Tuesday, March 1, 2022




Three hours later we ate. 


We’ll be eating stew for a few days 😜 One of the easiest things in the world to make… Aaaand then it takes 4 hours to cook.


My day off. Hot date? Cold date? Fruit date? 

No. Better!

Making a homemade stew for my dear friend who’s been amazing to me these past few weeks. 


Yesterday was my 7th day at work. (Who thought that was a good idea?) Me. I thought that was a good idea. And true to form I was wrong. So horribly wrong. But since I have to go back to Los Angeles to see my new primary doctor, yes I finally have a new primary doctor, who might actually work with a neurologist to help me get better, or at least feel better, I thought sure I can work 7 days in a row to make up for the days I'm taking off. HAHAHA. No.

By the end of my work day I was legit ready to Korean-crazy on everyone. There's only three other people at that time of night working with me but I was SO ready to take them with me on Ozzy's crazy train to the Alamo! I don't have nerves of steel boys and girls, but I do have a rather impressive will power. Our lord who art in Heaven...


My bladder would not give me a break. I had to pee like every 45 minutes on my 90 minute commute to work with no place to pee at that hour. I literally walked 4(plus) miles around Las Vegas from 8pm-10pm last night trying to find places to pee. The last time I had to go, I saw there was a Smiths grocery store that was open until 11pm about 5 miles from me. Fantastic! I spent $15 on a Lyft to get me there ASAP. But when I got there at 10:15pm they had already closed up the bathrooms and the market. SUGGESTION: Don't say you're open until 11pm if you're closed by 10:15pm. Say you close at 10pm FFS. Just a thought. I managed to hold it in until I got to work. And this is why women get bladder infections, because we're constantly struggling to find places to pee. Men can just whip it out and pee wherever but women... I not long ago had to pee so badly, and everything was closed by 9pm even Starbucks, I just said fuck it and peed behind someone's bushes. I text my friend last night, "I think it's time for adult diapers." Apparently no one has to pee in public after 8pm in the Las Vegas suburbs. 

So already I was in a mood when I got to work. And such as life, as soon as I got to work I saw I couldn't prep anything without first washing the dirty prep trays the shift before me is supposed to do, but of course didn't. And as I'm washing my prep trays the song, "Hello darkness my old friend" is playing in the dark recesses of my mind. Y'all lucky my will power is stronger than my bladder.

But it's now my Saturday. I'm going to go now and juggle my post stroke prescriptions since that useless cunt of a doctor only refilled half of what I'm supposed to be taking. 

Six more days and I'm back in LA. Aaaaaaah, where there's a Starbucks on every corner that opens at 4am and don't close until 9pm the way God intended.

Everything in Vegas closes by 7pm and doesn't open again until 7am. FFS you really do just come here to die.



Twitter rage wants to charge Will Smith with war crimes.😂


Gee. That was fun. 

Can we now go back to people with real world problems like Ukraine.


Preach, Preacher!😏


Aah Twitter law. Twitter made lawyers. Fuck law school or a having a firm understanding of legal jargon or the actual law for that matter. Oops. 


How sheltered is your world that you don't know what actual violence is?

Seems maybe more like a misdemeanor assault, if that. I laugh at the thought of a slap being considered battery or everyone's parents from the 60's would have gone to jail. 


Will Smith's slap was performed on a stage. A stage. There's maybe y'all first clue.

Gullible. Look that word up, boys and girls.
VIOLENCE!😂 Damn these violent movies!


I like you so very much. Thank you for this video.


There are people saying Will Smith's bitchslap to Chris Rock is a form of "violence".

What do you think, Miss?


Respect the hard working man. 


Gay people have gender roles down, girl. One stays home raising the kids while the other goes to work. Gender roles. Heteros fucked up somewhere. 

I heard one girl on her phone at the coffee shop for a solid hour talking (bitching) nonstop. PROTIP: Hang up on girls like her, fellas. Don’t take her shit. Ever. It’s not toxic masculinity, it’s cunty lack of femininity. Be a man. Fist fight when the time and place calls for it. Pay the bills. Take care of your family. BE A MAN. Women are not queens or princesses for being born with a vagina. End that shit now. 



When a woman cannot cook, or do her own housework, or sew a button, someone’s mother needs a smack in the mouth. Gender roles, republicans. Be the conservative party about family and tradition once more. Make it happen. 

Men bring home steaks. Women cook them. 



So many WTF’s!! 

Cake 1 is what now?? Goddamn Asians.


*wapow!* Gimme my Oscar, bitch! 



I care more about the mouse. Poor thing.



Say it like you mean it!





America doesn't want war but if you don't flex your UN flag every once in a while the bad guys forget. Nothing wrong with a healthy reminder. 


