Sunday, January 1, 2023




Made fish soup. 


Sometimes I think I should put myself out there more to meet a man. 

NOPE. Fuck no. Men are stupid. 


I wake up, empty out (you know what I mean), brew my first bucket of tea, delete emails, contemplate which arena I'm going to write in for the day, charge my phone, and open all my favorite websites and news channels. Every time I think how nice it would be to date someone I'm reminded what old men become after listening to Dateline podcast. 

Sometimes I think, you know, I would love to come home to someone every day and... "He was a high end banker. She was the life of the party. They met on a popular dating website. Both believed each other was a dream come true. Or were they? He came home that Thursday evening to find her sprawled on the bed, naked, an ax embedded into her skull."

Holy shit. What?! 


Me 25 years ago:

Me now:



I'll watch it. And cry. Or, you know. My version of crying. On the inside. 


I've been a restaurant manager and I've been the daughter of an AFL/CIO union man. All restaurant managers get a bonus for cutting labor costs. All restaurant managers in every restaurant from fast food to fine dining get a bonus to cut labor. Labor cost and food cost overhead is brought up in every managers meeting in every restaurant across the country at least once a month if not once a week. That is the only reason why they don't want to raise minimum wage. Owners want to cut costs, make a profit. Managers want their bonuses. Owners would rather keep their managers than their workers. There is no reason whatsoever for companies like Walmart to not feed their employees lunches with a prepaid meal card, except for sheer utter complete greed. I've worked in this industry for almost 30 years. Greed, bitches.



Woke up, blew out a bloody scab from my left nostril. That was fun. 

Aramis thought my last drawing was Zuul from Ghostbusters.

I don't see it but okay? I haven't put my signature on it yet. I think I can fix it. If not, no need to admit to it. Just do another one. Keep going. 



Have some serotonin. 

You’re welcome.



I have questions LIKE if human beings are evolved products of their environment, explain Asia and Asians. Of all seven continents I understand the evolution of the people who inhabit them, all but Asia. I get that Russians bled into Asia by way of Europe or so I'm guessing even though over 70% of them are in Asia, 30% in Europe, 70/30 give or take, but then explain the wide variations of facial bone structures in (say) India, China, and Kazakhstan. Why the small non-hooded almond eye structure only on some and not the entire continent? I think about things like this. A lot.

And I have one theory of where it began.

We are not alone in the universe. I don't mean that in a Tom Cruise kind of way. Think bigger.


Got my BP back down. 

I tried to nap but 40 minutes in I was jolted awake by a coughing fit.


My BP is high 145/98. Even though my cardiologist took me off the second BP meds he kept filling it which I’m glad he did. I use it in emergency situations like now. My blood glucose level is good. Just checked that too. 

Nap time. 


ME: All these Covid vaccinations and I'm going to die via bronchitis.

MY BROTHER: Covid is deadlier. You could get hit by a bus too.

ME: OK but I'm fighting an actual viral thingy, standing in my actual kitchen, so the likelihood of a runaway bus screaming up my front yard that's in a gated community and into my house... Lets just keep the argument somewhere in the hemisphere of reality shall we?

And THAT'S WHY my brother and I can go years without talking to each other.  


We all saw this episode of X-Files, right? 


What's going on in our medical world? What happened? Are we living in Idiocracy? Are we there? We don't have solutions only pacifiers. Aside from being poked and prodded over 50 times in the last three years (it's far more but I would only depress myself if I actually counted) I got the two vaccines, two boosters, and a flu shot and still got this yellow mucus coming out of nose... Bronchitis? 

It's not Covid thank goodness.

Because I would legit lose my mind if it was Covid, again. As I already mentioned (scroll down) I can recall the exact moment I think I got sick. I'm not hyper vigilant on being sanitized 24/7 but I do my part. I wholly believe if it weren't for my four months below freezing every year childhood, I would be dead by now. That said, I have survived almost a half dozen of my childhood friends (known since I was 5 - 20 years old) who have all died of a brain injury brought on by tumor/cancer, stroke, or aneurysm. Coincidence? Technically I should have joined them. I had an ischemic stroke but blew it off as a migraine and then a week later had the beginnings of a massive stroke the fine medical staff at St John's were able to combat. I should be dead too. What's going on here? This vaccine, that vaccine, and still, I was literally bed ridden to the point it hurt my face and chest to get up to go pee!     

