Sunday, December 2, 2018

Day 9. Laryngitis.

I’m actually on the mend. I think. I have my voice back. Mostly. Now I just have a good old fashion chest cold. So much coughing!

Dear soup companies, enough with the carrots! It’s called beef barley soup for a reason. Beef and barley. That’s it. No carrots! I blame the french for sticking their mirepoix comestibles into everything. Get your comestibles out of my soup!

You know what the worst part of being sick is? Boredom. And coughing up a lung. Mostly boredom.

It seems Asians love Twitch. 

I could watch Jeffree Star play with his doggies and eat potato chips on Twitch for hours. I tried watching Ron Jeremy cooking on Twitch, but the dude, whoever he was, chopping onions is irritating AF. Leave the tip of the blade on the table and dice with the rest of the knife FFS! Five minutes later and he’s still chopping the same onion. 

When I turn 50, in 36 days, I’m thinking of making a YouTube video showing young Asian women a more traditional and glamorous way of wearing makeup for our skin color and composition, where the appearance of less, is more. Seriously. These young Asian women look like two totally different people with makeup off and on. I could make the video now at 49, but 50, is a number further associated with being an older woman. 


While Asian women can most definitely use the same color palettes as white women, to accentuate our facial definitions we apply those colors differently than how white women apply their makeup. Repeatedly I’m seeing Asian women with one look on these tutorials after applied makeup, standard porno, when there’s sooooo many more ways wear makeup. 

And another thing!

I’m against Asian women using eye tape to make their eyes more round and western. And what’s with Asian women using nose wax to build a temporary nose bridge? 

Ugh. Enough. 

If women of color want to be seen as women of color, than stop trying to look like white women. 

Jeffree Star has some beautiful newly released palettes... maybe I’ll use one of his. 

Have a good day everyone. 

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