Sunday, February 19, 2017

One boot in front of

"Did I call you at a bad time?" Mr Gordon asked.


"I was thinking this Saturday going to the Aquarium of the Pacific." Mr Gordon says.

I don't do aquariums, or zoos, or any place that has caged animals.

"My wife and I used to go all the time and we LOVED it." Mr Gordon said argumentatively.

I'm working over the weekend. Saturday is my only day off. I might have mentioned it when you stopped by my work the other day?

"Do you know how many people I've talked to since then? Hundreds. I can't remember everyone's schedule." Mr Gordon says with great importance.

I guess this means the honeymoon is over. Funny, I don't recall getting married, Mr Gordon.

If you want to just grab coffee I can return your movies to you? We can talk. --We really need to talk, Mr Gordon.

"I'd rather grab coffee at the Arboretum ." Mr Gordon says ignoring me.

There would be no compromise with Mr Gordon. He was in a mood. And, unfortunately, as I have learned, an entire day with Mr Gordon is exhausting. I need a second day to unwind after spending the first day with him and this weekend I only have the one day off.

I enjoy Mr Gordon's company grately, I do but he's very, very chatty. Thirty seconds absolutely cannot go by without him saying something. Example: Mr Gordon and I were walking through a meditation area of the Huntington and Mr Gordon remained chatty as ever describing the type of wood the benches are made of, and where the rocks were found to make the gravel pond, and what the design raked into the gravel pond meant, and the overall history of how the meditation area was structured, etc., etc. --The fact it's a meditation area, for (silent) meditation, didn't even enter Mr Gordon's mind. I was grateful we were alone. He would have kept talking and talking, without a fuck given who he might have been disturbing.

Furthermore, Mr Gordon never seems to want to do anything simple like coffee OR a movie unless it's coffee AND a movie AND ten other things filling up seven hours of the day. --I'm just not that kind of girl. Not every time together can be an all day thing.

I shouldn't have answered Mr Gordon's phone call because he just kept pushing and pushing to go to (this) botanical garden, or (that) hiking trail half-way to San Diego.

"So you're not interested doing ANY of these things?!" Mr Gordon said loudly, screeching with amazement and disappointment.

I just want to grab some coffee. That's all. I think WE need to talk.

"Well I'M going to the Arboretum  apparently without YOU." Mr Gordon said with disgust.

Didn't we have plans to see a movie?

Mr Gordon avoided the question and said, "I'm going to rent for you 'When a Stranger Calls'."


"You mean YOU'VE never seen 'When a Stranger Calls?!" Mr Gordon said with more screeching, amazement and disgust.

Well apparently they remade that movie in 2006. Sounds interesting I'll check it out. I'm sure at least one version of it is on Netflix. You're a very odd man, Mr Gordon. Do you still want to see SPLIT? --Like we planned.

Mr Gordon ignored my question and instead said, "I guess I'm flying solo this weekend." He consented with a dramatic sigh.

I guess so.

I don't think Mr Gordon is in the mood to sit through a movie quietly anyway. I really want to see SPLIT and if Mr Gordon ruined that movie for me sighing heavily or chatting through it, I don't think I could forgive him. --It's a deal breaker when I tell someone I'm excited to attend (this specific thing) only to invite that person along and immediately regret it.

I tell Mr Gordon I'd like to return his movies to him at least.

"Maybe I'll come by your work."


"Eventually. Don't hold your breath, kid." Mr Gordon said and then hung up on me.

I appreciate people not wanting to do their favorite things alone, but if you are unable to do your favorite things alone then how much do you really enjoy doing them to begin with? Aside from social activities involving eating, drinking, sports, and shopping, I do most artsy and outdoorsy things I truly love by myself, until I met Mr Gordon, that is. Only challenge for me spending time with Mr Gordon is, he's mentally and emotionally exhausting.

I'd like to see Mr Gordon Saturday for coffee and a walk along the Venice canals but, that won't do for him. It's not enough. --It's not about spending time with me. It's about him not wanting to do his favorite things alone.

My Saturday was therefor spent with someone else less complicated.

Mr Gordon is going through a change, a major transition, from being a long time husband with a life partner, to being a single man, 64 years old, suddenly very alone. I appreciate the challenges he is experiencing as a recent widower but in becoming Mr Gordon's friend, I can't also become his crutch. There is no talking to Mr Gordon. Right now he doesn't want to be with me just to be with me. Mr Gordon needs to mend. It is a good lesson in patience for me, though, I do have limits. --If Mr Gordon continues to act out like a bratty child than he may go.

Pity. I really enjoy his company.


I'm not going to conclude this blog with Mr Gordon.


I wish to ask WHY are Americans today demanding in protest we give away every inch of American soil to every person around the globe without question EXCEPT to the Native Americans?

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