Saturday, October 31, 2015

Horse heads?

I'm pretty sure you were meant to get cow heads.

The world is cured!

With the magical potion of nasty disgusting vagina hair!

Fuck off science and medicine, we got this!


Otherwise seemingly intelligent men and women who think pedophilia can be cured simply with vagina hair. Don't be a pedomuffin!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Captain Miller: This Ryan better be worth it. He’d better go home and cure some disease or invent a longer-lasting lightbulb or something. Cause the truth is, I wouldn’t trade ten Ryans for one Vecchio or one Caparzo.
Sergeant Horvath: Amen.

I'm sure he'll do fine. 


Someone please tell him to text me a dick pic. 310 2...

Grammar Nazis

Calm down. You know what I'm saying. Punish your kid when they act like little shits, or someone else will do it for you. Me! Me! Pick me! Pick me!

Man vs child

If a grown man is in my room, and I ask that man to leave. He better leave. Even Outrage would agree with that. So why should it be any different for a child? If I tell a child to leave my room, and that child refuses, then that child is the exact same size asshole as any man who won't leave my room when asked to leave. Disrespect is disrespect. Unless you are legally mentally incapable of knowing the difference between right and wrong, you are accountable... at any age.

This does not excuse the actions of the officer regarding that final "toss" but up until that time, that child was responsible for her actions.

I learned how to walk, according to dad my first real world spoken was ""helicopter", and then I learned etiquette and respect. If someone asks you to leave, you leave.

We learn these things very young in life. I find it interesting what Outrage, in regards to this story, refers to as "excessive". I'm not joking when I say parents back in my childhood day would respond, "You'll live" if that happened to their kid.

My brothers and I fought each other worse than that with gardening equipment on any given spring Sunday. If they could have mowed me down with the John Deere, you bet they would have. Ah sibling rivalry. I miss it.

It doesn't excuse excessive force...

But it also doesn't inexcuse a decisively incorrigible child who knows better.

We've all seen the video, right?

Outrage. That's what's being glorified. My friends and I have watched the video (at least) 20 times now. And each time I see the same thing...

I initially see a disruptive disobedient kid. It seems to be agreed by all sides, all parties involved, that the kid was asked to leave, but refused. At this point, the "fault" belongs to the kid.

When the officer shows up in the classroom, by the video I saw, I heard the officer ask the kid if she was going to come willingly, or not. The kid choose not. Again, at this point, the "fault" continues to belong to the kid.

And here's where "Outrage" will disagree with me...

Those desks are purely archaic. Traps. There's only one way in them, and only one way out of them. And if the kid sitting in that desk doesn't want to leave the room, you pretty much have to take the desk, with the disobedient kid still sitting in the desk, all out the door with you.

When I was in elementary school, there was a kid being a class clown, disruptive, so our teacher dragged the desk with the kid still sitting in it, out into the hallway, and shut the door, leaving the kid, still sitting in his desk, out in the hallway.


That's not what happened here. For all I know, with all these laws, some lawyer could scream "child abuse" because a teacher dragged a desk with a disruptive kid still sitting in it, out into the hallway. And what if that kid hits the teacher while that teacher is dragging the desk/kid into the hallway? I suppose Outrage will say it's the teacher's fault.

So, in an attempt to remove the kid from the desk, the desk got flipped over with the kid trapped inside. Again, in my opinion, that archaically designed desk isn't the fault of the officer. And I think the kid can still shoulder a little bit of the blame for being disobedient up until now.

The only time I see (by the video being streamed) where the officer used very bad judgment was tossing the kid... obviously that was excessive.

However the heads of his department rule on excessive force, so be it.

But lets not forget all the other factors...

If someone asks you to leave their room, you leave. That's not negotiable.

Is it still legal to punish your kids? If you call the parents to remove the kid from your classroom, can the parent drag his/her kid from one of those archaic desks? What happens if the desk flips over? Child abuse?

Furthermore, according to all the news channels reporting the story, that kid is still alive, right? Not in a coma? Not dead? Not with severe injuries or any physical trauma?

So basically the real story here is... Outrage.

