Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Musk, what a goof. 


This is such a good blog. 😏

Stories of an AIRBNB HOUSE and other tales.



That's my gal. I love her so very much. 


We need to do better.

What the serious fuck is that idiot Musk doing? πŸ˜‚



JD Vance and his millennial Christian militia are waging war on Atheists, and Agnostics like me. Suck a dick. 1992 called, The Cure want their eyeliner back. 

Any time you want to prove you're more knowledgeable than me on the subject of Christianity, Vance, I'll get in the ring. Just because I choose to be agnostic doesn't mean I don't know the religion. I'm writing a book about it. It's a horror story. It always is. 



During COVID I received exactly $219 a month in aid while big wealthy corporations received millions and millions. I had a stroke in 2021 and still paid more taxes than Trump. Next time, just eat the rich. I'm pretty sure our knife skills could dice every piece of them into an air fryer. 


I'm playing a game with the Airbnb millennials in the house called "Let's see how long it takes them".


Pro tip: When staying in an Airbnb house with other renters do not fill the house with pot smoke (in a smoke free environment) and do not sneak in a second person when you only paid for one, because then when you want to extend your stay guess what, the homeowner isn't going to let you because you pissed me and the housekeeper the fuck off. 



Elon Musk, what a goof. 


Shit. Today's Wednesday. I shouldn't blog on my phone. 


Gen X'ers are feeling our mortality hard lately as legendary loved ones we grew up with have died. As the joke goes, our generation's conversations went from comparing Metallica concerts to now comparing medical ailments and prescriptions. (Sigh) I'm determined to not make every day repeat itself. To start, today is movie-Tuesday in Vegas. Movies on Tuesdays are quite cheap here. Instead of the average $18 they're between $5-$9 and while I have a half dozen streaming platforms with some of my favorite movies now streaming, I'm going to see a movie in the theater today. Get out of the heat. Get away from the VP debate fighting. Get away from life's grind for a little while. Look, you're either for the American people and a better future... or you're for the POS orange moron and his side chick who wears too much eyeliner. 

Cat ladies unite, and vote! ✊🏻



What do you mean? I'm sure Missing Malania is verrrry happy. Why look at the bliss on the former first lady's face. I'm sure she jerks the orange balloon for free. 


Walz is a man. A Midwest man who can fix anything, make anything, and needs an entire garage for all his tools. 

Vance... is a little boy who pulls on girls' hair for attention. 


Are we taking bets at what time in the VP debate Walz makes Vance cry like a little girl? Because if there's one thing Midwesterners are good at it's being super chill whilst making someone we don't like cry. 


When I had my medical stuff last week I received a flu shot and was really sick the following two days. Luckily I felt better by yesterday because at 7am I found a note taped to the house by the front door saying they were shutting off the water from 9am-to noon. Oy. I wasn't sticking around in a shared bathroom situation with no running water. So I was out and about until 2pm. 

Today my legs are just killing me. 

Thankfully it was "only" 98⁰ out yesterday. 

My next-door neighbor put up a tiny tiny Trump sign within reach of his outside cams. What's the point of putting up a lawn sign by your garage. What's the point of lawn signs. Seriously. No one else gives a shit who you vote for. All you're doing is making waste that won't break down for 100 years. Just wear a Trump tee-shirt to inform the world what a POS you are. Trump isn't a Republican or a Christian. He's a self serving moron-puppet for the 1%. If you don't have a billion dollars, why are you voting for him. He don't care about you. You can continue being a white racist and get affordable health care with Harris/Walz. 

I'm a 1980's Republican. The only thing that separated us from Democrats back then was government spending. That's it. Republicans left abortion alone once it was made law because back then Republicans respected the law. They cared about family. They cared about education. Sure, Republicans were Christians back then too, but we didn't care if you were. Be a heathen. It's your soul. 

2024 MAGAT Trumpers are not Republicans. They're a cult. If you don't have billions and are still voting for him just because you're a racist, well then not only are you a racist but you're a stupid racist with no future healthcare or retirement social security. Dumb. 😐


Ha! Right! πŸ‘‡πŸ»



They are a group of Ayn Rand self serving - that's a different blog. Not the least bit Christian. Not a single one of them. I could quote a RHCP song swapping a few words out and replacing them with a "Hail Mary" here and a "Praise Jesus" there and Trump would not know the difference between Anthony Kiedis and the Bible. Most Americans who claim to be Christians wouldn't be able to. 


If you still have Netflix please watch The Family. This Documentary shows you at surface level just how much religion plays politics - and your lives whether you want it to or not. I've written about Christianity several times here. I'm from a very small 1970's and 80's Midwest prairie town with woods immediately on one side of me and acres and acres of farms on the other. Religion was air and water. Now in 2024 my hometown isn't that little house on prairie world anymore and most of the people I formed characters around are dead now. So naturally I feel comfortable writing about it. My book breaks down philosophies, definitions, and hardcore belief systems that I do not doubt exist still to this day. Watch this documentary. It's horrifying. More importantly, this belief system is still very much in practice.

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