I checked my social security status (again) as I do every time I'm bed ridden which seems to be happening quite a bit these past three years, and I've decided to take the early retirement plan. I'll live on rice and broccoli but at least I'll have less exposure to (whatever it is that's killing us out there).



Health update: I got it now. It is a respiratory infection, bronchitis, like before. How do I know? Just now while blowing out coughed up phlegm/mucus, I blew out a bit of blood from my left nostril, like when I had bronchitis. *I was right nostril coke inhaler so it's not that kind of nose bleed.*  

Don't say you don't learn stuff from this here blog, Hoss. 


Being sick and bed ridden I got the chance to re-watch seven seasons of X-Files. Scully really got the shit kicked out of her... a lot. What, Mulder couldn't take a hit?  
My goal is to clear out as much of my lungs as possible before I go back to sleep and try not waking up more than once in a coughing fit. I'm beginning to think this might be bronchitis and not the flu. Last time I had bronchitis it took two weeks before I was mobile. Three weeks before I stopped coughing. Goddamn misery.


Waiting for Covid test results like it matters at this point, I'm sick. Whatever it is I want it OUT of my body. All the times I complain about waking up three times a night to pee, is nothing compared to waking up three times a night in insane coughing fits and fighting the urge to throw up. It's deep in my lungs whatever this is. And I knew it the moment this guy was coughing (no attempt to cover his mouth) like six seats in front of me last Thursday morning going home from work that I just caught something. I knew it! But then I thought "nah he's six seats on front of me. I'm vaccinated. I'm fine." Then Friday and Saturday I felt like maybe something was coming on and jammed as much vitamin C and vitamins into my body as I could. I didn't want to ruin the weekend we planned a month in advance for - alas it was ruined anyway.  

And that dude is an adult. He knows to cover his mouth when he coughs, he just didn't want to. Vaccines, false sense of security and now I'm blowing yellow snot out of my nose. THANKS! Dear health world, I want to speak to your manager!   



I love these reels so much.


Also how all my dates end.


I was today years old when I learned Phoebe Cates is married to Kevin Kline. 

I always thought Kevin Kline was gay. 🤯

I don’t know what world I live in anymore. 


I got my Covid PCR test. And while I was doing that a friend grocery shopped and forget to pack the eggs. I ain’t mad tho. All I heard in my head was the emu, “They’re coming for the eggs! They’re coming for the eggs!” I hope someone got the eggs and the clerk didn’t just put the eggs back. I mean, they’re paid for ya know? 3 potatoes were $5.37! 😵😵‍💫🤯🫣🫠 The Minnesota in me cannot accept this. Potatoes! They grow in our backyards for free! 13 items for $64. Butter was $7.49 I never knew the cost of eggs and butter until today. Seriously, I just threw shit in a cart, paid on the card, and went home. 

I take back all the jokes I made about Whole Foods butter prices. I pay them now in a less bougie grocery store. Actually no. I don’t take them back because I get four sticks of my vegan butter for $7.49 as opposed to your mere two sticks of butter.🫤 I can’t imagine what Whole Foods charges for eggs nowadays. 


Drinking my first cup of tea for the day. I'm still congested but at least I'm finally mobile. Being bed ridden, unable to breathe, sinuses on fire, just miserable. My poor Teddy Bear is smothered out. I can taste food. Can't smell a thing. And of course there's the insane coughing when laying down. Mucus. I have not left the house, my bed, since Sunday. If this is Covid again I will lose what is left of my mind.  



Covid PCR test tomorrow, noon. I swear to god if I have Covid AGAIN you better believe I will talk to someone's goddamn manager. 


Phlegm be holding on for dear life! 

