Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Help us Eminem!

What we need is a voice of reason. We need Slim Shady! Why are people surprised about the travel ban and his wall? It was his entire campaign. Right or wrong you shouldn't be surprised. It was his ENTIRE campaign!


He won. Which speaks volume for the epic failure of the Democratic Party.

I spent a little time on the NAACP website. They have a program in their organization that truly interests me, and I'm always right [here] in being a supportive member, but it seems, and I could wrong, still when they say "advancement of colored people" they don't really mean advancing all colored people aka colored people like me (nudge).

Kennedy, that was my president. Martin Luther King jr, that was my civil rights leader. I would have followed those two men anywhere, even to my grave however young. Civil rights leaders should be for ALL people. Travel bans are nothing new. Countries have them as a precautionary measure especially after terror threats/attacks, and rightfully so. Had our current president signed a travel ban under more sensible diplomacy, people wouldn't be so outraged. Whatever.

I have today off. Yesterday I had the presence of mind to visit the Santa Monica/Venice branch of the NAACP, but I just can't get over this nagging feeling...

And besides...

The Santa Monica/Venice branch isn't actually in Santa Monica, or Venice, it's listed as being located downtown. I'm not going downtown today. I don't blame the west side chapter of the NAACP for being located downtown, there's a bunch of scary white people in Venice after dark.

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