Remember when Jimmy almost sawed off his index finger in shop class because the teacher said make this birdhouse or fail the class... just TRY getting away with that now, teach'.

Outrage, would never allow it!

You know what would have happened if I was that kid in the exact same scenario? My dad would have said, "So you were asked to leave, but you didn't."

Yeah but then that officer flipped me while I was still sitting in the...

"But you were asked to leave the classroom, and you didn't."

But then I was tossed on the floor, and...

"But you were asked to leave the classroom, and you didn't."

Then again, in MN, if you're ten years old and stupid enough to stick your finger in a light socket, the only thing your parents would say while sitting in the ambulance with you is, "Yeah. We told you that would happen."

But I bet you wouldn't do it again.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hairy muffins?

There's an alias for you. I'm sure it's been done.

"I don't shave my vagina because I don't want to look like I'm twelve!"

Honey, shave it! You're a grown woman in your 20's, 5'3, with nipples for tits. THAT'S why you look like you're "twelve" years old. Letting your vagina hair grow, doesn't make you look older, (if anything) it just makes you look like a (creepy!) twelve year old with a thick bush. Guys jerking off to you aren't pedophiles, they're pedomuffins.


Don't be a pedomuffin!

Proviso: Don't be a pedophile either. I guess what I'm saying is, someone get that woman a boob-job so she'll stop feeling so self conscious.

There's the LAUSD administration

Aaaaaand then there's these people as reported by CNN... I put the LAUSD administration just under these guys....

Minnesota Chuck

A little FARGO prediction...

Didja you see last Monday's episode? Not quite a wood chipper (like in the FARGO movie) but close, and still entirely Minnesotan, eh.

Didja you ever read Shakespeare's Titus? No, probably not. But didja ever see the movie TITUS based on the Shakespearean play? Anthony Hopkins plays Titus. Jessica Lange plays Tamora the Goth Queen.

Well if you didn't see the movie, or read the play, what happens is...

Titus is an older war hero. Tamora is the queen of his enemies, now a captive of Titus, resulting in Titus disemboweling her oldest son as punishment for her war crimes. Politics ensues, resulting in Tamora becoming the lover to the most powerful man of state. Tamora then instructs her remaining two living sons to rape Titus's daughter, which the boys do, and then cut of her hands and tongue so she can't identify her attackers. But the daughter does anyway by writing the names of her attackers in the sand with a stick. In retribution, Titus fools the two boys into his home where he hangs them up by their feet, cuts them open, bleeds them dry, grounds up their bodies and bakes them into two pies... which Titus then serves to their mother, Tamora, as a peace treaty. After Tamora consumes a few slices of pie, Titus reveals to her that the meat in the pies were actually her sons.

Okay then...

So now I'm wondering if somewhere down the line, perhaps an episode or two, if the freshly ground "chuck" isn't going to land some place very Shakespearean?         

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


LA KINGS!!! I love this team.

Suck it Canada!

6 in a row! Let's go Kings!

Love, it is a wondrous thing

So is war.

Wars bled entire countries, made back breaking pyramids, oceans crossed, mountains climbed, penetrating the stratosphere, and turning water into wine. All for love...

And war.

No bond adheres like a unified hatred. A discord of faith and politics bleeding a life or death partition culminating "us" from "them". Divide and conquer. All it takes is a voice of reason. A singular oral embrace like a suit of armor to lead any army into slaughter for the love of something better.

Don't you deserve better? Haven't you worked hard all your life? Played by everyone else's rules, even when those rules contradict, bend and break entirely at your expense? As if that wasn't enough burden for you to bear, then there are those who think the rules don't apply to them. More so than that, they flaunt their disrespect in your face. They hold themselves above what is right and lawful while you struggle every day just to have something deservingly better. Now I ask you, is that fair? 

The strongest coalition on earth are we the people. You may not win, but you most definitely can level the playing field.

Suit up.

So whatever road block, cock block, or Lego block you put in my way, you better hope I'm nowhere near as cunning and resourceful as I think I am.

All's fair in love and war? 

You better believe it.

Monday, October 26, 2015


Forgot to black out your handle in one of the pics.

Prepare for stalkers. Sorry.

