Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Walk on in, Miso kitty

There’s my girl.

I have not seen her since Friday. 

After my third attempt to cuddle the kitty, she gave me a look as if to say, “Look bitch, put me down. You’ve been good to me so you get a warning. Pick me up again and I’ll strangle you with your own portrait wire over there.” 

Oh really kitty.

Oh really!

See this face, BITCH. See all these fucking scars. I ain’t afraid of you! I ain’t afraid of... 

You are my seven day lord and master, kitty-cat. Forgive me. I’m sorry. 

I really have become this cat’s bitch.


Now I have to be a severe fucking asshole to someone else just to balance the universe. 

Bye kitty. Until next time.

That’s my kitty 😈

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