Covid last year, Flu this year. And apparently there's a rise in Flu cases in Phoenix. Unless this is bronchitis. I had bronchitis in Vegas winter 2018. That took 2 weeks to recover from. Whatever this is has to go. Day 5/4. 


We eat them of course. Trust me they’ll get eaten.


I got both the Omicron booster & flu shot and still got sick with one or the other THREE times now. I'm convinced this is the flu. It's worse and much nastier than when I had Covid. 

With Covid I was physically sick for like two or three days. This is the flu. Today is day four and I still feel like shit quite possibly worse than yesterday.   



My sinuses feel like they’re on 🔥 


Binge watching MAD MEN. What else is there to do when you're sick?


Love it 😂


So the whole point of getting a flu vaccine is what again? 

I have the flu. 

Sore throat
Stuffy AF
The bones in my face hurt 

It might not be the flu but it sucks whatever it is. 




I’ve watched this reel waaay too many times.


MOTIVE is important here, fellas. Or any person could stand trial for premeditated murder.


"It makes us feel better that there's someone in police custody."

And that's all you have to hear to know why Bryan Kohberger sits in jail.

Cell phone pings and a left behind item that they can't prove he left it behind. 


What a sham. Liberal media spinning their thread. Liberals are great for throwing white men under the bus when it's convenient for them. 


You don't have enough evidence to convict Bryan Kohberger. 



Battling a medium sized head cold since yesterday.😠 No fever or covid-like symptoms. Just a sore throat and sneezing. I might get covid tested at CVS as a precaution since I have to go out later. It's been a little chilly here in AZ at night. Add to that the rain we had last week which I was out in. And I'm old. So very old. 

It's taken me a few days to listen to this dateline episode on the Bryan Kohbeger trial, and right away there's some cunt on there who jumped to accusations and assumptions on her "podcast" and immediately her accusations were proven FALSE and all this cunt had to say about it was, "I guess they must have made a lot of white Hyundai" -- YES BITCH, they did. Then this crackerjack "podcaster" snot said, "I guess the list was long for suspects." -- YES BITCH, because they made a lot of white Hyundai cars. We uh, we kind of established that part already you stupid fucking cunt.😠 How about letting the police do the policing and you go back to doing, whatever stupid pile of useless shit you do the other 23 hours of the day you're not being a "podcaster". 

I hope every white juror sees this sham for what it is. Good luck dejecting white male jurors. Already this dude isn't going to get a fair trial.  



Went to Plush/Lust party last night. Um. It was like being in a high school house party. Who paid for bottle service?? That was ridiculous! A few benches with buckets of ice. Crazy. And why the fuck was everyone so tall?! I saw prom dresses, 1980 stripper gear, a little house on the prairie dress, where were we?? 


Preach Preacher! 

Happy New Year, rabbits.



Want to see child pictures of me naked in the bath tub with my cousin Daniel? We’re like five and he’s spewing cups of bath water from his mouth. 

If you ever met my parents you’ve seen the photos. They showed everyone. Weirdos. 



I’m so irritated. This goddamn painter was still fucking around by 7:30pm. He came over at 4pm to paint a small bit of wall I could have painted in an hour. I called the homeowner who lives in his house like 5 blocks away to get this motherfucker out of the house. And this idiot is coming back tomorrow morning at 8am… To do WHAT EXACTLY?!



He criticized my IG handle that is cat-centric after my comment on someone else's page got 250 likes, and I was going to shove my verbal foot up his ass but then saw he has 18 followers and follows like 1,000 people, sooo... bless his heart. 


A few months after I got married my then boss, Scott, says to me, “If you continue to do all the housework he’s never going to help you.”

But why? 

“Because you’re doing it. He assumes you like doing it, that you want to do it, because you’re the one always doing it. That’s how men think.” He says. 

It took 30+ years of hard wiring to end my bad marriage decisions. I could either continue doing all the housework, cooking, errands, laundry, every day chores, picking up after him before and after going to work, or… I could come to my senses and see he contributes absolutely nothing positive in my world and divorce him. My then lifestyle lover served my husband divorce papers. He offered. “You’ve been served. PS I’m banging your wife. Have a nice day.”