Pro tip: You don’t actually say the (hypothetical) assassination came from America, boys & girls. It’s not like, “Pow pow, love America.” Although that would be kinda… 


I don’t know who you are but you’re my hero. 



Heading back into Vegas this morning. I only have half my post stroke medication because that useless cunt for a "doctor" refilled only half, who knows why, she's useless, but now that I'm back to having a male primary doctor, and male neurologist, the way god intended, things will not only get done, they'll get done properly.

Yesterday I observed male after male after male in their work place taking care of business calmly and professionally, while women were nonstop emotional assholes. And even though (in my lifetime) it is men who start wars, it is also men who have saved my life none more-so than in the past two years. It was three male doctors who saved my life when I had a stroke, it was my male friends who helped me financially during Covid. It is my male friends now helping me into my new apartment. And since 2019, only two women have been there for me. Two. I can count on one hand how many have been there for me, my chef friend Cynthia, and the oral surgeon who saved my jaw. Technically one woman has been there for me without my paying her, my chef friend Cynthia who is getting married at the end of the week. Congratulations! And the reason for my observing women being absolute cunts....

The hospital neurology department administration (secretary or whatever the fuck she is) at Providence St. John's in Santa Monica where I had my stroke was a total complete CUNT. I hate women who don't listen and just talk over you. I hate it when men do it, but when women do it they're just RAGING CUNTS pure plain and simple.

Women, particularly after a certain age need to be re-saddled, re-learned. Feminists have disturbed the force. Yin-yang, feminine and masculine, are the balance of the universe. Men bring home steaks. Women cook them. That's balance. Harmony. Men start wars, but women fuck up the universe with their feminist chest pounding bullshit. And while I do not disagree there ARE women who can do man jobs, and do them well, better even, those women are exceptionally FEW and FAR in between. You don't get a trophy just for participating, you have to earn it. In the past two years I can count those women on one hand. One. --- And yes, buying lipstick DOES make a woman feel better. It just does. Mind over matter.   

I want to wear a skirt to work. Skirts are more comfortable. How can women not enjoy wearing skirts to work? It's one thing if women want to wear pants to work, that's their individual choice, but to force me to not be able to wear a skirt to work because it makes YOU uncomfortable is bullshit. Don't force me into your chest pounding nonsense. Restore the balance! 

Women KNOW women don't like each other. They won't even buy each other coffee. Five women will stand in line at Starbucks and not a single woman will buy another woman coffee. No woman has ever said, "It's only $25. I'll buy this round of coffee. You guys leave the tip." Never happens. Each goddamn woman will pull out her own credit card and then stand in front of the credit card machine confused for three minutes. 


Thank you men... and Cynthia... for being awesome. All the other women I encountered yesterday can fuck off.



Good night. Back in Vegas tomorrow morning. I have to get back to work. Apparently I'm the only one who knows how to use the goddamn lettuce shredder. Just think of it as a mini wood chipper with a hand crank. Oh. Right. West coast people don't know what a wood chipper is. 

Oh to die a thousand deaths.   


Any male who votes for a woman into the White House isn't a real man in my eyes. He's a submissive little cuckold. 


Everyone knows I'm a wildly HUGE supporter of gender roles. Gay couples, pick a gender, I don't give a shit which one, just pick one and perform those opposite primary duties of your partner. i.e. Men take out the garbage. Women wash the dishes. That's how a healthy balanced society functions. If I have to talk to one more godamn cunty woman today, someone's getting tossed off a metaphoric bridge.   

Men need to go back to being men. Women need to go back to wearing lipstick and being pretty. Be funny. Be sexy. Be entertaining. Be slutty. Be creative. Be right brain. Men be left brain.  

I miss the days when I could wear a skirt to work and men called me honey, sexy and baby in the work place.

Hand to god, anyone but that idiot Trump, and I will vote Republican if it rights the wrongs of who should be doing what in society. FIX IT.


Fuck it. I'm telling you now someone should marry me quick and put out million dollar life insurance policy on me because all the medical politics on top of shady doctors, will without question, kill me.   

The hospital neurology department administration (secretary or whatever the fuck she is) at Providence St. John's in Santa Monica where I had my stroke was a total complete CUNT. I hate women who don't listen and just talk over you. I hate it when men do it, but when women do it they're just RAGING CUNTS pure plain and simple.

NO ONE told me to see a regular neurologist. No one. Not my primary doctor who is a useless fucking CUNT or the hospital. No one told me. 

I have to eat something it's been 17 hours dealing with all this bullshit. 

Eat. Call the insurance company (again) pick up what little medication that USELESS CUNT prescribed. Ugh. Can we please go back to just men having the grown up adult jobs. I hate dealing with these fucking women.


