Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Porn hate

It’s all liberals have, porn hate, like they don’t watch porn? Granted, after receiving pics of Stormy Daniels at AVN, I wouldn’t have recognized her at all. She doesn’t look anything like the pictures I saw of her on Google, but she should still be treated like a person, right? Or have liberals joined forces with the far self righteous porn hating right? It’s unfortunate liberals are so hungry for anything to talk badly about the POTUS they’re willing to mock and ridicule Daniels at her expense. Does that woman have no friends to tell her what was going to happen if she talked? Oh well. Collateral damage. Welcome to politics.

Republicans are now the party for American minorities, LGBTQ, non-white women, pro-America, pro-American jobs, and pro-military.

Democrats breed hateful white feminist nazis, and white liberal men who absolutely don’t want to fuck them. I’ve come to the conclusion the reason why white liberal men want the boarders open is to usher in more women. It’s funny. Sad. And very true.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Binders full of bitches!

I’m an uncouth deplorable.

Adam Schiff is going to cry himself to sleep tonight.

I like it.

Fight Club!

Admit it J., I beat the crap out of you yesterday. Your premature army tweet bash based on a misunderstanding between Chef AndrΓ¨s and Mr Nuschese, tsk tsk, get your facts straight before you tweet, sir. And another thing! I have google and YouTube, just like you. Before you start “applesauce’ing” people with high praises of your candidates, I too can show how mush mouth your supposedly on-point articulate “speaker” can be. Woooo, winning. Yup, I’m still that kind of asshole.

And for the record, young generations today are conservatives. They just don’t know it yet. They don’t yet know their pro-life, pro jobs and family, slut shaming, anti porn, pro monogamous marriage, align with Republican tradition. Kids want to be kids. They don’t want to be on the defensive every time they leave their damn house. Hollywood is getting frowned on BIG TIME.

Grammy’s, lowest ratings in almost a decade.

Next, Super Bowl. I predict the Puppy Bowl will get higher ratings. A lot of people already just watch it for the halftime show, and commercials. Bet?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

What a dickbag

My phone or Chris Rock? I chose PHONE. Suck it dickbag. Hollywood, they think they’re more special than my $900 phone? Um, yeah, no. Unless you’re spending more than $900 on me, I chose PHONE. I would never have the audacity to monitor your phone use. Fuck them. Don’t go to their shows. Don’t buy their tickets.

Damn you Chuck!

Blame Chuck Woolery. I had my boots and jacket on even! My purse and keys are still sitting next to me on the sofa, but now I’m staying home. Blame twitter, Elon Musk and Chuck Woolery.😁

I’ve already changed my clothes. I’m in sweats now.

Pouring a glass of wine.

Stay in? Go out?

I’ve been pondering going to a casino for some drink/gamble for the past hour, and I would have totally gone already but Elon Musk and Chuck Woolery have been tweeting for the past hour, and so I haven’t left my couch yet. πŸ˜„

Also... I read the #AVN twitter feed today, and it seems MIGHTY THICK is in? I haven’t watched porn in a while but, fat girls? Body positive. You guys know your industry. Fat girls.

Friday, January 26, 2018

CNN don't know cuck!

6 days ago, someone I Twitter-know, a guy, let's call him my friend, post a response to another guy who complained about "man spreading". Since they're both men, and both gay, it just made me laugh when my friend replied something along the lines of, "You mean his cock. His cock between his legs. Maybe it's his cock that makes him man spread." Soooooo then I checked out the other guy's profile and learned that he calls himself a "bitch" and was totally kissing ass of hardcore feminists in his Twitter feed - "Make me your bitch."

I know not all gay bitch boys with fag hags are cuckolds, probably very few are, if any, still in the humor of the moment I Tweeted my friend this...

And then CNN learned a new word!!! Kind of. Well no not really. CNN then gave a report how cuckolding can be positive for some couples. πŸ˜‚


I don’t like cuckolds or feminists, but whatever, to each their own.

