Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sheep goes Merp!

Sunday morning. Back on the website I've been obsessing over. I've seen some things. Done some things. This, however,  is a whole other level of "things."

None of it's sexy. None of it. Except for the excellent bondage work, the true craftsmanship, really beautiful.


It's intriguing.

Horror sex. That's what I call it. Snuff films gone bad. Really bad. It's the new thing. Or an old thing I just Janie-come-lately upon. It totally squashes all desire to have sex. And now suddenly I'm making sheep heads. Hmm... ?

Sheep heads, you know... 

I bought this cute little sheep for $1.80 @Daiso. My friend wants to help make it. Excellent. I need all the help I can get. Sewing is involved!

I decided to name the little guy Merp! 

"And what was your inspiration for this piece?"

Well,this one particular website that mixes train wrecks and sex, and sewing together this little sheep I named MERP! Next question?

Usually wine, sex, general life aggravation, and boredom inspires me to be creative.
This could be an improvement.

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