Wednesday, September 17, 2014

More... Much more

I miss camping. I need to go. Soon. Want to go camping with me? In a camp site of course. I'm not battling bears. Sleep under the moon and stars. Bonfire. Coolers. Sleeping bags. I told my friend last night I wanted to work and live up in Big Bear this winter. But really, I just want to be outside more. I don't care where. I live at the beach, but this is different. The world is entirely different at night. Like driving to AZ or NV middle of the night, pull over to the side of the road, admire the clear star filled sky. It's a different kind of peace from the ocean.

I have those friends. I was that friend. We've been Jordon Belfort and Donnie Azoff extremely intoxicated in the kitchen fighting over the telephone almost killing each other and ourselves in the process, and while everyone else was laughing at that scene, I just found it sad and depressing. I found many scenes in that movie sad and depressing. Awesome movie. Just an out of control way of living I don't care to repeat.

Let's go camping.

Snowboarding this winter, absolutely. But can we also do something where I don't risk breaking my legs and putting me out if work!

Ever have sex outside? I have. Once. [Edit: more than once] But this one time in particular remains to be one of my favorite life experiences.

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