Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Will someone PLEASE

Duct tape Rose Mcgowan’s mouth shut. Thanks in advance. You were arrested bitch for drugs.

And all I have to say about Kevin Spacey, is....

When I was 12 & 13 years old I had serious thing for my 30-something smoking hot junior high school art teacher. I would have let that guy do soooooo many naughty things to me. He never touched me. But I would have let him. Absolutely. Only difference is, I wouldn’t try ruining his career afterwards even if he broke all his promises to me.


When I was in high school I was called a tease. Today in the adult world I’m called an exhibitionist. Had I been called an exhibitioinst instead of a tease in high school, I would have been less of a cunt to you.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday night picture blog

So today I...



Maybe something.

Maybe nothing.

But I've got a few days to kill. 


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday night picture blog

Lately on FB I've been seeing this woman on advertisements everywhere. 

She's a high end model. 58 years old. 

I wouldn't dare compare myself to her but...

Why not see what's out there??

Maybe something.

Maybe nothing.

I have a little free time now (it won't last) but while I have some free time, why not check things out?

A lot of women my age, nearing 50, simply give up. I never want to be THAT woman. That woman who just quits being healthy and looking their best. I refuse to compete with younger women. That's just foolish. But I also don't want to quit.


Oh. Hello.


How you doin'?

Love you some silver hair ladies?

*I really don't care if people steal my photos, or use my photos for target practice, use them for CL, use them for other nefarious activities I DO NOT want to know about, look, if you can get laid, or get whatever you're looking for by using my photos, goddamnit good for you!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Even more polit(r)ics


My T Scouts scout badges would be awesome!

Our softball team would Kick your ass!!!

More polit(r)ics

Boy Scouts are for boys, because the word BOY is in the name.

Just like

Girl Scouts are for girls, because of the word GIRL.

If the LGBTQ want to start a T Scouts, I would happily donate my hiking/camping scout leader services on occasion.

Until then... (god help me)... I agree with her.


Did you just compare homosexuality with toaster waffles?? 

Look mister...

British journalists Phil Cox, hid a memory card up his anus when he was captured in Sudan, because his mouth was too dry to swallow.

Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

Toaster waffles... sometimes.

Just saying.

Monday, October 16, 2017

This year for xmas

Is it too early to put in requests? I’m Buddhist, I don’t actually celebrate Christmas except to just hang out with friends, get drunk, get Santa drunk and see who he gropes and molests first. My money is on Aramis, this year he’s looking especially GQ lately. But if I did celebrate Christmas...

I’d like a bunch porn starring black guys, because we all know how into that I am.

Which late night talk show host said (he thought) Buddhists didn’t believe in military and war? Of course we do. Only monks can’t get their hands dirty. The rest of us however...

Is now a bad time to remind you I’m a registered Republican?

The only thing that should be on your Christmas lists this year is world peace, and this amazing Lifeproof case! World peace is cheaper. The Lifeproof case is more realistic.


The new IPhone is only $30. No. Honest. But the Lifeproof PHONE CASE is $800 plus tax!

I swear by Lifeproof. They always buy my old phone back. It’s worth the money.


Apparently I have to write the blog first and insert the photos after?

something red

CA fires. Puerto Rico. Shooting massacres. Hot naked Russian chicks getting killed by a mailbox (or was it a street post?) Sex scandals. Dog sculpture with giant wiener...

I've been in a mood. 

And nothing gets a girl out of a mood better than dropping approximately $900 on a little something-something red.

Technically it's pink, but the Lifeproof (aka "Simone" proof) case is red.

 Way better camera to selfie with...

And it pulsates when you touch it. Like a heartbeat. (I'm talking about the phone.)


Back to important real world things.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Dude, what's with the..."

Oh I don't know. I've been sober for like a week. I'm beginning to lose my vision. I'm told that can happen... 

Vegas doesn't have liquor stores off the strip like they do in LA. And Vons, in Vegas, is nothing like Vons in LA. If I want to drink (good) wine I have to practically go all the way to the goddamn strip. It's rediculous. I pondered opening my own wine store. And it seems I might have to move to Utah to get my sommelier pin. WTF is wrong with this state?? How can you have all these casinos, be the hotbed of entertainment, and not have wine?! WTF??!!

