Monday, August 10, 2015

Conquistadores! (Only you're not Spanish?)

We have something to say.

We have something to sell.

We put ourselves out there in social media. Blogs. Instagram. Twitter. KIK. Websites. Etc.

Expect criticism. Expect negative opinions. Giving and taking. That's your right. That's my right. So long as it's verbally done 1,000 yards away from me in any direction.

There are lots of things I say in my blogs for you to be angry about. sure. I accept that.

I called Girl Scouts, racists for not making sugar cookies. I was kidding of course, but they're still racists!

I tell SeaWorld, to suck my dick for making money off caged animals. I've been telling them to suck my dick for the past two months after that phony "feel good" commercial aired.

I poke fun at religion, almost daily.

I also verbally give back, what was verbally flung at me.

You (reader) may or may not be in the know. Doesn't matter. My blog. My rules. Technically Googles, rules.

What I don't do, is air out the dirty laundry in my private life unless (you) come after me and make it public. Have respect for yourself, be discreet. I could write a novel on my relationship with (that Swedish guy) both while we were together, and the lengthy unnecessarily awful breakup he daily made public on his Facebook page. Drama! Why didn't I respond? Not to respect him, but to respect me. It's over. I moved on. I don't care if he has issues. Not my problem.

It is in the behavior of others, and myself, I mostly blog about. This isn't a news blog, or a society pages blog, or a gossip blog, I write whatever is on my mind.

Dear Diary... sex, liqueur, porn, films, taverns, 99 cent store, Minnesota, beach, cat, running, death, rope tricks, hockey, maple syrup flavored potato chips... Whatever.

Some days nothing (in particular) is on my mind, and those are the most peaceful days of the week for me.

But when, for example, these things happen...

I met couple #1. We hung out a few times. Had a blast. They said some things, I said some things, both of us said some things in public, making it know we had a good time.

Couple #2 started writing me soon after. Innocent enough. Just writing. Chatting. "How was your day?" Which lead to them wanting to meet me and hang out also. Sorry I'm not interested. And I politely said as much. They seemed ok with it, but they continued to email me almost daily. I stopped writing back. The emails slowed down.


About two weeks later I receive an email from couple #2 saying they met my friends couple #1. Couple #2 went to their place of occupation on the pretense of being potential clients. Couple #2 wrote how they now know who my friends are, acknowledged my friends by name, confirmed my friends work address, and then wrote, "We spent a nice afternoon with your friends in their office. It's too bad you weren't there with us. We all could have had a good time together."

(Why was couple #2 telling me all this?)


I don't know about you, but I was a little freaked out. I wrote couple #1 and casually chat with them about the incident. And we dealt with it. No one went public forum. It was a quiet discreet incident. Handled discreetly, years ago.

THAT'S WHY anonymity.

But lately...

Some people are making things very public. Specifics. Names. Faces. Gossip. Agenda.

There's opinion, and then there's facts. If you attack me publicly regarding a situation that happened in private, but then chose to air out your emotional grievances in public, I'll meet you, and correct you, especially if I've never met you, or met you once (briefly) and went separate ways.

I like my skies blue, my family and friends healthy, these are facts. If I don't want to date you, if I don't want to have sex with you, if I don't want to be friends with you, these are also facts. I don't have to give you reasons why, and you can make assumptions, lies, whatever, all you want. People who are suckered into your public games, aren't people I want to know.

Read my blogs all you want. Love them. Hate them. I don't care. Just keep your comments 1,000 yards away from me.

Whatever you chose to do with rejection is up to you. But the rejection was in private, until you, and your friends, made it public.

I'm rejected all the time. I live in Southern California. NO is a way of life out here.

What industry are you in?


If that word bothers you, there's a state called Alaska, you might find a more compatible residency.

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