Thursday, October 3, 2019



He loves to poke tiny holes into everything. Her clothes. Her underwear. Her socks. Her plastic food containers. Her grocery bags. Her purses. He loves to ruin her pants along the inseam up to the crotch. He pees in a cup and throws the pee around her apartment. Because that’s what sane people do apparently. “Look at me, I’m crazy!” Ever study psychology? Poking holes is a sexual frustration. He can’t get what he wants, DENIED, REJECTED, therefor he must retaliate through acts of destruction and harassment, because in his mind bad attention is at the very least attention. It makes him feel strong, dominant. “Look at me, I’m a big boy!”

Weak minded men retaliate when they feel their manhood has been taken from them. Rather than accepting responsibility for his own failures, for his bad choices in life, rather than making effort to improve himself, rather than letting others live and let live, he retaliates because it’s easier to be mean and hateful than simply behaving like an adult. 

“Adulting is so hard!”

I once rented a place where the 85 year old landlord had Alzheimers. Only I didn’t know he had Alzheimers. I thought he was a sweet old man, but then he wasn’t. He’s probably dead now. Just as well. His children truly hated him, with good reason, especially the daughters if you believe their version of sexual abuse. His kids couldn’t wait for him to die to collect their inheritance. Be that, when he was alive, near the end of his life, he too could not get what he wanted, what he felt entitled to, and he too lashed out with abuse, destruction, harassment, like a 14 year old boy not in control of his emotions. 

Mental illness has become an epidemic in this country. I have a theory. Yes I do! I think what we call “mental illness” is actually, in most cases, a condition of the mind brought on by years of neglect, inactivity. Self made mental illness. It’s why men stalk, harass, destruct, abuse, it mimics Alzheimers, because it is in fact a deterioration of the mind, but not through illness, rather through laziness, through intentional lack of use. It’s easier to stalk women rather than read a book, or learn something new, or get a hobby he loves, or do anything positive that improves his own quality of life. Why build up his own life, when he can try tearing down hers instead. What a waste of energy.

Meh. Whatever. It’s just a theory. 

Some guy just called my profile a bot profile. I’m not interested in him. I must be a bot. He looks, and acts, like a guy who makes pipe bombs in his mother’s basement where he has lived for the past 45 years. That’s why I didn’t return any of his thirty emails. If a woman isn’t interested in a man then in his mind she must be a bot, a lesbian, or a whore because that apparently makes sense to intelligent reasonable people, like emailing someone thirty times without ever receiving a reply. “She didn’t respond to my first 29 emails. I better write her again.” Because that’s what reasonable people do.

What would I do without you, Aramis? 

Las Vegas, barren wasteland. Where married couples go to afford nice houses for their children, and where single people just go to die.

On that note

Support the arts! More importantly support my art! Patrons wanted @art_noir on Venmo.

Thank you in advance!

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