Sunday, September 11, 2022




Watching THE MYSTERY OF MARILYN MONROE: THE UNHEARD TAPES, it just pisses me off how many people used MM, talked shit about her, and abused her. Reminds me of Britney Spears. That girl's own father used her and robbed her out of millions. Goddamn people.


Because yup exactly. 


Listening to your cat snore. Music to my ears. 


$85,000.00 for a vehicle, "No problem!" But $6 for a gallon of gas "HOLY SHIT!"


You kids today live like Kardashian. But this ol' girl lived like: 



I've flown American Airlines twice since 9/11 and both times were absolute dumpster fires. I personally will never fly with AA ever again. Plenty of airlines to chose from. Someone recording themselves taking a shit over their P.A. system would not surprise me.    


Very few things irritate me more than the fact that I, an hourly wage worker, pay more in taxes than Donald Trump, and Scientology. 



Two days later I finished watching BLONDE on Netflix. I've been busy. 

The movie is depressing AF. If you need to cry, watch it. The older I get the harder it is to differentiate between female legends, big screen actresses, porn starlets, and lingering strippers on Sunset blvd. A woman is just a woman.  


Omg so stinking cute.


Cleaning fucked up situations isn't exactly new for me.😏

No questions asked.



EVS tech/Cleaner 

Clutter & hoarding
Preparation for estate sale
Tougher domestic home clean 

I got you.



All day yesterday I be like:



You win. You win internet for the day. 


In case you're wondering how much it costs to clean a hoarder house, it's about $2 per square foot.


"You need a new line of work." The doctors said. "Your body can't handle the stress of your current occupation. Your heart can't handle the stress." And no matter how how hard I try to reason an objection with, "But I'm too young for a heart attack and a stroke" (spoiler alert) my body just doesn't give a fuck. Not one fuck given.

I take daily meds now to thin my blood, widen my arteries, and regulate my blood pressure. I have a primary doctor, a cardiologist, and a neurologist after having a stroke. This is the result of my generation willingly beating the shit out of our bodies for the past 30+ years.  

And so... 

I struggled hard finding something else I can do for work because I'm a looong ways away from retiring. I recently checked my social security status. Even if I could retire now my social security is at $1,100 a month. If I get injured on the job or have another stroke my disability is only at $1,000 a month. I never heard back from the shared housing program. 

I started a new job working as an EVS tech. I've been at the current medical location for a week so far and really like it. And like all jobs of this nature there was an extensive background check and fitness test. In 2006'ish-2008'ish I fed elderly people at a very expensive, er, exclusive elderly care facility and had to go through the same background check, government fingerprint, and fitness test. I found out back then I had been exposed to tuberculosis via skin test resulting in a positive reaction. I had to get a chest X-ray to prove TB wasn't active in my body, just like this time. How scary is that, that tuberculosis is still a thing? I've never been treated for TB, but still. 

As I was pondering what do I do now? I applied for every job I could think I might be interested in, and could make a decent living at, and then this EVS job landed in my lap so I took it. Just prior to that however I found her: AURI KATARIINA and I'm obsessed with her page.

On the weekends I'll stay working for my current medical company, but mid week I'll work independently - cleaning for property owners after hoarders & squatters wrecked the place, to eventually, hopefully, second responder work, fires, crime scenes, etc. 

Will this line of work make my doctors happy, probably not, But the fact is there are no jobs out there that doesn't have stress. I don't want to die on the job because (of all things) stress, but that's why it's called work. At least I can somewhat control my work environment.  

And for you kids who don't know what a hoarder house is:



How do I get in on this? 



He had a teddy🧸. I has a teddy🧸.
He has whips. I has whips.


Judging you hard.


Mark Mester stuck up for what's right, and defended a friend. "What an asshole." 

AT reportedly 35 year of age, he'll get another gig. Well played, sir. 

Mark Mester's popularity just went through the roof with female viewers.



I need this in my life.


When Aramis said, “Date night with the little woman.” He means in his backyard all “Hummingbirds and tossing axes.” I tell you what.


Tragic. Beautiful. 



I dreamt I found a kitten and kept her. 



Rude awakening from a dead sleep at 6:30am and legit thought I was having a heart attack. I couldn't feel my arm, my chest throbbed, and I couldn't breathe! 


I realized Alice was sitting on me.


So the agreement is: I won't get any cats. And when friends with cats get dates who are allergic to cats we swap places for the night so I can be with your cats. You and your date can use my place that is cat hair-free. Just clean up after your nasty selves.😷😂

It's worth me scrubbing my place down with bleach for three hours after y'all leave just to sleep with the babies again🥹:

I'm going to cry giant crocodile tears the first night spent without these cuties. We bonded.