Observation: Water pressure in Los Angeles is horrible. I never realized just how horrible until you live (anywhere else) for a while, then come back and try showering in Los Angeles. Also, the term "slum lord" has never been more prevailing than in LA. $100 a night for a TV that doesn't work, a bed that may or may not have bed bugs, where you may or may not live throughout the night. My shower doesn't have a shower curtain or rod. Water just splashed all over everywhere. --- Los Angeles.


We live here for the weather. No work. High impossible rents. Dead dreams. But the weather keeps us.  

Strangely, I have not given up hope finding love this year. Last time I wanted love I got married. I could get married again... or win superlotto. It's up to 27 million dollars. 



I'm sorry was The Adam Project a sad movie? Everyone said they cried. Where exactly... did you... cry? 

I'm an American Gen X'er. Not having parents around was our thing. I never cried not seeing my parents. I was kind of grateful to be honest. 


Back in LA. 



Back in LA tomorrow evening. Tuesday doing taxes, ATTEMPT to get my prescriptions from the hospital who originally prescribed them to me, see my missed beloved ocean because that has to happen...

I'm going to email Grace and tell her I'm taking her room for $900 + $400 deposit. I don't want to but it's a mile up the street from my work... 

Nothing is certain

Except maxi pads with wings. The most useless invention ever. Spent all my teens and 20's just fine without "wings" on my maxi pads. Not all of us are pro tennis players. Some of us can't get the "wings" situated just right under the panties on the first try and then end up going through 5 maxi pads per bathroom visit. Is that their game? Some of us can't get out of bed without getting a charlie horse. 

I have no idea why I'm still getting a full period at 53. The blood has an odor to it which I can only imagine is the scent of death. Jesus Christ, faster!



Can you believe it’s been 30 years my handsome friend? And I still go to Canter’s. What beautiful corpses we will leave behind.


I had four hours to kill before checking into my next Airbnb. I did laundry…

And now I have an hour and a half to kill before I can check into my next Airbnb. So I had Korean corndogs though they were out of potatoes.🥺🥺😭😭😭

And now I’m at Starbucks just down the street from the Airbnb. I’m going into work tonight, prep a bunch of stuff, then head back to the Airbnb, sleep, repeat tomorrow, then head into LA Monday. 

Some guy text me out of the blue who made zero effort to date me when he initially emailed me and is now saying he’s sad he never had the chance to date me. From the time he first emailed to now, over a year has past.🙄 

If you’re not on it making every effort in your body to date me from day 1, hard pass.

I’d rather have cats.



How young and adorable we once were.


It's been said people are physically attracted to the symmetry of others. The more profound the symmetry, the more attractive the person is. 

They say.  


The phenomenon is often referred to as "Mona Lisa's Smile". It's the face within the face. Picasso used cubism to express the phenomenon. In fact, many of Picasso's face paintings in cubism were made in such a way that if you were to fold the painting (how do I explain this) like a Z you would see two profile's kissing.  

Put your hand over half the face, then over the other half, and see two different people. 

Mona Lisa's smile. 

My self portrait(s).

Tragedy & Comedy?


I ordered a pizza with cheese and pineapple because I'm still hammering out the details of my trip back to LA, and I know I'm not supposed to say this but I'm really glad when The tip goes to a driver who is like the nicest person. I know I'm not supposed to say that being in the F&B industry myself and for many years as a waitress thus I blindly tip much higher than 25% just out of professional courtesy, but I'm always happy when the tip goes to someone who gives a fuck about their job. Yay! 


I think I'm handling this whole doctors office/prescription shit can of a situation rather well considering I'm also on my period. MY PERIOD. I'm still getting a goddamn period at 53. It rarely happens, maybe twice a year, but still. Point?


What can I say? This country has gone to hell in a hand basket. Remember when being gay was literally "the worst thing". Goddamnit. Can we please go back to them days?

I have spent more time being hung up on by my doctors office, literally hung up on, "No no no we cannot help you today. Call back Monday." Was THE LAST thing my doctors office said to me and then hung up on me. I called my insurance company, reported them, and they assigned me a new doctor. However, the new doctor doesn't go into affect with my insurance plan for two more weeks. My prescriptions for blood pressure medications will run out by then. Correction, two of my prescriptions for blood pressure medications will run out by then. Why only two? Because my current/old doctors office only approved to refill two out of the four medications without an appointment. Fine. I called the doctors office and the woman answering the phone literally said, "No no no, I cannot help you today. No appointments being made today. Call back Monday." *click*

Look, bitch. I don't have time to keep calling your goddamn office. My insurance carrier said, "Go to the hospital who cared for you when you had your stroke. Explain to them what's going on and see if they'll write you a new prescription since they are the ones who originally prescribed them to you." --- Thank you, miss. Brilliant idea. So Monday I am back in Los Angeles to get this sorted out one way or another. 