I’m reminded of my conversation with Scott as I started work last Wednesday night. One of my bosses, a woman, exhausted and frustrated, said, “I need to go home! I need to see my kids! I never see my kids anymore!”  

She’s my boss so I didn’t say what I wanted to say which was this – Go home. See your kids. You’re here because you think no one else will do your job, or that you’ll be punished for leaving. Welp, that would be illegal for starters. Additionally, that’s years of hard wired thinking, complete self brainwashing. Like doing four hours of housework before rewarding yourself by allowing yourself to go pee. I know. I was once there too.

After three days on the job I got our top boss to make changes to our deeply flawed computer system. I wrote him a very compelling email. I write good letters. 

“We’ve been telling him for years how messed up the computer system is!” My boss says. “Why is he all of a sudden changing it now?!” 

Did you tell him in a way that made it seem like whining? I would probably ignore you too. Or did you tell him much in the same way you complain about not seeing your kids. 

See, I told him in a polite, requesting, diplomatic way, fix this computer problem to enhance not only your business, but to keep me happy in a job market where I could probably get hired to be a brain surgeon after watching a handful of youtube how-to videos. – Message received.

“Boys are dumb. We’ve known since kindergarten.” That was actually written on a greeting card.  

Like now, I’m being grossly inconvenienced at home. The homeowner to my rental is doing renovations on the house after a past male tenant left the water running in the middle of the night, flooding a small portion of the house. He was drunk. Drunk and dumb. But instead of doing the renovations during the first two weeks I was not yet working, the homeowner picked now after I started my graveyard job to do the renovations. One day of renovations tuned into two days. Now it’s going to be a week, he says. You know I work the graveyard shift. Why didn’t you do the renovations when… Because boys are dumb. And if it comes down to my job or my rental, guess what! Now I can move anywhere, no lease, at any time.  


Regardless of how much we want men to be smart, or caring, or affectionate, intuitive, and mindful, let us not forget only men start wars. It’s their thing. 

Goddamn boys are dumb. 

Do you know how many men are in my life, men I respect, men I call friends? THREE. And two of them ride my last nerve like a bear on cocaine in the woods. 

Cue the music!



I’m in bed hugging my bear, watching…


In between the home repairs the homeowner to my rental is doing during the day, and my graveyard job at the hospital, I get about, oh, three hours of sleep a day if I'm lucky. I have more to say on the subject of mental health, work-life balance, the woes of "only women bleed", and general overall social mish mash, but for now I'mma just set this here.



Omg facts facts facts 


Love it!!! 


So part of my work is stocking food items. On the first night I stocked the chip rack. Not my job but I do it anyway. It needed to be done. Went into work the next day and someone rearranged the chip rack. On the second night I stocked the chip rack. It’s now the third night and not only did someone rearrange the chip rack, they spun the entire chip rack completely around so I wouldn’t stock it again. FFS


“Don’t be stocking ma’ chip rack! It’s all I gots!”


Welp, still below freezing but at least it’s not -0° out. Last time I was in Minneapolis, January 2021, it was -20°. Good times. 


Pete Buttigieg ain't looking so bad now eh? But you guys didn't want him because he's too gay young. 

"Welcome to America. All your bad decisions await you." 



I’m in full blown cat mode.


Me at work like:


I love this trend so very much. 



I miss seeing this trend. 


Oh. I see. So now that I’m thinning out for my summer body it’s okay to be plumpy in a bikini? 🥸


Kitty cats make all things 💯 better! 




Being called a slut in the workplace. That’s always fun. 

Laugh. Laugh or they win. Amiright? 



I survived. Tonight is night 2. 

Need a pick me up? This is great.



“Cardiac arrest”. You can say overdose. We know.

We know.


I had my work orientation yesterday, but tonight is my first night back at work. 

