Sunday, September 14, 2014

My brother is the coolest

He really is. (My oldest brother, I mean.)

The other ones are cool too... I guess.

I became an artist because of him. I listened to metal bands because of him. Learned basic rock drums because of him. I just idolize everything he does, especially when we were kids.

The other day he emailed me, "Hey, is this email still active."

(I have a new phone, etc. I'm still catching up on contact info.)

I wrote my brother back, "Yes it's your sister... "

He then wrote me back all friendly, "Hey l'il sis... "

And I say my brother is the coolest because I could totally hear him say in the first email, "Touch my sister AND YOU'RE DEAD!!" (Which he loved to say a lot when we were kids.)

I will never tire being his little sister. You have to be one to understand why.

Why isn't there a Big Brother Day?

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