Luckily I know my boss. We worked together before for two years. I explained to her the situation and she is fine with me making my own schedule for the time being. No other boss would allow me this much freedom.

I had THE strangest dream last night...

I was at this beautiful large rock and water hand made quarry. It was just gorgeous. And there were cats! Like 4 or 5 beautiful cats. (Heaven!) But these cats kept jumping into the water to swim. SWIM! WTF? One cat in particular I was very fond of for some reason. This kitty too was swimming. But then it started struggle and immediately sank. "Go save my kitty!" I scream at the guy next to me who happened to be Chef Bobby Flay and he jumped into the water and rescued my kitty. I think I was on a date with Bobby Flay and this is where he took me. After Bobby Flay rescued my kitty. The kitty shook off the water and jumped back in! The kitty swam across the quarry to the rocks where I was sitting. I reached down and scooped up the kitty out of the water and held him against my chest. --- And then I woke up.

I have not seen the black cat since the other morning. Good. I'm going to assume this kitty is someone's cat. 

Tomorrow I check out of this airbnb and into another one for the weekend since nothing can be done regarding my prescription clusterfuck of a situation until Monday. I'll work the next two days and head into Los Angeles on Monday. 

I have my first (Asian) male airbnb host tomorrow in Chinatown. I know I said I wasn't going to go back but this an emergency situation and the room was only $65 per night.  

Holy shit. Hell in a hand basket. March madness indeed. 



Since March 11th I've been going back and forth between my doctor's office and the pharmacy. Both are blaming the other for me not getting my prescription order.
"They have it."
"No we don't."
"Your pharmacy is lying."
"Your doctor never approved our refill request."
And what are my prescriptions for? 4 pills daily to prevent having another stroke or heart attack.


"This is the big one. I'm dying. I'm coming Elizabeth! I'm coming!"


On the third (or is it the fourth?) call to my doctor's office they, as they have in the past, inform me that pharmacies lie about getting prescriptions. Why would they lie about it? It's not like they can order more medication without a doctor's prescription. I need a new doctor's office. This is ridiculous. 



There are three kinds of workers in the restaurant world. Three. Just three. And you know them based on which shift they work. If they're loud, demanding, want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and generally irritating AF, they're morning shift. If they're hustlers, movers, shakers, making a buck and connection every minute of every hour, they're mid/night shift workers. If they just want to come to work, do their jobs, not be bothered, make their cash and go home, they're graveyard workers, i.e. me. -- My motto is: "Don't bother me. What do you want? Nothing? Then get away from me." So when my boss says things to me like, "The morning shift insists you... " My response will always be, "Tell the morning shift to suck my cock." I won't go out to eat in the mornings unless I know someone in particular working there, because I just know I'll absolutely hate my server. And those servers are usually single moms in their 40's & 50's who ought be on 20 different kinds of prozac and I'll just want to strangle the fuck out of her with my bare hands. Like I do at every goddamn restaurant job I've ever had including this one.

EXAMPLE: I break open the cheesecake boxes. Dump out the cheesecake. Takes 5 seconds. Not a goddamn priority. Anyone can punch open a box. I have salads to make, chicken and egg rolls to prep, sauces to make, but holy shit, forget to punch open a box of cheesecake one night and the morning crew will literally wait ALL DAY not punch open a cheesecake box, wait for me to come to work at 10pm and then proceed to yell at me for not opening a cheesecake box THE NIGHT BEFORE. Yep. Morning crew. 

If a morning server ever says to you, "We're out (of something)" No, they're not out. Your server just doesn't want to take five seconds and punch open a box. 

I love mid/night crews. They're ALL like, "I ain't got time for this shit" and then proceed to punch open 20 boxes of cheesecakes to sell because they want that CASH MONEY. Not morning crews. They want you to tip them big bucks just for showing up for work.   

And now I get to spend the day fighting with my doctors office because for reasons I do not understand they refuse to refill my prescription with the pharmacy. They're probably ordering drugs using my insurance. Shady doctors office employees using patient's insurance to order meds for their side hustle. Answer me or answer the insurance company. They're gonna answer to someone.       

So I guess St. Patrick's Day isn't a thing for Google? 




Watching Netflix's Vanishing At the Cecil Hotel (all the way through because it was too annoying the last time I tried watching it) about Elisa Lam. It's pretty obvious what happened here right? She had a mental episode, a breakdown, met another person or persons who also had mental problems, I mean (hello) skid row, downtown LA, it seems according to this documentary she was already undressed, she no doubt willingly got up on the water tank by herself and whether she jumped in or was pushed in, her clothes were gathered and thrown in after her or before and that's what made her climb up there in the first place, and then the tank lid was closed after she want in. -- Phone rings, "SEVEN DAYS." It was at least a two man job. Lam & someone else.

