Thursday, September 17, 2015

I'm quasi conservative

I believe in propriety. Knife in one hand, fork in the other. Ladies, legs crossed under the table beneath the knee. Etc. Etc. When my friends and I Sunday Brunch, we dress for the occasion. Flip Flops are for the beach, checking the mail, and Starbucks, not for dinner, not even at Cheesecake Factory! Not even at the Cheesecake Factory, in MDR!

Pride. It's not just for gay people.

"Does that have gluten in it?"

Shut up. Yes. It does. You sound like an ass. Go away.

If you think $25 is too expensive, then you shouldn't be here. It's not for you. Leave. Don't complain and then stay. No one wants your company.

And while all this may seem snobby, it's not.

I've left dates at bars, restaurants, before ordering just a second drink, because they didn't tip (enough), or didn't hold the door open for the person who got there at the same time we did, or said something so unbelievably rude it's amazing he's still alive!

Social media is a great place to vent. To be whoever. Because you (reader) choose to be here.

And I choose to use this platform to make fun of people who say idiotic things like this, "I have children, how do they expect me to pay that price?!"

Uh-huh. So what (you're) saying is, it's their fault you have children? Gotcha. You're fucking stupid. I hope we never meet. I don't want to breath your stupid air, or get your stupid on my clothes.

My pro-choice, pro common sense, pro equality, pro liberty and justice for all, prevents me from being a Republican.

Having said that...

Stop blowing your nose in restaurants! There are people trying to enjoy their meals without hearing your snot!

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