You started it

First of all, Aramis, it's spelled "you're".
And I was saying "thank you" for giving me the next word to play on. 

BAD words with friends!

Soooo..... then Aramis types "rail" and then I type "lunt" (which is an actual word, honey!) to which Aramis refuted, so I text him and explained what "lunt" means, and he replies...


AND in response to my word "lunt" Aramis plays the word "ha" (which is even less of a word than "lunt"!!) Then I play the word "tet" (means Vietnamese New Year) and he plays "fake"...

Then I played the word "pout", thus concluding the game for the night!!
 I'm not sure if you're aware of this BUT you can play words like "shit" and "chink" and "homo" and "tits"... its all in there! Doesn't even have to be English!
My Vegas friend played "hoe" in response to something I wrote earlier (in my blog!!)
AND some chick in Australia played the word "hag" after my last word received 23 points! AND she's beating me by 38 points!
This is a tough game.
Tough goddamn game! 
I love it!!

I love you

I fuck them. I love you. And think about you the whole time. Even now. I'm watching the movie CASINO and thinking about you.


Sunday, October 25, 2015

$1 bills

Oh. So that's what they look like. No thanks.

Misery and Torment

"All we're going to do is bring each other misery and torment... Because we both want whatever we want, whenever we want it, and we both want everything."


Happy birthday dad. First time not being able to call you on the phone.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Dear Las Vegas

I just booked my room for next month. I see the color pink often used as "splash" in your suite photos. Pink. I get it. Please make my room the pinkest pink to ever pink the color pink! And I want Flamingos! Lots and lots of Flamingos! All the Flamingos need to be on one leg too! Otherwise my room will just look weird!

Homo Tits... ?

Its WORDS WITH FRIENDS not Racism Sexism Hatred With Strangers!


Is it?

My opponent played "homo". I played "tits". The second I get letters for "snowball swapping goodness, bitch" I'm going for it!

I was trying to spell "fwap" but I didn't have an "f".

Don't bother playing Shakespeare, he's easy to beat. Easy wins suck. I need bloodshed!

And tits

And homos!

If you want to play me my user name is: la541

Friday, October 23, 2015

"Video killed the radio star"

File sharing and DVR's, canibalized them both. That's why I suspect artists are doing more live shows in front of audiences. There's still money in LIVE shows. For a long time to come.

Then again...

I predicted Paul Ryan would preserve himself for a go at the White House, but if his demands are met he may not wait...

Then again, he's a young guy. And you know what they say about "young" guys.

The good ol' days

Before Instigram and Twitter. When having to "know a guy who knows a guy" was good enough, because they actually had to know (that guy) to establish reference. These days people say they "know a guy" when really they just know that person's Twitter account.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Off the record

Audacious. The quiet hero. That's who I see(k). 

For my part, no need to spread. Make the experience more interesting. No prearranged calculated sterile introduction. I much rather we didn't. Let's just see each other out somewhere... someday.

Be discreet.

Take a little time before coming to an agreement if there's anything worth doing simpatico behind closed doors. 

But that's me.

The journey. The unknown. We already know how this ends. The grip from six feet under. Why not make getting there more interesting?

For all that...

The journey isn't for everyone, apparently. Supposing some, just getting to Death will be a struggle. A terrible violent well earned struggle. 

Like these women in the Louisville Cardinals, "scandal"...

Those strippers act so proud. Like they accomplished something by taking off their clothes, crawling around on the floor like good little doggies, and then writing a book about it.

Strippers, escorts, prostitutes, and college sport recruits? Shocking. Wow. Truly. Never heard of it before, Johnny Be Good. Circa 1988.

Instead of putting their (R)eading, (R)ighting, (R)ithmitcan skills to good use filling out a resume or job application, they choose instead to write a tell-all book and destroy a harmless man's career. Women were commissioned, everyone consented, a deal behind closed doors, and for kicks these women then decide to ruin a man's career. Unless that man's occupation is terrorism, slavery, pandering or pillaging, destroying his career isn't something to be proud of. 

You had sex. Congratulations. You're here. You fornicate. Good for you!