It's eeerie and horrible but worse than her death are these nutjobs who have (not even well thought out) conspiracies.

I've worked in hotels. I've managed them. And I will never forget when TMZ and other tragic/gossip based television shows called in to see if anything "interesting" happened in the hotel that night. No, nothing happened nor would I tell you if it had." And what was the "interesting" story they were all looking for? The night Janie Lane died in a motel room from (I think) consumption. 

Forgive me, my generation X is showing.

And here's some more!

"So tell me, what do you want to do for work?"

"I just want to push trash around with a high powered hose."

"Perfect! You're hired!"

"Do I have to pick up any trash?"

"What? No. If you did that we wouldn't need to hire you (hahaha!) You just drive around in a government issued truck and push trash off sidewalks with a high powered water hose. Tomorrow you'll do the same thing. The trash will always roll back on to the sidewalk so it is a full time job Monday-Friday. "

"Do I get government salary, full benefits, and a pension?"

"Of course!"

Now, you might think I'm joking but oh no boys and girls, my man rolled up in a government vehicle, yelled at me to get off the sidewalk, thus I stepped off the sidewalk and up the embankment so my man could move the trash off the sidewalk with a high powered water hose and into the street or wherever the trash landed just so long as it wasn't on the sidewalk anymore. MEANWHILE less than 50 feet away... (which will be tomorrow's job).

Coming home from work yesterday I saw a gorgeous little black kitty cat prancing down the street of early dawn. (sigh, uh-oh). I couldn't tell if it was wearing a collar or not but it ran from me pretty hard and sketch when my kitty call of "psspsspss" didn't work. I didn't see it the kitty this morning. I hope I don't see it ever again. I can't have my heart broken. Not now. 

I leave this airbnb Saturday morning and head back into LA and TRY getting my prescription medications. I have less than a week's worth of post stroke meds left. I hate my doctor's office I really do. I do not doubt for a second there's a whole bunch of sketch going on. They are Russians after all.😒





Open carry is stupid. Like I need some unhinged woman, old person, or gun newbie enthusiast with five second access to a gun to protect me from a homeless person or junkie. You just described over half my friends and myself at one point or another. I’m currently homeless living in an Airbnb’s. But by all means show me how cool you are, and how unable to cope in society you are. I don’t open carry and yet I somehow managed to live this long. It’s a mystery how but goddamnit hi. 

Save Ukraine’s pets! That’s it America, give Ukraine whatever military aid they’re asking for. Tanks, missiles, ninjas, whatever they want!! 


I want a boyfriend I find as cute and adorable as this.



I'm two seconds away from slapping this woman who is annoying as fuck. Her laughter is more irritating than the 70 year old guy with his open carry gun holster on his hip. He's walking with a cane and a limp but goddamnit maybe his geriatric arthritus might allow him to point the gun at his intended victim whoever that might be at the Rebel gas station. Um. Duck?

Las Vegas.🔫 pow pow


America does not like cleaning their butts with water. There will probably never be bidets on every American toilet. Clogging up the sewage system with toilet paper, now that's AMERICA! -- Although this ad doesn't really do much to persuade Americans otherwise. 


So the last airbnb (the one by my work) wants $900 a month, which is only a couple hundred dollars less than if I just airbnb it, PLUS $400 deposit - for just a room, shared bath, no kitchen use, and no pets. Additionally she wants a long term tenant. I don't know what that means in Vegas. In Los Angeles that means one year and that will not do. 


Too bad. I'll keep looking. Had she said $600 a month, because my last studio apartment with private bath and kitchen was $650 a months, and $300 deposit, that would have been reasonable. 

Off to work soon. Hopefully this time people will actually come into work tonight. I have a very busy night ahead of me. There hasn't been anyone prepping anything for over 24 hours since last night the restaurant was dark on account of no employees came into work except me. I'm sure the day people lost their shit all day. Too bad. Onward battle day crew vs night crew.     


I’m fifty-can’t get off the Tempur Pedic mattress without getting a charlie horse-years old.



Back in my Summerlin airbnb. INSIDE. I got inside. Yayy! I didn't get paid today because peoples didn't come to work but... This for that... I suppose.

Good night.


I got a house key? 


Welp, I showed up to work. Aaaaand I was the only one. So the restaurant was forced to close and I don't get paid.😕


Had Vegas style Hawaiian bbq.


For sure eat.