Live and let live. But CNN WTF?πŸ˜‚

nation masturbation

Oprah said she doesn't have the DNA to be in politics. That's an understatement. At my age I'm very tame compared to when I was young, nonetheless while on autopilot my genetic thrill-kill knee jerks into action at the mere breeze over its trigger, imagine what the rest of the country young eager and hungry for blood would do to her. They would comb over every single one of her interviews, her tv shows, go over her taxes with a fine tooth comb, investigate her friends, her families, note every person she's insulted, dig so far into her past as to know what tampons she used with her first menstrual cycle, and what day she bought them. Welcome to politics.

That's the thing about fame, your biggest threat are non famous people. You'll never truly know who got you... unless it was me. I strongly put into human policy live and let live, NONETHELESS if you fuck me, I want you to look me in the face, directly in the eye when I make the final political kill. I'm still that kind of asshole.

Democrats repeatedly fuck their own party. They do it because they honestly think this country is sustained on fame. Did Lady Gaga not teach you people anything year ago last November? People may love her music but they SO couldn't care less for her politics supporting Hillary Clinton, or any Democrat, and seriously I have to come up with a new I TOLD YOU SO dance, I've exhausted the one I currently have.

Oh Stormy Daniels, we could have had some fun but now going on Kimmel? Ok first of all, Kimmel? Someone put that dude in your grandma's dress already. He's got about as much manhood left in him as a thrown out bra. Some girls like cuckolds, Kimmel is your bitch, the entire nation's cuck.

Personally, I'm still into masculine men.

(Seriously network, are you just letting Kimmel run out his contract??)

Internet has Stormy Daniels at 38 years old. What are you going to do for money at 48 years of age assuming you (any of us) live that long? What's rule number one for famous people? For the one millionth time it's STAY OUT OF THE MEDIA. You were brilliant to not talk and milk it for every dollar it's worth, but go in front of the camera and talk, and you're no longer a buzz, plus people will be afraid to do business with you. You talked. No one wants to do business with someone who talks.

Even people in politics get wrapped up in their own heads with their own game, they don't step out. I love Vegas for several reasons, but always because I can step out, do anything, anytime, any day of the week I need a distraction. It's beautiful.

I'm 49 years old. In my late 40's, I don't have to like you to write for you, or vote for you. I just have to believe in you. Democrats still think this is high school. No kiddos, it's not. If you're my age how many years do we have left to live? Your popularity means shit to me.

All I care about is if you can get the job done.

Can you get the job done? So far country, you have yet to present a democrat who can get the job done. When it comes to Dems we are currently in nation-masturbation. Trademark!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Well it’s official

I need glasses. I THOUGHT at first glance it was a man laying on his back slightly propped up on his elbow, wearing a man thong, with his junk bunged up in the frontside fabric of his thong...

There’s no pools open. πŸ˜‚

Oh hey hi

Peoples actually read that? Nice. I’m around this weekend. Let’s.

Looks like?

Don’t know. Unless they look exactly like that one picture I can identify them by, you could put them in a room with five other people and maybe I would recognize them by the third try, compounded by the fact we were drinking and I’m a girl easily distracted by glitzy pretty things.;)

P.s. “Unless” autocorrect to “undies” which would have made that sentence awesome.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Stormy Daniels!

Stormy Daniels, here. Stormy Daniels, there. Here a Stormy. There a Stormy. Everywhere a Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels had a farm, ei-ie-Stormy! Stormy Storm Storm Stormy Daniels...

I’ll leave my aparartment in 30 degree night time weather for Stormy Daniels. Of Course I’ll have to Google her to see what she looks like, but for you Stormy Daniels, we’ll do it for Stormy Daniels!!

This is probably the best thing I’ve ever written. Ever. Thank you Stormy Daniels. Thank you.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

AVN weekend

You’re coming here lol. I just looked and it’s only going to be like 38 degrees at night. I don’t leave my apartment when it’s only 38 degrees at night unles I’m being PAID to lol.

No waayyy

Too cold out. It’s only 49 degrees and dropping. Not leaving my place. Come over.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Page 8

That’s how far I got reading 1October preliminary report  before I had to stop. It just makes me mad and sick at the whole thing. I’ve been to Mandalay Bay, a few times, since the massacre but this report, I’m telling you it will open wounds.

Friday night

Mine will be spent reading this 1 October preliminary report unless you have a better idea?

