. I hope to display all my girls sooner than later.

18x24 graphite dust-dancer (Sarah)

I took this photo before finishing her ballet shoes and adding the dust. I still have a few minor additions to this drawing but it’s pretty much finished. 

Last year I had this idea for postcards. Not the cheap “Wish you were here” snail mail postcards found at tourist pit stops on the boulevard. I mean artistic cards meant for framing and hanging. Originally I wanted to use models, ala artsy black and white photo noir, but the neurotic artist in me would have “a serious fucking moment” every time a model decided to entertain creative differences. 

I absolutely love the look and style of these photos if only she was covered up a little more and posed more elegantly.

I’m not going to debate the obvious differences between art and pornography. If you can’t differentiate between the two,
my darlings, than you’re doing at least one of them wrong. 


Etsy, where vintage smut goes to die a slow painful death at $3.99 a print. 

Pinup artists today have evolved with the times. They have their niche and a strong loyal following. I, however, am not a pinup artist, likewise on the opposing end of that scale I’m also not commercially exploitable. I am, as I always have been, as I always will be, unbranded.

My goal is to use original fine art, my art, with a vintage postcard look. I have this idea...

Vintage, Renaissance, fine art...  

I’m heavily influenced by Renaissance sculptures, who, along with my 7th & 8th grade art teacher Mr Dale, got me into drawing in the first place. Artists like H.R. GIGER showed me how to stretch the dimensions of graphite. That what computers cannot do.

After all, and most importantly, there is no substitution for art made by hand. 

Friday, December 21, 2018

My girl

(Dust-dancer) Sarah, is graphite, 2 feet tall, 1 1/2 feet wide before the frame. She’ll be finished by the end of today. And then I’m going out for drinks. Talk about a labor of love.

I draw large scale. Unfortunately 18x24 is the largest paper tablet I’ve seen for graphite artists. Any bigger would need to be custom cut. Which I would love, but first I would need to turn one of my walls into a hard board to draw on. 

How can I make this happen? 

Even the 23x26 portable board I draw on is very heavy to maneuver.


The wall board needs to fit through my front door which is only like 39x80


I need to move into a loft or warehouse.

Anyone have one with electricity, plumbing, bathroom, shower and/or tub they can rent me? Would need to move before it gets hot out again.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dear Gerard Butler

Please please PLEASE come to Las Vegas and let me be your wing man for a few nights. I’m begging you.

I’m in need of some fun! With a fun man.

Simone Gordon, not my real name. I explain that back in... not important. 

You’d have to come to Vegas tho. LA’s beat.

(Sigh) a girl can dream. High expectations.




And of course one of my beautiful dust dancers...

Her story is in my Facebook ‘stories’


**This guy! He’s great. I’ve watched THIS VIDEO of his at least ten times. Show that flour who’s boss! 

My dust-dancer is coming along nicely. I’m excited.

These are some of the ladies who inspired this drawing.

Hey DC COMICS heeyyy! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Thirst Tweets!

I’ve had this talk with many people. Is it the accent? These guys are awesome! Gerard Butler sounds like he would be so much fun to hang with! 

Is it the accent?? 

Jon Cena was BORING.

These guys were great! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thirst tweets! 

Henry Cavill

Richard Madden

Gerard Butler ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ He’s great!

When I’m working from home I watch a lot of YouTube, mess around on Facebook, read funny tweets. It’s probably good I don’t always work from home or I would never know how to use a knife and fork ever again.

*Dear Facebook, 

I ain’t scared! Please go into my bank account and pay a few bills, then text Aramis and give him the address to Derek’s Thailand beauty spa. Aramis is in Japan right now, but you already know that. And then can you do me a favor and please find my 9x12 sketch pad? 

You can sell my info based on my clicks, but hand to god if dog poo shows up at my door, we’re going to have a sit-down! 

PS. Thanks for the humor, finding me gigs, long lost childhood friends, and sex. You’ve done far more for my life than any other website.☝๐Ÿป


I told them. 

don’t have a problem with short hair. Cut it all off. 

Three years ago around Christmas I cut off my waist length dyed black hair, to this.

I’m totally cool with you guys cutting my hair. 

The picture on the left was from last year under bright light. 

The picture on the right was from 8 days ago, indoors.

This is my natural hair color. It stays this color.

My hair grows very fast. Cut off all you want, but I will NOT allow my hair to be dyed or bleached. No temporary dye. No vegan color.  None of it. Cut off all you want. But THIS is my hair color.

*Just CGI whatever color. With all the photo edit apps rolling around making no one look like their picture, who knows what anyone’s hair color is in person. 

** There could be a 43 year old Italian guy under all that. You don’t know. Who knows anymore? ๐Ÿง๐Ÿคจ

*** Logan’s Run! They killed everyone at age 30 in the carousel scene. Don’t worry. We’re almost there. At my age who am I competing against looks wise? The other 50 year olds on my block? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Good morning DC Comics

Did Rolling Stone call ‘Aquaman’ a waterlogged mess?? Oh H’ELL no! I’m not an Aquaman fan, but I’m a Jason Momoa fan especially after seeing him do this


Can I tell you something?


No really


It’s a shocker

I’ve never seen an episode of Game Of Thrones. Not one. 

Rolling Stone is even less cool than Playboy. In its defense both died around the mid 90’s. 

Ok back to work. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


There’s a YouTube trend among young artists where they record themselves drawing or painting, and then post a hi speed three minute clip from start to finish. 

I can’t do that. 

I swear a lot

Drink in disgust 

Throw silent fits

Have a cup of tea

Sober up

Continue drawing 

And as amusing as a hi speed video of that would be, I do the photo version of my progress skipping the wackado like my peers.

And the night has just begun.