Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hey Minnesota! I'm about to get racey!

Tomorrow night the low temp in Saint Paul, MN, is reported at 10 degrees. (No, I wrote that correctly, 10 degrees.) Precisely why I live in southern California, now. That, and, I firmly believe the cold weather locks in the "whiteness" of all who reside there. "Whiteness" as in no tan lines, no tan. It took three summers on the beaches of LA and OC before I got tan! When it finally happened I was thrilled. Thrilled!

I got tan! I got tan!

"Maybe there is a god?"

Let's not go overboard.

What am I reading here? Minnesota residents pulled a fake flash mob #blacklivesmatter protest at... The Mall Of America... to divert the (real) protest at... the airport? 


The great white heroes. The great white hope. "Save us, white people!"

Help me Heidi!
Help me Willard!

I remember a time when white folks in Minnesota, my neighborhood in particular, a well groomed upper middle class neighborhood, weren't too eager to accept black folks into the neighborhood. 

If the "N word" wasn't being used, it was a method of passive aggression.


"You're not from around here, are ya?"

Over and over.

"You're not from around here, are ya?"

Not, "Welcome to the neighborhood!" 
Not, "Our kids should play together!"
Not, "We're having a BBQ next Sunday. Come by!"

But instead...

"You're not from around here, are ya?"

Guilt, it's a hell of a thing.

And while making the statement/question "You're not from around here, are ya?" may seem harmless, after hearing it 100 times in a row, it might not sound so much like a question, but rather a polite invitation to move. Which is exactly what that one (and only) black family did. They moved less than (one) winter season later.

Fighting for a humanitarian cause is a beautiful thing. Especially when the significance of the cause is defending those unable to defend themselves. But I have to wonder...

In this day and age...

If it were white folks getting shot instead of black folks...

How many black citizens who use Chicago subways, New York subways, malls, or any method of public transport would intentionally hold up operation in order to protest #whitelivesmatter


White people, if you want to help the cause of #blacklivesmatter, if you truly want to do your part, how about raising your children to be responsible compassionate adults, or simply raising them to not be assholes; how about caring for your mentally and/or emotionally disturbed family members?

Cause. Effect. Prevention.  

White people fighting black causes by holding up an airport, a rail, a mall...

In Minnesota


Mall Of America


Mall of America #thewhitestplaceonearth

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