Single guys - AVN

Like I said in this blog HERE 5 days until AVN in Las Vegas and strangers I’ve never met suddenly email me like we’re best friends. RUDE. I host people I know. If you’re coming into town and want to meet like actual real human beings I’m literally within 10 minutes away from every casino on the strip.

Of course this won’t stop them from emailing me because no one can read apparently. RUDE.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


No sorry. I don’t attend AVN for the same reason I don’t attend NAMM. Neither are my industry and I don’t like hanging out for hours on end in either environment. People trying to hook up. Yikes. No thanks. It’s just not my scene. I have long time friends in the music industry and I don’t go to NAMM either. I went once yeears ago and that was enough. A half hour later I was bored. Haven’t gone since not even with the free badge friends offer. People know where to find me. If we hang out during that time, we hang out someplace else. Sorry. I’m really not a swinger. I’m pretty normal. My friends are pretty normal. On occasion we just like having a good time. Know what I mean? If a girlfriend wanted me to go with her husband to NAMM or AVN, he’d have to buy me some pretty awesome new shoes, a hot new dress, a little bling and a bottle of Cartier, cuz you know... πŸ˜‰

I realize this won’t stop guys from emailing me all this week but, all they have to do is read.

Magic Mike

Do they have their own private show entrance? Because seriously going through the Hard Rock casino this afternoon was depressing. Once was enough. I guess I just like my casinos - casino couture bright and blingy.

Hard rock? πŸ˜•

I’ve never been to the Hard Rock hotel/casino before. Can you believe it? It’s so close to where I live I decided to stop by. Did someone die? Does it always look like that? It was dark and depressing. Disappointing. And then some nutjob couple started following me around. πŸ™„ We don’t like it when men stalk us, why do you think we’d like it when couples stalk us?

Wet dream cock block

I was having the best sex dream this morning, hot sex with a certain adult male star. He flipped me on top of him and as I tried inserting him back into me, his dick suddenly shrunk to like two inches. WTF? I looked down and it wasn’t even his dick anymore. I’m like “What happened to YOUR dick?” And the guy kinda just shrugged his shoulders and said...

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Eat balls

If your teenage kid is stupid enough to eat balls of liquid detergent than you either failed as a parent, or they failed as humans. Either way, Darwinism, bye!

Ha! Good job

Former president, insulting Republicans. Juvenile bully tactics. You just unwittingly created more Republicans simply for being an asshole. Your useless ass couldn’t get out of the White House fast enough. Maybe Obama truly hates kids. He definitely hates white kids that’s why he let so many of them die.

Friday, January 12, 2018

πŸ’©hole country

Finally got to use the πŸ’© emoji.

Someone please please please get Andrea Mitchell to say “shithole” again. That was awesome.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


As I'm posting this blog, my friends below are texting me.

It's pouring rain here in Vegas. Until 4:30pm apparently. Finally.

Not leaving the apartment today. CES tomorrow. Which is fine. I have a ton of things to do here. Like preparing to turn 50 in another eleven and a half months. I just turned 49 but you can never be too prepared.

Hello AARP! I'm told those people are on top of things.

It's all about retirement. And when you're single at my age, you have to be methodic in your thinking and consider every horrible scenario.

A small handful of my friends and I have our birthdays within a few days of each other, but since none of us live in the same state, or country, we celebrate our birthdays over the Internet.

Being alone in Las Vegas, allows me to accomplish the one thing I came out here to do, save money for retirement. It is the sole reason I'm here. I miss my loved ones. Horribly. But a single person paying $2,700 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment in LA is just crazy.

I miss these two.

They live in Vietnam now. I've known these guys for about 13 years. We could have spent the day having wine and charcuterie out somewhere fancy in our fine threads and mustaches.

It's rare finding people who will wear mustaches with you. Know what I mean?


And as the rain comes down I'll be here. At my keypad. Working. All day. An occasional yoga stretch with someone on YouTube. I'm a really bad sitter. Too antsy. I'm sure by 1pm I'll be texting SOS messages and ranting about some obscure random thing. 

"OLT raised cedar garden 8x8 bed with deer fence options. $1,000! To keep the deer out? What the fuck! Who doesn't want deer in their back yard?!"

