Friday, October 17, 2014

The Judge

Saw this movie last night.

If you were the kid that left home at 18, you will absolutely relate to Robert Downey JR's character, Hank Palmer. You may not have become an attorney, but the reactions from everyone back home (the first time you go back) are all the same from family, friends, the sweetheart you left behind...

You left. You're the bad guy.


They love you. So you're also the good guy.

They miss you, and in your absence they also admire you for going.

My dad didn't talk to me for a year after I left home, when he himself left his childhood home, Utah, when he was 18. Took dad a while to accept we left home for different reasons.

As long as people I love still live in MN, it will continue to be home, and not just "where I grew up", because in truth MN is not where I grew up, I grew up more in Los Angeles, than anywhere.


Not in the way most people can relate to outside of Los Angeles.

Downey's character's relationship with his father in this movie is eerily familiar...

Go see it.

If you were the kid who left home, you'll love this movie.

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