Old crew vs new crew. Day crew vs night crew. Bring it on. 😒 



Erg. 🫣 Cutting myself some slack. It’s been a few years. My hands don’t work and my vision sucks. Still, maybe I’ll like it after a few more days. 


Cactuses 🌵 are dangerous. Tell ‘em Chris. 


I didn't watch the Golden Globes, but yeah Tom Cruise, where is Shelley Miscavige?!

We all know she's (probably) dead, right?


Dateline is promoting a two hour special on the Bryan Kohberger trial. What's rule number one when you're trying to win something, team prosecution? Stay out of the media. Learn y'all something from the O.J. Simpson trial. How many white guys (any guys) with cell phones and social media accounts are going to be on your jury I wonder? They will personalize everything you say about Kohberger, I promise you. 




Media, so not helping the prosecution regarding the Bryan Kohberger trial. 

Stalking? Because of cell phone pings? Prove it. MOTIVE? 

We live in a world of cell phones. Every juror over 70 isn't going to know what a ping is. Every juror under 70 is going to have a cell phone. You want to put the fear into them regarding where their cell phone pings? The moment you say "pinging cell phone" every juror who owns a cell phone is going to personalize Kohlberger's cell phone use with their own. Add to that...

All these kids are white. All of them. Add to that...

Prove Kohlberger didn't know, date, tutor, attend a party, give a ride home, was friends or acquaintances with, etc, any of the kids in the house. Add to that...

Bushy eyebrows? That's your eyewitness? Bushy eyebrows!

Dear media, shut up. You sound stupid. Hello, O.J. Simpson? You media were part to blame for that verdict. 

So far all the media keeps pushing is Kohlberger is a white male with a cell phone. Not even that supposed sheath means anything. How do you know that wasn't boosted? Left there accidentally? On purpose by someone else? MOTIVE?

Y'all better do better than cell phone pings and a left-behind item you can't prove he left there.

Bushy eyebrows?

It was Groucho Marx!


I’ll finish my drawing this morning & the first season of X-FILES I found now streaming. 


I’m such a fangirl. Happy New Year 🎊🎆 Buckets.



Wanna go hiking some time, mister Halford? You can wear that. I’m cool with it. 🌵 You’re only 17 miles from me. Bring the whip. Rattlesnakes & scorpions be coming out of hibernation early if this warm weather holds up.


Dear David Bonderman, AGAIN, you reportedly paid 650 million (expansion fee) for an NHL hockey team and called it the what-now? 


Since Subway stopped making fake crab meat subs, I made one at home. Along with corn chips. Good. And cheaper. 


I loved these guys.


Beef stew. That’s what’s cooking on IG right now.

I call certain English food “peasant food” because that’s what they call it. Fish and chips, pot pie (meat pie), beef stew, etc, “peasant food”. I love certain peasant food. I could eat (real) fish and chips twice a week for the rest of my life. I grew up eating peasant food from Germany, Sweden, and England. 

This is my beef stew. It looks simple, and it is, but it’s the wine, you see, it all depends on what kind of wine you use. That beef just melts in your mouth when cooked for 8 hours with good wine. When beef gravy has this twinge of red color you know it was cooked with a good amount of red wine. 😉


iPhone has a ° symbol! Wait. What?! It’s currently 55° in Arizona. 🤯

Hold down the 0 button to get the ° symbol. 

You may not have known that until you were in your 30’s, mister, but I just learned it and I’m waaaaay past 30 with three different iPhone under my belt. 



And have y'all watched CLERKS III yet?? 


So I guess if I'm going to make a horror movie I have to add a spooky little girl dancing? 


Laundry & finishing my drawing. 

Made my usual lunch of fish, rice, and vegetables. Today and tomorrow.

Happy birthday Derrick. You would have been 45. You are terribly missed.

My friend died of a brain aneurysm at 39 years of age. Most of my friends and I, all Gen X'ers, have suffered from, and/or died from, one non-sport brain injury or another. Do you believe in coincidences? 


Got an email from my work. I passed. I'm cleared. I've always considered myself a patient person but holy shit.


