Sunday, December 14, 2014

I blame TV

And then I rescued a littler of kittens from a burning building.

Ok no. I didn't. But I so would have.

At a restaurant/bar that made the mistake of having televisions mounted on the wall, a commercial came on advertising (this one) particular electronic store. It's tag line,  "specializing in games and electronics" only the "M" is remarkably silent in "games" which makes the tag line more fun to say, and more likely to get me into their store. And since I have the tendency to say things out loud, I very playfully said, "I want to shop at the store that specializes in "gays and electronics" which offended the two men sitting directly in front of me. Gay? Possibly. And since no one was around to monitor my verbal activity, I quickly followed up with, "Oh please, I'm Asian, nothing I say matters," just as a white guy and his Asian girl friend walked by.

I have awesome timing.

Some people are so easily offended.

Life must be terrible for them.

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