Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Burden no beasts

"Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, girl... You're a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girl... Pretty, pretty, such a pretty, pretty, pretty girl... Come on baby please, please, please..."

Sorry, Mick. It seems she's just not into you.


In 2012, my long term chaotic relationship finally came to an end. Shortly after, I happened to meet a guy who's marriage had also come to an unfortunate end. He told me on our first date he starred in porn, but retired. Kind of. "I'm retired but I still pick up scenes here and there..." 

Much like,

"I'm 100% lesbian except for having sex with my husband." 

Whatever. I didn't care. We liked each other. The moon and stars aligned.

It didn't matter to me if he was still shooting scenes or not. We're both adults. Educated. Smart. Responsible. I wanted to blow off steam. Have fun. Do our thing. Privately. Discreetly. He never once asked, "Want to come on set some time? Check things out?" BUT if he had, I would have gone. If he had asked, I would have considered shooting a scene with him. Perhaps. One day. Considered it. If the timing was right. Sure, why not? I liked him. I liked having sex with him.

Why "one day" and now then? My dad.

It would have broken dad's heart if he had found out. I had a lot of freedom growing up. A lot. With all my bullshit, dad got my sense of humor, and direction. Looking back, I really did verbally, albeit playfully, beat him up sometimes. He understood. 

I wasn't about to break my dad's heart.  


That guy never asked me to shoot a scene with him. He wanted to date (a regular) girl to have fun with. And so we did. We had a few fun nights. Enjoyed each other's company. Did our thing. And as all casual relationships hit the neb, we too drifted apart, in separate directions, onward to the next thing in our individual lives.


Not before he went and told a bunch of people about us, and the nights we had.

Nice guy, huh?

I got emails from total strangers for months afterwards. Most names I didn't recognize. Some names I did. "(So-and-so) told me/us about you... "

What a creep.

Still, I saw the superficiality of what he had done and let time fade the matter.

He once told me that he, and other men in porn with whom he's had this conversation with, at least one time in their adult performing career, will get a little mentally twisted about women, sex, and money. Does she really want to have sex with me? Or is she just there for the money. To clear their heads, he said a porn guy will then seek "regular girls" to have sex with. 

Is it true? 

Makes sense. I can see that. Most "regular girls" who grew up as I did, however, aren't going to want to fuck you once they learn you're a porn guy. Watch your movies, sure. Get attention from you, sure. Fuck you, no. But that's all debatable.

And, I'm not most girls.


I was raised a gentlewoman. Genteel. Discreet. Old fashion. All personal business taken care of behind closed doors regardless how faint or severe.

I realize this isn't the way you young kids take care of business today. You guys take your dramas to social media. But for those of us who want to return personal lives behind closed doors, 'Taming Of The Shrew' is necessary.

While adult entertainment isn't my career, I have, and will continue, to be an adult, and entertain.




For pleasure.  

Make sense?

I know. I know. I'm a horrible person.

"I've walked for miles and my feet are hurting
All I want is you to make love to me..."

Geez, Mick. She's just not into you.

Walk those miles in the (opposite) direction. 

Move on.

Why the tension?

This isn't an episode of PORN! Like TV show THE VOICE, but for porn. Withal, even if it WERE an episode of PORN! and those 4 male porn coaches were actual porn mentors, we all know which coach I would pick. Don't Oui?

Rhetorical question. Don't answer that. My inbox is full.

You know. I know, you know.

In which case, I redirect your attention to: 

While adult entertainment isn't my career, I have, and will continue, to be an adult, and entertain.

Judge me, judge others, however you want. But if (you) get dishonorable with me on social media, hey just a reminder, I have the means to repercuss' your conduct.

1.) You just look like a rejected bitter ass. 


2.) Perhaps you should have used an untraceable method of contact before texting me M/M bisexual things like...

Well, let me put it this way, in a semi automatic hand gun-language even YOU can understand: It's the one-bullet theory. Six guns pointed at me. I can only point my gun at one person. And since I have the means to throw (you) under the bus...

Now, I could be wrong but, once written declarations provided by an individual is sent and received from the first party to the intended second party... That second party doesn't need your permission to show whoever the fuck I want.

"Am I hard enough... Am I rough enough... Am I rich enough... I'm not too blind to see... I'll never be your beast of burden... So let's go home and draw the curtains... Music on the radio... Come on baby make sweet love to me..."

Such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty... pretty, pretty GIRL.

Now who wants to give me birthday spankings!

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