It’s the forehead skin peel that did it for me. 



Every situation ever. Because we can’t let men think they’re failing, eh professor, even though generally speaking they are because a large percentage of the male population have become lazy AF. 




I miss Christine.🥺


Absolutely THIS. Men have gotten 100% lazier in the past 20 years. Even in dating situations I don't want to rely on a man for anything. Not for a ride, a meal, a movie, not for anything. Because it's just awful nowadays. I have more fun hanging out with my male friends than potential romantic partners. So why bother dating? I don't. I would love to be in love, to love someone, but men have just become incredibly lazy. 

Not just young men, professor, all men.



I love makeup artist season.👻



Never underestimate the power of denial. Recall 1980. Most of my generation were just little kids but we knew then what things were possible. Star Wars. Rubik's Cube. Iran-Iraq war. John Wayne Gacy Jr. Post-It notes. 


L Ron Hubbard could not foresee the internet?


Hubbard must have done something unbelievably awful in a past life.😏



Aramis: “How are you?”

Me: (for the past 15 minutes)



In regards to that kid's Tik-Tok about the 13 graves in Minnesota (just keep reading all the way down)...


This kid made a youtube video of the 13 crosses in 2018, and 8 minutes and 39 seconds in, it looks like the church is still there. 

I like reading the comments below the youtube clip. Kids today. That's the thing about horror stories, they always escalate from a serial killer, to a priest that rapes nuns and then kills them. I think I saw that movie also. We're all going to hell.

"Or maybe it was 13 priests that killed 12 nuns. Or maybe 12 girls."


We all know what happens to people who grave rob, right? Doesn't have to be the corpse. Could be a gravestone. A statue. The dead will want it back. And will come for it. 

And we know what happens when you build over graves, yes? We all saw Poltergeist.


In regards to the 12 nuns story below...

It looks like St. Thomas isn't a seminary school anymore, but a university. Not sure when that Tik-Tok was made. Men went to St. Thomas to become priests, women went to St. Catherine's to become nuns, but that too looks like a university now as of 2009. 


I'm very superstitious. I know when to lift my feet and touch glass. I know.

I know.


In regards to the 13 Crosses story posted below, the only people who might know something about the nuns and little church that used to be a mile (or so) up the road from the college of (I believe) St. Thomas, would be nearing residents. But we're talking circa 1970 to 1980. They would have to be old - like me. 


In the past I've written about being chased by two giant MF'ing all-black dobermans. One time was down by the Mississippi river as a teenager. Someone had called the cops on us for being too loud. We ran, ended up in some guy's yard. Next thing we know the house/security lights went on and two of the biggest goddamn Dobie dogs I ever saw came gunning out of the house right for us. My foot ended up in one of the dog's mouth. He took my shoe. 

The other time two big all-black dobermans chased me happened down the street from my parents house. I was around 8-10 years old. And to this day I have no idea whose dogs they were. I was walking down the street to a friend's house and out of nowhere two huge black Dobies chased after me. I ran into another friend's back yard and someone, no one I knew, randomly appeared, heeled the dogs, apologized, and yanked the dogs away.

How many times in your life can you get chased by two all-black Dobie dogs before you begin to wonder WTF? I saw the Omen. I know how this ends! 

(Okay that dog is reportedly a Rottweiler, but still!)


Good night 



Is it Halloween yet?

Something was brought to my attention today. 

Maybe you don’t believe in ghosts, witches, angels, or demons. Maybe you don’t believe in UFO’s, time travelers, or astrology. Maybe you don’t believe in any of that. Perfectly fine. But trust me when I tell you, if I ever locked you in an old farmhouse basement in the most remote parts of Minnesota or Wisconsin, in a basement with all original rotting wood beams, one wall still made of dirt, bricked up windows, nothing but a swinging light bulb hanging from the ceiling, rusted out farming equipment piled in all the dark corners of the basement, trust me, within fifteen minutes locked down there something absolutely will scare the shit out of you. Because you know things. You’ve seen things. You’ve heard things. Withal, you’ve always been a big disbeliever… until now. 

I have friends who inherited old family farmhouses, even my brother’s first house was an old farmhouse out in the middle of no(fucking)where Minnesota. You don’t have to believe in ghosts or goblins, but when the farmhouse basement looks like a legit slaughterhouse with old concrete floors and chains hanging from the ceiling, something down there will absolutely scare the shit out of you. I remember going to a friend’s newly inherited (completely abandoned) farmhouse. It was rustic, had its charm in the daylight, but two steps down into the basement and I tapped the fuck out. Nope. Nope. Oh hell no.      

