Tuesday, June 25, 2019

thy golden stare

I don’t understand people who go on vacation with fifteen of their relatives. I don’t even have fifteen relatives and half my family are Mormons. You know what breeders they can be. When I go on vacation it’s to get away from my relatives, my job, and everyone I know pretty much. That’s why it’s called a vacation and not a family reunion. 

“Hey (Simone) me’n 10 other people are going to this house party. Do you want to...”

You lost me at 10 other people.

Don’t get me wrong I’m social, but only because I want you to look at me. That’s all. I miss the nightclubs and lounges of Beverly Hills, back in the day. You’d spend five hours getting ready. The entire day. Once there no one talked to each other. You just went to be looked at while drinking a $27 glass of red wine. It was nice. Relaxing. Being a visual artist I appreciate the “see and be seen” environment. Always have. Always will. 

Don’t mind me. It’s 10:56am and I’m on my second drink. I had a vodka/soda, now drinking wine and watching Miso kitty sleep. He ate his usual giant can of soft kitty food along with a giant scoop of hard food. Then I brushed him until he, as per usual, passed out in utter bliss on his favorite blanket, which was my favorite blanket once upon a time, not long ago. Now his. 


The black bear only weighed 100 pounds. Yup, I’m going to talk about this again. It was just a cub around two or three years old. I can’t let it go that wild life Conservationists shot and murdered the human friendly bear cub rather than trying to rehabilitate it back into the wild. So what you’re saying is, marine conservationists are smart enough to rehabilitate stranded seal pups, whales, octopus, and man eating sharks back into the ocean, but you wild life guys are just too damn stupid and/or lazy to rehabilitate a 100 pound bear cub? Next time call me. Armed with some ideas and the internet I’m rather certain I could have done a better job than you wild life people, or at the very least TRIED.


Next time call Japan’s panda sanctuaries. Those guys might have some ideas. Those Japanese panda conservationists are unbelievably devoted to keeping pandas alive and thriving. So much so, they actually dress up in panda costumes and douse themselves in panda urine to smell like one of them when they need to give a panda cub a check up. That’s right, panda pee. Panda pee! Talk about devotion. Did you wild life conservationists even try dressing up in a bear suit and dousing yourselves with bear pee so the cub gets reacquainted with the odor of other bears? Well? Did you? DID YOU?

Reportedly 30 horses have now died on Santa Anita’s race track. Disgusting. That’s vile humans for you. Put a midget on a beautiful horse, call it something ridiculous, and then make the horse run around in circles with a midget on its back until it dies, the horse unfortunately, not the midget. If it was the midget dying instead of the horse, this entire paragraph would be about the fat woman who tried sitting in my lap just now, but instead I’m too pissed off about Santa Anita’s dying horses. What’s wrong with you people? Rhetorical question. Geez redneck California, you don’t have anything better to do than bet on which horse will drop dead first? Not enough nascar (or whatever the hell its called when a bunch of white dudes get in fast cars and roll around in circles for hours and hours and hours and hours on end. Wooo! Exciting! Cars rolling around in circles!) If you like gambling so much come to Vegas. We’re happy to take your money. Happy to take your money, I say! Fuck off. No, I’m sorry. I mean give us your money first, then fuck all the way off. Proper like. 

I don’t have a problem with people who gamble. It’s your money. Do what you want. I don’t have a problem with people eating meat. I eat chicken, seafood, and on rare occasion beef. But I do have a problem with humans killing animals for sport, and using them as test subjects, when there are perfectly good life size maggots, convicted criminals on death row you can test on. We take better care of convicted murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, that we do innocent little cats, dogs, and bears.

On that note, humans also close courthouses to build more prisons. Why? Cut out the middle man? Guilty. Fuck it. Prison. 


Last night I watched (movie) INDEPENDENCE DAY. What a great film. I hasn’t seen it in years. I needed a movie that has good guys in it. Oh sure I’m basing my opinion of good guys on fictional characters, but that’s what makes great films, knowing what the audience needs, more specifically knowing what I need. It’s not difficult making a leading man on film. Make him handsome, brave, smart, and good. *swooooon*

Until then, I’m happy looking after this little weirdo.

It’s a good thing I draw and love watching movies or I’d have nothing else to do here in the hot desert on my days off. 

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