Monday, January 21, 2019

Desert moon. Desert wind.

Desert howling winds. It’s bad tonight. The wind is violently shaking my security door right now. 

Went outside to look for the cat. Nope. I hope she’s ok. 

This is so true.

I hope she’s someone’s outdoor pet cat, though they should make her a tag if she is. At least if she had a tag I would worry less. I could make myself believe she was safe, warm, fed, and loved on nights like this. She’s so little.

The first time I saw her I was coming home from work at midnight and she was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the 24 hour car repair shop. I thought she was theirs. Every business has a cat or dog these days. But I made a mental note to get cat food for her and put it in my purse. Since then I’ve seen her in a few different places but within a two block radius. Other than the white fur on her little nose being a little dirty the rest of her is always in good shape. Just a little skinny. Tiny little girl.

The wind is really howling right now.

I hope she’s ok.

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