Saturday, May 14, 2016

All the writers of SNAPPED

(According to Wiki) are men. And I'm almost entirely sure each one will agree with me when I say...

For as many examples YOU find why 16 year old (let's say) girls aren't emotionally/mentally mature or stable enough to have sexual adult relations...

I can list a bunch of legally adult women who were clearly not either. Starting with Lorena Bobbitt. 

I could probably just stop there. Point made.


Remember Clara Harris? She ran over her husband in a hotel parking lot THREE times (murdering him) with her step daughter in the passenger seat, after Mrs. Harris, caught her husband with his mistress at the hotel.

Was Mrs. Harris, mature enough to have adult relations??

TV shows like SNAPPED, don't run out of material. 

I could write a 500 page chapter on nutty legal adults who were clearly not mature/stable enough to have sex. 

It's funny, now that I live alone, everyone from my dad's widow, to my coworkers, to the man I write my rent checks to, joke around about being a "swinging beach single" when the only person I've had sex with in my (four) month new apartment, is me. 

I've yet to meet a man in the past four months I want knowing where I live. It's different when you have male roommates. Guys are less likely to just show up and act stupid. My friends are always welcome. --They're people I know. 

But, the moment you add sex to any relationship you run the risk of there being "an incident"...

At any age.

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