Those who have what others want, conduct themselves in a discreet and genteel manner. They don't broadcast the obvious due to the simple fact that - they don't need to. 

"A lady in streets, a whore in the sheets." 

Sure why not? But keep it closed up during the daylight hours.

Like that slut who was paid by (that one) particular subway pedophile, to have sex, and then publicly complained her consensual sex was like rape.

Awwww. Poor little $1600 street hooker. Was I supposed to feel bad for you? 

Look honey, keep it off my streets, off my yard, and out of my house. 

I'll lobby for anything to preserve public decency.

Kevin Spacey, when asked to (yet again) comment on rumors of his sexuality, was quoted as saying something along the lines of, "There was a time when a man could be discreet, and he was considered a gentlemen."

Or as I like to say; Have your nervous breakdown in private behind closed doors, bitch, like a decent American!

Tomato. To'mato.

Same thing, darling, same thing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Oh right. The guy who kinda-sorta OD'd on drugs in a brothel. Let's all idolize that guy.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Kick ass job (news channel) LA

Way to do a "news" segment on something I blogged about four days ago, expressing my opinion on something I read two days prior to that.


I wonder how Military personnel feel about non Military groups using their words to describe others, as if they're on the same field as equals.


Last year my oldest brother and I had this argument about sled dogs. We were discussing our dad's cancer, and then started fighting about sled dogs. 

"Sled dogs want to be sled dogs" my brother argues. He was making a comparison of something, I wish I could now remember what. "It's in their breeding" my brother says, "It's a Malamute's instinct to be a sled dog."

But what if they don't want to be sled dogs? What if being forced to run on a leash with other dogs to pull a sled while being whipped to run faster, isn't what that dog wants to do?

My brother contends an Alaskan Malamute, is a matter of genetics impervious to psychological recalibration. "Pure animal instinct" he says. "It's in the dog's DNA to demonstrate it's strength, beauty, agility and dominance."

By being a sled dog?

You're saying the only way for that dog to demonstrate  beauty, strength, agility and dominance, is to get whipped pulling some asshole in a sled? 

What if that dog just wants to be loved, to love back, and takes pride in being a protector, a member of a human family, and finds his strength in being loyal to that family who loves him? Or what if that dog just wants to live in a pack with other dogs? Like those penguins in Antarctica.

My brother told me not to humanize sled dogs. 

I told him the way he describes sled dogs, seems more commonly "human" in this day and age; showing off delusive beauty and strength as a form of self perceived dominance no one else recognizes.

I know dominance. Real dominance. It's an unspoken courage verified only through the admiration of others after a deserving act performed, not beforehand. For example, American military men and women.

Humans want love and admiration for doing absolutely nothing. Group A do things on camera most humans do every day as customary, but Group A insist on being rich and/or famous for it. 

Sure, follow me around my house with your cameras. I get home between 10pm-midnight, take off my pants, pour a cold beverage and watch the news in my underwear. Then fall asleep on the sofa. Now give me your money!!

Dogs don't have that kind of arrogance. 

I too believe animals possess a glorious heightened instinct some humans are very jealous of. 


It's not fucking, or ropes, or whipping, or ball gags. Those people need to find a more accurate word for what they're doing. It's also not being forced to run on a leash, controlled by a whip or a whistle by some asshole in a sled. 

They do make vehicles now specifically designed to voyage across the arctic ice and snow. No need to "Sweep with threshing oar" young Viking overlord. 

My brother said, "It would be abusing the Alaskan Malamute to deny it from running in a sled pack."


But a dog doesn't know it's a sled dog, I say, until a leash is put in it, and it's only knowledge of life is running in a pack pulling this sled, being whipped to run faster.

I've heard the argument Mushers now use whistles... I doubt they all do... And that's besides the point.

Ever read Pavlov's Dog? Humans aren't that different. If you were a monster who (didn't feed) a human in your care, then rung a bell, then fed that hungry/starving human, then starved that human again, every time that starved human heard that distinctive bell, that human would think s/he was going to be fed.

It's conditioning. That's it.

Not all Malamutes are sled dogs. Maybe it's a German Shepherd trapped in the body of a Malamute? Ever think of THAT?!

