Sunday, March 3, 2019

MOMO forever!

If the meth addicts in my neighborhood were like this I wouldn’t care if junkies lived on the side of my building. But they don’t want to EARN their drugs like Wendy. They rather rob people of their money and kill them. I disassembled my doorbell after yet another addict repeatedly rang my doorbell in the middle of the night and tried breaking down my security door. Fuck the doorbell. Just text me when you’re here. 

I’m going to stick a picture of MOMO the viral doll, on the inside of my security gate. Freak out the meth-heads who keep trying to break in. 

Look, I’ve said it before

Women don’t like other women. If I ever contacted another woman it’s because a male associate of mine wanted to fuck her in the ass. Bait and switch. You couldn’t figure that out on your own? Seriously? You and yours. Me and mine. I take care of my tribe. You take care of yours. 

First date #3, yeah I’m just numbering them now, thought he was more important than my work, my art, Miso the cat, my friends, my home, and a hundred other things. WRONG. The only reason I go on first dates is because I happen to have a few hours free, and this past December and February was hard on me emotionally, and that’s never happened before. Maybe never happen again but why take a chance? Luckily I had Miso, who literally saved my life. And maybe he’s all I need?

When I date a guy, he’s not the only one. You’re not the only one! That’s why it’s called dating. I made plans with #3, to see him again in like 5 days, but he just couldn’t stay off my phone. He was sending me creepy text messages just like #2 did, and he wouldn’t allow any time to pass between us. I hate that. We had our fun now go away until our next date. Let me breath. Let me do my thing. You do your thing. Let me miss you. Yes, I am one of those women who like men to ignore me. I like men I’ll never go out with and most likely will never meet. But the moment we go out it’s just “mate and murder” from there. 

I hate when men see me online and immediately start texting me as if he’s the only reason I use internet. Fuck off. Go away. 

There’s a guy who’s been chasing after me for about a year. I’m SO not interested. No particular reason. Just not into it. Stop chasing me! That’s why I considered taking one for the team and go out with him anyway just once to make certain. But after texting with him recently I can tell he wants a women to join his world. Uck. No. Pass. I have my own world, thank you.

I have a job interview tomorrow morning at a casino. Maybe I’ll learn to be happy again working in public, just being young looking and beautiful every day just so I can tell men NO. That used to really make me happy once upon a time.  

“Excuse me pretty girl, can I interest you in having a drink with...” 


You can still want to fuck me. That’s cool. Just want to fuck me from waaaaay over there 👉 some 500 yards away from me. 

I’m watching HAPPY! on Netflix. Love it. I have had a serious hard-on for Christopher Meloni since Law & Order SVU began in 1999. And now that he plays a drunk fuckup disgraced detective, I’m 💯 in LOVE. 

This is it. The end. There is nothing more. Like Dean Martin, I’m just biding my time with Vegas, booze, and tramps until I die.

My new favorite social media go-to is @Natureslover_s on Twitter. 😭 OMG so cute! 

Alrighty then

I need to pick out my “hire me” clothes for tomorrow. Interesting thing about this job interview, I’m almost positive this interview is for a position I didn’t apply for, but what the hell I’m going anyway. Note to future potential employers, don’t guess what job position you think I still might be good for, I’m really not that versatile. For starters I like to drink. That’s why I’m licensed to bartend and buy/sell alcohol. You know, FYI. 

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