Saturday, May 18, 2019


It’s funny to me what Democrats want and then don’t want the government getting involved in. Democrats are perfectly fine with high taxes, raising taxes, paying millions of dollars in taxes without so much as batting an eyelash, further still, Democrats are perfectly fine paying to keep each convicted murderer in jail until the day they die rather than executing them within 30 days per for less than what you paid for your 30 inch tv. But then throw in the word abortion and suddenly Democrats have a problem with the government they so love just one political issue ago.

“All lives matter” including puppies, kittens, and human babies. And being as how most mama dogs don’t have jobs, should we just start aborting her puppies the moment we hear a heartbeat in an ultrasound? No. Of course not. We find those puppies good homes. Of course it’s waaaayyy easier finding homes for cute adorable puppies than say for a screaming 18 year financial burden. And besides we would never murder unborn puppies. Would we? No. We’d just fix the momma dog so she could never get pregnant again. Right? 

I don’t have a problem with women murdering their unborn children. One less kid running through the grocery store unsupervised. But make no mistake abortion is murder. Execution is murder. (God willing) PURGE! is murder. I’m pro all three. 

Murderer - To kill by an act constituting murder. To kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously. 

There is in fact a birth control method when used correctly works every time, and it’s free. Just say no, Nancy!

Eventually all women learn being a whore isn’t the dream gig Democrats make it out to be.

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