Monday, November 30, 2015

"One two. One two. And through and through."

One pilot. Correction, one Russian pilot. Two Turkish pilots over Syria....


U.S. Officials Should have no opinion. Be peace makers. Not antagonists. 

I don't know how Russians feel about Turkey right now but, I love how the U.S. reports on how this will effect Turkish tourism. "Fuck humanity. Turkey has a Hard Rock Cafe, you must see!"

Ok, I don't (really) know if there's a Hard Rock Cafe in Turkey, or not, but...

I can't take our Officials (too) serious when most of the men appointed probably abide by the "ten second" rule. 

Ten second rule, according to some men: Food is still acceptable to put in your mouth if it's been on the ground for less than ten seconds.

And why you will never be invited to my woman cave. This pains you terribly. I know. I know.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Vote for a leader, not a politician!

CNN asked the open question, "Who will you blame when Obama is gone?"

I'd like to respond.

President Obama, seemingly isn't willing to die for anything presidential. This is why he remained a politician rather than a leader once he gained the White House. President Obama, isn't willing to lead for what he claims to believe in, because he isn't willing to die for it. That's obvious. There's no conviction. No leadership. No influence. And nothing for Obama to prevail. And why should he? He doesn't believe. 


For the worst.

He clearly gave up. Our president quit his job  but he didn't leave.

2009 Fort Hood, Texas
2011 Tucson, Arizona
2012 Newtown, Connecticut 
2012 Aurora, Colorado
2013 Washington DC
2014 Fort Hood, Texas
2015 Charleston, South Carolina

Cops vs civilians

Civilians vs cops


Terrorism in France. And again.

Meeting with UN leaders and then turning around and supporting Turkey killing two Russian pilots. 

Where is our leader?? Where is the commander and chief of the free liberated people, to bring calm to the UN??

He's taking sides?? Are you serious??

I blame President Obama, for his lack of action. For his lack of faith. For his lack of leadership skills.

Particularly in his second term Obama just said, "Fuck it" and started scolding people rather than leading them. I can't watch him address the nation anymore. It's excruciatingly painful. 

Martin Luther King Jr, President Kennedy...

They rose their fists to God and declared "If you won't do anything to stop the madness, I will!" Furthermore, looked the nation in the eyes and spoke from their hearts with conviction, and then took action, putting their own lives on the line, repeatedly.  They put their own boots on the ground and took to the streets themselves. And for that, we will never forget them. And sorely miss them. They fought oppression. One battle at a time with heart, truth, and conviction.

Obama, says a few useless blurbs until the next thing happens... Might as well put his speeches on a loop track with a cardboard cutout. 

America's president must restore peace, strength, and dignity to the UN and America.

That's the job of OUR president.

Do your job.

So to answer your question CNN, who will I blame next? Any and every American President who has the audacity to beg for our presidential votes and then do nothing once he becomes president.

Mr President, are you willing to die for your country, because if you're not willing to die for us, no point voting for you.

Friday, November 27, 2015

One giant ball of yarn

His only daughter among sons, my dad did spoil me a little. He wanted a traditional daughter. Prom dress. Wedding dress. Grandchildren. Instead dad got black nail polish. Cigarettes. Bukowski. Angst. And then California. It wasn't until dad and I were both much older we finally called a truce and just accepted each other. At the end of the day I'm still kid. Always was. I did as he did. More than that, I saw things as he did with a certain clarity, truthfulness, and eagerness for something... 


That was all dad and I had in common. Only now can I reflect, that was really quite a lot if you think about it. There was a beam of (dare I say) mixed understanding and admiration in dad's eyes. Though he tried to stop me from going down that rabbit hole, he knew I would, just like he once did. The apple not falling far from the tree.

My brothers were more like their mother. I was my father's kid.

I loved my ten speed. I loved that bicycle. Rode it every day there wasn't snow on the ground, and sometimes when there was. Not to sound unappreciative but, that ten speed was the best gift my dad ever gave me when I was a kid. I loved that bike more than anything. Bicycling. Running. Walking. I guess because you can go places cars cannot. Plus I'm a Capricorn. We are most at home outside. Solitary consummate wanderers. If you believe in such things. That bike is my 'Rosebud'.

IN 2013 my OGBYN said it was most likely a tumor. My dad was struggling with Cancer at the time. I didn't want to tell him doctors found a tumor on my ovary. So I didn't tell him. Not right away. My doctor scheduled me for internal/external ultrasounds...

