Friday, October 2, 2015

my fitness pal

Do you use this app? I started using it last Sunday.

I had good intention to run the LA marathon in February 2016.

Even though I've never run long distance before, I've seen people in far worse shape than me, run it. I have no idea if they finish, but they run it. Good for them! In the beginning, when I first started entertaining the idea of running the marathon, I didn't care if I finished. Aaaaand then I started to reason, I (now) do approximately 7-10 miles, 5 days a week. Sometimes 6. Put those miles all together, in one week, it's almost two marathons. Why wouldn't I finish it?? Ha. Brain trickery!

I picked up maybe 10 miles more a week, good, but then I started feeling really, really bad. Tired. Drained. Sometimes really cold. I've got a nutty work schedule to begin with. But I snack most the day, a banana here, some grapes there, etc., all day long, and then eat mostly fish and vegetables for dinner. My runner friends, however, tell me this is normal. Anytime you pick up more miles, your body has to adjust. So I blew off feeling like shit.


I downloaded (this) myfitnesspal app and learned on a 1,630 daily calorie goal diet, I was ending the day with up to 1,132 calories remaining! How is that even possible??

My fat, sodium, and sugar levels remained down, good, but my calorie level was waaaaay down. Male friends say I need to drink these shakes. Lots of runners drink protein shakes just for the calories.

What a hassle!

Running the L.A. Marathon is (was?) on my bucket list of small accomplishments.

Christ. Not so "small" anymore!

I'm pretty sure I could talk James Franco, into starring in my film short, before I run this damn marathon!

You would love this film short. It's artistic. Intelligently written (or as intelligently written as I can write). You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll want to have sex with me James Franco. I'm still pretending he wants to star in it.

I'm going to have to re-watch WILD HORSES again. The ending confused me. Then again, maybe it's the lack off calories??? Seriously HOW do you end up with that many calories left over??

I literally shook my smartphone. I shook it! You know, like when you have to recalibrate your map app!

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