Tuesday, October 3, 2023




When you spend 5 HOURS TOTAL at the doctors office and CVS picking up prescriptions like...


"Do you still get your period?"

NO! Mwahahaaaa! Eat yer hearts out, young ladies! I did my time. I served my crime (being female) 



Current mood:



The funny taste in Chinese beer you can't quite put your finger on? 


I should be sleeping but my stomach keeps growling. Guess I better eat something. (sigh)

These were the best shoes EVER! They should make a comeback. I love these shoes. 

Maybe I'll spend the winter in Barstow. Cheap to live there. Keep coming to Vegas to work. 

All thoughts just running through my head. Need to make some decisions fast. Like... What to eat? 


I know. I married one.

Hmm. Maybe my next husband should be... Indian? Who needs a green card! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I want to be married again. There. I said it out loud. Mark this day. 

Apparently an Alaskan pilot in a jump-seat to CA tried to crash a plane. My heart stopped. I know an Alaskan pilot who lives in CA. It wasn't him thankfully. Crazy world we live in. You just never know.

So it looks like I'll be getting married in 2024. Let's see who comes along this time.


There I am waiting for the metro. I'm going to work. I'm wearing a black tee shirt, black jeans, and non slip black shoes. I'm wearing my glasses and my hair is tied up in a ponytail. I also have my backpack.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself?" Some guy walks up on me and asks. 

"I'm waiting for the bus" I say pointing at the bus stop sign. 

"Oh. The bus." He says embarrassed and scurries away. 

Good Lord. I'm horrified. He was like 30 years old if that. Short blonde hair and wearing the same goddamn outfit I am. I guess jeans and tee shirt is the new hooker/John fashion? 

Boys are dumb. ๐Ÿ™„


I'm DONE with people expecting more from me than everyone else. I am DONE. If you don't respect me not only will I not respect you back - I'll turn the screws into you if I can. Yep, I'm THAT bitch now. 



I really like my job and my boss - just not that it's in Vegas. ๐Ÿ˜ž

I remember a different hot fun sexy Vegas, not the superficial bore it is today. 


If he really loved you, you would be living with him. You wouldn't have traveled across country into your own place just to be with him.๐Ÿ™„ And he would call you his girlfriend, not the person he "hangs out with". 

He's a bad guy. Vegas is filled with bad guys. Get yours, ladies! Always get yours!

Asians. I'm not Asian I just look this way. I'm whiter than a Quaker. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป



Like I said. Enjoy your AI pet ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿถ

Poor little guy. Humans suck. 



AI generated pets will be the new household companion. Fetch will be played on a computer screen with this AI dog. 

The last child to hold a dog and feel it's love will be in about 200 years from now - or less. Probably less. Animals are being tortured daily, and thrown into lakes/oceans to make "rescue" videos, for likes on social media. Causing unbearable pain and trauma on the animal.

The last dog or cat will be murdered within 200 years by the hands of humans. 

Enjoy your AI pet. 



I'm really not that interesting of a person to be lurking on me. I legit rent a weekly room, work a food prep job, go on walks and hikes, visit places I think are interesting, take photos, yeah that's pretty much it. It's not my world anymore. I'm old. Past my prime. Women after 39 years of age just do their hobbies and chill with cats. Too old for sugar daddies, know what I'm saying? I'm just hanging out watching the young people destroy animals and the planet for social media "likes". If that's how they want to go out, who am I to stop them. Pick your battles.

You can follow me on Twitter if you want. 

Or Youtube

Or don't follow me. I really couldn't care less. ๐Ÿ˜Š



One minute into World War Z and I'm shutting it off. Oye.

I'd like to instead address the young white girls of Summerlin who think they're going to find their "happily ever after" being sugar babies. Two things: 1. You will age out at around 27 unless he's 80 years old and in that case you will age out at around 35; 2. If you're going to poop in public (who TF poops in public toilets?! You should have your poop schedule handled before you leave the house FFS!) bring perfume with you if you must! How do you ladies NOT have perfume in your purses?! What kind of ladies are you?! I've been walking 6 miles a day this week. I had to stop at Target once to get some makeup and I also had to pee. In front of me however was a skinny white girl around 25 years of age wearing hotpants, high heels, and a tank top three sizes too small, at 2:00 in the afternoon on a Wednesday. She goes to the bathroom ahead of me and isn't taking long so I think it's safe to go in there - WRONG! She apparently ate five gallons of rotten oysters and decided the Target bathroom was the best place to take a MAJOR foul dookie! Again, WRONG! Your house, honey. YOUR HOUSE is where you handle that situation! Or at least put perfume or body spray in your goddamn purse! And as if her smelly ass wasn't bad enough, when she walked out of the bathroom she had the audacity to give me attitude and not hold the door open for me. Honey, YOU just made the bathroom smell like a New Jersey sewer pipe in August! Don't give me your stink eye too! One is enough!! Nasty. I walked in - and IMMEDIATELY walked out. I hope your sugar daddy is into poop. And if he is y'all can have each other. Nasty nasty bitch.


Wars breaking out... how soon before a terrorism once again lands on our shores? I pray for Hawaii and New York. People all worried about another Covid outbreak... We have bigger problems, boys and girls. If I have to die at the hands of terrorism I want to be with my loved ones. 

Last night I dreamed I was being romantically pursued by Tom Cruise. WTF? He saw me on a bus and pursued after me in a weird lurking way. He followed me on my nature walk... then somehow he was constantly by my side. He kissed me, it was awful, big wet sloppy kiss... I woke up when he talked me into going to one of his churches. We were at a church and he just went crazy like he was demonically possessed, jumping up and down, jazz hands flying all over. All with that weird plastic smile on his face. Thankfully I woke up after that.  

