Friday, April 24, 2020

And that’s why... (update April 25)


started filming my next YouTube reading...

But I keep messing up. 

Try again tomorrow. 

Woke up to SEX AND THE CITY marathon? At last! I love this show. It's my favorite New York fantasy.

I love New York. 

Love love love... 


Drunk Poetry Corner, with catonestray@gmail

What's a senior citizen to do but snort bleach and post drunkard clips on YouTube? Got a better idea? I'm down until the disinfectant kicks in. And then you probably should call 911. On second thought, no, please don't.

I don't have kids. Gotta leave my mark somehow. Tonight I'm reading love poems, drunk. 

I really butchered Jabberwocky, but that's a tough one to begin with. 

Drunk poetry. Click the link.

My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

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