Just one more thing to fucking irritate me tonight.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sweary AF!

I'm too irritated to do anything else.

Are we done talking about the Vegas massacre? Ok. Just checking. No, no, by all means let's talk about the poor rich black guys some more.

Friday night pictu....

Oh what?? Right. Saturday.

That's cool. I'm too irritated right now to post all those pictures anyway.

Amazon Prime "two day delivery" really means 4 day delivery. It's been windy as fuck outside all day, and now. I looked at my cell phone bill tonight for the first in (ever!) What a mistake that was! I was happier not knowing what I was paying each month. And the whole Harvey Weinstein scandal hurts my brain.

Men are assholes. There. Harvey Weinstein scandal complete. These Hollywood actresses act like sexual harassment ONLY happens to them. No, Rose McGowan, it happens to women everywhere. It's been happening to women everywhere for years and years. P.S. jumping on the bandwagon isn't going to jump start your failed career. Bitch.

And to all these people who are (gasp!) shocked that a big time Hollywood guy like Weinstein, sexually harassed women, NEWSFLASH cigarettes cause cancer, that's why we called them cancer sticks when we were ten years old, and men are assholes. We've known men are assholes since kindergarten back when they were asshole boys, that's why back then we called them stupid asshole boys. It just AMAZES me how out of touch Hollywood women are. (Meme that shit!)

Soooooo what else...

The lease on my house ends in December. Hopefully transferring to a different casino at the end of November. NFL players can suck my cock. White people who support kneeling NFL players are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet if you think NFL players give a shit about whitey.

I just love it when white people take up black political causes AS IF those black people give a shit about white people!  

That's it.

Going back to writing my cannibalism campaign.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Goddamnit Jon!

You say "cannibal" like it's a bad thing. 

Like I said back in May 2014 and again in October 2016
I'm all for eating what you kill.

Cannibalism, it's the only way!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


So comfy. Didn't want to get out of bed. I need a sleep day. Stay in bed and order chinese food day.

Are you a conspiracy buff? Was there a second gunman? Is this a setup? A cover up? 

SUPPOSEDLY Stephen Paddock, checked into Mandalay Bay, alone, with more than ten (10) suitcases. I find it hard to believe a single man checked into Mandalay Bay, with over ten suitcases, unnoticed, in a Las Vegas, hotel and casino.

Last week, a little old lady of 90-something, (let's presume) ACCIDENTALLY walked out of a restaurant, inside a casino, without paying. It took security about three minutes to find her in the casino. And you're saying this guy Paddock, checked in, alone, into a big name Las Vegas hotel and casino, with over ten suitcases... didn't raise any red flags?  

Huh. Interesting.

I've worked for hotels. We're trained to look for things, like women who want rooms for the night but have no luggage to check in. We're trained to engage those women in conversation. To find out why they don't have any luggage. I imagine the same is true for a single guy checking in with over ten suitcases. Maybe someone forgot to ask the luggage question. I don't know. But I'm sure they're going to ask every single person now. And HOW did security not notice (over) ten suitcases going into this guy's room?

Remember when your parents were informed of warning sign that your kids mights be on drugs?

Wears black
Listens to Death Metal

Vague generalizations, ridiculous stereotyping, but it kept parents alert and paranoid nonetheless.

I work with two women (one nutjob in particular) and one guy, who I think all need serious psyche evaluations. They're angry ALL THE TIME. It's scary. 

And as I said before, menopause can severely screw women up physically, mentally and emotionally. So automatically I expect most (American) women of a certain age to act like terrorists. But for men... what are the warning signs?

As I get older, and older still, I'm acutely aware that I have (what) maybe 25-30 years left to live. Hopefully the next 15-20 years without too much pain brought on by old age. My dad died young from cancer but with at least with his mental/emotional faculties intact. 

The only pleasure I get from being old, is that my face still looks like I'm twelve. It's creepy and weird, which makes it fun. I could be a monster in the next M. Night Shymalan, film. (Call me!)

