Tuesday, March 10, 2020

100% coronavirus. No additive.

Republicans thought they were disrespecting senator Mitt Romney for not inviting him to CPAC. Ha! That diss didn't quite work out the way you wanted, did it? Enjoy your quarantine! Mitt's going outside. Because he can. Inside. Outside. Inside. Outside. But not you, potentially compromised immune system!

Reportedly Haide janetzki accidentally ordered 48 years worth of toilet paper instead of 48 boxes. She is now the TP kingping of Australia. All hail!

Asian kids are being sprayed in the face with Lysol, by other students as they enter their schools.

If you're Asian, do not cough in public. Do not fucking cough!

Yang and Buttigieg didn't get the numbers for a Democratic presidential nod and suddenly all the jokes come flying out about the old geezers that are left. Well, I mean, you had two perfectly qualified young guys, but nooo...

And I have to go out Thursday to find toilet paper and geoceries. Thank god no one in Vegas eats healthy. There will be plenty of fruits and vegetables. Toilet paper, however, I might have to negotiate a deal with the TP kingpin of Australia.

One could say, it's a shit time to be alive.

Ghost cat illustrations are my sig of the times.

2020 the year people stopped believing in science all together.

Coronavirus? Whaat? That's fake! Never mind that the Chinese doctor who discovered it, Dr. Li Wenliang, an otherwise healthy medical peofessional who knew how to wash his hands, is now dead from exposure to it.


Coronavirus, fake news!




Do we believe employees at immigration holding cells were told to remove posters about coronavirus and the best way to protect yourself from it? I don't not believe it.

And oh Dr. Sara Cody, did you really just lick your fingers while telling Americans not to?

That's it!!! Fuck. I can't take any more. Two weeks self quarantine!!! That's the new secret handshake. Sshhh pass it on. Just don't touch anybody.

Don't touch me!!! Coronavirus!!!! Coronavirus!!!!

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