Friday, January 11, 2019

Baby shark do do do do do do do

Make no mistake the wheels on her bus go round and round, it’s just the driver of the bus is too incompetent to make the designated stops it was hired for. 

See what I did there, I made a bus reference, “Because like tanks are totally expensive.”

No shit she didn’t answer your phone call. She doesn’t answer anyone’s phone calls because questions are like totally hard! 

If she ever answers your phone call ask her again to estimate how many people (she thinks) currently live in America. And then ask her to divide that number by 40%. That’s the gift that just keeps on giving right there.

It’s fun watching Nancy Pelosi clench her jaw every time she hears that nitwit’s name. You can just see the veins exploding in Pelosi’s 130 year old Frankenstein forehead. Get plenty of popcorn, everyone! ๐Ÿฟ This is gonna be good. Godzilla’s girlfriend vs King Kong’s girlfriend, good! My money’s on Pelosi. Only because I don’t think the other one could find the arena even if she was standing in it. 

Hand to god, what Democrats should be doing right now is searching for a contender. A man. It’s great Democrats want to support women in politics. Kudos. But my Democrat girlfriends could do a better job than any of these women, mostly because my girlfriends aren’t stupid. 

Like totally! 

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