Sunday, March 1, 2020

SS Sunday

Just a few more lines on Ryan and I'm done.

Fuck. Buttigieg dropped out.

Yang is gone.

Biden, I guess?

Does it matter anymore? Does it? Does it really? How has my life gotten any better or worse? How? I just hate Trump. I hate everything about him. How did the Republican party not get on their collective hands and knees and beg Paul Ryan to knock Trump out of being a presidential nominee in the first place?

You thought it would be funny. Trump would campaign. Dumbledorkus his way around Washington. Get yelled at. Yell back. Get yelled at some more. And then all of a sudden... he turned into a very scary old German white man circa 1939. I mean, holy shit.

I see old white men walking towards me these days, I cross the fucking street. Goddamn misogynistic pervo's.

So this thing happened...


I'm not afraid of ordering online and banking online. If there's a problem I know how to fix it because I'm not 100 years old and scared of the internet.

On rare occasion people get a little touchy feely with my money. But I screen-grab every transaction. Habit. I record everything. I screen-grab everything.


Every day

Especially in this day and age

Especially in Vegas

A few evenings ago...

I ordered groceries from a store I don't usually shop at. But I like that there's no minimum delivery requirement with this store so long as you pay the $10 delivery charge.

Other stores have a $100 minimum.


Never in my life have I needed $100 worth of groceries at one time for myself.

Plus you can add a tip at the end of your order with this other online store. *Who carries cash in this day and age besides creepy old white men buying hookers?

So after my groceries arrived funny charges immediately appeared on my account. If it had been like a sandwich and a soda, a part of me would have been like, they probably needed something to eat and stole a few bucks from me hoping I wouldnt notice because they were starving. Had that been the case I would have let it go and just not used the service ever again. But it wasn't a sandwich and a soda, it was two Twix candy bars, a small bag of Dorritos, and a cold Starbucks frappuccino. It was junk food. Snacks.

I screen-grab everything. Every notification from the start of my order to the very end. So when these added charges suddenly appeared after I received my delivery naturally I contacted corporate via email and social media with all my screen-grabs.

Like I said, had it been a sandwich and a soda, I wouldn't be all that pissed because I'd just figure they were hungry and couldn't afford lunch. It's not uncommon in the food industry for workers to be broke. But since it was chips and candy, I wasn't going to let it go. Fuck that.

I worked in the service industry. Many years. But in this day and age unless you're a primo hacker, it's really hard getting away with stealing online.

Back in the 80's, before the internet, you could get away with boosting a few dollars here and there on someone's credit card. Pad your tips. Today not so much. I never did. But I knew people. And why get fired over snacks?

We'll see what if anything happens.


The creepy downstairs neighbor went on an hour long tirade again this morning about women. Jesus Christ. He's increasingly getting more hateful. 5150!!

Every morning between 7-8am he gets on the phone to either his brother or ex-wife and bitches for at least an hour about women, minorities, liberals, and young America. He doesn't talk to people, he collects information about people, like an old hen, then complains about them the following morning -- for an hour! This is his life. 80 year old white guy. He wakes me up every goddamn morning. It's the worst alarm clock ever! I can't imagine being 80 years old and knowing this is all he has to live for until the day he dies. So sad. Just get the clown makeup now.

Moving on...

So it seems I'm in a race over a ghost cat illustration. (Shaking fist at Nathan the cat lady!) My ghost cat will be along the lines of Tim Burton meets M Night Shyamalan. Plus I had the idea for weeks before you! No matter. Mine will be cooler. You're a little too G-rated cartoon character like. I love ya. But you're a G-rate nerd.




Okay, time for a glass of wine and write up something brilliant. Good night.

Nose mole!

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