Saturday, November 7, 2015


War on women

I'm a pro choice conservative. A contradiction, I realize, but at least my hypocrisy has actual thoughtful reasoning behind it, other than "because God said so."

Question: Was it ever confirmed that the fetus shown in (that) video came from Planned Parenthood? 

I don't like abortion. Who does? I oppose abortion being a form of singular ongoing birth control. I oppose women making a profit for her aborted fetus, and I oppose men deciding what women should do with their bodies regarding this matter. I sympathize the argument men should have a right to his unborn child, but then pick a better woman to get pregnant! 

Now having said that...

I use birth control to regulate my period. As I've blogged in the past, I was diagnosed with a small (non cancerous) tumor back in June 2013. As an initial side effect of this tumor, I bled, heavily, uncontrollably, for up to two weeks at a time. A higher more potent dosage of birth control regulates the bleeding. I pay for it, but what about the women who cannot afford it?

There are women's health issues beyond our control. It is no longer just about unwanted pregnancies. 

Mammograms. Tumors. Cancer. No one but me should have a right to what I do with my body.

Even if my tiny little tumor had been cancerous, I would have lied to my dad and told him it wasn't. He was fighting cancer at the time I was diagnosed. And we all knew he wasn't going to get better.

Religion and politics cannot say, "no to abortion" and "no to birth control" unless republicans and Catholics plan on financing every unwanted pregnancy put on earth.

My tumor is firmly lodged against a reproductive organ. I told my doctors to remove both the reproductive organ and tumor since I have no use for either. But they informed me, "It doesn't work that way." The doctors will only remove the reproductive organ if it poses a health risk. Currently it does not. And the doctors will only remove the tumor should medication stop working. I've taken the medication twice now. Successfully.

But every 6 months I'm on tumor-watch, waiting for it to grow again, waiting for it to become cancer, waiting to see what, if anything, happens...

I get that hospitals have a budget, alongside laws and legislation with insurance companies, and doctors have a code of ethics, etcetera. They can't run around removing organs at will or command. They can however perform elective sterilization at $6,000 a pop which I've started looking into. Sterilization won't regulate my bleeding but removal of the organ will. I just can't get any doctors to remove it! 

Regardless, I find sterilization, fascinating. Why isn't this a more discussed affordable option of birth control? People hear the word "sterilization" and get freaked out. 

Still? Why? 


If it was an (elected) method of birth control, wouldn't this be more cost effective in the long run?

No, there wouldn't be as many fetus tissue for research... 

We have been convinced (conditioned) to make men responsible for permanent birth control by means of vasectomy. It's cheaper, but more so, I think because we have been conditioned through events dating history to think of sterilization as cruel and unusual. But if made an option, an informed decision, sterilization should be a successful affordable option as an elective form of birth control. 

News stations have been covering data supporting statistics that my generation, and the generation behind mine, aren't reproducing in numbers what is considered "average" or "normal" for people our age. 

We just don't want kids. What for? What are we bringing them into? 

This medical/religious war on women's bodies has got to end. Give us the medical attention we're asking for, instead of excuses.

Don't make me carve god's image into a tree performing a mammogram. I'm an artist. I can make that happen! 

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