You have to have a full bladder for the external ultrasound. So your bodily organs "float" away from the uterus and ovaries. I can't recall a time I had to pee so bad. 

5 days later I was in another doctor's office where a Thai (or Vietnamese) doctor who looked like she was 12 years old, confirmed it was a tumor, small, 1x1 cm, and then I had to give some tissue samples to yet another doctor to determine if the tumor was cancerous. 

Here's my (repeated) gripe with the medical/insurance world: All these doctors, tests, equipment, medication, and it still wouldn't be more cost effective to snip the tumor? According the doctors there's a good chance more will grow. So it's not like I won't be back...

"Women your age it's not uncommon to get ovarian cysts, or tumors." I believe is how she "delicately" phrased it.

When my dad was diagnosed with a tumor in his throat (years ago dad was a 2+ pack a day smoker for many years) I kept asking about how they performed the biopsy, etc. My dad was a smart guy. He caught on. But he let me tell him when I was ready. He never asked.


I don't have cancer. 


I don't understand why not?

Both my dad and (childhood friend) Rick died within two years of each other. Cancer. Both of them. Dad had a tumor in his lung. Rick had a tumor in his brain. Dad had surgeries. Rick's tumor was inoperable. Both died not long after being diagnosed.

I've been told, by many people, I should be grateful. And every time I hear how "grateful" I should be, I just want to rip all the hair out of my head.

What exactly should I be grateful for? That I lived, while my loved ones died? Is that what I'm supposed to be grateful for?

"Well, if it makes you feel any better..."

It doesn't. 

Why do people think sharing their grief and heartache with me will make me feel "better"? What horrible human being feels "better" after hearing how someone else has suffered?

I'm not a child. I know people die. But no one talks about death as a matter of fact, as a matter of life. We live. We die. I've been touched by death, you could say. Now I want to prepare myself to die, as I live, my way. 

I came home one beautiful sunny afternoon, to my brothers trashing my ten speed. My beloved bike. Without provocation. My brothers just didn't want me to have it anymore. They knew how much I loved that bike. I guess perhaps dad never gave them anything they loved. They felt owed. 

That's always been the under current of my relationship with them. To this day, my brothers still feel owed. Dad is gone. But their shared feeling of entitlement remains.

Last night, I saw on the History Channel, through modern science it was learned that 1 out of every 200 Mongolians (est. population of 2.7 million) Genghis Khan's DNA could be found. The historic murderous Kahn, the man who slay all to build his empire, ironically gave more life than he killed.

"What's that smell?"

It's called sewage. And toxins. And garbage. Human waste. The end result of three-million (plus) residents in Los Angeles, alone. Where do you think it all goes? At the very least, under your feet. People shit and then complain about the smell. 

There's only one Stephen Hawkin. One Elon Musk. One Einstein. One Joseph Bazalgette. The rest of us grossly outnumber the smart people who clean our messes, and make life more interesting. But what happens when they're all gone? 

Zombie Apocalypse!

The human race is in trouble. Irritable Bowel Syndrome? I think is just a new age diagnosis of mild Cholera. 

"Look like me. Act like me." This horribly disheveled homeless man preached to all who could hear him.

Don't worry sir, I believe 95% of the human race are headed in that direction.

Monday, November 23, 2015

"Fortress Of Solitude!"

Still makes me laugh. When we were in our 20's, living in San Francisco, Chris called his "man cave" his Fortress Of Solitude. Any time someone of the fairer sex tried getting Chris's attention, dividing Chris from his place of Utopia, Chris, would like the devil avow, "Fortress Of Solitude!" Signifying, get out of my way, or die.

Back in Los Angeles, I'm about to embark on my own journey of Utopia. Yup, a woman cave. No man's land. A Fortress Of Solitude, consecrating peace and quiet from the nagging of man. You guys nag. Yes you do. And it's just as irritating. 

Fleeing to Vegas, to get away is costly, and I see myself needing to flee more often than my Vegas budget can handle.

In my Fortress Of Solitude, I will not return your man text message, answer your man demands, oppositely pet, stroke, or cater to your man'nes'ness.

"Damnit (Simone) I've been trying for three days to..."

Fortress Of Solitude!!

Sorry Aramis, you're on your own for Thanksgiving. Last year was more than I could bear. God speed. May the force be with you. If you're still alive on "Black Friday" my friend and I are suiting up and flying into the face of absolute uncertainty. We're shoe shopping. You're welcome to join us, of course. 