I'm binge listening to the Dateline podcast. I'm convinced my roommate and I are in danger. STRANGER DANGER.   


I'm - eats a ton of mushrooms because Nobel prize scientists told me to - years old.

Apparently mushrooms regenerate brain cells. People way smarter than me said so!


Hmm. Well that's not what I meant to do. Don't you hate it when that happens? 

THIS, when you've been out of work for two weeks. You make bad decisions.😏 I waited one week to schedule the work physical. And now one week waiting for labs. I'm not waiting any longer. I realize it's a hospital and the patients have top billing with lab work, and it was the holidays, etc, but holy shit. I have been waiting for a week now for results. This is why everyone is so short staffed. Those who want to work cannot wait. 





Done for the night. 


Taking a break. 

It’s been two years since I held a pencil. 🫣


Just drawing. Listening to podcast all day and drawing. 

My first drawing since 2020.😩

Past works. 




Whew. Thank god that's over. 

I woke up to Kevin McCarthy as the new speaker of the house. Lets see how many times he says "Donald Trump" or the media prints the name "Donald Trump" associated with Kevin McCarthy. 

Regarding Bryan Kohberger, I have questions!

How exactly did they relate him to the kids who were murdered? Motive? Any association? Potential DNA on a knife sheath (alone) at the scene might not mean as much as you think it does. MOTIVE? How did the murderer get in the house? I have questions! Because, do you know how many lurkers have gone through my garbage and taken things? I caught both my ex-landlord and his son rummaging and stealing my garbage. My garbage! Nasty. But not a crime.  

Juries 2023 aren't the juries of 1970. Not with true crime TV shows, Forensic Files, Dateline, Law & Order, defund the police, etc, 24/7 rotating online, streaming, and on network cable. Add to that, everyone is a junior detective, attorney, and medical examiner. Burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt ain't so easy in this day and age, boys and girls. And of course the media is not your friend when they print...

  "Four young good looking..." Oh. You mean white kids? They're good looking because they're white kids? See what I did there?   

I've never attended law school but if this is all you guys have I'm almost certain I could create a world of reasonable doubt. 



Nice relaxing day. IG. Watching Tombstone. Drawing. 


How old am I today? I’m - just choked on an aspirin - years old. 

I’m still waiting for my job to finish doing labs on my physical. Nonetheless I’ve been awake since 2am getting my body adjusted to graveyard shift. Hopefully next week I can go back to work.

I recently went on a morning hike. Well, not so much a “hike” as it was an inclined walk on a large rock. There’s lots of large rocks in Arizona that are 1-3 miles around. It’s great for exercise. But it makes me laugh when I see people use hiking sticks to walk on these rocks. It’s a rock! And they always take up the entire pathway because people who use hiking sticks to walk up a rock also carry large ass backpacks like they’re panning for gold until end of the season. These trails are literally 1-3 miles. That’s it. FFS get you some good treads. That’s all you need. Hiking sticks. ITS A ROCK! 

*walking sticks won’t help you if you slip and slide down a rock. I’m happy to prove my point to you anytime you’d like.😏

The “best part” of this one particular rock is the redneck neighborhood you pass through to get to it. Holy shit. Tires in the front yard, redneck ‘hood. Roosters 🐓 with gun racks on their back, redneck ‘hood. 

Pretty scenery. 

Sedona and Tucson, have great hiking trails. I like walking on the big rocks but, you know… rocks.

I walked to this big rock through the red neck ‘hood. Got an extra mile in to and from.







I certainly hope the authorities have more than just "Welp, his cell phone pinged near the house several times." 

I hope no violent crimes happen near my neighborhood Rubio's. My cell phone pings there A LOT.  


Regarding Bryan Kohberger, I have questions!

How exactly did they relate him to the kids who were murdered? Motive? Any association? Did authorities then test the father's DNA? MOTIVE? How did the murderer get in the house? I have questions! 


Nothing says, "I love you" like when a man lets his lady carry all the luggage. 

