Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mud people

Myself included. As in Earth day, that just past. 

I'm all for science. I chose it over religion in every theological discussion. HOWEVER philosophy is my master. I'm ruled by reason even when I'm being unreasonable. Philosophy corrects me and my loved ones who aren't shy telling me when I'm wrong. Constantly. In text. Email. Phone messages. Over drinks. (Seriously, let it go.)

But that's me.

NOT the guy in Utah (fuck of course Utah) who reportedly "fake" pissed himself to make his young daughter feel better about accidentally pissing herself. AND as if THAT wasn't bad enough, dad then took A PICTURE with the crotch of his jeans soaking wet, his arm around his little daughter who's head is barely above his belt, and then posted the photo on the internet.

Crackerjack parenting right there!

Fake news? Christ I hope so. 

If I had pee'd myself as a little kid, I would have been made fun of, ridiculed, bullied, as any kid would have been, including this girl. But MY dad would have said, "So then kick their asses." And that would have been the end of it. 

Also crackerjack parenting but "slightly" better than her dad taking a photo of his arm around her while proudly showing off a soaking wet crotch...

All to make her feel better?



Every time a story like that comes out of Utah or Minnesota, I literally hold my breath while I read through the entire story until I'm CERTAIN it's not a report on one of my (not so) distant relatives.

I don't push philosophy onto people but I do encourage those around public offenders to see them as being responsible for their actions, as we are for ours. 

Less medication. Less excuses. 

More self evaluation. More self fixing. 

According to his oldest daughter, my batshit crazy landlord walked into his office where his little granddaughter was watching TV. My landlord said hi to his granddaughter, the little girl said hi, then continued watching TV as little kids do. My insane landlord made the comment, "Oh. I guess she likes the TV more than me" and the next day (coincidentally) the TV was broken. 

That's not dementia. That's cause and effect. 


Fucking asshole.

If mud people can just RELAX making others comprehend science 24/7 long enough to let people use their brains as nature intended, mud on!

I'm muddy. More earthy. Not afraid to get dirty. But I'm also an organ donor because I believe in science and helping others (this way) after I'm dead. 

"Science is the best way to understand the truth."

Yes and no. 

O.J. Simpson. That was a scientific guilty LOCK but alas not so much. You can't rely on science alone to shine the bright beacon of truth because first you have to understand it, comprehend it, cause and effect, use it in your every day life. Therefor, Philosophy. 

But let's not shun religion all together. 

Yeah. I said that. 

Years ago, Geffen museum displayed a "sculpture" of the Virgin Mary with a sewage pipe running through her abdomen. As an artist I was disgusted. That's not art. It's a waste of time and materials.

Freedom of speech, yes. 

Art, no.

Art makes the world a more thoughtful place, beautiful, enchanting, mysterious, compelling, NOT hateful. 

A lot of science is wasted on humans. 

Rejuvenation? Blah.

I'm Asian, kind of. Our hot-ass kung-fu is held together via myth and legend for years and years, and then one day the sun doesn't shine as bright through the clouds of make believe and BAM!!!! Our shit falls completely apart. Suddenly we look 100 years old.

Human restoration?

Why? What for?

Dead is dead, and that's how it ends for all of us. Sooner or later. Buried or burned.

"There are no alternative (scientific) facts."


There's more than one way to reach the same conclusion, yes?

Religion, science, and/or philosophy. Let's give credit where credit is due. 


That's just like science taking all the credit. 

Perhaps O.J. Simpson would have been found guilty (even without science) had an alternative route been considered to reach the same conclusion where science failed.

Kudos to you anyway muddies for taking the streets in protest, awareness, ok no, I have no idea why you took to the streets.

Because you're here, you denounce scientific empiricism...

Get used to it?

Not quite as catchy as that other saying. 

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