Apparently today is daylight savings. Spring forward an hour. Not that I noticed. Whatever time my lord and master IPhone says it is that’s what time it is. 

I’m at a tea place called Vovo trying to jerk myself awake for my graveyard shift. They close at 9pm. Everything off strip closes between 7pm-9pm because Vegas is where you go TO DIE. No need to be social or eat/drink past 5pm. You came here TO DIE. 

I text my Airbnb house host Nina three hours ago if she got me a house key yet. No response.😒 Bets if I’m getting back in the house when I get off work? Anyone? Anyone? Sketch. 


I'm thinking of cutting my hair off again and letting it go grey again. If a woman with grey hair can catch Keanu Reeves, well then.

Just finished watching Tinder Swindler on Netflix. It's awful these women were swindled. HOWEVER... $120,000?! He swindled you out of $120,000?! Girrrrrrl. Did you not have girl friends to be like GIRRRRRRRRL?! Ya'll need to spend some time in California where females won't even buy their besties a cup of freaking coffee at Starbucks. "What? I'm not paying for your $7 frappuccino, bitch. Put it on your credit card. Now lets take a besties selfie with our coffees and post it on Instagram. Say BESTIEEEES! Love ya, bitches!" 

I know I got off subject. It happens. 

Sure we criticize these women for being duped, I mean, y'all met this boy off Tinder, for one. TINDER. Hook up culture. Tinder! "Looking for love in all the wrong places."

My current airbnb doesn't have a lock on my bedroom door. Correction, I can lock the door when I'm inside it, but when I leave there's no lock. I also don't have a key to the front door. "No need for a key" the homeowner says, "I'm always home." This should be interesting. It's like a 6 person hostel but with your own room and no toilet paper. I've learned long ago to have my own tissue. And you just have to carry your important stuff with you. I'm glad I kept my backpack with me. The guy in the room next to mine doesn't flush the toilet. He's like 30-something and as redneck as redneck can get. Ugh. And he doesn't flush the toilet. What a dick. He'll steal something just watch. My laundry quarters. Something. 

I miss the last airbnb I was just at. The family of my last airbnb said I could rent the room monthly in two weeks after the current renter vacates in like two weeks. We'll see how much of my stuff is still here when I get home from work in the morning. I mean everything is replaceable if it means that much to the redneck to steal my makeup and hairdryer.      

I'm off soon to head into my work neighborhood. 






The struggle is real!🥒 🥒 🥒 


Remember when Sylvester Stallone reportedly had a certain fetish involving naked girls on glass tables? 



I saw a little white doggy trotting down the street and into someone’s yard. But when I got close enough to pet it I saw it was really a white plastic bag.



"Cutting off Russian trade deals in America. Mostly caviar, vodka, and... " did she say plywood? 


Before my stroke I consumed a pretty decent amount of vodka in my life. It was the hard liquor of choice growing up but I have not had it since. And unless hammer handles and baseball bats are made of plywood (they're not) none of these trade cuts matter a whole bunch to us little people. Sooooo... 

What's plan B, America?


Went back to sleep for three hours after 5 phone calls between my pharmacy and doctor's office. WHY is getting my prescription refilled so goddamn hard? Why? Every three months just trying to get my prescription refilled is more complicated and annoying than trying to walk two blocks down the Las Vegas strip. Which you no longer can by the way. It's a maze of catwalks and escalators leading you through mini malls of high end stores you couldn't afford to shop in your own home town let along Las Vegas strip prices. FYI boys and girls, locals would rather lick a cow's eye than meet you on the strip. I learned my lesson from the last time I worked out here, the only place to work & live is Summerlin... and some parts of Chinatown... and there's like four blocks in Henderson that are decent.   

I have a food handler's card but you have to get a Southern Nevada health card also which I can't get until JUNE 6th. That was the earliest appointment I could get. JUNE 6th. 

And the whole renew your TAM Card (to buy/sell alcohol in Las Vegas) isn't really a thing. They just say it is for the same reason road construction starts and never finishes, because why not? No, you have to apply all over again as if it's your first time getting the card which isn't really a big deal, it's just funny to me that there's a link for "renew your card" and a link for "first time card". When you click on the link that says "renew your card" it literally tells you on the next page, "this isn't a thing". Ahhh LV humor. 

Today & tomorrow are my days off. Tonight is my last night at this airbnb. Tomorrow I have to move to another airbnb a few miles into Summerlin. My current air bnb was sold for next week. Too bad really. I like this airbnb a lot. Presently I'm in what's called Summerlin South. It's like moving from Hollywood to West Hollywood minus the poodles with spiked collars and transexual bingo.   

FYI my dear Las Vegas 23 year old white female bartenders, it's pronounced....