"It's not a Malamute in the body of a German Shepherd." 

But what if it was?

"It's not."

But what if that dog had different intuitive properties of say a Bloodhound, and wanted to be a Search and Rescue dog? 

"Malamutes don't have the intuitive properties of a Bloodhound."

But what if they do?

"They don't." 

But what if they DO?!

(I fucking love THE GRINDER!!) It's like Rob Lowe, channeled my inner Plaidskirttorpedo!

Those who know me and my brothers, especially those who've known us all our lives, have head these arguments and wonder why have them. 

If you only focus on your own cause, not paying mind to the purpose of opposition, how do you know how to strengthen your own?

Point being... 

Humans and dogs alike, through freedom, understand their value in the world. If you force them into a specific modified surrounding, you are conditioning them into being a product of environment.

Raise more humans. Less products.


For those who don't understand what I just wrote... MUSH!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

There's nice, and then there's MN nice

Can we go back to making bets with money. Do you know how hard it is to "Rob" your friend's house? Especially when his girlfriend has 30,000 photos of them at the Grand Canyon, in the living room alone. You know who you are! Personally, I'd be a little weirded out of my significant other took all those photos of me at the Grand Canyon, like they're never going to see me again. "Why you taking so many pictures, baby?"

Oh, you know, the insurance company likes photos. Ok, smile!

Season 2 of FARGO is up and running. Love it. Kirsten Dunst, who plays Peggy Blomquist, makes a perfect MN girl. Love this show. Plus now I've developed "a thing" for Patrick Wilson. 

It's gotta be the MN accents. It's like a mating call/homing device. Drawing me in. 

I lost 97% of my accent but regain it for a few days after each visit. 

The words "house" and "bag" have yet to lose the accent.



"Beg, or BAG?"

Oh friends think they're funny.

BAG as in you smell like a whoreBAG, or a BAG of whores, if you prefer!


So I guess the state of MN really doesn't want any of it's residents to leave? You'll need a passport to fly (even) domestically? That's crazy. 

It's been reported in accordance to the Real ID Act, that passed in 2005, U.S. state drivers license and ID's are to be equipped with a "machine readable technology" chip, but Minnesota, didn't comply with the technology and so now Minnesotans will need a passport to fly out of state, even to California.  

Wait a minute!

Awesome FARGO starting season 2
No updated chip software

It still takes three to make a conspiracy, yes?

Should I be afraid to fly back to MN? Once they realize I'm one of theirs that has gone astray they might say, "No bitch, you ain't going nowhere!" Or rather it would sound more like, "Ok now Missy, you just hold your horses. I'm afraid we can't let you go, dontcha know. Hey now, my grandma just made these lemon bars, wouldja like one?"

It makes perfect sense that Minnesota branches of government don't want residents to leave the state. YOU are the economy. It's not like the Mississippi is bringing in revenue with use of barges packed with lumber and auto parts. I'm not even sure if 3M still stand for "Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing". I got the impression Caribou Coffee, was a better investment these days than post-it notes.

Either way, it's not like Minnesota is a heavy destination for tourists. They can't even declare it as the one state where President Obama, isn't welcome. Oregon stuck the American flag in that little gem claimed it for their own. 

I never thought I would see the day someone wasn't welcome in Oregon. "WE LOVE DREAMERS... just not the current president." 

Can all that fit on a license plate?

You know what would lift everyone's spirits, if them Mormon kids would put a #PORNKILLSLOVE billboard sign above Fabians house in Miami! 

How much would that cost? I've got some rainy day money to spend! 

Good morning

On my way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sock "Robbing"

I'm gonna Rob Lowe your socks!

I stole your socks!

Don't worry, about once every 3 years I take my epic man-sock collection to GoodWill along with a bunch of other stuff...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tripping head

It's been a while. A long while actually. I want to meet this one couple who wrote me two months ago. She's blonde, gorgeous. He's brunette, incredibly sexy. They're funny, weird, hot, I want to meet them. They wrote me two months ago but getting together has been difficult. They'll write, ask when I'm available, I tell them, but my days off never come to pass with theirs. They'll write me the following week, ask when I'm available, I tell them, but again they're busy on my days off. The week after, they'll write, ask when I'm available, I tell them, but they're not available. The week after that, same thing. My availability never web with theirs. And we all live in Los Angeles.

