Monday, January 18, 2016

You pay them to leave!

Go home!
As the wise sex-philosopher Charley Harper, promotes, "You don't pay hookers to have sex with you. You pay them to leave afterwards."

Among numerous other reasons why I think prostitution should be legal, that quote is among them. You pay them to leave afterwards. THAT very passage needs to be written into law. It's not the sex you're paying for. You're paying them to leave. 

Discontent is on the rise.

Mental illness is on the rise. 

Everyone is to blame but themselves.

"Maybe if I text her again in three months she'll finally go out with me."

"Maybe if I make certain she never forgets me..."

Charlie Harper, is a fictional character on TWO AND A HALF MEN, but if something didn't resonate (at least a little) with the things he says, that show wouldn't have gone on for as long as it has. --Best to you Charlie Sheen, with all sincerity. Take care of you.

I'm not a shrink. I'm not educated in the ways of mental health. I can only philosophy...

Observe, a mental emergency shut off valve within all of us, for some, perhaps for many, is being deliberately turned off, out of laziness to cope, opting to instead mentally stray and wander without a thread of reason. And these people turn themselves off intentionally, willfully, and make no mistake, purposely. Often times blaming others for their cerebral laziness.

When someone tells you they can't "cope" it generally translates into, "I don't want to cope. I'm lazy." In which case, run for your life. 

Me, on the other hand, I'm grabbing a hockey stick, some duct tape, two packs of chewing gum, and working this out. 

Or at least try. 


Until we catch up to (movie) LOGANS RUN, with the hologram insta sex transport 
beam-y thing, too many obstacles between now and then, can and will, prevent making a social sexual/sensual connection. 

Things happen.

For example, unexpectedly getting carded to see a movie, subsequently cutting off near but all my hair, accepting my hair is white, and at my age working with what my parents DNA gene pools gave me, naturally, rather than paying someone else money NOT to look like me...



I know how I look. I'm not that cute little Asian doll, anymore. Now I'm me. My friends still love me. They know I'm happy. But we also know my social/personal life has, and will continue to make drastic U-turns until I'm done paving this new improved road home.

I'm ok with it. 

Peace. Ohm.

I can take the criticism and funny looks. 

It's MY road home. Only I have to know how to get there. 

Independence. Proud of it.

What's more...


I believe in equality, liberty and justice for all. 

I truly do.

I believe adults are responsible for their actions. Both men and women. 

If you say and further believe, "I'm always righteous because I was born with a mighty vagina!" You're neither a feminist or in your right mind. You're just crazy and unstable.

I don't automatically think you're right just because you're a woman. Plead your case. Let's see evidence. Burden of proof is on you. Innocent until proven guilty.

(Save us Judge Judy!)


I've been propositioned over the years to write chapters/books on being a single woman in various sexual societies, appear on "reality TV", etc, etc, blah, boring, but I much rather tell my stories and random daily thoughts here, in MY words, free of charge. Plaidskirttorpedoes is entirely free. I don't get paid. I don't even put paid advertisements on my blogs though I easily could through Blogger host Google, or my own sales, I could easily make a little side cash, but I choose not to. Thus ZERO conflict of interest. 


What's more, it's not "just" my short haircut disrupting the sexual swing of things. It's also the lazy lack of coping skills, and feelings of entitlement potential/partners seem to think ok. 

I met this couple. Nice people. Attractive. Seemingly doing fine in life. Happy? Perhaps. The wife tells in me private she's fine with me spending time alone with her husband. So the husband and I spent ONE afternoon/evening together. 

Just one.

And for the past 7 months afterwards he's been hounding me via text and phone calls. I never respond. But that doesn't stop him from spiraling out of control. 

What's the protocol here? 

Meh. I blocked him. 

What a mistake meeting those guys.

That husband took the memory of a really nice afternoon together, and ruined it with his crazy behavior afterwards.

As a result, I will never intentionally meet another couple for the same reason ever again. This isn't the first time this has happened, but I assure you it's the last.

Find your way home, sirs. Go home!


While I will never meet another couple again, what I will do is try understanding how and why the wires in his brain got so horribly tangled. More often than not, people are emotionally/mentally spiraling out of control. 

Laziness. Entitlement. Sure. But also perhaps something more?

No one seems to want to go home anymore.

Why not?

Why can't people have an amazing wonderful time and then go home?

If we don't try fixing this problem, it will become an epidemic worse than zombie apocalypse. 

Soul sucking zombies.

People will say, "Don't try understanding these people. There's no sense or reason." 

Only, there is. 

Otherwise seemingly intelligent individuals somewhere/somehow decided accountability doesn't apply to them. And it's not just random occurrences anymore. 

Desperation. Grasping at anything to prevent them from going home.

If we don't mend the fabric of society, and soon, others will build on its chaos. Make considerable amounts of money off it. Profit from your desires.

Wait a minute! That sounds a lot like prostitu...


Do you care about your kids at all? They're the ones who will spend their lifetimes in the fray.

This isn't individual. 

It's becoming epidemic. 


Calling a guy I'm dating my "boyfriend" means we're more than friends, but explicitly less than married. You're not my friend. You're definitely not my husband. The nature of our association is somewhere in the middle without promises of here to eternity, or exclusivity.


Hopefully you like hiking, drinking wine, watching indie films, and eating sushi. 

I'll accept 1 out 4.


I have zero interest being married. Zero interest having children. Ever.

Men get it, or they don't.

The ones who get it will have an amazing girlfriend/friend in me for life.

The ones who don't get it are presently going through my garbage! 


"You don't pay them to have sex with you. You pay them to leave afterwards."

Exactly! Go home!

These husbands don't need swinger girlfriends. They need hookers. If it were legal to be retained before a date, and charge him, like say how a lawyer charges you...

Per email

Every minute per phone call

Per text message

Per visit

Per paperwork

Per appearance

Trust me...

Those husbands would go home afterwards...

Or go broke. 

(Like Vegas!)

Apparently Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, and Amsterdam, had/have the necessary know-how to legalize prostitution. 

So what's our problem?

Politicians seemingly want every ethnicity not Anglo to index their heritage for permanent surveillance, and in the same breath claim unable to register consenting adults to work in sex trade?


My friends and I have this conversation all the time. There's no reason prostitution should remain illegal. 




For "swinger" couples, your husbands are blowing up other women's cell phones, who are not prostitutes, and going through their garbage, and driving down their streets hoping to see them.

Is this god's will?

Are you suuuuuure?

Your god has a lot of explaining to do.

I wear my dad's finger print around my neck. That's what I believe in. That's my faith. 

My religion: Family. Friends. Potluck. Hiking trips. Sunrise. Sunset. A nice glass of wine. A relaxing cup of tea.

I'll never want for anything more.

But for the rest of the world... 

What do YOU want? What's it going to take for you to stop, turn around, and go home?

I redirect you to:

These husbands don't need swinger girlfriends. They need hookers. If it were legal to be retained before a date, and charge him, like say how a lawyer charges you...

Per email

Every minute per phone call

Per text message

Per visit

Per paperwork

Per appearance

Trust me...

Those husbands would go home afterwards...

And be grateful.

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