Saturday, September 15, 2018

Nazis in Morocco!

Billy and his family are doing well in NC. There’s no place in NC they can truly go without feeling the affects of hurricane Flo. Last they saw there was tree damage in their back yard. Let’s hope nothing further happens. Can’t wait until you guys visit in October! Be here October 5th. We’ll go to First Friday. I live right down the street. 

To stop the glass from banging against the frame on windy nights, I folded my Target receipt and stuffed it in between the glass and frame, upper right hand corner. Squeak and bang no more! 

Problem solver. That’s me. 

I have nothing but respect for people with electronic can-do. I’m terrible with hands on electronics and building things but I have pink girlie tools and a modest functioning brain. I’ll give it the old college try before going to the professionals. A leg is missing off the TV and knowing absolutely nothing about televisions because I use them to only watch movies, I went to Best Buy to inquire about another leg. I was fully prepared to be shamed. And shamed I was. 

The young lady at Best Buy snidely reported, “I’m sorry ma’am. We don’t carry TV legs. You have to go to the manufacturer for that, m-kay?” 




Then without saying another word, the young lady spun on her heels and headed off to join her co-workers who were milled around the 60-something inch TV’s.

I then walked behind Best Buy to Target and bought a tv stand. 

I have tools

I can put a tv stand together

Problem solver. That’s me. 

Hopefully next Friday night will be the return of movie night. I have ‘Casablanca’ and ‘Notebook’ on hand. For now. I’m open to suggestions. What I won’t do is post movie night on social media anymore because (for whatever reason) people who I don’t know very well get mad and IM me nasty messages. Look, if we’re friends on Facebook its because we met at least once and I didn’t think you were a horrible douche of a human being then. Things change. I get that. 

One guy actually told me to clear my head of wine before I post movie night on social media, and that I should STFU and think about what I’m posting before I do it. 

I know right

Movie night

A group of low-key people coming over to hang out, eat popcorn, socialize and watch movies.


I’m such an asshole

(Well that guy’s not invited that’s for sure.)

I’m finally getting a Christmas tree again this year. Let’s see who I can piss off by having people over to decorate it. 

It’s not not even autumn yet and I’m making Christmas tree decorating plans. 

Ever host get togethers with people from Los Angeles? Enough said. 

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