Friday, October 2, 2015

Some kinda coup de'tats

Another mass school shooting. This time in Oregon. Reportedly the gunman left behind a written "philosophy of hate". 

Do we still think this is a gun control matter? 

The media cautiously dances around the convceivabibility of mental illness. 
Conceivability? I have stressed time and again my belief mental illness has become an ever growing hazardous social (communicable) disease.

But it's voting season, so...

Let's see how the politicians spin doctor this tragedy into their agendas. 

I don't like guns. But this isn't a gun issue. This is a mental illness issue. 

Dear politician, If you want my vote, earn it. Ask the only question that matters here. Why is this happening. What do these people need? What line of thought enters, and then settles into a mind, either once or repeatedly, leading that mind to conclude madness is the only solution? Demand an answer from your "so called" healthcare professionals.

When I was a teenager, I was often (playfully) criticized by friends for reading Shakespeare. But what my childhood friends didn't know then was, Shakespeare is the master of tragedy. He wrote about hate, jealousy, rape, murder, revenge, intolerance, incest, war, madness, and so on, better than anyone still, with the exception of those today who unleash their chaos de facto upon society.

I have always been curious: why are we here, what does it mean, what is this for, what is the point? And in my curiosity I am forever learning, a constant pupil. I've made a few conclusions...

I have an idea for a film short. But it requires someone of fame, to become an alter ego of his fame, in an environment where his fame doesn't matter, only to him. The short, is in black and white, throwback vibe, and scripted almost entirely regarding Shakespearean-like subjects of jealousy, anger, hatred, entitlement, fear, indifference, desire, lust...

We are a society of 30 second blurbs, instant gratification, myself included. I could go on a date I suppose, get to know a guy, but 100% of the time opt for a quickie masturbation session and then get on with my day. I have things to do! My spare time is for my friends, loved ones. I haven't seen Aramis in over two weeks. I've been trying to get to the Nuart all week to watch the Black Panthers documentary. Today I'm off, and it's no longer playing. I'll have to catch it on Blu Ray.

There's a new (or renewed) strain of psychological congestion preventing some from reaching calm. It's easy to blame. Let's not blame. Let's fix it.

Don't pass any more laws. Don't make any more drugs. Make effort to fix predisposed, or momentary, nervous breakdowns and mental illness.

Simply put,

Be a leader and unify your people with something other than philosophies of hatred.  

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