Thursday, November 28, 2019

A little old fashion missionary

Yay more gunfire in front of my building!

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving in Vegas, or a Thursday, without a little homicide. Know what I'm saying?

Black Friday, tomorrow. White Friday, if you're a confused Ontario Canadian having a discount gun sale like Perkins Guns and Ammo. In lieu of a black sale, the store is having a white sale, because that sounds less racist, day after Thanksgiving (that your country has no reason to celebrate) blaming the color name change on Canada's Prime Minister's black face photo. Wut?

Canadian version of woke?

Dear Lance Perkins, I grew up with Perkins in Minnesota, only our Perkins sell steak and eggs, not semi autos and hollow-points. I'm going to have to ask you to change your store's name, or at least the spelling. Principle. While only a snowy boarder divides us, there's farmer Joe hick hillbilly cow tipper, and then there's you. Minnesotans may not be able to pronounce words like "suppose" or "house" correctly but on occasion when someone gets woke we still call it Black Friday. And do you know why? Because we don't give a purple cotton asshat a'boot your Prime Minister.

Perkins, where you can get breakfast all day, and fresh bottomless pots of coffee. The way God intended.

Who the heck is Jamie? And why does he have so many Christmas specials?

Where is this sex line everyone seems to have? Has anyone seen my line? And why would you allow non smokers, bi girls, and guys with nine inch dicks to the front of the line? How rude.

Perineum sunning. Oh no. No no no. I'm just going to leave that right here. In the same place as gluten allergies, and burying a potato in the backyard at midnight on the first full moon. I think that was a medieval cure for warts. If it was that easy Idaho would never run out of business. Stockpiles to Los Angeles, daily. I had a wart burned off my left knee once. No idea how it got there. Well no, I have some idea. That was eons ago. Back when I understood sex. When porn didn't require an urban dictionary.

I'm working on some new drawings. I posed for them. Accidentally. The photos I shot didn't come out right but I love the heavy shadow which is great for drawing.

And so, winter is closely upon us which means I'm preparing for my usual hibernation.

I dedicate the blog to Aramis's dearly departed grandma, and mint moose tracks. If you've ever had the company of either you're a better person for it.

Godspeed, all of us.

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