In the meantime I'll just vent about stupid lazy Americans. Am I entirely wrong? No. How do people sit and do nothing? HOW? I may not like Aramis's present girlfriend when she's acting possessive, jealous, and dramatic, but I still respect her. She came halfway around the world by herself, taught herself English (albeit she's still learning), but she found work when she got here, put herself through school and earned a degree. Of course I respect that. In addition Aramis's girlfriend couldn't care less if you like or respect her, which makes me respect her even more. 

More and more young women from other countries are finding it an easier route to a better education here in America. And look at all the crap they have to go through to get it. But comparatively speaking it's still easier for them to come here rather than trying to get an education in their limited funded closed minded countries. Therefor I say if these young women can get here eager for an education, give it to them. They've earned it. 

Pluck any random 30 year old American female, would she have the independence and wherewithal to do the same thing, go to another country or even stay in THIS COUNTRY, find a job, learn the English language, and earn a degree? 99 times out of 100, absolutely not. It's embarrassing. But you better believe they can tweet storm like a motherfucker about wearing black at an awards show in the name of female... something. 

How about the wealthy women of Hollywood start trust funds to pay off student loans for young women in lower income areas while they remain in school? Or trust funds for women who suffered permanent physical damage at the hands of an abusive boyfriend or husband and can now only find limited work, if any? Isn't that part of your #metoo platform? 

No? They don't want to start trust funds? I didn't think so. But wearing a black dress to an award show to prove their devotion to women... Well that's... That's... So Hollywood.

Hey isn't that Oprah smooching Harvey Weinstein?? 

I couldn't care less who sits in the White House, to be perfectly honest with you. Those people are so far removed from the real world. They have never affected my life better or worse. Ever.   

Unicorns. People think we sit on clouds of cotton candy eating caviar off $100 bills. Right. We are however a different breed of animal. Single people in general, actually. That's for sure. It's always amusing to me how single people turn into couples, then turn around and treat single people like shit. Those assholes make me appreciate my couple friends a little more every day. Just when I think I can't possibly love my couple friends any more, some random asshole couple will email me insisting I owe them something just because they're married and I'm single. Fuck you. Immediately after reading their shitty emails, I'm texting my married girl friends, "I love you guys!" Seriously.

At my age meeting new people socially is at the BOTTOM of the list of things to do in my free time. Am I getting paid to be here? Is it my job? Well that's different. 

AND ANOTHER THING: You know how couples complain when escorts are with a guy at a swinger event, well couples hit on me while I'm working, at my job. I'm only here because I'm being paid to be here. So what's the difference between me and an escort? ... Other than you're harassing me at my work. And I could get you thrown out. And arrested. But other than that, what's the difference?

No really, I want a swinger couple to tell me why harassing a girl at her job, is better than hooking up with a paid escort and her date at a place where it's consensual. 

Yes? I'm listening.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Maintain your January Vegas lube

PSA FROM MY KITCHEN grainy and gritty.

Not an ounce of kindness in the desert. In the last two months the heels of my feet, and my scalp, both dried up of all moisture. Instantly. Over night. These two products will save your life. Whether you're in town for CES, or here for the rest of the month, make a tiny investment and get these two products. Dry patchy skin happens literally over night. If you're with me, I've got you covered otherwise bring these two things with you.

PURE Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that protect your scalp. Just massage a little into your scalp if you start to feel super dry and itchy, it helps almost immediately. Use accordingly based on hair type. Wash. Rinse. Less shampoo. More conditioner.

Rub your feet with it at night, put on socks, sleep in socks. Big improvement by morning. Use it all over your body... And I do mean all over your body, externally.

If you start noticing red patches on your skin, baking soda and a little water, mix into paste, and put it on the itchy part until the paste dries. Wash. Repeat.

Cortisone and Gold Bond lotions are also must haves.

Maintain your January Vegas lube. No one likes you dry!

Pure Coconut Oil, not just for men.

It's either get an 18 yo pool boy, or...

"Hi. we're a hot fit married couple coming into town later this month. She's bi furious and would love girl/girl play. I'm just going to watch. It's all about her pleasure. Interested?"


You lost me after "hi".