Every state in America has a historic childhood boogie man. In Wisconsin, that boogie man was Ed Gein. Google him. In Minnesota, that boogie man had no name, just a ghost story. BUT there are truths to that ghost story. I’ll tell you my rendition, or what I can remember circa 1985, and then I’ll post the youtube someone put up, along with a link to some kid’s tik-tok.  

Regardless of what you believe in and don’t believe, I was a kid during that time. 

I was there.


As teenagers, 16-19 years old, my friends and I would hang out by the Mississippi river at night drinking and smoking, making contributions towards our very own teenage wasteland. One night someone said, “Have you guys heard about 13 Crosses?” 

NOTE: This story has been called many things. 13 Crosses. 13 Graves. Jesus bloody nuns. You get the idea. 
I’m going to tell this story in several parts. 


There was in fact a church by the Mississippi river. There was a path that led from this particular church to a giant well lit statue of Jesus. There were nuns who used to do missions out of this church. Uncertain if they actually lived there. But on occasion, from a distance, these nuns could be seen around the statue of Jesus. Praying? Gardening? Just walking? Unknown. And then one day the statue wasn’t lit any more and crosses were put up along the path going towards the statue. 13 of them. And then one day soon after, that particular statue of Jesus had been removed. The church was then fenced off. And no one seemingly went in or out of church property for the remaining duration of my childhood. 

NOTE: I have no idea what happened to the church. Everyone believed the horror story so I assumed that’s what happened. No idea if the church is even still there or not. 


One evening as the sun was setting, twelve nuns went down to the lit statue of Jesus to pray. Shortly thereafter, the dark of night surrounded the lit statue of Jesus, so the nuns began to walk back up to the Church whereupon all twelve nuns were brutally slaughtered by an ax. 


A priest known to the church had gone mad, took an ax and butchered all twelve nuns to death. Then with a pistol the priest shot and killed himself.


A random psycho murdered all twelve nuns with an ax and then fatally shot himself. 


Regardless if  priest or random psycho, after the twelve nuns were murdered, the statue of Jesus, their lord and savior intervened and killed the murderer before he could run (but didn’t save the nuns?) wherepon the murderer simply dropped dead amid the corpses of nuns.  


Thirteen crosses were erected along the path from the church to the statue because that’s where all twelve nuns were buried, additionally the killer as well. Each cross bore the name of the nun in Latin. The murderer's cross had the word "condemnation" under it. Never touch that cross or you too will be condemned.


When walking along the path from the church to the statue (location), one counts thirteen white crosses of the twelve murdered nuns and their killer who was also buried along the path with them. But when walking back to the church from the statue one never counts 13 crosses. Always 12 or less. Never 13. No matter how many times you try. You never count 13 crosses going back to the church.  

When the group of kids I hung out with had the bright idea, “Lets go count crosses!” I went along… until we got to the church and I freaked out. I completely broke down. Shut down. And I honestly don’t remember what happened after that.  


Those who were brave enough that night to walk the path in the dark and count crosses, swore up and down they counted 13 crosses going down the path, but none of them counted 13 crosses coming back up the path. Not one person counted 13 crosses coming back up the path. Not one person. Some kids insisted ghostly moaning and sobbing followed them back to the church.   

According to this youtube from 2013 the church doesn’t look like it’s there anymore. 

Here's a link to the tik tok: TIK-TOK 13 GRAVES, MINNESOTA

Someone made a youtube in 2013.



Another pic of the boy.


I'm so very glad they're indoor cats. I woke up this morning with this in bed with me.


Kitties! I need to make my friends a scrapbook of their fur babies. I'm constantly taking pictures of them.


Great! I was given another address to get a chest X-ray. I'm headed there later. 

The little girl kitty had a little upset tummy this morning and puked a little fluid on the bedroom floor. Poor kitty. I gave the cats some fresh catnip toys last night. Maybe she overdid it with the toys?

I tried looking for a roommate the usual way. Put ads up. Answered ads. I could probably afford my own little place in time but truthfully I don't want to live alone. And since I spent the last two months reading things from roommate ads like, "Must be out of the house at least 10 hours every day without fail. Rent for single room $1,500 a month" and "No meat, no alcohol, no friends over, no use of laundry facilities. Room rent is $2,600 with shared bath" I decided to try another route. 

