Friday, April 20, 2018


“People are so enamored by equality that they’d rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”

Like father, like daughter. Just like my dad I spent YEARS listening to someone else, doing whatever they wanted to do, doing things their way, allowing them to order me around, controlling, using love and friendship to possess and own, when in actuality their way only hurts you more than failing. But that’s their plan. And we only have ourselves to blame for allowing it to happen.

My dad knew it.
I knew it.

You know it.

Some people need that crutch. What’s that saying? “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” It makes them feel good knowing someone is in need. POWER. And they’ll use whatever they can just to say, “Look at how great I am! Look at all the swell things I’ve done! Look what I did for that person!” Me. Me. Me. Me. I’m so awesome! They need accolades. They need to be worshipped. They need approval. And they’ll get it any way they can manipulate you into giving it to them. And once the praise is gone, they don’t need you. It’s a sickness.

But, like my dad, like myself, you have to walk away. Freedom!

Power is a drug. Being loved and praised is a drug. They need you to make them feel good for their shortcomings. Stop! Walk away. Kindness and love is fuel, use it to power those who are worthy. Control freaks will lash out at you because you choose freedom over them, but even death is better than one more day being controlled. Dig?

Where one door shuts, another will immediately open, because you’re free, you’ll see all the opportunities around you.

Being a control freak is a sickness. Love and kindness is fuel. Don’t fuel sickness.


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