I'm going to start replying, "Well hello there. Actually, I'm coming into your town next month. I'm straight. I'm going to rob your house. You're both going to watch me do it. It's all about me fencing your place. Interested?"

I realize they won't get the sarcasm but you never know, they might have some pretty decent electronics I could sell. ;)

Speaking of...

CES is next week. I'm definitely around. You?

It's all about robots this year, and mobile apps.

Back in the day, in my circle, mobile phones started really coming out about the same time Herion passed into being affordable. Everyone was doing Heroin back then. Everyone but me. I bought a mobile phone.

Remember your first mobile phone? It wasn't even a cell phone. It was a mobile phone.

Aaaah yes...

The Captain Kirk, flip phone. Weak connection. Long pull out antenna. No apps. No face plate. Just a numeric key pad. $190 for 200 minutes. No internet. You still had to masturbate at home to porn on your desktop.... And VCR.


Back then it was JUST a mobile phone. I miss it.

The year was 1997'ish.

FYI the 80's and 90's are now considered time period eras, like Jane Austin.

In the late 90's I was working as a door girl for a rock n roll venue in West Hollywood. Thus explaining about 300 of my friends on FB. No one yet had mobile phones except the occasional car phone which was the size of a cereal box. "Excuse me sugar while I make a phone call from my carton of Dino Pebbles." Impressed?

Back then the cover charge to get into one of the Sunset strip venues was something like $12 per person. Big handmade sign taped to the box office window: $12 PER PERSON

And still...

Every other Hollywood guy would try talking that cover charge down to zero. Not even a discount. Just, nothing. Zero. More guys used the line "I'm with the band" than the girls did. Look buddy, we know who's with the band because they wobbled in here WITH THE BAND wearing 5 inch heels, hair teased up to Jupiter, with at least one breast hanging out. Sooooo unless you walk in with the bass player fondling one of your exposed testicles the cover charge is $12, says I, aggressively pointing at the sign.

Even more impressive, when the same guys tried talking down the cover charge in front of a date. CLASSY. Again, unless the bass player is fondling one of your exposed testicles... And even then buddy it's still $12 for the both of you. Half off. You know, math.

I learned a lot about professional courtesy working that job.

Growing up with a dad who ran and won a political office year after year, I carved my teeth on people rather young, little vampire, but THAT job really taught me a lot about Hollywood diplomacy.

In any line of hospitality, professional courtesy is a priority. You make that list pretty quickly. You'll know who takes care of each other, and who does not. That particular courtesy is a very short list but you honor it.

Take care of me, I'll take care of you. Fuck me, I'll fuck you back.

Watch the movie THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL for reference. That scene where certain employees from each hotel forwards a distress call, to another employee to another hotel, that's a real thing. We really do that. But only if we like you.

When I started bartending, naturally I still honored the bar code. Smart bar workers know who's who, who works where, and when. On one of my nights off I went to another club, a decent size club in Hollywood, and the door guy of that club recognized me and told the main bartender (a woman) where I worked and what I did. He told her I honor the bar code. But immediately after the door guy left, she just looked at me with serious resting fuck you bitch face, and totally ignored the bar code. I'm pretty sure she jacked up the price of my drinks too. But whatever. I don't sweat paying cover charge or drinks. I don't expect that stuff for free. I'm not cheap. About two weeks later however, she came into MY place employment to see a band play and as she tried getting free drinks from me she threw out that embarrassing "Don't you know who I am?!" Attitude.

When I reminded her how she didn't honor the bar code with me even after her door guy told her who I was, she got SEVERELY hostile. "Do you know how many FUCKING people... I can't remember every FUCKING... " Ok sure, but your door guy told you who I was, and unlike you I kept my self respect and dignity, and just paid for my drinks. It's not a big deal. Her standing there yelling at me over a $12 drink is EXACTLY like the guys who don't want to pay the cover charge. And she should know better. She worked in a club.

Be that as it may, she was just one of those girls who, once she works herself up, the only way to get her to come down, is to shoot her down. I ignored her. When she didn't get free drinks she stormed off and went to my club manager to complain about me. Brilliant. As if my boss wants me giving away free drinks. She just made me the employee of forever. But the crazy girl wouldn't leave it alone and caused a scene.