There's a senior housing program provided by this one community senior center. They match seniors who have a room to rent with people who may be able to help them with non medical needs like grocery shop for them, or do laundry, cook, clean, or even just be a companion for reduced rent on the room. Or you can even just be a room renter. I met with program director yesterday after my background check cleared, just to get the final paperwork done, and then we went over the terms of the rental agreement should they find a match-up. It's month to month rent. When/if they are able to pair you up with someone you live with them for two weeks as a trial test run, pay no rent, and if after two weeks thundercats are go, you move in with a month to month rental agreement. It can't be any worse than the nutjob swinger couple who wants to play Flowers In The Attic with a single female. 


I found this book on one of the senior center's bookshelves.





Both my friends cats are just the sweetest little babies but I’m closer with her. She sleeps with me and lets me pet her.

He doesn’t let me get too close to him. I can take his photo but that’s about it. Such a handsome boy. 


Fuck Danny Masterson. Rot in jail, fuckboy.



Season 3, episode 9, the woman with brown curly hair and bugged out eyes, any person looking at her could easily think she was on drugs, or just plain crazy. Today she and those of her ilk are simply known as batshit crazy Karens. She calls peaceful protesters in this episode, "Losers. McDonalds workers." Because that's what sane people do apparently.

This series has changed my views on Karens, complete-ly. The hysteria and madness of these Scientologists that were filmed and now exposed in this series... not in this day and age, boys and girls. Not in this day and age. Social media would vilify you globally, and has, within minutes. 

Kids today have returned to Lord Of The Flies mentality. It's not like when Boomers were young and wanted their parents around forever. The Menendez brothers paved the way to, "Oh. You mean. You can kill your parents? Who knew?" 

Don't worry kids. Don't kill your parents. The Boomers and my generation are dying off perfectly fine all on our own. The world is yours. TAKE IT. 



I saw my cardiologist earlier this week. He took me off one of the ACE Inhibitors thankfully. So now I’m only taking five pills a day instead of 6. Yaaay!

I took a fitness test earlier this week. Everything went well except for the TB test. I knew back in 2006-2008’ish I had been exposed to TB. I had a job feeding elderly people and had to get tested. The test came back positive then so I had to get a chest X-ray before I could start work. Same this time around too. The clinic I had my fitness test in sent me to another clinic in Inglewood to get the X-ray. But yesterday when I got to Inglewood the X-ray machine had broken down earlier that morning. No chest X-ray.

The reason for the fitness test and chest X-ray is for a job at a rehab clinic. I was offered a job for a little less money than what I was making before but ultimately I’ll be happier, or so I hope. 

This job does a thorough background check. You have to have all your shots and boosters, but because I couldn’t get my chest X-ray, starting my new job has been put on hold. Hopefully not for too much longer. 

I’m still watching Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, on Netflix. 

SO MANY mixed feelings watching this. 

I updated this blog also:




PERSPECTIVE: Over 3 million people live in the Twin Cities, and only 1,000 of them initially became Scientologists. You're talking the size of two high school graduating classes. 

Just saying. 

Minnesota is deeply rooted in religion. I know more people in MN who are not vaccinated than those who are.


I married a Swede, born and raised. We met in Los Angeles. Married in Las Vegas. Divorced in Los Angeles. My ex-husband was not Lutheran. He didn't practice any religion. 

Historically, Swedes brought to Minnesota The Church Of Sweden, the Lutheran church. I don't know why there are so many divisions of Protestants. It's like the Mennonites who broke off a little from the original faith, then broke off a little more, but further than that they are essentially excommunicated. There's many of those in Minnesota who then became Lutheran. 

As a kid there were far more Lutherans in Minnesota than there are now. Catholics have made a come-back. But again, that's more so in the twin cities. 

Minnesota is a big state. It's not that hard to live off the grid. I mean driving away from the twin cities, say, from MSP to (any town) in the month of April, you're literally driving through a marsh to get out.      


I have my cardiologist appointment later today. Tomorrow a chest X-ray. I tested positive for TB. I knew I would. I once got a job feeding elderly people at a senior facility, got TB test then too, tested positive, got a chest X-ray, everything was fine. This X-ray place is in Inglewood. Not my favorite field trip. 

To brighten the mood: 



I'm watching Leah Remini: Scientology And The Aftermath, on Netflix. It's amazing. In response to it I wrote a legit blog with actual words and sentences.

Read it here: 

Everyone is doing 9/11 remembrances. Who can blame them. I did it too on my IG but deaf ears, and all. So instead here you go. Enjoy!

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