Traffic cones, the official flower of Las Vegas. It was cold yesterday. Lower 40's. I was cold. Pulled out the mittens and black knit hat, cold. I took the metro to my work meeting. On my way back however the driver couldn't stop at my stop on account of (7 year) construction and so I was displaced a half hour walk from my bus stop. I didn't walk are you kidding me I took a Lyft. It was COLD outside. Be that, I was still mad. KAREN mad. Mad AF Mad. Korean mad (and we're crazy when we're mad, you know) ... But then Lyft dropped me off at my airbnb and... As I walked up the driveway some guy fell to the ground, hard, just THUD to the ground. I asked if he was okay, if I could please help him, I didn't know if he lived in the house, was drunk, high, was another airbnb guest, or what? But he very clear as day said, "I don't need help" ... I went inside the house and called out to the family host that a man had fallen on the ground just now out on the driveway, and the family ran out to help him. I didn't know if I should hang around, or what. But after like two minutes I saw the family had the situation in hand. I think the man was a family member with maybe a medical condition. But the family had no idea he was outside. The point to all this is, I'm glad I walked up the driveway when I did, but... What the fuck is with all the unfinished road construction in Las Vegas?! Seriously, like years and years of unfinished road construction! 


Remember when the bad guys were afraid of America? 

Those were good days.


Say it like you mean it.



"Words words.... once I could cause a riot in a nunnery."

They're just words. We've been using the word "they" to describe anyone we don't want out boyfriends to know who we're with. 

"Sorry for being late sweetheart I ran into your dad a friend and they want to fuck get a drink and catch up. It's been so long since we've had hot nasty sex seen each other I'm dying to fuck your dad like a whore catch up with them. Be home after he cums in my mouth in a little while. Love you!" 


I got you, girl.


They're making me go. I have to go do a corporate thing today and then I plan on having a few drinks and making some bad decisions.

I don't corporate at all well. 


Remember exclusivity? Exclusive. Restricted. Limited. Must meet requirements. What happened to that? Everyone's famous now. Everyone's a rockstar. Everyone's a pornstar. Everyone's famous. Everyone's a chef. Fuck blood, sweat, tears, and earning your title, everyone's a queen! Even gay men are like, "Oh hell no, bitch. You ain't earned that shit!" 

It's supposed to be hard. It, as in everything. Everything is supposed to be hard. That's how you know you made it. Podcasts are for people who are famous who earned the right to speak, not for some slut in Elkader, Iowa, who fashioned a glory hole out of her 2 year old daughter's baby blanket. 

What happened to the stars?! It's time to start a "You ain't shit!" campaign. Everyone doesn't get a trophy just for participating. You ain't shit! Lets go back to pretty popular girls being raging cunts in high school, let's go back to making it hard as fuck for men to get a kiss on a first date let alone blowjobs from strange women on the internet. Lets go back to making it hard as fuck. Because maybe then it won't lead people to think just anyone can rule the world anytime they fucking feel like it. 



DISTRICT MNGR: "I want these sliced tomatoes stacked so I can easily count them for inventory. I don't care how many storage containers you have to use."

ALSO DISTRICT MNGR: "Why are there so many storage containers in the walk-in?"

ALSO DISTRCT MNGR: "Why are these tomatoes so big?"

The struggle is real.


I’m so in love with her. I cook. You eat. Can’t you see we are meant for each other? 


Conservative men: "Ban gender identification discussion in schools!"


Their wives & kids on social media be like:

(Pick a species!) 


Food and exercise. I walk a mile to work and a mile back. A mile (plus) if I stop for a beer which isn't often I can't drunk-walk as well I used to but it sure makes the walk back to the airbnb more enjoyable.  

Everything she's eating here. So good.

This is so soothing to watch.



Um no. It doesn’t work that way honey because now I want to see your tits too.🍈🍈


Me checking out the moment I walk outside minus the parachute.🪂 


Girls who roller disco are hot.


If only Peggy Hill was around when I was growing up. 


Peggy Hill forever!


While my boss is on much needed vacation, there's some district idiot helping out the store who told me to sweep the parking lot. Which is no big deal. I'll sweep a parking lot. Fuck it. But. Um. Do you not want any food made this morning? Everyone was like, "Where are you going?!" When they saw me with a broom and dustpan heading out the door. And I just shrugged my shoulders and said to go sweep the parking lot, that's what this district guy wants me to do. So I proceeded outside and swept the paring lot. Pick your battles, boys and girls. Didn't take this fool long to realize he just sent his one and only prep cook outside to sweep the parking lot which took about 20 minutes. He then spent the rest of the morning micro-managing everything I did for the rest of the morning to make up for his mistake. Because, you know, his mistake is my fault. Because he was embarrassed he followed me around for the rest of the morning saying stupid things like, "I want 18 pieces of chicken lined on each tray, not 20." 