Long story short my boss threw her out of the club. I was later told by security she actually stood on the sidewalk for 15 minutes screaming at the building.

Afterwards she went on a rampage bad mouthing me to everyone for a very long time. Honestly, it bothered me at first. Then it got boring.

These days...

It just goes straight to boring.

I'm very capable taking care of myself BUT I don't forget people who were good to me. I also don't forget people who create scenes and stir drama. Even if it was 10 years ago, once you're out, you're out.

I always compare situations like that with my friends. Because sometimes I think well maybe I could have handled that differently, but the answer is always the same: My friends would never put anyone in that position.

There's concerts I've walked my friends into, and they're always so humble about it, like they're getting away with robbing a bank. But that's how good people are. They're humble.

I've met people, my age, repeatedly in the past ten years while working somewhere, and they'll hit me up with, "Hey! We met once at an event back in... Do you think you could do us a favor and... "

No. Fuck off.

You know those people. Those people who only have "friends" who can do stuff for them. Those people can seriously go choke on a gallon of bleach.

Years later I ran into acquaintances from back in the West Hollywood venue days, and they said, "You remember that girl from (that one club) well turns out she was on Heroin."

And just when you think you can't disrespect someone any less, by god, you actually can.

So it was while working in my first venue I also got my first mobile phone. The only thing I used that mobile phone for was to let my friends know if I was working in case they wanted to stop by. Much like now 20 years later.

Every year I tell myself this is the year I'm getting out of the food, beverage, commercial, hotel, live venue, hospitality industry. Being a sommelier is a personal goal. It's something I can do on my time, and when I retire. Something I truly enjoy. But I continue telling myself every year, THIS YEAR I'm changing occupational industries. Aaaaaand then I send off resumes to two of the largest beverage distribution companies in Nevada. Yesterday.

Thing is, people will always drink soda, water, booze. They'll always travel. They'll always need a hotel room. In Vegas? Are you kidding me? Casinos. Restaurants. Hotels. Concert venues. Movie theaters. Everywhere! And people will always seek entertainment. There's always jobs here. Always. I have 20 plus years in this varied industry. And no one wants a newbie in a different industry at 49 years of age.

If I live to see retirement, and people still read, they'll learn how the hospitality world, in all different angles, really operate, or at least how it operated when I was around.

I'll be 50 next year. Regardless of how I look, it's a biological thing. I feel 49 years old. I'll feel 50 years old. You can't help it. The more wear and tear you put your body through while you were young, you'll feel it at my age. I seriously fall asleep every night pondering all the stories about healthy people my age suddenly having heart attacks. What were they doing??

There's a reason why club managers ask your age. Can you imagine suffering a heart attack and breaking a hip during a coyote bar dance?

Even the hospital I interviewed with requires you take a physical. They don't want employees suffering a heart attack in front of the patients. And while working at a hospital at my age is probably the best place for me to work, I turned it down. It was a four hour commute every day until I decide whether I liked it enough to move closer.

And there it is.

And while I've heard people my age say it went by fast, not for me. Not always. There were many years that felt like an eternity.

Remember when I freaked out turning 30? And then my 30's felt like it went on for 1,000 years! I'll take being 49 over being in my 30's again. Every stupid thing I could have ever done in my life, I did in my 30's.

Every single dumb thing that happens to people in their 30's is predictable at 49. I wouldn't change the wisdom I gained from it, not for a million dollars.

But for 50 million dollars...?

Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 1. You know who you are.


I'm not tired.


My bathroom smells like weed

Marijuana is legal in Nevada and everyone smokes pot here. Everyone. But me. My bathroom reeks of pot. Not because someone's smoking pot in there, but my neighbor's living room is on the other side of my bathroom, and he loves smoking pot. All the time. Every day. The moment I open my front door, I'm in clouds of smoke wafting from my neighbor's apartment. So just FYI, my bathroom smells like weed. The bathroom fan doesn't help at all. The fan makes it worse. I have spray in my bathroom just vapor the whole thing down before getting in the shower.