Welp, last time there were like four US medical student in Gaza who needed to be saved - and back then we had a legit wartime president. I'm getting major Red Dawn vibes. Keep your eye in the skies. Who knows who walks American soil these days. Might be a good time to stock your bomb shelters, I mean, converted wine cellars.      



I have no idea what day it is anymore - ever. I just know what time I have to wake up and be at work. 

I've been binge watching X-Files, all 11 seasons, for like the third time. The last episode I watched today was S11 E4, The Lost Art Of Forehead Sweat, about the Mandela Effect, which seems to be all the rage on social media - again. Really? Is it that time of year already? You can argue song lyrics all you want OR you can just listen to the song on YouTube. I love when people conveniently forget how Internet search engines work. One dude asked me if I knew how to get to the nearest Walmart so I looked it up for him. He thanked me, walked away, and as he did this he pulled out his cell phone. ๐Ÿคจ Bro, you coulda just...

I think today was the last day to reach 90 for the year - maybe until next summer. Which means I successfully made it through summer. Great! Time to go. I can't do another Vegas summer. I just can't. I tried. Three times I tried and each time I just want to kill myself. 

It s time to go home. 



White woman all over America are freaking out because of a kid dancing at a concert. Meanwhile they defend this fucked up behavior. Ain't no woman want that for a mother in law. 

It's weird! Stop defending it! Perverts! I don't care what you say, you wouldn't want a teenage girl's dad hugging her this way! Fuck you it's weird. 

Also, in continued debates, he actually does sing "of the world" in the song just not at the end. It's an easy solve. The Queen song is all over YouTube go listen to it. FFS.๐Ÿ˜’



Still dealing with the aftermath of Vickie's death - my brothers mom. She died last May (26th - Sheldon died May 25th). Money makes people ugly. Breaks my heart. I think my brothers, after decompressing which I imagine is quite a load off, my brothers are realizing what their service to their mother for practically the whole of their lives is worth in terms of payment. I tapped out early resulting with her literally throwing fits of rage at me until I was finally old enough to move cross-country. But my brothers remained in loyal servitude and now that she's dead they want their compensation. I don't blame them one bit. However, it's not turning out to be an even financial split between my brothers and this is just creating so much loud static I wake up with it buzzing in my head. 


This is the only green that truly matters.

Shot these at the Nevada Wetlands. The peace and quiet is wonderful. I love seeing these little turtles splish-splashing around - enjoying their last days of summer before going into their deep winter sleep. Additionally there's little to no people here. No one comes to Vegas to look at marshes and turtles. It's pure bliss.



Welp, I'm back working graveyard shift again. For like 2 weeks or so I was working mornings but this seems to not work for my boss. She wanted me to work a midday shift and that doesn't work for me for many reasons. 1. Because metro buses out here cater to the strip, not to local valleys. I'm in the west valley where it's assumed everyone has a car, except for us legally blind-o's who rely on the bus. 2. The cook who thinks I'm his personal housekeeper works part that shift and if it's my job to clean up after people I may as well make the money too. Housekeepers in good casino/hotels make upward to $37,000 a year. I don't make shit, but my job gives me freedom. 

Freedom > No freedom

So back to graveyard I go. Punishment I suppose.

Even though it's October, it's still hot during the days. 91 degrees today. 

I almost cut my nose off yesterday. I walked into the room I rent after not being in it all night and there was a foul stench like I can't even begin to tell you! Me, out of my peppermint meditative oil, a migraine hit me hard. Any type of head trauma is not good for me because I can't take any pain reliever other than Tylenol per doctors orders. 

There's a part of me that is drawn to Alaska, or back to Minnesota, or New Mexico. I like Nevada but the fact is, I haven't had a date since I moved. My brother said go to the bars to meet men but people smoke in the bars out here and I can't take it. The Durango opens in November. That's my last straw. If I can't meet a nice fellow hanging out there, it's by my work, but if I can't meet a nice fellow to date soon, and I mean SOON, I'm forced to try another state. There just aren't any available men here to my liking. All the men who I see on hike trails are younger. I definitely don't have the money to keep a young stud. I helped one gentlemen the other day coming out of Smiths grocery store. We were both leaving the grocery store at the same time, he was wheeling out a case of water but the cart had one of those tracking auto locks where the wheels break up if anyone tries leaving the store with it, poor guy had no idea what was going on. He was a nice older man about 70-something I'd guess. I offered to carry his case of water to his car. "Oh no, it's so heavy. You can't..." He began to say, then I picked up his case of water and asked, "Where are you parked?" As we walked to his car he remarked, "You're a strong woman!" Yessir. It's my back that's freaky strong. As long as I can put my back into it I can lift and carry things like couches. I have zero upper arm strength but I think from years of shoveling snow since I was five years old with my little red plastic shovel, my back just got freaky strong. From his cart I was able to pick up his case of water. From the ground, ehhh, maybe not so much. Women are build sturdy in the Midwest because of shoveling. That's my theory anyway. The guy drove a nice SUV and opened the backseat for me to put the water in. He again thanked me and wished each other to have a nice day before parting ways. And THAT is the closest to a date I've had all year. Pathetic, I know. I didn't look for a wedding ring on that guy. I was just helping someone. But now that I think about it, I would have dated him. He was an older white male, silver hair like me, and he drove, so right there that's three things in his favor.           



Wow. I really let this blog go to "H E double hockey sticks" eh? 

Oh. And speaking of hockey ๐Ÿ’ pre-season has begun. Gonna wear my LA KINGS hat in Vegas. What could possibly go wrong? 

The weather is cooler now. Instead of 120⁰ it's a balmy 80⁰. 

So whatcha wanna talk a'boot next? 

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