Let's assume Paddock is solely responsible for the Mandalay Bay, massacre. How did he end up this way? 

I appreciate all the heated debates over gun control and the NRA 


I'm more curious as to what was going on inside this guy's head.

How do people get this way??  

Are all these shootings mental illness? All of them??

Ok, make it harder to get guns. Ban semi and automatic weapons. Ban internet gun sales. Ban silencers... 

But let's also not forget, dangerous crazy people will find a way to express their danger crazy... with or without guns. 

We need to know what's going on here. Cause and effect. 

Take away the guns. All the guns.  


Bear in mind

If this is something OTHER than (just) mental illness

Serial murderers did things old school. They didn't need guns.

The only thing we can then hope for is: lazy before crazy.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Damnit, Angela

How did the gunman get firearms into Mandalay Bay?? Crackerjack job, security. Lawyers are now accepting clients from relatives of the dead, and the injured. How the fuck did this happen?? I work with a few old insane women, and just yesterday we joked about their mental instability. Not so funny today. 

What happened at the Harvest Festival, was senseless and horrific. And for what?


It was (not long ago) presumed mental illness occur only in women. Older women. Older women going through, or who had already gone through the change. Menopause makes women who were nutty to begin with, completely batshit crazy. I truly believe this. I think Hillary Clinton, suffers from it miserably. My dad's first wife should be locked up. Luckily she's too damn stupid to be a danger to anyone but herself. 

Be that as it may

The Mandalay Bay, shooter was a man, BUT presently not a known member of any terrorist cells.   

So what was this?

Just another case of mental illness? Is it really that simple? Or is it something else? Something... conditional? 

Remember season 2, eps 3, BLOOD, of the X-FILES? 


With all the social divisions plaguing the nation, the death of Hugh Hefner, was the ONE thing that my girl friends and I debated over. 

I'm at a loss for words understanding Angela's point of view that Hefner is solely responsible for the downfall of women who either worked for him, dated him, married him, and/or posed in his magazine. 

How can you honestly believe... 

Are adults no longer responsible for their own actions? 

How can any woman call herself a feminist, a strong, smart, independent woman, and in the same breath blame a man when things don't go her way? I don't understand this. 

I know you, Angela. you're not a man-hater. 

You can't blame Hefner, if a woman CHOSE to do drugs, CHOSE to pose nude, CHOSE to participate in orgies and other sex acts, and CHOSE to be a part of that lifestyle. The only coercion I believe in, is if she was kidnapped, beat, and threatened with a gun pointed at her head. If none of those things happened, if she got in the car willingly without first weighing the possible outcomes, well then... 

If a woman, an adult with the ability to make decisions for herself, with full use of her hands and legs, gets beat up by a man, and she stays with that man, I no longer have an opinion or care in the matter.  

Did she willingly get in the car and drive to Hef's house KNOWING what goes on there? 

Any woman who supports blaming men for her bad choices, is NOT a feminist.  

There are men I wanted to meet, socialize with, work with, have fun with, BUT the moment I hear bad thing, after bad thing, after bad thing about him, I'm not meeting him, not intentionally. I know it's gossip. BUT there are WAY too many men in the world, with a world of potential, to waste my incredibly rare and valuable free time investing in some guy's bad reputation.    


I firmly believe (those) men are assholes because women LET THEM. 

I realize women who didn't have positive male role models in their lives while growing up will get banged up more in the process of coming to be, which is why i encourage women to read more, study more, travel more (by foot if need be)... just be self reliant. Educated. Cultured. Keep company with only those who want to see you be self reliant. 


If (this thing) isn't working for you, look for better. Find better, and leave the old behind. 

People will always insult others looking for the bigger better deal. FUCK THEM. Better just means more suitable. 

From what I see on a daily basis, mental illness grabs more women than men. Men divorce women BECAUSE the husbands intuitively see the signs. If anyone should have seen the signs of mental illness in Stephen Paddock, it should have been other men, or younger women. Someone should have seen it.

While mental illness by itself is not a crime, must we continue to wait until people are murdered to do something about it?