Now I'm going to spend an hour online foraging the coolest tea set on the market. My Fortress Of Solitude, will have tea. And wine. And beer.

You distill your Fortress, your way, I'll distill my Fortress, my way. 

Anyone know where I can get a "Boys are yucky!" sign?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

CL birth control

Anytime I think it would be nice to have sex with someone other than myself, I just read CL sex ads. And as I scroll through the mess of people who I would never want sitting on my toilet, I just think; AIDS, AIDS, AIDS, AIDS, that bitch definitely has AIDS...

I think someone misunderstood my "population control" rants. I don't want the world over run by zombies either. Because if these people on CL are actually getting laid (by other people) the world should be over run by disease ridden zombies in no time.

Zombie Apocalypse, not just a game by Playstation!

Just say no to AIDS!

I'm afraid to have sex with anyone. Absolute Hypochondriac. When I die it's not going to be because of HIV/AIDS. I'm happy being an exhibitionist. I like being watched. I just want to show-off for you. Look but don't touch me! Let's put on a show for each other two feet apart... And then two more feet apart!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Where are my pajamas?

Come what may...

I scrambled to and fro hoping to find a cozy place to watch the Kings game today but no avail AND they lost. But at least they lost to the Red Wings, it's acceptable. Still, godamnit!

And then...

I couldn't find the Ramen noodle place I've been looking forward to all day to eat dinner at...

AND then...

Big Elvis, who is supposed to be performing at Harrah's tonight, apparently isn't! I thought it strange so many young good looking guys were at Harrah's piano bar to see Big Elvis, until I saw the two young blonde twin girls on the performance poster in the doorway. Goddamnit!

No Big Elvis? I left.

And so...

I'm calling it a night. Chamomile tea in front of the TV for me. I'm not in the mood to deal with Hyde or Hakkasan. Sorry. I'm old, therefor disappointed, as all old people are. And also getting over a cold. 

Feel free to text me and tell me what a dull boring hag I've turned into. 

I shaved my vagina for nothing. NOTHING.

Maybe I'll post an ad on CL. Who wants to Snapchat? 

On the plus side, I got 7 miles in this morning. But I'm about to kill it with this tart pastry!

And another thing...

Someone needs to tell the honey selling Coronas, you don't call a woman "ma'am" and then card her. It defeats the "old bitch" reference.

Kids today. Even their insults don't make sense. Get the fuck off my lawn! 

Oh. Wait. I don't live here.

Get the fuck off (this guy's) lawn!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sorry chick

I would have hung out longer but that weirdo couple was freaking me out. The husband kept staring at me, and his wife kept reading text messages she was receiving from men. It's fine if you're swingers, cool, whatever, but not everyone wants to hear about it.

And could they have sat any closer to me?? That woman was almost in my lap! A dozen empty bar stools and they just HAD to sit next to me.

I was trying to have a drink and chat with my bartender girl friend... Some couples really are worse than the "fuck now" single men. Christ.

Karl Weathers. Esquire.

Is he the greatest TV lawyer ever? He gives Saul Goodman, stiff competition. I'd like to see these two duel it out in a court room. Odenkirk, was in FARGO season 1, by the way. Not as a lawyer but a cop. Still...

Is it weird I relate most with these two TV lawyers out of all the characters from both series?

No. Probably not.

I just had lunch at Pink's off the Vegas strip, and now I suddenly have a craving for vanilla pudding. Strange side effect to putting a Chicago style Polish sausage in my mouth. Good thing it wasn't the bacon burrito dog. I know, I'm Korean, but I have limits.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

October 24, 1945

France! Russia!


Let's do this!


I'm presently enjoying happy hour Stella's, two for one, in a Vegas lounge, contemplating the meaning of life, and killing an hour before dinner.

People are dying younger these days. Cancer. Terrorism. No point being (that guy) flipping and spinning the proverbial nunchucks, when some asshole can point a gun at your head and just randomly shoot you.

Pretty soon 35 will be the new 75. Pray you live long enough to see your kids enter junior high school. Pray your kids make it to junior high school.

I'm not being cruel or melodramatic. The world is in serious trouble...

My loved one in southern Cali told me there was a bomb threat this morning at a Trader Joe's, near his house. 

Trader Joe's??

What would Donald Trump, do? No, fuck that guy. What would JOHN WAYNE do?