I still want to meet them! Some day.

But this is common place. Same with men. They'll write, leave their number. If I'm interested I write them back, leave my number. Nothing happens after that. Communication ends. Maybe 6 months down the road they'll write me again with their number. If I'm interested I write them back with my number. Again, nothing happens after that.

My point being...

It's fantasy. Head trip. Just wanting to know people are out there who are interested. Flirt. Tease. Kill time. Who knows? 

It's obvious when people don't want to meet anyone. They write terrible emails, degrading ads, post photos of themselves and then write arrogant self declarations of how hot they think their photos look... 

I've come to accept, I'm forced to accept, when online, it doesn't need to go any further than swapping pics.

I meet people through my hair dresser, through the bartender at a bar my friends and I hang out at, and through the manicurist. She knows a guy who knows a guy... Not for sex, but if I need my dishwasher fixed, or a mechanic.

I'm lazy. I don't net-network. I don't have Facebook, or Twitter, or even Snapchat. Ok that's not true, I have Snapchat, in my Cloud, somewhere. But I'm too lazy to engage people, or reply. 

Maybe it's an age-thing.

"When I was a kid we used to go outside and cross the street to get mail from this doodad called a mailbox."

True. All the mailboxes were on one side of the street so the mail (wo)man didn't have to get out of their mail truck in blistering -20 degree winters. Unfortunately we lived on the other side of the street. 100 yards is a mile when it's -20 degrees out!

And while I haven't gone all "Randy Quaid" into the wilderness, it's still a HUGE turn on fantasy to be hiking along one sunny warm afternoon, secluded hiking trail, when along comes a hot couple, or perhaps two (or three) hot guys hiking on the same trail... 

But it's only hot if it just happens. No players. No planning. Spontaneous. 

Ok back to reality.

I remember (those two) guys. Fun times. Miss it. 


Point being, my sexual inclinations these days, are just inclinations. It's horrible since my sex drive is like "3,000 times more intense" than five years ago. And while gone are the days finding compatible hot dirty playmates, the swapping of pictures and initial emails is the new time killing quick fix fun... Or so it seems. 

And maybe it's all for the better?

I just bought a new pair of fuck me heels. 

Who wants to swap? Pictures, I mean.

Playboy, no longer has all nude women in their magazines. Of course I'm buying the first month edition under the new layout. It's history in the making. 

More masturbating. Less sex. The world could cure VD in two generations.  

There's a tagline for you.

Good morning

Who needs coffee?

Monday, October 12, 2015


Had a shot. He really did. That is, until he attacked women, vets, Mexicans...

Prediction: Speaker Bill Flores

Ryan will preserve himself for the big house.

First Lady Kim

Late night could fire all their writers at that point. Material just writes itself.

Love. Loyalty. Agendas.

“But one thing I just could never understand, was that Ginger could have everything under control… except for her old pimp boyfriend, Lester Diamond. He was a moocher, a card cheat, a country club golf hustler, a scumbag chasing dentists for a few bucks. The guy was always broke. He always had a story. And somehow she could never turn him down.” -- Sam Rothstein, Casino 

That's my favorite line in that movie.

Sex and money. Regardless what type of relationship you have, if you're having sex, the topic of money will come up eventually. Who buys what? 

Prostitution. Marriage. With all the various lifestyles randomly floating around today it's no wonder (people) are paying more attention as to what's being said. 

2013 some guy called me a feminist because I don't want a boyfriend or husband. It's not that I don't like companionship. I simply don't like the entitlement some men feel they deserve just because we're regularly spending time together. And at my age, I'm too comfortable, set in my ways, too tired and busy to traditionally date. 

I grew up in the Midwest. You know that. Regardless of one's beliefs there was/is always one unspoken rule: Do the right thing. Not the popular thing. Not the trendy thing. The right thing. 

It's an unspoken rule because it doesn't need to be said. 