Pick your battles, boys and girls.  

This news reporter sounds like Jack Black. Any minute now I'm expecting him to say, "NATO has the go ahead to send fighter jets into Ukraine... Enough talk!! SHA SHA SHA-BOOYA ROLL CALL!!!"  



Jennifer Psaki is really starting to irritate me. She will no doubt spin many moderate once Democrat votes Republican next election. Just watch.   


Help them. 

It was a good enough reason in 1950, it's a good enough reason now. 

Or have you forgotten? 



As if Trump could do any better. He thinks Ukraine is a construction crew out of New Jersey.


"Assassinating foreign leaders isn't American policy."

Correct, we only assassinate our own.



My online bestie spoke facts.


Absolute musical genius 



Saw this idea online...

Book Ukraine airbnb it gets money to the people faster. 



If we can get Osama... 



I revert back to a 13 year old in black hiking boots, ripped jeans, reading Shakespeare with a Marlboro hanging out of my mouth… you? 


That's how WASPS in America condemn Russia's war on Ukraine, by banning Vodka sales. It's like protesting but with a Mojito instead of a Screwdriver.


Bro Bro Broseph! ... Smirnoff was originally founded in Moscow. Soooooo what's your point?


If you want to watch an old lady fall out of her chair, I'll just keep my laptop cam on and ya'll be entertained at least 5 times a week. 


My friends and I on the west side every time someone from the valley drives in.



First, I want to remind everyone I cut and chop things for a living. Five hours straight just CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! I'm pretty good at it. Furthermore, I get paid to do it.

Second, lets all pretend NONE OF US have influence over the government. Any government. Any government anywhere. Like the Russian Tik-Tok social media chick that reminds me of Aramis's smoking hot ex-wife, she doesn't have any influence over Putin or the Russian government. Stop asking her stupid fucking questions like, "Are you loyal to Putin?" --- Knock it off. She's loyal to making content so's to keep a roof over her head. Like how I cut things for a living amid zero-dark-thirty.

Social media infuencers, Russian or otherwise, have no influence over government. No one's rolling a tank with flame throwers because a hot girl in spandex with decent wifi told them to. --- But just in case there IS a content creator with some government pull, could you please tell our Federal office to stop hanging up on me. I love it when I'm trying just to get a document from these guys and they say, "We're busy. Goodbye."

And by "love it" I mean... I chop things for a living. Knives. Sharp knives. And I get paid to do it.



What was that website again? CovidCovidCovid.com or was it CovidCovidCovidCovid.com? 
...Go little rockstar. 


Nothing warms my heart like a bunch of congressional baby boomers chanting "USA! USA!" 


Putin doesn't want to be out crazied by a 4 foot 3 North Korean nutwang who murdered his own uncle. 


Even autocorrect doesn’t accept Putin. He’s hated by autocorrect. You know you’re hated when autocorrect is all Hellllll No.


I refuse to say heil Putin.


If we can get Osama...

Just saying.


If only we knew. 

If only we had some sort of clue that Putin was a giant douchebag.


When a highly charged overly emotional news commentator on CNN refers to political/military strife as "crap" and "bullshit" on live TV.

...Go little rockstar.



March Madness. Indeed. And what better way to start the madness than by watching Secrets Of Playboy. 

In the early 90's I was messing around with a guy who was a bartender at the famous mansion of bunnies. He worked Friday & Saturday nights. That was his only job. Correction, that was his only legit job. All the girls back then were blonde, blue eye'd, big fake breasts. Pamela Anderson was their icon. Being Asian I was spared from being a girl of interest and therefor had zero interest being part of that world. Thank god. Now, Hustler on the other hand...

Youth is wasted on the young. If only I knew then what I know now. I wouldn't have changed a thing. I was having too much fun. It's not fun anymore. I hear young girls laugh and I wonder what on earth is so funny? What is there to laugh about in this day and age? I miss laughing. I haven't laughed, like really laughed since 2015, and that was while listening to a stand up comic's HBO special. I was living with Aramis, my dad was dying, I was fighting with my brothers, I couldn't take any more, I locked myself in Aramis's spare bedroom with a 6-pack of beer and this comic's HBO special and laughed, really laughed. And then a year later I read on this comic's social media page a fevered hateful rant against Asians. 

I miss being in love. I miss the sincerity and purity of being in love. Do people fall in love after 50? I miss being in love the way I was in love with my ex-husband when we were dating in 2002. I miss being in love the way I was in love with my first love back in 1990-1991. It's been 20 years... 

Lets fall in love.

Alas, it's now March. And you know what happens in March. Madness.

Here we go.