Politicians, everywhere, are just making it WORSE while begging for your votes. And while I would love to stay optimistic like the human rights activists in France, all I can say is; why, why, WHY for the love of Cartier Baiser Vole, the best fragrance in the world, would you oppose justice for your country??!! I've lost count how many times in 2015 alone France has been attacked by terrorism, domestic and foreign. Agreed, the world needs optimists and clearly those French human rights activists have been blessed with good and decent hearts, but darlings, in light of all the contention and wretched misguidance immediately directed at your country, you are seriously outnumbered. Bless your kind good hearts, now please, please step aside and try something more... effective.

People can criticize Americans all they want sneering we're a bunch of "shoot 'em up" cowboys. But listen, you don't fuck around here. Comparison to other countries, Americans are swift for justice. We demand it. France needs to get "John Wayne" on their enemy. Protect your people. Protect ALL your people regardless of color and religion, protect every last drop of proud Parisian blood, or at the very least give them justice. 

United Nations

The UN still stands for something, right?? "All for one, one for all!" I believe in it. To prevent another word war. Remember??

There have been plenty of battles and wars I disagreed with American politicians getting America's military involved, but THIS, this is different. We're talking about terrorism. The enemy of us all. And if there's one thing that bonds people, it's a common terrorist enemy...

For liberty and justice for all!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Where is a good place

In Vegas to catch the Kings/Red Wings game on Friday?

Do they make tea houses that will play the game?

Yes I know. The Kings beat yet another Canadian team. It's kind of a given now. Not sure when Canada said "fuck it" to a league they invented but...

I don't think anyone really feels like playing these days.

Vegas tea

I'm not in the mood for anything else. More terrorism in France. Fuck it. No one's going anywhere. Quite possibly ever again. I'm just going to sit in Vegas and drink tea. American tea. With red, white, and blue stripes in it. While singing the American anthem. Hold on, I have to Google the lyrics...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Put it away princess

I'm not bi. Your vagina doesn't impress me. I have my own vagina and it's perfect.


My favorite way to have sex. You can watch. Just don't touch me.

When all else fails

(And it has!) our only option is to create less for everyone to spend. Money no one has.

One child law

I would vote for that. The only amendment I would like to see is, "Unless your other children are adopted of no biological relation."

The general public has their heads in the sand regarding how very little money this country has. Like I told my nearest and dearest, I'm happy to pay (their) social security if it means someone else gets to retire after a lifetime of work, because I'm pretty certain I won't see a dime of it. If I even live that long. And with our current president cutting social security every chance he gets, there may not be enough even for them.

This country gives all its money to the most undeserving humans on the planet. I have no idea why, but they do. Forget social security (since it seems we already have!) how will this country finance a military for the next 50 years? What's the incentive for men and women to enlist when retired personnel are not getting paid the money owed them? Draft?

This country is in very, very bad shape.

No one should have kids

That's my solution. Agreed that people have kids without thinking, without reason, without a plan, without resources, they just do it because "she got pregnant." Brilliant.

And it's also why society will never get better.

That woman in Mesa, who killed her kid in a hospital, then killed herself...

I hope this isn't making a comeback.

"All the wrong people have babies"

Who are the "right" people? I'm sure Jose and Mary Menendez, thought they were the "right" people to have kids, and look how well that turned out

China, just lifted their one child ban. They had to. With everyone wanting sons, who were those sons going to marry and have kids with? Non Chinese women? I don't think so. There was a report few years ago on how Chinese men were offering Chinese women the moon and stars, because there was reportedly (something like) one Chinese woman per five Chinese men.

Here in the U.S. that's not a problem really. I rarely see same ethnic couples anymore. Oddly enough (in a strange knee jerk reaction) I mentally applaud couples when they are. Personally, I couldn't care less, or so I think I don't, but it seems more "strange" due to rarity.

Boobs and diapers

I was in my mid 20's when I first inquired getting my tubes tied, and two different doctors said they wouldn't do it. They said I was too young and to, "Give it a few more years."

Prior to that...

When I was 21 years old I considered breast implants but had concerns I was too young. What if I wanted them removed? What condition would my breasts be in after having the implants removed. And the doctor replied, "21 isn't young."

Needless to say I didn't get the implants. I had a genuine concern. A real question. And his response was to take a cheap shot at my age.


According to those medical professionals, I was too young and stupid to decide if I wanted kids or not, but a genius if I wanted breast implants. Better get them before I turn an old hag of 22!

So it's no wonder people rather see "reality" TV than original series, or read a book, when even medical professionals prefer big breasted breeding women.