So here we are, January 1, all over again. In six days I'm going to be 49 years old. I know I've been saying that a lot lately, but wow, 49 years old. I'm vocally critical about a lot of things and not in the angry old lady shaking her fist hastily at nothing, kind of way. I'll tell you why. I've done most everything on my own.

Money, on my own.

Moving, on my own.

Down and out, on my own.

Getting back up, on my own.

Failure, on my own.

Success, on my own.

Half way around the world and back, on my own.




On my own.

Some things by choice.

Some things not.

As a result of this, I have experiences/knowledge/strength most men will never have. Ever. Most women too. Challenge accepted! I try using these advantages to make my words and visuals entertaining, interesting, because somewhere along the line someone is going to benefit from wisdom.

I'm pretty smart, but there's a lot of people smarter than me, who act dumber than me on a regular basis, and this makes me critical. I'm horribly sarcastic towards that kind of stupidity. I earned that right. I work my ass off. If being sarcastic towards idiots my only payout for the day, I'll take it.

My loved ones are AMAZING, irreplaceable, but they can't be by my side 24/7. I once learned a very valuable albeit expensive lesson and that is this, once you've created a self preserving system for survival and therefore consummation, tactics perfected over 30 years of time, putting someone else in your life beside you 24/7 is at best a hindrance, AND more importantly you're just going to drag that other person down. You either have to change entirely solely for their benefit, unimaginable, or let that other person come and go at their leisure which is both honorable and more likely.

The only way to keep going forward artistically, financially, and find new successes is to never stop advertising yourself. Never. Email everyone. Every day. Shoot 1,000 photos of whatever it is you're selling. Every day. Hustle. Non stop. Every day. Take it from a 49 year old woman who's earned it on her own, it's not the approval of millions, fuck that, approval doesn't pay the bills, it's the connection of those FEW ones in a million, that truly matter regarding your initial reward.

Painters don't paint for millions of people. They paint for that ONE buyer who's going to pay off his mortgage. Jackson Pollock, didn't give a shit what people thought of his art, or him, fuck awards, but he did care what his patron Peggy Guggenheim, thought of him. In that hunger, in that selfishness, in that self absorption, historical luminous art was created wonderfully and without distraction. You might love Jackson Pollock's art, but personally I would have never had that train wreck of a human being in my house. Nontheless, being a selfish a-hole is what it takes to make something. If I listened to every man or woman who talked shit about me or the way I do things, I wouldn't have made it past 25 years of age. Not even close! On occasion I have to be the bigger a-hole.

So when I see couples who complain about the most petty things, who behave in such poor... I mean where the husband is literally pimping his wife out blowjobs for drinks... I just can't respect it. They're both useless. You're two people and you can't make it?!seriously?? Useless.

Every gig, every job, every dollar I've ever earned, I'm always alert and all-knowing someone else could have easily gotten that job had I not been the bigger fucking prick somewhere along the way. Sure, having talent, looks, wisdom, experience, craft, connections, are all well and good for you, but somewhere along the way you're also going to have to be a total plague of a motherfucker whether it's with getting the job, performing the job, and/or keeping the job. People are going to TRY tearing you apart. Feel free to sink your fangs into them without guilt or shame.

No one can PANIC at insignificance like an American.




These people are USELESS. They have zero coping skills.

Fuck them.

Keep hustling. Every day. All it takes is that ONE person to like you and take you to the next level. I wouldn't have lived this long on my own without that piece of knowledge. Furthermore, it will bring to light who your allies are.

If I can do it, by myself, and live to see 49 years, so can you. A couple BETTER be able to do it. If not than someone in that relationship needs to shake lose the anchor. Know what I'm saying?

That hair ad... 920 hits in three weeks. Not much. But it led to those artists, and that photographer, and those other ad reps, and that other cosmetic company...

Keep hustling.

Keep your eyes open.

All is fair in WAR, my friends. If you learn war as an art, the result is beautiful regardless of the outcome.

"I'd love to gum on her face."

Huh. I'm (this certain) GUM is autocorrect shenanigans. But you never know?

Either way the answer is NO.

How useless are people who would rather waste their time knowingly not getting something on a personal level, rather than hustle to get what they want on a business level.

Welcome 2018

Day 1, my friends.

All things significant start on day 1.