My friends, my loved ones know they can reach me at 3am for (any) emergency. I'm there. I can count those people on one hand, but whatever those people need, it's theirs. Unlike the, "Oh, well, I text people randomly at midnight for no reason whatsoever, and then shut my phone off, or put it in the other room so I'm not disturbed while I'm sleeping."

Let me see if I understand this correctly...

You're fine disturbing other people while they're sleeping, so long as you're not disturbed? What a creep.

Conflicts of interest. We all have them. Be it work and family. Do as I say, not as I do. Loyalty and religion. 

My dad's work with the AFL CIO meant he was obligated to the Democratic party. A multi million dollar super pac to the Presidential Democrat elect of their choice. My dad was a liberal. He believed everyone deserves an equal shot at having the American Dream, whatever that dream is for you.


My dad was also a Catholic. Religion that conflicts with his liberal beliefs and obligations.

Like father, like daughter. I too believe everyone should have one initial shot in their adult life at their American Dream. 


Not if their American Dream is peddling drugs, sex, and violence on to children.  

And while we all might agree on the term "Do the right thing" what exactly does that mean for 2016?

Loyalty. It's an interesting word. I don't expect love or loyalty from anyone. I'm lucky to have it. But I don't expect it. And I'm never surprised when it's gone. 

Agendas, on the other hand...

Everyone has agendas.

There's a deep intellectual value with Buddhism. "Want nothing. Have nothing. Mind over Matter." 

It's brilliant.

In my family we have Mormons, Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists, Jews... No. Wait. There's no Jews in my family. But my closest oldest dearest friend is a Jew, so yeah... Jews, and Episcopalians, whatever that is.

I have both Republican and Democratic friends...

I call Aramis a "Republican" all the time. Like me, he's a conservative, but is he a Republican? I have no idea. He gets offended when I call him one. That's why I keep doing it. In reality, no clue.

With all the scandals, all the "questionable practices" in one's work and home...

If prostitutes could come to an unanimous conclusion how to do the right thing, half their battles would be over, but since (their) industry doesn't have many "prerequisites" in the work place, the votes will continue to be against them. You can't unionize prostitutes/escorts. They don't even support each other. I've never seen so many people stepping on top of each other. And it's always the escorts on TV talking shit about other people. Too funny. What exactly is there for them at the top, anyway?

On the other hand...

I hear Kanye West is running for president in 2020. So there's that.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


I don't know about you, but... I demand only the best from mine.

Sometimes I think elementary school lunch ladies, have more job requirements.

And respect

SUPPORT the hard working lunch ladies, unions!

I love this time of year!

Politics. That time of year when EVERYONE gets along. Haha. Good times!

Go, Kanye West, 2020!!! ;)

And I'm 100% positive my friends

Are cooler than yours. Let's go, Tokyo!

I'm almost "this" positive

I play the game better than you.


Lets go. Plenty of ways to get exercise outdoors.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pen vs sword

There's a saying about which one's mightier.


That's the "quoted" statistic. 60% against it. You can argue 60% isn't much if you factor in a (let's say) 10% margin of error. But then lets disputed it this way; hypothetically you received a million dollars, and immediately after the money hits your account you receive a notice you now owe 60% or even 50% (let's say) for assessment fees.

Politics always shift back and forth between the two major parties. Don't be surprised if the next president is Republican. And white. Sorry Rubio. No disrespect. It's just a guess.


There can be no discrimination in a unionized work place; not for gender, race, creed or religion. You think there's sexual racism now... You ain't seen nothing.

Maybe there should be an auto race and gender rotation on the presidential ballot?

That's probably the ONE thing both major parties would agree against.

Well, except for...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Tao Ruspoli


I love how my Lifeproof, shatterproof, waterproof phone case so easily broke off that tiny screw-in plastic piece that covers the headset jack!

Lifeproof. So long as it's not made of plastic!

Bring it on!

What got me thinking about it was Jesse Ventura's televised remark about being open to proposals on how to tax prostitution. Prior to this remark Ventura made public comments about legalizing prostitution as a way of controlling it. Creating some kind of red-light district. If you want to consider changing or passing a law of this magnitude, you first need heavy bureaucratic ammo. A proposal on how the government gets a piece of the pie, sort to speak, could at least open the doors of communication.


