Monday, August 5, 2019

Filthy bitches

You guys can say how cold Alaska is, but it’s currently 67 F in Anchorage, and 60 F in San Francisco. 

106 F in Las Vegas.

It’s not Las Vegas, the city itself, that’s so miserable. It’s the Las Vegas strip. It’s absolutely disgusting how many women won’t flush a toilet on the strip. Go to any locals hangout and the bathrooms are clean because the women are clean. But go to any women’s bathroom on the strip (or Fremont Street) and you better hope your last tetanus shot was within ten years, or you better carry a garden variety antibiotics bag with you. 

“The toilets flush themselves.”

Um. No. There’s a sensory flush, and a manual one. If your filthy mess is still in the toilet when you stand up FLUSH IT, you disgusting bitch. Five year olds know how to flush a toilet. And wash your hands! Women have stopped washing their hands after going to the bathroom. So gross. Women today are absolute pigs. Slobs. 

After seeing the filth of women in Vegas, just know out of the 10 pretty girls you see on the strip, half of them don’t wash their hands or flush a toilet. Enjoy their hepatitis. 

Casino hotel housekeepers better be making $10,000 an hour! 

I hate working on the strip. Disease. Filth. When I get home I take a long boiling hot shower and I still feel violated. 

(A casino) on the strip actually had toxic waste tankers close down a portion of the strip to forcefully deject backed up human waste from their sewage. Omg it smelled so bad. Still does. It was a million times worse when they were doing it as you can only imagine. I’m horrified going to work every night. 

I can honestly say the Las Vegas strip is the worst place I have ever worked. It’s so unbelievably filthy. 

Aaaand this is why I refuse meeting you guys on the strip anymore. If I’m not being paid to be there, I’m not going. 

God bless you Starbucks. I would have quit my job a year ago if it wasn’t for you giving me a reason to go. 

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