Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hey kid...

At the mall. Some little kid just ran away from his mom and/or dad. The first getaway in a long future series of attempts. Kid looks like he's about six years old. Don't worry child, I'll keep an eye on you. Maybe your parent(s) will get his/her/their head out of whatever clearance sale long enough to notice you're gone. But if they don't, just know there's a plan B. We'll teach you all about Robert Oppenheimer, The Big Bang theory, reanimation, alternating current, direct current, Max Born, philosophy, and of course Neil deGrasse Tyson. There is no modern science without Neil deGrasse Tyson! Combine all that with a little Mary Shelley, and maybe one day you'll be able to revive your future beloved Golden Retriever "Henry" the next door neighbor accidentally ran over with her brand new Mercedes.    

Oh wait...


There's your mom.

"Where have you been!" the mom yells at her kid.


He almost became a brilliant mad scientist, but then you had to come back and...


I love when moms yell at their 6 year old kids for running off like it's the kid's fault.

The kid just discovered how to use his legs. Of course he's going to run off. He was bored. His legs are the greatest invention in the world right now. Until he discovers the internet. 

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