Yesterday I had my work physical and its TB deja vu all over again. Years ago I was exposed to TB. I forgot I also had a TB vaccination, that little scar on your shoulder that looks like a weird dimple. Every time I get a skin test my tests turn up positive even though I myself have never been treated for TB. And for reasons I know not why I shred my chest X-ray info thinking I would never work for another hospital again. At this hospital however it's a TB blood test, not skin test, which is more thorough so maybe the test will turn up negative being as how I was never treated for TB. We'll see. Nonetheless I found a chain-lab here where I had my X-ray performed in L.A.

And then,

I finished shopping for the Plush party. Fashion, not a big thing in Phoenix. For ladies fashions you have to go into Scottsda.... goddamnit. 

I will say this, yesterday I observed it's not just girls trying to mirror Kim Kardashian that bothers me, it's the intentionally unemployed girls thinking they're owed everything because they've mirrored Kim Kardashian's looks and lifestyle. The girl working at my bank was another KK mirrored image, fake eyelashes, long silver glitter nails, tons of makeup, only she has a JOB. I took note that I thought she was pretty, but then realized I thought she was pretty because she has a JOB and looks kinda like KK. And while many will argue, "KK has a job, several jobs." My response to that is, not a job that matters to the general public. The girl working at my bank, that job matters. That girl can choose her man. She's pretty, has a job and makes her own money. Whenever I see a pretty women with the most ridiculous man I think - oh ok, she's dependent and lazy.  

I'm going to end this by educating men (people) on something: 

Yesterday some guy emailed me, "you have a history of doling out the physical affection with an eye-dropper"  Well, allow me to explain. The reason for eye-dropper affection is because I can only tolerate you in eye-dropper doses. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. 😏 See, women aren't all that complicated to figure out. We show affection to men we're actually into. Some guys we introduce to our family and friends, other guys we take to the Chinese restaurant no one we care about go to.


When a woman says nothing about other men in her life, there's most assuredly other men in her life. 


French man had a WWI shell lodged in his rectum.
Logan Paul is... Logan Paul. 
Bill Cosby wants to go on tour.
Jeremy Renner ran himself over while driving a snowplow. 

Y'all see the common denominator here dontcha? MEN. They're all men. 

November. December. January.



It's a "good thing" this didn't happen before Christmas.

"Grandma got ran over by a reindeer" would have all new lyrics.😏


Okay, but I have more questions. 

When Jeremy Renner saw his snowplow moving on its own, he (what?) tried to grab the break clutch? Did he slip and fall? I just. I can't reasonably fathom how you get run over by your own snowplow? Was the plow going backwards or forwards on its own? I have more questions! 

Didn't Deadpool die via zamboni? Do those things go faster than 10 miles an hour?  


Jeremy Renner. Um. I have questions. 

Was he doing the snowplowing? I mean.

I have questions. 

Too soon? 



Fellas, no one wants to smell your cigarettes or hear your loud ass car, loud ass motorcycle, or shitty music. 

Signed, ladies (everywhere) 



18 days to pull it all together. 


“I need you guys to go, okay?”


AVQ 😏 Sshh maybe no one noticed. (It’s a condition!)


Sometimes I think I should just skin graft my whole mouth and nose area, getting rid of all those scars, additionally burning off that goddamn nose mole, but then I remember I’m old and who cares. 

Lab grown grafts and membranes are amazing. When they stitched up my jaw they put a thin sheet of lab grown membrane over the sutures in my mouth to speed up the heeling process. Donor membrane. I love science. 

Until then I’ll just start wearing full coverage makeup. 💄 

Trust me future husband #2 you’ll thank me for it in the end. 




January 7th I'm another year older. Oy. I'm not celebrating my birthday until the weekend of the 20th however when a friend is flying over from Los Angeles. We're attending the Plush/Lust party for that weekend. I'll be the girl in the blowup unicorn costume. 

