Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Let’s go

I want to put a tiny camera on Miso cat. Where does he go? 

It rained here in Vegas yesterday. Only for a couple of hours. I fed Miso in the early morning as I do, brushed him, pet him, loved him, searched his fur for fleas and other bugs, nada, and then he went about his day. He had to go. He had things to do. I watched him saunter across the street and disappear in between apartment buildings. Hours later when it began to thunder I went out looking for Miso kitty but couldn’t find him. I went out when the clouds grew dark. I went out in the lightening, the thunder, in the rain, searching for my little hobo kitty but he was nowhere to be found. I really do love that cat. I just wish I knew where he goes. He thinks my kitchen is haunted.

Miso kitty doesn’t like my kitchen. The last couple times I fed Miso in my apartment he would stop eating and just stare into my kitchen. Then he would cautiously patrol my kitchen as if searching for something, someone. The last time Miso was in my apartment he went into my kitchen and got so spooked he suddenly ran around my apartment in circles and then sat on one of my drawings in the living room and chattered his teeth, loudly. I never saw him chatter his teeth before. Totally freaked me out. I haven’t fed him in my apartment since, he won’t eat in my apartment. That and I wanted his flea and tick medication to fully kick in. 

I started another drawing. Totally unlike anything I’ve ever done. In the movie Pride And Prejudice, with Mathew Macfadyen, there’s a tiny one man sailboat of that era abandoned in the yard of the main family’s house. You only see the sailboat as the camera pans across the yard but it’s those little details I appreciate in films I’ve watched over fifteen times. My drawing is about that sailboat. And of course... 

There’s a cat.

It’s too bad no one will sponsor a summer urban art project for the kids here. I’ve always believed it’s an artist’s responsibility to pass down their knowledge. 

As for the corporate liquor company I previously mentioned interviewing with, the HR woman who contacted me after the first interview has very little comprehensive reading skills. Nothing irritates me more than when a supposed educated person takes it upon themselves to assume not one thing remotely close to what I had specifically written. I don’t work for stupid. I have a diplomatic way of saying that should this idiot woman write me again. — And oh good she did. 

Good Lawd, I hate stupid people. 

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