It's an insult. Not to big breasted breeding women, but the presumption (those) doctors had that every women wants to live that way.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


War on women

I'm a pro choice conservative. A contradiction, I realize, but at least my hypocrisy has actual thoughtful reasoning behind it, other than "because God said so."

Question: Was it ever confirmed that the fetus shown in (that) video came from Planned Parenthood? 

I don't like abortion. Who does? I oppose abortion being a form of singular ongoing birth control. I oppose women making a profit for her aborted fetus, and I oppose men deciding what women should do with their bodies regarding this matter. I sympathize the argument men should have a right to his unborn child, but then pick a better woman to get pregnant! 

Now having said that...

I use birth control to regulate my period. As I've blogged in the past, I was diagnosed with a small (non cancerous) tumor back in June 2013. As an initial side effect of this tumor, I bled, heavily, uncontrollably, for up to two weeks at a time. A higher more potent dosage of birth control regulates the bleeding. I pay for it, but what about the women who cannot afford it?

There are women's health issues beyond our control. It is no longer just about unwanted pregnancies. 

Mammograms. Tumors. Cancer. No one but me should have a right to what I do with my body.

Even if my tiny little tumor had been cancerous, I would have lied to my dad and told him it wasn't. He was fighting cancer at the time I was diagnosed. And we all knew he wasn't going to get better.

Religion and politics cannot say, "no to abortion" and "no to birth control" unless republicans and Catholics plan on financing every unwanted pregnancy put on earth.

My tumor is firmly lodged against a reproductive organ. I told my doctors to remove both the reproductive organ and tumor since I have no use for either. But they informed me, "It doesn't work that way." The doctors will only remove the reproductive organ if it poses a health risk. Currently it does not. And the doctors will only remove the tumor should medication stop working. I've taken the medication twice now. Successfully.

But every 6 months I'm on tumor-watch, waiting for it to grow again, waiting for it to become cancer, waiting to see what, if anything, happens...

I get that hospitals have a budget, alongside laws and legislation with insurance companies, and doctors have a code of ethics, etcetera. They can't run around removing organs at will or command. They can however perform elective sterilization at $6,000 a pop which I've started looking into. Sterilization won't regulate my bleeding but removal of the organ will. I just can't get any doctors to remove it! 

Regardless, I find sterilization, fascinating. Why isn't this a more discussed affordable option of birth control? People hear the word "sterilization" and get freaked out. 

Still? Why? 


If it was an (elected) method of birth control, wouldn't this be more cost effective in the long run?

No, there wouldn't be as many fetus tissue for research... 

We have been convinced (conditioned) to make men responsible for permanent birth control by means of vasectomy. It's cheaper, but more so, I think because we have been conditioned through events dating history to think of sterilization as cruel and unusual. But if made an option, an informed decision, sterilization should be a successful affordable option as an elective form of birth control. 

News stations have been covering data supporting statistics that my generation, and the generation behind mine, aren't reproducing in numbers what is considered "average" or "normal" for people our age. 

We just don't want kids. What for? What are we bringing them into? 

This medical/religious war on women's bodies has got to end. Give us the medical attention we're asking for, instead of excuses.

Don't make me carve god's image into a tree performing a mammogram. I'm an artist. I can make that happen! 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Adios motherfucker

One shot gin
One shot rum
Four shots tequila
One shot vodka
One and a half shots blue curaçao
Two shots sweet and sour
One shot sprite

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Good morning

Last night we went to ZINQUE. Love this place! 

And now, caffeine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Great job FARGO! In last night's episode two characters used the slang term "gooks". When I was growing up I heard the word "gook" maybe a half dozen times, but it was by people living outside of our county. County, that was a big deal. If you "weren't from around here" we'd call you anything we wanted, and vice versa. And everyone received ONE warning of, "You better get on home now." If you didn't heed that one warning, the outcome was on you. Childhood friends called (other) Asians "gooks" immediately followed up with, "not YOU of course, you know what we mean", and strangely enough I did know what they meant. They were talking about war, and their family members who served in them, who didn't come home, or the ones who did come home, kind of.

I never took it personal. All's fair in love and war.

At least FARGO got the slang right!     

Monday, November 2, 2015

Men in uniform

It's not the uniform, it's the man who wears it. Big turn on. Thank you!

Dear Nellis Air Force Base

In honor of the upcoming Veterans Day, it would be my pleasure to polish your biggest gun and his wingman. How does Thursday work for you?

Sunday, November 1, 2015