Since my dad was an AFL CIO local Union delegate, then local Union president for the sum of his mid to late life, as his kid, in my experience, I considered what it would take to propose a unionized adult entertainment chapter right there in Minnesota.

I was really young. 


It's one thing to create something seemingly "amazing" on paper, it's another thing entirely seeing it come to life, should it even get that far. I guess I thought, if I wrote this one thing, a thesis on taxing prostitution, it might be the key to unlock the first political deadbolt set against it.

Back then, I was too young and heavily sheltered. I just wanted to write a kick ass paper! That's it.

Imagine; I thought. Writing an initial proposal that could one day end up on a voting ballot. A voting ballot! Truthfully that's all my little young brain was thinking about. I never once considered how this law would/could change society if it ever went that far. 

All I knew was, a writing challenge was made. Write Jesse Ventura, then governor of Minnesota, a proposal on taxing prostitution.

My little brain came up with the same answer back then, I've heard tossed around the ring for the whole of my adult life by others...

"If you want to tax and regulate prostitution, unionize it."

I've spent the past two days (and counting) on website. There's a ton of stuff on that site to read. Some of it interesting. Some of it, well... I don't know.

I mention it only because there's a link directing you to statements supposedly by Jenna Jameson. According to the website, among Jameson's quoted statements is a part where she said (either in a book or an interview) she wished her industry could be unionized. 

Back then, for Jesse Ventura...

My thesis on unionizing prostitution was an extremely well written paper, if I may say so myself, that would never see the light of day.

Not then.

Not now.

For example...

Your Union requires a Union president, and Union delegates. These are paid employees whose job it is to speak on your behalf. If you have a complaint about your job, your work place, your coworkers, you take it up with your delegate, who then consults your Union president...

These delegates are required to know laws of state, laws of government, state labor laws, and the constitution, or at least the good ones do. The president, and these delegates are also members of your profession who are voted into office by you and your coworkers, and paid via union dues out of your paycheck, and the paychecks of your coworkers. 

So not only would you be paying tax, Medicare, disability, social security... Your paying Union dues.

My young naive brain couldn't imagine who on earth still wouldn't want this? Someone to defend your rights, defend equal pay, defend benefits, safe work environment, defend a zero tolerance of harassment at the work place, etc...

But then one performer says, "I am in a hazardous work environment. Blood, semen, and urine are considered hazardous waste. And the script calls for... I demand hazard pay!"

And even though hazard pay is primarily for environmental jobs, the guy you voted to be your delegate, who's checks you pay, responds by saying, "You're absolutely right. Let's strike!"

Sound dumb? 

Ever watch the news? Did you see what Union delegates thought were good ideas for (those) strikes?


While I cannot see (let's say) 5 potential Union delegates wanting the stressful job bad enough to canvas votes; their campaigns however would make for some interesting lawn signs. Just not in my front yard!

Then I thought; you could try creating a Guild?

But again, workplace labor laws, fair wages, workplace condition, etc. Can you see a Guild delegate inspecting the set for safety? Where would the guidelines come from?

Oh and... 

That almost always includes an alcohol/drug-free environment.

Originally the challenge for me wasn't to participate in a specific anti-something or pro-something, but rather simply to test my writing skills. After all, you/they can, or not, accept my proposal. 

I'm just the first racer in the diplomatic relay. Once I write the proposal, I hand that baton off...

Then I go home and watch the hockey game!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Yes it's true

A million years ago, when I was 18 years old, I registered as a member of the Republican Party, where I comfortably remain today.

I am a "liberal/fiscal" conservative.

But a conservative, nonetheless.

Have I always voted Republican? That's none of your business, my friends!

I don't consider myself a Republican. Every person should have a shot at a decent existence... It's the selfish/irresponsible choices of what people do with their opportunities that piss me off... For example, why are you having children? What in your life says, "I can give my kid an amazing life! The best education. A comfortable home. Security. And afford to send them off to become a healthy successful intelligent individual"... Or are you just expecting us to raise your kid?

That and, you have to register under a political party and, every Democrat I talk politics with just assumes the "blame everyone but us" position.