I just saw that Scottsdale is ranked the third whitest city in America. I liked Scottsdale back in the late 90's, early 2000's, before all the development. Back then it was rich white people who liked nature. I had friends who lived there. I considered moving there back then also. Today all those people moved to Cave Creek and Sedona. I don't blame them. All the delusional 40 & 50-somethings live there now. If you ever want to see senior men who never got over mid life crises, and senior women who still think they're hot 19 year old strippers, move to Scottsdale. It's so gross. Saggy skin 50 year old women squeezing into stripper clothes with saggy skin fake breast implants and saggy skin lip injections. Get out of the fucking 100 degree sun! Goddamn. My hot Italian boss wants to retire to Sedona he said. Sooo he's hot and he wants to retire to Sedona. Nice. It's no wonder the workplace is where people meet their spouses. It's 20 thirty second meet and greets a day, as opposed to $200 monthly subscriptions to meet some 50 year old asshole flexing a bicep while holding up a fish with a hook in it's mouth struggling to breathe. I eat fish but I don't torture the animal before I cook it. Only assholes do that. And they're all over the internet.

A great first date would be taking me to climb a rock wall. I really want to try it. I am a Capricorn after all. We do like to climb. But I ain't waitin' for no mans to take me. I take my damn self. Just one more thing I do for myself. I know I'm supposed to find someone for companionship but seriously for every man who claims they "love to hike and go camping" NONE of them want to actually do that. None of them. 

If you willingly move to Los Angeles you go to the beach. If you move to Arizona you go hiking. If you move to Minnesota you go camping. That's why you move there. I joined Bumble... It's just pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass. 

My friend who I'm attending the Plush party with is an amazing male friend I met off Kasidie a few years ago. Kasidie and SLS are the two best adult sites, or so I think. I used to use AFF exclusively for yeeeears but then it got overrun with lazy 20-year old boys who can't make it with women their own age so they hope to find some old demented swinger couple who pick up 20 year old boys and fuck them up for the rest of their lives because 20 year old boys have the maturity level of 13 year olds. Unlike women who by the age of 20 have lived some shit and are ready to collect social security. 

This Plush party is more for him. He's been such an amazing friend to me especially these past two years. For me it's pure nostalgia. I'm happy just seeing him without all the bells & whistles but he's a spoiled city boy. City boy is as city boy does. The only way I could get my friend on a hiking trail is if it lead us directly to the Zermatt ski chalet in Switzerland.    

I have two days before going for my work physical. Lets see if I can't get this drawing done by then.



She’s outlined. Let’s see what happens.

There was a bit of hail and lightening tonight. A view of it from my backyard. 


The 60 year old cross-dresser, or the 57 year old guy doing goat yoga? 

Decisions. Decisions.


Happy New Year 💥

My neighborhood loves fireworks. And there's a fireworks stand not far from the house I partly rent. I heard pops and whistles until 2am. I didn't uncork my red wine just yet. I'm going to make beef stew with it tomorrow night.

Last week I started online dating again. I've been single for ten years. Divorced for eight. It's time. I know. I'm trying. Tomorrow I'll video me cooking stew, new pictures for the dating app. (sigh)

It's just...

I'm not really into hanging out with men right now. I miss having girl friends. Women my age don't hang out anymore. No one my age hangs out anymore. Everyone is looking to partner up. What happened to having friends? What's so great about being in a relationship? Legit question. 

I'm annoyed women don't meet new women friends unless their man permits it. Even then, he says when she's allowed to see her women friends? WTF is that?! What happens in your houses, ladies? 

"I'm going shopping and having lunch with the girls tomorrow."

"Like fuck you are! You stay in this goddamn house, bitch!"

Is that what's happening?

I don't get it.

So I'm being forced into finding a man to date because women don't want to hang out and go shopping. This is how I ended up married. 

I need to get back on the schedule ASAP! At least then I can respect myself for not having time to have a social life. 

It's raining in Arizona today. I finally found something to draw. 

Tomorrow I'm starting the new year. I'm going to slip/slide in the mud on a hiking trail. Prepare for more hiking photos. Gotta get outside and play while I can. Come summer months I'll never see the light of day past 10am.   

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